... his happiest days. His friends in this part of the country never saw him more full of intellectual vigour and colloquial animation, never more delightful or more instructive, than in his last visit to Scotland in autumn, 1817. Indeed, it was after... James Watt - Page 234by Andrew Carnegie - 2005 - 260 pagesLimited preview - About this book
 | 1823 - 946 pages
...animation, never more delightful nor more instructive, than in his last visit to Scotland in autumn 1817. Indeed, it was after that time that he applied...ardour of early life, to the invention of a machine Cor mechanically copying all sorts of sculpture and statuary, and distributed among his friends some... | |
 | 1819 - 490 pages
...animation, never more delightful or more instructive, than in his last visit to Scotland in autumn 1817. Indeed, it was after that time that he applied...productions of a young artist just entering on his 83d year. This happy and useful life came at last to a gentle close. He had suffered some inconveniences... | |
 | 1819 - 610 pages
...animation, —never more delightful or more instructive — than in his last visit to Scotland in autumn 1817. Indeed, it was after that time that he applied...productions of a young artist just entering on his 83d year. This happy and useful life came at last to a gentle close. He had suffered some inconvenience... | |
 | 1820 - 448 pages
...animation, never more delightful or more instructive, than in his last visit to Scotland in autumn 1817. Indeed, it was after that time that he applied...productions of a young artist just entering on his 83d year. • This happy and useful life came at last to a gentle close. He had suffered some inconveniencies... | |
 | 1820 - 482 pages
...animation, never more delightful or more instructive, than in his last visit to Scotland in autumn, 1817. Indeed, it was after that time that he applied...productions of a young artist just entering on his 83d year. This happy and useful life came at last to a gentle close. He had suffered some inconveniences... | |
 | 1820 - 494 pages
...animation, never more delightful or more instructive, than in his last visit to Scotland in autumn, 1817. Indeed, it was after that time that he applied...productions of a young artist just entering on his 83d year. This happy and useful life came at last to a gentle close. He had suffered some inconveniences... | |
 | 1820 - 498 pages
...animation, never more delightful or more instructive, than in his last visit to Scotland in autumn, 1817. Indeed, it was after that time that he applied...earliest performances, as the productions of a young .-mist just entering on his 83d year. This happy and useful life came at last to a gentle close. He... | |
 | 1820 - 610 pages
...li,i|>;iieit days : his friends in this part of the country never saw him more full of intellectual vigor, and colloquial animation; never more delightful or...life to the invention of a machine, for mechanically copy ing all sorts of Sculpture and Matuury, and distributed among his friends some of it's earliest... | |
 | 1823 - 944 pages
...animation, nevermore delightful nor more instructive, than in his last visit to Scotland in autumn 1817. Indeed, it was after that time that he applied...earliest performances, as the productions of a young artistjust entering on his 83d year. " This happy and useful life came at last to a gentle close. He... | |
 | 1823 - 944 pages
...Scotland in autumn 1817. Indeed, it was alter that time that he applied himself with all the arilour of early life, to the invention of a machine for mechanically...productions of a young artist just entering on his 83d year. •' This happy and useful life came at lost to a gentle close. He had sufiVred some inconveniences... | |
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