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The Church of this College, which is the Cathedral of the Diocese, is on the Eaft of the Grand Quadrangle, a venerable Structure, originally the Church of St. Fridefwide's Monaftery. The Roof of the Choir is a beautiful Piece of Stone-work put up by Cardinal Wol. fey, who also rebuilt the Steeple. The East Window was painted by Mr. Price, fenior, of London, after a Defign of Sir James Thornhill, reprefenting the Epiphany. In the Dormitory, which is an Aifle on the North Side of the Choir, is the Tomb of St. Fridefwide, who died A. D. 739. At the North Corner of the West End is a Window curiously painted, refprefenting St. Peter delivered out of Prison by the Angel: Befide the principal Figures, there are a confiderable Number of Ro-man Soldiers in various fleeping Attitudes, admirably well drawn: And, though a very fmall Portion of the Glafs is ftained, the Colours are brilliant, and the Whole appears very lively. It was painted by. J. Oliver, in his Eightieth Year, and given by him to the College in the Year 1700. In this and other Parts of the Church are fome Monuments, no lefs remarkable for their elegant Infcriptions and their beautiful. Structure. In the Aifle, South of the Choir, is a good Portrait in the first Window of Robert King, who was the laft. Abbot of Ofeney, and the firft Bishop of Oxford.


In the Tower are ten celebrated Bells, brought from Ofeney Abbey, as was the great Bell called Tom, abovementioned.

In this Church Choir Service is performed every Day at Ten and Five; except on Sundays and Holidays,, when it is at Eight in the Morning.

Three Sides of Peckwater Court are uniform,.defign ed by Dr. Aldrich, then Dean, no lefs famous for his Skill in Architecture than for his eminence in most other: Branches of Knowlege. Each Side contains 15 Windows in Front. The lower Story is Ruftic,, in which: are three Entrances. The fecond Story, and the Attic above it are contained in the Height of the Ionic Order, which rests upon the Ruftic. Over the five Middle Win

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dows in each Side is a beautiful Pediment, which projects, fupported by three-quarter Columns of the fame Order, as the Fntablature and Balluftrade of the other Parts are by Pilafters. On the fourth Side of this Court is a magnificent Library, 141 Feet long, built in the Corinthian Order, the Pillars of which are four Feet in Diameter. Underneath was intended a Piazza opening to the Square, with seven Arches, and an Afcent of three Steps running the whole Length of the Building. This Defign has been fince altered, for the more convenient Reception of the great collection of Books belonging to the College. The Wainfcoting, Book-cafes, and Stucco Work, as well on the Stair-cafe, as in the Rooms of the Library, are very highly finished, parti cularly the beautiful Feftoons in Stucco, charged with fymbolical Imagery, feverally representing the particular Branch of Literature contained beneath. At each End are Marble Busts, one of Dr. Boulter, late Primate of Ireland; the other of Dr. Freind, late Master of Weftminster School. In the lower Apartments, both to the right and left, are deposited the celebrated Collection of Pictures given to the College by General Guife; among which are fome from the Collection of King Charles I. A Portrait by Titian. The Flight into Egypt by Guido Reni. The Family of the Caracci's, reprefented in a Butcher's Shop, the most celebrated Performance of Annibal Caracci. Two Nativities by Titian. Jefus and St. John embracing, by Raphael. A Nativity, by Raphael. The Fable of Erithonias delivered to the Nymphs to be educated, by Salvator-Rofa. Venus and Cupid, by Titian. St. Francis in a Vision, fupported by Angels, by Annibal Caracci. An Ecce Homo by Ludovico Caracci. A Medufa's Head by Ru bens. The Pale of an Altar, with Figures larger than the Life, by Corregio. Two Half-lengths of Women, by Domenichino.

In the lower Room alfo on the Right Hand is a Buft of General Guife over the Door; and on the Left is one of the Hon. and Rev. Dr. Trevor, late Bishop of


Durham; and in the Entrance to the Stair-Cafe are Bufts of the late eminent Phyficians Drs. Frewin and Lee. Fronting the Stair Cafe is an elegant Statue of Dr. Robinson, the prefent Primate of Ireland: And upon a Pedestal, in the Recefs on the North Side of the upper Apartment, is an admirable Statue of Mr. Locke, formerly, Student of this Houfe, by Roubillac.

Canterbury Court, once Canterbury College, is now most elegantly rebuilt, from a Plan fuitable to Peckwater, with a fuperb Gateway, under the Direction of Mr. Wyatt, by the munificence of the prefent Primate of Ireland, and other Benefactors.

The Chaplains Court is fituated South-eaft of the grand Quadrangle, on the North Side whereof is a large Building of new Chambers; the Walls of which was the Hall or Refectory of St. