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waives such privilege-for the time, restores him to his forfeited right, and calls for the satisfaction customary amongst equals.".

Mr. Whiteman inquired verbally of Mr. Jardine whether this document would be published, in the event of a meeting taking place between Mr. Daniell. and Mr. Innes, and satisfaction was given? Mr. Jardine answered, "Yes, under any circumstances; even should Mr. Innes be sent to the next world, it will be published in justification of his conduct in this." In a letter, Mr. Jardine states that he had seen Mr. Innes, who was determined to give the document to the public "under any circumstances."

Mr. Whiteman, in return, declaring that he had in vain endeavoured to find, in the paper complained of, any aspersions on the character of Mr. Innes of a graver nature than those affecting him in a paper published by himself; and that, after the very extraordinary document of the 14th, composed long prior to Mr. Daniell being made cognizant of his hav ing given offence, and which Mr. Innes was determined to give to the public even in the event of a meeting, he (Mr. Whiteman) considered it impossible that Mr. Daniell could meet Mr. Innes. He adds: "I confess my inability to understand that any law of honour requires an ultimate appeal to weapons, unless as complete satisfaction for injuries received."

Mr. Innes, in a "final letter," proclaims Mr. Daniell "an unjust coward," and threatens personal chastisement; which letter, addressed "to James N. Daniell," was returned by Mr. Whiteman, with a note intimating that Mr. Daniell could not receive any communication from Mr. Innes.

The following paper accompanied our copy of the pamphlet:

"Mr. Daniell begs to observe that, although he denies having in any way slandered the character of Mr. Innes, he did not think of refusing him the satisfaction he demanded, according to the customary rules of duelling; but Mr. Innes himself, pending the discussion between Mr. Whiteman and Mr. Jardine, transmitted, through the latter person to Mr. Whiteman, a written address to the public of the most violent description. Mr. Daniell immediately tendered gentlemanly satisfaction provided the address were to be withdrawn; this, after consultation between Mr. Jardine and Mr. Innes, was refused, and the document almost immediately circulated: Mr. Innes thus himself selecting an appeal to public opinion, by letter, a course quite inconsistent with the demand for satisfaction at first required, meeting with arms being considered as complete satisfaction for injuries received. Mr. Daniell thinks it right thus much to advert to the accusation of slander' and 'refusing redress,' preferred by Mr. Innes, as various ex parte statements have appeared. The conversations and correspondence given in detail are sufficiently explanatory.

(Signed) J. N. DANIELL. (Signed) JOHN C. WHITEMAN.' Canton, 26th Feb. 1834. The Canton Register to the 18th March has reached us, but it contains little local

intelligence, being chiefly filled with the proceedings at home.

The following orders from the governor to the hong merchants respect the foreigner, or pretended foreigner, who has given himself up for trial as the person who accidentally shot a Chinese in the Kum-sing-moon affray.

"The English chief, Davis, and the others, have presented a representation, stating: We have heard that a lascar has been seduced and conveyed from Macao to Canton by a hong-merchant, being accused as the murderer who caused the death of a native at Kum-sing-moon. We protest against any punishment being inflicted on this man.' This coming be

fore me, the governor, I issue this reply: The celestial empire cherishes tender regard for foreigners, but if they and natives commit crimes, each must obey the fixed laws, and appear before a court to be fully examined according to the facts ; then the law will have its course without connivance. The said foreigner has given himself up according to law, and in so doing has evinced his respect for the law. There must be no evasion about his being seduced and brought up to be punished, in order to create suspicions. Morcover, the said chief and the others have formerly said that they have nothing to do with the affair at Kum-sing-moon; why do they now interfere, and contradict their former statement? I hereby order that the hongmerchants make known my commands for quiet and attention, and not to present troublesome petitions, &c. Oppose not." Dated 28th January.

A further order, dated next day, intimates, in reply to another petition of Mr. Davis, that the individual in question will not forfeit his life.

Another disturbance is said to have broken out amongst the hill tribes on the borders of Canton province, near Leenchow.


The Hind, from Siam, has brought letlers from Bankok, dated late in January, from which we learn that a fleet of seventy war-boats, and about one hundred transports, under the command of the Praklang, left Bankok on the 1st December, on their way to Cambodia. The land force, commanded by Phya Metab, is said to have amounted to about 90,000 men. They have proceeded first to Cambodia, for the purpose of attacking the king of that country, Hong-him, and of seizing his brother, Prince Hong-chan, for having disobeyed the Siamese government. They will thence proceed to Cochin China, to aid the insurgents, who now war against the existing ruler of that country. Most of the Siamese soldiers are said to

be rustics, who have been compelled to relinquish their agricultural pursuits, and to exchange the peaceful implements of husbandry for arms, which in all probability they never saw before. One vessel had already returned from Cambodia with about one hundred prisoners, and the families of some Chinese who had been killed in the Cochin Chinese insurrection. Prince Hong-chan had fled; but the Siamese have a partial hold of Cambodia, and have plundered several places inhabited by Cochin Chinese; fears are entertained that they may yet sustain a defeat, as they are in a very exposed country.

Oil is said to be dear; and, although grain is abundant, the inhabitants seem desirous of hoarding it up, in case of an emergency. Sing. Chron., Feb. 27.


The H. C. brig of war Tigris, from Mocha, has brought intelligence of the irruption into the territory of a horde of Bedouin Arabs, composed of various tribes, numbering about 30,000 men, who have plundered the whole country along that line of coast. They carried by storm the town and fort of Mocha, after a brave resistance by the Turkish garrison of 600 men, a large portion of whom fell in the defence; and of the remainder many sought and received protection on board the H. Co.'s surveying ship Benares. Amongst these were the governor, Toorkey-bel-mas, who has arrived here in the Tigris. It appears that, for the space of three days, the ill-fated town was given up to plunder, during which time the Bedouins, unrestrained in their rapacity, committed the greatest excesses, despoiling the inhabitants of every article of the slightest value, and murdering those who would not, or could not, direct them to the places in which they supposed the merchants had concealed their wealth. The person and property of the British agent, a Borah, were respected; and all who fled to his house for refuge escaped with their lives and property. Many Banians connected with persons at this place, Surat, Bhownuggur, &c. who fail ed, or were unable, to avail themselves of this asylum, were plundered of all they

had; and several were killed.-Bomb. Gaz. Feb. 22.

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upon one of the first four sittings of the council in each session; and when petitions are presented wherein individual rights or interests are affected, it will be optional with the persons so affected to be heard before the Assembly, either in person or by counsel. The votes and proceedings of the legislature are also to be published daily. Much disappointment was felt that the members were not elected by the people, instead of being nominated by the governor. Members have the privilege of franking letters, as in England, and all petitions transmitted by the post, regarding bills before the council, are to be free.


NEW SOUTH WALES. Sydney papers to the 4th March have reached us; they are deficient in local intelligence.

A misunderstanding has taken place between the judges and the magistracy. Sir John Jamison and Major Druitt, justices copies of depositions taken before them, of Penrith, having transmitted to the court instead of the originals, Mr. Justice Bur ton imposed a heavy fine upon them. Subsequently, it appearing that this practice had been customary, though irregular, and that the magistrates had not intentionally violated the law, the fine was remitted by the court. Since then (March 1st), we observe a criminal information was moved for by the solicitor-general against the three police magistrates of Sydney, for neglecting to prepare jurylists. The court refused the application for a criminal information, but said it was competent to the law officers of the crown to sue for the penalty provided in the local act. Mr. Justice Burton thought a criminal information would lie.

A serious mutiny has broken out in Norfolk Island. "On the 13th of January," says the Gazette, a cunningly and civil officers of the settlement, was atplanned conspiracy, to reduce the guard tempted and defeated. The government, having been previously apprized that something was in agitation, has been acting for some days with great circumspection: On the morning of the 13th, when being escorted from the barracks to their labour, a considerable body rose upon their guard, and an engagement of some moments took place, during which one soldier, one constable, and six prisoners were killed. It was intended by the conspirators, if successful in conquering one detachment of the guard, to have disarmed them and marched them in their van, to be the first victims if they received any opposition from the rest of the garrison. In the

event of final triumph, they were to provision the schooner Isabella, and put to sea without delay. About 170 of them are, since this occurrence, compelled to labour on a heavy chain in addition to their former weighty shackles." It remarks: "We are surprised that these horrible bursts of rage are not oftener manifested. The system upon which the settlement at Norfolk Island is conducted is a hellish system; it is a system which engenders crime in its most appalling shapes; a system, the continuance of which is a disgrace to a Christian government.'

Charges, it is stated, are about to be preferred, which are likely to terminate in dismissal, against one or more of the civil officers stationed at Norfolk Island.


The following extract from the speech of the Lieut. Governor, at the re-opening of the Legislative Council, shows the astonishing improvement in the colony in less than ten years:

"From the commencement of my administration, the resources of the colony have been gradually developing themselves in a manner highly satisfactory, more especially since after the suppression of bush-ranging, the removal of the aborigines, and the introduction of a more efficient penal discipline, events which, (in their progress,) entailed upon my government the most painful responsibility, and a very heavy expenditure, the settlers have been enabled to apply their undivided energies to the improvement of their estates, and the best modes of investing their capitals.

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"The exports of the colony, which on my arrival, in the year 1824, amounted to £14,500 currency, now exceed £157,907 sterling, and the revenue derived from indirect taxation, which in 1823 amounted to no more than £27,000, and in the first half of 1824, in the words of my very able predecessor, declined almost to a total failure,' with, as appeared to him, ⚫ little prospect of much or early improvement,' may now be quoted at £75,000, independent of a very large extraordinary' revenue which the Crown has derived by the sale of lands."

An indigenous species of wheat has been discovered in the colony:-" Mr. Foster of the Macquarie river, accompanied by his brother and Mr. Bates, has recently completed a tour of the northern and eastern coast of the island, exploring the several rivers from fifteen to twenty miles up. Some trifling tracts of good land were found here and there, but what we look upon as the most interesting result of the journey is the discovery of an indigenous species of wheat, which grows in

various parts near the coast to the north of St. Patrick's Head. As this is the first of the cereal order of plants that has been found in Van Diemen's Land, its discovery is well deserving a place in the annals of the colony; unlike the common sorts of wheat, it seems to delight in poor soils, growing luxuriantly in banks of sand and shells."


Favourable accounts have been received from the colony to the middle of February. The great drawback was the high price of labour, but this circumstance holds out great encouragement for settlers to repair thither; and some were returning from Van Diemen's Land, who had left the colony on its first settlement. Freemantle had much improved in appearance and convenience: this is greatly owing to the facility with which stone is procured, and the cheapness of timber and lime. The natives continue on friendly terms with the settlers, frequenting the towns, and often receiving provisions either from the colonists or from the Government stores. At Perth, new barracks were recently finished, which are built of brick, and other improvements were in progress. At the settlement over the mountains, at York, the land had proved good for culture and for grazing to a very large extent. The flocks of sheep and cattle were increasing fast. A herd of wild cattle had been discovered on the banks of the Murray River, not much short of two hundred. The natives gave notice of its existence to the settlers. They were led to make the discovery known by seeing a picture which contained a group of cattle. The soldiers of the 638 regiment had communicated the hooping. cough to the natives, who suffer severely from its effects.


A letter of the 17th of May, from Jerusalem, states, that the crowd of pilgrims in the temple of the Holy Sepulchre was so considerable on Holy Saturday, that several persons were stifled by the pressure, and the heat arising from the immense number of lighted tapers. Alarm having spread through the multitude, a general rush towards the doors took place, in which several persons were crushed to death. Ibrahim Pasha, who was present, was nearly trampled under foot in endeavouring to restore order, and was only saved by a man taking him on his shoulders, and forcing his way with him to the entrance. In the confusion, it is said, he lost his sabre and his diamonds.






Fort William, Jan. 29, 1834.-The Right Hon. the Governor-General in Council is pleased to cancel the Gov. G.O. of 26th Oct. 1827, and to resolve that adjutants and quarter-masters of native regiments shall not be considered eligible to the charge of troops or companies, when there are a sufficient number of other officers present, and qualified for the command, both by length of service and a competent knowledge of the native languages.

Staff officers of native regiments are to be discontinued on the muster rolls of troops or companies, and mustered on the rolls of their respective departments.


Fort William, Feb. 1, 1834.-It is prohibited to all general officers on the staff to have their head-quarters, and to all civil and military officers to have their offices, in the hills.


Fort William, Feb. 1, 1834.-The Right Hon, the Governor-general in Council is pleased to permit general officers commanding divisions to select their own medical attendant from the medical officers of the Hon. Company's forces serving at the head-quarters of the division, and the surgeon or assistant-surgeon so selected will draw the established allowance for attendance on the division staff, to all of whom, as well as to all officers arriving sick at the station, he will afford medical aid when required.

General Department.

Feb. 1. Mr. Thomas Church to be deputy resident at Prince of Wales Island, and to officiate as resident at Singapore, during absence of Mr. Murchison, or until further orders.

