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BARNARD AND FARLEY, Skinner Street, London.




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Proposal of Ali to purchase Suli---Answer of the Suliots---Attempt made to bribe Dimo

Zerva, but fails---Distress of the Suliots---Assistance sent by the French---Effects of Famine

---Supplies gained by a desperate Effort---Two Suliot Captains yield to the Vizir's Bribes

---One of them repents---Stratagem of Strivinioti---Confederacy of the Tzamouriot Beys

against Ali---How dissolved---Ali joins the Army of the Grand Vizir against Paswan Oglou

---Endeavours to impose upon the Suliots at his Return---Persuades them to banish Foto

Tzavella---Foto goes to Ioannina---Thrown into Prison there---Attack of the Fortress of

Villa by the Suliots---The Vizir, indignant at their Valour, collects a vast Army under the

Command of his Son Vely---Kiaffa taken---Foto Tzavella being released, returns to his

Country---Last Action of the Suliots---Kako-Suli surrenders---People emigrate---Treacher-

ous Conduct of the Albanians---Suliots attacked---Affair of Zalongo---Desperate Revenge of

Samuel the Caloyer---Suliots again attacked---Affair of Rhiniasa---Action at Vurgareli---

Emigration of the Suliots---Song of Suli---Story of the Traitor Palasca---Ali's Quarrel with

the Beys of Tzamouria---Suliots return from Corfu, in hopes of recovering their Mountains

---Ill treated, and regain the Islands---Enter the Russian Service---Ali alarmed at the Pro-

gress of the French arms in Dalmatia---Recovers the goodwill of Bonaparte---French Con-

sul established in Albania---Ali gains Pashalics for his two Sons by the Interest of Sebastiani

---Rupture between Turkey and Russia---Ali reoccupies the Continental Dependencies of

the Seven Islands---Ruins Prevesa---Receives Artillery-men and Stores from his French Allies

---Colonel Vaudoncourt is sent to Ali--- His Opinion of the Vizir---Fortifies Prevesa---Joint

Insurrection of Tzamouria, Delvino, and Berat against Ali---Reduced by him---Admiral

Duckworth's Expedition against Constantinople.

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