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and Indian manufactures, were then very considerable, and formed one of the most valuable items of our general trade. This beneficial intercourse, we may naturally expect, will be resumed, and our manufactures once more find a ready and extensive market in the interior of Sumatra. -Sing. Chron., Dec. 12.

The Journal d'Anvers contains the following news:-"A letter from Holland announces that the natives of Sumatra, having risen against the Dutch government at, Batavia, have chosen a native king, and expelled the Dutch from their possessions in that great island. It adds, that preparations were making in Holland to send a force thither. The news was brought by a ship which has arrived at Amsterdam from Batavia, after a voyage of 160 days. The whole of the staff and Dutch merchants had arrived at Batavia, where great anxiety was felt."

A Dutch paper of May 16th says:"By the Indian we have received Java journals from the 15th to the 18th of January. These papers contain the following account :-In the night of the 8th of January a considerable part of the factory of Tjanjor, in the regency of Preang, was destroyed by a dreadful fire, which continued nearly four hours, and spread rapidly in consequence of a high wind.

"A number of distinguished native merchants and others lost all their property by this event. The son of the captain of the Chinese at Buitenzorg, who happened to be on the spot, honourably distinguished himself by giving, in the name of his father, a quantity of rice for the subsistence of the sufferers."-Dutch Paper, May 16.

At Manado, in Celebes, the whole of the Chinese camp and part of the adjacent native plantations were destroyed by fire in August last.

Birman Empire.

Private letters from Rangoon state, that the king continues in the same state of seclusion and melancholy as that under which he has been labouring for the last two years; and the queen's brother, Menza-gyee, is in fact the person who now governs the empire.

An extensive fire lately broke out in the city of Ava, and destroyed upwards of 3,000 houses.


The Suabian Mercury gives letters from Constantinople, announcing that Mahomet Mirza has been declared heir to the throne of Persia (on the death of Abbas Mirza), and that Mirza Abdul Hussein Khan has been sent to St. Petersburgh and London Asiat.Jour.N.S. VOL.14.No.54.

to obtain from those courts an acknowledgment of the prince in that quality.

Cochin China.

Late accounts, of an authentic nature, have arrived from Cochin-China, which represent that kingdom to be in a very disturbed state. An extensive insurrection prevails not only at Saigon, the capital of the southern and most fertile dis

trict, but the Tonquinese are said to be in open revolt against the king, who is reported to be a great tyrant; and Cambodia, which is tributary to Cochin-China, is also disaffected.

We have been favoured with the following details, the correctness of which may be depended on.

The Mandarin Ta-kong, an ancient eunuch of the late king, Ya-long, had been appointed viceroy of lower CochinChina by his master. At the death of the latter, Ming-Mang, who succeeded him, and who now reigns, did not dare, as he had done in all the other provinces, to recall Ta-kong; on the contrary, he endeavoured to attach him to his inte

rests, and even caused himself to be crowned by him, and on several occasions followed his advice. Ta-kong, more fearpulation of the south, and of Saigon espeed than the king, and beloved by the pocially, was considered, throughout all the kingdom, as greatly superior to MingMang. He protected the commerce of

the Chinese, and facilitated the endeavours of those who dared to carry on trade with Singapore, which at all times had been prohibited by the king. By degrees he rendered himself independent, and governed lower Cochin China as a king, though he never failed to remit the tribute due to the king. He reigned thus until 1832, when he died, and disorder arose in the country.

Immediately after the death of Takong, the king sent one of his ministers to take the reins of government. The new governor was installed, and ordered to furnish as pompous a funeral as possible in honour of his predecessor. A few months after his installation, the new ruler visited the magazines and arsenals, and examined the state of the finance. He sent a statement of these things to the king, who found a deficiency, very small it would be in the eyes of Europeans, but large for Cochin-China. king issued an edict against Ta-kong, though deceased, and condemned him to be chained; changed his name from Takong* to that of Slave, and caused to be


There are four titles existing in CochinChina, of which Ta-kong is one, which signifies 'a pillar of the state;' the personage holding it is minister of war: Mow-kong is another, given to the minister of finance; How-kong, to the minister of the interior; and Twei-kong, to the minister of marine.


chained all the mandarins who had served under him. Several executions took place at Saigon; many of the chiefs escaped; the tomb of Ta-kong was surrounded with chains, and his name, wherever inscribed, was effaced. The friends of Ta-kong could not bear this insult offered to his memory; they excited the discontented, put a man called Thay at their head, attached to themselves all the Chinese population, marched to the prisons, and liberated about 2,000 prisoners, who joined them, took the fort of Saigon, and beheaded the new governor and three of his mandarins. Thay, at the head of the populace, marched to Dongnai and Tieu-Douc, and took possession of all the province. The Cambodian population of Athiene and Gayto joined the revolters, and their army altogether mustered about 10,000 men. The king was soon informed of these proceedings, and immediately ordered an army of 25,000 men, which was increased on the way to 110,000. Fifteen vessels and about 100 galleys were despatched, and the armament arrived in April last at Saigon, after having sustained considerable damage during the voyage in a storm. The king's forces encamped on the side of Saigon river, opposite the city, and have erected a battery, in order to play upon the fort. The revolters, however, have the whole country open behind them, as far as the borders of Siam, from which state they have already derived some aid.

Thay, finding he could not maintain himself long against such a formidable force, retired with his adherents into the fort of Saigon, abandoning Dong-nai and Tieu-Douc to the royalist troops. Dongnai was taken by treachery; a mandarin sent by the king joined the rebels with a part of the troops. The town was entrusted to him, and soon after the departure of Thay, he allowed the royal troops to enter freely, and ordered a terrible massacre of the population.

The Christians of all the provinces, who were protected by Ta-kong, and who had nothing to expect from the king but punishment, fled to the fort of Saigon, and 700 of them, at the taking of Dongnai, defended themselves heroically, and did great execution amongst the enemy. Thay sustained all the attacks of the royalists, and even made several very successful sallies. Being as politic as brave, he gained over his brother-in-law, who commands in Tonquin, and created a diversion by exciting a rebellion in that country. The king was obliged to remove a great part of his troops from the south to the north; but the result is not yet known. There is, however, reason to suppose that the revolt in the north will be more serious than that of the south; and if the communication between the

two revolting parties could be effected by sea as well as by land, the king will have much to dread.

The centre of Cochin-China is not quiet either. Some suspicions, perhaps false, have been attached to the king's brother, and he has been condemned to carry a chain, though he is allowed to remain in his own palace.

All the Christians are persecuted excessively, and several have been condemned to death. Of this number is M. Gagelin, a French missionary, who was at Saigon with Ta-kong, and who was returning to Hue to take his leave before departing for Macao. M. Jacard and father Odorico were prisoners at Hue, and there are strong reasons for supposing they have already been executed.— Sing. Chron., Jan. 2.




Supreme Court, November26.—The King, at the pros. of Therry, Esq. v. Raine.-This was a prosecution for a libel contained in letter addressed to Mr. Roger Therry, in his official capacity as Commissioner of the Court of Requests, by Mr. John Raine, who complained that his son, when about to give evidence in that court, was intimidated by the Commissioner, and also designated the conduct of the learned gentleman as 'indecent, improper, and uncourteous."

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The jury found the defendant guilty, but recommended the whole case, under all the circumstances, to the attentive consideration of the court-a recommendation which the judge (Mr. Justice Burton) said should be attended to.


Catastrophe at a newly-discovered groupe of Islands.-We are enabled to furnish, from the log-book of Capt. Finnis, the following particulars respecting the recent return to this port of the barque Elizabeth, which sailed not long since from Sydney, on a whaling voyage. On the 16th of October, saw a groupe of low islands, not laid down on any of the charts on board, distance twelve miles, bearing S. E. by E., and in lat. by observation 4° 30', long. by chronometer 168° 35'. Having stood off and on during the night, on the following morning, several canoes appeared in sight; and one came alongside with some natives, who bartered a few trifles with the crew. Shortly after, the boats were lowered, and manned by the chief and third mates and some of the crew, taking with them two muskets, two cutlasses, iron hoops, fishhooks, &c., to trade with the natives. They

had orders not to land, but to allow the canoes, the natives on board which might seem to have friendly intentions, to approach them; but if no provisions, of which the ship stood in need, were to be had, the boats were to return immediately; particular orders being also issued that no offence should, on any account, be given to the people. The boats did not return that night. The Elizabeth lay-to off the island for the boats; in the mean time, upwards of thirty canoes filled with natives collected in the direction whence the boats were expected to come. At sun-set, on the second day, there was no sign of the boats; on the next morning, several canoes approached the ship, and every preparation was made against an attack by the natives, two of whom came on the taffrail: one was immediately seized, the other jumped overboard. On the following day, the ship still remained lying off and on, near the islands, but there was no sign of the boats or their crews. At sun-set, there being every appearance of approaching bad weather, and no prospect of hearing of, or rendering any assistance to the unfortunate boats' crews, the commander of the Elizabeth thought it better, under all the circumstances, to proceed on his voyage-a resolution adopted, perhaps wisely; although we cannot refrain from an expression of regret, that greater exertions were not made either to rescue the ill-fated men who went on shore, or to punish those by whose treachery they were cut off. With a diminished crew, then, Capt. Finnis made sail, and on his passage to this port took on board the captain and chief officer of the Mary Jane, which vessel was lost on one of the Navigator's Islands. The native secured by Capt. Finnis, and now on board his ship, states that the unfortunate boats' crews, after being captured, had their hands bound behind their backs, and were distributed (as slaves, we presume) through the groupe of islands.-Sydney Gaz., Nov. 28.

Sydney, a free-port.-Sydney is to be declared a free-port, so far as to allow foreign powers to land and warehouse cargoes there for exportation.—Sydney Gaz.

The Press.-The Emancipist Colonists (originally convicts) are about establishing a public journal, the avowed object of which is "to support their own principles !"



The Aborigines.-Mr. Robinson has returned to Hobart Town, after a most successful expedition in search of the few remaining aborigines now wandering over the island. This gentleman commenced his last excursion at Macquarie Harbour, and travelled in the direction

towards Circular Head. Thirty aborigi nes, whom Mr. Robinson has persuaded to leave the wilds, are on their way from Macquarie Harbour, where others are waiting to be conveyed to Hobart Town, Mr. Robinson confidently asserts, there are only seventeen aborigines now at large in the bush, and that, had he not been compelled to hurry his departure, every black native in the island would have been persuaded to give up his wandering life. Mr. Robinson had opened a treaty with the last tribe alluded to, and the tribe was willing to join him; but when he went to the place where he considered they were, he found they had migrated to some other part of the island. Mr. Robinson, as we before said, was obliged to return, not being able to wait, till such time as the natives might be expected to visit the same place. Mr. Robinson contemplates one other expedition, when he is confident he will bring in the last black native. We must candidly acknowledge, we were always doubtful as to the good likely to result from this gentleman's exertions; but facts have convinced us, that no man ever yet deserved so much reward and thanks, as does that gentleman, for his having, by his own personal exertions, ridded us of enemies of the very worst description.-Colonial Times.

Whale-fishery.The Independent says, that the supposed quantity of black whale oil, obtained during the season, just then terminating, at Research Bay, Adventure Bay, and Oyster Bay, on the Derwent, amounted to 1,266 imperial tuns, the whole of which, if sold on the spot, at the present prices of £16 per ton, would average £28,000. There are also about 90 tons of bone, which, at £80 per ton, would average £7,200, making in all £35,200.


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and properly equipped, to circumnavigate the circle in the centre of which is supposed to be the South Pole, thereby to determine the fact of its existence or otherwise. The command of this vessel is to be bestowed upon the Tasmanian Cook, Captain Stein. If any man has a right to assume the mantle of that illustrious seaman, it is the gentleman we have named; if alone in respect to his voyage round the world, in a sloop of thirty tons, the whole crew composed of himself and five men, not one of the latter being able to read and write, and without even a dose of medicine on board, and himself only twenty-two years old, his own merits having obtained him the command of a ship at the age of eighteen. We understand that Capt. Stein proposes to proceed due south, from our lands'-end ; in which case he will in all probability reach the icy region in a week or ten days, and then, should he not fall in with the supposed continent, by proceeding eastward in short degrees of longitude, he will soon be enabled, although of course subject to much peril, and with great privations in such a climate, to reach the ascertained land.-Ibid.


Accounts have been received from this settlement to the 29th of November. The arrival of Governor Stirling was looked for with much anxiety. The crops were looking very healthy, and a favourable harvest was expected. The settlement was healthy, and progressing favourably.

New Zealand.


"The accounts of Cloudy Bay," the Colonial Times states, "have been so extremely gratifying, that half the people of Hobart Town are crazy to leave for the new colony now establishing. The soil is described as of the very best quality; and the climate, although rather cold, salubrious in the extreme. Should a colony, of the description intended, be founded, which we deem easily practicable, there will be one vast advantage over any other colony yet established. Labour can be had for a mere trifle, the generality of the natives being an extremely industrious and good-tempered race. It will be madness to attempt to conquer such a vast population: though in peace the New Zealanders may be led, in war they are terrific; and therefore the new settlers will find it their interest not to fall out with them.

There will then be no such scenes as were witnessed at the colonization of America; neither will the want of labour require a convict population. We look forward with a good deal of interest to every thing connected with New Zealand, as we feel confident, that, with judicious management, colonies of vast importance to the mother country may there be established, and with less difficulty and less expense than any others ever yet formed.”

"So strong appears the passion for emi. gration to New Zealand," says another V. D. Land paper, "that even the first of the beau monde, the 'especial particulars' themselves, seem to be taking wing for that happy region. Major Oakes has sailed in the Brazil packet, and would have been accompanied by certain others but for particular impediments. The next ship, however, is expected to be fully laden. Unfortunately, they are not of that description whose junction with the proposed colony would be desirable. The drones, who have for their whole lives fattened upon the industry and activity of others, would soon starve in a community where every man can receive only his own earnings."

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The Austral-Asiatic Review of Hobart Town announces the following as the principles of the constitution" of the proposed colony to be settled from V. D. Land, on the eastern coast of New Zealand:

"That all men are born equally free, with equal rights, and ought to enjoy li berty of conscience, freedom of the press, trial by jury, power to form new states in vacant countries, and to regulate their own internal police; that all elections ought to be free: that all power is originally in the people; that government ought to be ininstituted for the common benefit of the community, and that the community have a right to reform the government; that the several magistrates and officers of the government, vested with authority, legisla tive, executive, or judicial, are the substitutes and agents of the people, and are at all times accountable to the people; that every member of society has a right to protection of life, liberty, and property; and, in return, is bound to contribute his proportion of the expense of that protection, and yield his personal service when necessary; that the people have a right to keep and bear arms, for the common defence; that the people have a right to hold themselves, their houses, papers, and possessions, free from search and seizure; and, finally, the full and undisturbed posession of the natural right of man, as such were originally bestowed by the Great Creator."





Fort William, Nov. 28, 1833.-The Right Hon. the Governor-general in Council has been pleased to resolve, in conformity to instructions from the Hon. the Court of Directors, that the pioneer corps on this establishment shall be disbanded on the 1st February next, when the European commissioned officers will rejoin their respective regiments.


Fort William, Nov. 28, 1833. - The Governor-general in Council is pleased to resolve, that the allowances of the commissary-general be placed on the same scale as those of the adjutant general and quarter-master-general of the army.


DRESS OF THE COMPANY'S OFFICERS. "Fort William, Dec. 12, 1833.-The Right Hon. the Governor-general in Council is pleased to direct that the following para. graphs of a letter from the Hon. the Court of Directors to the government of Fort St. George be published in general orders, as equally applicable to this presidency: Extract Court's Military Letter to Fort St.

George, dated 17th July, 1833.

"[Letter, 3d April 1832, 19 and 20-submit for Court's consideration the recommendation of the Commander-in-chief for a general assimilation of the dress of the different branches of the Madras army with the corresponding dress in his Majesty's service.]

"Par. 18. The patterns of clothing for the officers of infantry of your establishment, transmitted with our letter of 4th Aug. 1830, were closely assimilated to those at that time worn by the officers of his Majesty's regiments of foot.

"19. We cannot sanction successive alterations in the dress of our officers corresponding with those which may from time to time be made in his Majesty's army."


Head-Quarters, Calcutta, Dec. 16, 1833. -With the sanction of Government, the following relief and movement of corps will take place :

43d regt. N. I., from Secrora to Barrackpore; 47th do. from Cuttack to Secrora; and 31st do., from Barrackpore to Bancoorah.

Dec. 24.-The Commander-in-chief has been pleased, with the sanction of Government, to make the following alterations in the relief of his Majesty's regiments :

H.M. 16th Foot to march from Chinsurah to Cawnpore instead of to Ghazeepore; and H.M. 3d Buffs, from Berhampore to Ghazeepore instead of to Cawnpore.


Head-Quarters, Calcutta, Dec. 21, 1833. -The Governor-general in Council having been pleased to sanction the introduction in the native cavalry of this presidency of "the Regulations for the Instruction, Formation, and Movements of Cavalry,' recently approved by His Majesty, and adopted in the royal service, the Commander-in-chief is pleased to direct that commanding officers of regiments will adopt the practice of the new system on receipt of the book of Regulations, eight copies of which will be sent for the use of each regiment from the adjutant-general's office, and they are to be regularly accounted for in the quarterly return of printed books with corps.



Fort William, Jan. 3, 1834.-The Go. vernor-general in Council, concurring in opinion with the Right Hon. the Commander-in-chief, that the appointment of majors to the command of corps to which they do not belong, is objectionable, has resolved that the practice shall be discontinued.



Fort William, Jan. 3, 1834.-The Governor-general in Council is pleased to direct, that, with the exception of acting interpreters, no officer shall do duty with a corps to which he does not belong.

Head-Quarters, Calcutta, Jan. 8, 1834. -The Commander-in-chief is pleased to direct, in conformity to Gov. G. O. of the 3d instant, that all captains and subalterns, doing duty with regiments of the line, shall proceed forthwith to join the corps to which they stand posted, with exception to those who may be officiating as interpreters to corps they do not belong to..



Head-Quarters, Calcutta, Dec. 19, 1833. -At an European General Court Martial, assembled at Cawnpore on the 29th July, 1833, of which Col. J. Shelton, of H.M. 44th Foot, is President, Lieut. T. S. Fast, of the 59th N. I., was arraigned on the following charge :

Charge-Lieut. Thomas Snodgrass Fast,

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