Mr. J.W. Salmond to be first assistant to deputy resident at Prince of Wales Island, and to officiate as deputy resident until further orders.

10. Mr. James Lawrell to officiate as salt agent of 24-Pergunnahs.

17. Mr. R. Trotter, joint magistrate and deputy collector of Behar, ex-officio a deputy opium agent of Behar division.

24. Mr. H. T. Prinsep to officiate as chief secretary to government, during absence of Mr. C. Macsween from presidency on public duty.

March 3. Mr. R. Walker to officiate as first deputy collector of customs during absence of Mr. Hunter.

Mr. A. F. Donnelly to officiate aз second deputy collector until return of Mr. Bracken.

Political Department.

Feb. 6. Cornet Macnaghten, third assistant to agent to Governor-general in Rajpootana, to pro

ceed to Kotah to relieve Mr. L. Wilkinson, and to officiate as political agent at that place.

Mr. L. Wilkinson, when relieved by Cornet Macnaghten, to proceed to Bhopaul to relieve Major Alves, and officiate as political agent at Bhopaul.

Major Alves, on being relieved by Mr. Wilkinson, to proceed to Ajmere to relieve Lieut. Col. Speirs and assume charge of office of agent to Governor-general for states of Rajpootana.

Lieut. Col. Spiers, on being relieved by Major Alves, to proceed to Neemuch to relieve Capt. Pasley, and act as political agent at Neemuch on a consolidated allowance of Rs. 2,000 per mensem.

Capt. Pasley, on being relieved by Lieut. Col. Speirs, to place himself at disposal of his Exc. the Commander-in-chief.

13. Mr. George Mainwaring to officiate for Mr. Gorton as agent to Governor-general at Benares, during his absence, or until further orders.

Mr. Sullivan J. Becher, having exceeded the period within which, under the orders of the Hon. the Court of Directors, he ought to have qualified himself in the native languages for the public ser vice, has been ordered to return to England; date 24th Feb., 1834.

Capt. R. Lloyd, assistant marine surveyor, has returned to the presidency, on account of ill health.

Furloughs, &c.-Feb. 6. Lieut. Col. A. Lockett, to Cape of Good Hope, for eighteen months, for health.-10. Mr. W. T. Robertson, to Europe.March 3. Mr. John Hunter, for eight months, to China.-Mr. Robert E. Cunliffe, to Europe, for health. Mr. C. F. Thomson, to New South Wales, for health.


Feb. 6. The Rev. Henry Parish, LL.D., chaplain, to be surrogate at Agra, for granting licences of marriage.

10. The Rev. Henry Pratt to be district chaplain at Benares; also surrogate for granting marriage licences.

17. The Rev. Thos. Edw. Allen to be district chaplain at Hazareebaugh.



Fort William, Feb. 6, 1834.-James M'Dowell, Esq., 2d member, to be 1st member of Medical Board; Joseph Langstaff,. Esq., 3d member, to be 2d member of ditto; Superintending Surg. John Swiney, M.D., to be 3d member of ditto; Surg. Wm. Panton to be a superintending surgeon on estab.; and Assist. Surg. Benj. Burt, M.D., to be surgeon, from 1st Feb. 1834, in suc. to C. Robinson retired.

Feb. 13.-Cadet of Engineers C. L. Spitta admitted on estab., and prom. to 2d lieut.

Surg. James McDowell, 1st member of Medical Board, permitted to retire from service.

Feb. 17.-Capt. Gavin Young, 70th N.I., to act as a member of Military Board, on departure of Lieut. Col. Craigie, until further orders; and Capt. E. P. Gowan, regt. of artil., to act as secretary and accountant to ditto, v. Capt. Young.

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Head-Quarters, Jan. 31, 1834.-Lieut. Col. C. H. Lloyd, invalid estab., to command European invalids at Chunar. (This cancels recent appoint ment of Lieut. Col. F. A. Watson.)

Feb. 3.-The following station and other orders confirmed:-Lieut. and Adj. J. Locke, 22d N.I., to officiate as station staff at Lucknow, during ab sence of Capt. Denby, officiating major of brigade; date 3d Jan.-Lieut. S. F. Hannay to act as adj. to a wing of 40th N.I. proceeding on treasure escort duty; date 16th Jan.-Lieut. G. Hamilton to act as adj. to 53d N.I. during absence, on leave. of Lieut. O. W. Span; date 25th Jan.

Capt. S. P. C. Humfrays, 36th N.I., to officiate as major of brigade at Mhow, during absence, on leave, of Brigade Major Parker.

Feb. 6.-Supernumerary Cornet A. Harris to do duty with 3d L.C. at Benares.

Feb. 8.-Lieut. Col. J. Nesbitt (on furl.) removed from 9th and posted to 6th N.I.; and Lieut. Col. M. C. Paul (new prom.) posted to 9th do.

Lieut. J. Hamilton, 9th L.C., who was recently nominated to officiate as a brigade major, appointed to Meywar field force.

Assist. Surg. W. Rait to take medical charge of a detachment of H.M. troops proceeding from presidency to Cawnpore by water.

Feb. 10.-The following orders confirmed :Assist. Surg. J. V. Leese, 4th N.I., to afford medical aid to prisoners and civil establishments at Saugur, during absence of Assist. Surg. Spry, or until further orders; date 16th Jan.-Lieut. C. Corfield to act as adj. to 47th N.I.; date 2d Feb.

Superintending Surgs. C. Campbell removed from Agra to Sirhind circle of superintendence; W. A. Venour from Neemuch to Agra circle; and W. Panton (new prom.) posted to Neemuch circle. -Superintending Surg. T. Smith to conduct duties of Cawnpore circle of superintendence during absence, on leave, of Sup. Surg. T. Twecdie.

Lieut. G. Johnston, 46th, to act as interp. and qu. mast. to 51st N.I., during absence of Lieut. Lamb, or until further orders, there not being a qualified officer present with latter corps.

Feb. 11.-The undermentioned unposted Ensigns appointed to corps specified, and directed to join! R. T. Edwards to 23th N.I. at Agra; J. Turner, 51st do. at Neemuch; F. Adams, 37th do., at Neemuch; G. Parker, 18th do., at Baitool; C. J. Richards, 10th do., at Barrackpore; G. H. Davidson, 16th do. at Mhow; S. W. R. Tulloch, 23d do. at Kurnaul; J. S. D. Tulloch, 17th do., at Nusseerabad.

Feb. 13 to 15. The following division order confirmed:-Assist. Surg. T. Russel to proceed and relieve Assist. Surg. Mackean from medical charge of 43d N.I.; date Benares 31st Jan.

Capt. D. Downing, 3d N.I., and 2d-Lieut. G. G. Chauner, 5th bat. artillery, to do duty at convalescent depot at Landour until 1st Nov. 1834.

Supernum. 2d-Lieut. C. L. Spitta, of engineers, to do duty with sappers and miners at Delhi.

Ens. J. Hennessy, 70th N.I., to act as adj. to regt. during absence, on leave, of Lieut. and Adj. P. Harris.

Fort William, Feb. 20.-Infantry. Major C. F. Wild to be lieut. col., v. P. Starling retired, with rank from 17th Jan. 1834, v. T. Taylor retired.

24th N.I. Capt. M. Ramsay to be major, Lieut. A. S. Singer to be capt. of a comp., and Ens. A. Q. Hopper to be lieut., from 17th Jan. 1834, in suc. to C. F. Wild prom.

27th N.I. Ens. W. H. Ellis (dec.) to be lieut., from 29th Nov. 1831, v. Lieut. W. Elliott dec.

39th N.I., Lieut. W. Clifford to be captain of a company, v. R. B. Burton retired, with rank from 29th Oct. 1832, v. Capt. F. Grant prom.-Ens. Geo. Pengree to be lieut., from 29th Oct. 1832, v. Lieut. W. Clifford prom.

Assist. Surg. John Dalrymple to be surgeon, v. J. Savage retired, with rank from 1st Feb. 1834, v. C. Robinson retired.

16th N.I. Ensign J. H. Burnett to be lieut., from 13th Jan. 1834, v. J. M. McGregor dismissed by sentence of a general court-martial.

Cadet of Infantry James Thompson admitted to service, and prom. to ensign.

Lieut. Francis Dashwood, regt. of artillery, to act as assistant secretary to Military Board, v. Capt. Gowan.

Assist. Surg. James Barber, attached to civil station of Azimghur, at his own request, permitted to return to military branch of service.

Assist. Surg. James Esdaile, M.D., to perform medical duties of civil station of Azimghur until further orders, v. Assist. Surg. Barber.

Assist. Surg. Henry Taylor, attached to 68th N.I., to perform medical duties of civil station of Mynpooree, during absence of Assist. Surg. An drews, or until return of Assist. Surg. Bousfield.

Head-Quarters, Feb. 19 to 24.-The following orders confirmed: - Assist. Surg. S. Winbolt to officiate as civil assist. surgeon at Banda until farther orders; date 3d Feb.-Lieut. J. W. H. Jamieson, 52d, to act as adj. to a detachment consisting of 4 companies of 52d and 71st N.I.; date 29th Dec. 1833.

Lieut. A. Grant, 36th, to officiate as interp. and qu. mast. to 16th N.I., during absence, on leave, of Lieut. Mainwaring, there not being a properly qualified officer present with latter corps.

Lieut. Cols. J. Anderson removed from 62d to 8th N.I.; T. Dundas (on furl.) from 8th to 21st do.; and C. F. Wild (new prom.) posted to 62d do. Assist. Surg. C. Newton posted to 48th N.I. Cornet C. M. Gascoyne, 5th, to act as interp. and qu. mast. to 2d L.C. until further orders.

Lieut. J. F. Bradford, 1st, to act as interp. and qu. mast. to 9th L.C. until Lieut. Tucker shall be reported sufficiently recovered to return to his duty.

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Fort William, March 6.-21st N.I. Ens Thomas James to be lieut., from 27th Feb. 1834, v. C. Cook transf. to invalid establishment.

Surg. Joseph Langstaff, 2d member, to be 1st member of Medical Board; and Surg. John Swiney, M.D., 3d member, to be 2d member of ditto, from 25th Feb. 1834, in suc. to J. M'Dowell retired.

Head-Quarters, Feb. 25 to March 4.-The following orders confirmed:-Lieut. E. S. Lloyd, 49th N.I., to act as adj. to Nusseree bat., during indisposition of Lieut. and Adj. O'Brien; date 11th Feb.-Lieut. E. M. Blair to act as adj. to 5th L. C., during absence, on leave, of Lieut. Wheatley; date 3d Feb.-Lieut. J. Drummond to act as adj. to a wing of 19th N.I., proceeding by water to Benares; date 26th Feb.

Supernum. Ens. J. Thompson (lately admitted) to do duty with 55th N.I. at Barrackpore.

1st-Lieut. J. H. Daniell to act as adj. to 2d brigade horse artillery, during absence on duty of Lieut. and Adj. Dashwood.

Lieut. G. W. Williams, 29th, to act as interp. and qu. mast. to 18th N.I., during absence, on leave, of Lieut. Brown.

Returned to duty, from Europe.-Feb. 13. Capt. Francis Wheler, 2d L.C.-Ens. S. D. Agar, 55th N.I.-Lieut. Douglas Wiggins, 7th L.C. (subject to confirmation of Hon. Court of Directors).Lieut. M. Wilson, 27th N.I.-20. Capt. the Hon. Wm. Hamilton, 6th N.I.-Lieut. Edw. Vibart, 2d L.C.-27. Lieut. Col. James Peckett, corps of engineers.-Lieut. R. Menzies, 31st N.I.-Lieut. T. F. Flemyng, 36th N.I.-Ens. Geo. Shairp, 15th N.I.-Surg. H. F. Hough.-Ens. C. I. Harrison, 65th N.I. (subject to confirmation of Hon. Court of Directors.


To Europe.-Feb. 11. Lieut. A. P. Graham, 32d N.I., for health.-20. Major Joseph Orchard, Europ. Regt., for health.-Assist. Surg. F. Furnell, for health.-27. Capt. John Fitzgerald, 2d L,C., major of brigade, Oude, on private affairs. March 1. Surg. Wm. Mitchelson, for health.Capt. W. H. Wake, 44th N.I., on private affairs. 6. Surg. C. B. Francis, for health.

To Cape of Good Hope.-Feb. 13. Lieut. Col. John Craigie, 48th N.I., for two years, for health.March 6. Capt. J. H. Vanrenen, 25th N.I., on private affairs (instead of to Europe).

To Singapore.-Feb. 13. Capt. H. R. Impey, 50th N.I., for twelve months, for health (also to China). Surg. James Clarke, garrison surgeon, Chunar, for two years, for health.


Arrivals in the River.

FEB. 12. General Palmer, Thomas, from London and Vizagapatam; Yare, Fawcett, from Isle of France and Ceylon; Enchantress, Canney, from Madras and Covelong; and Angelica, Almeida, from Macao and Penang. - 13. Atlas, Hurstwick, from Covelong.-14. Golconda, Bell, from Bombay; and Copernicus, May, from Cove

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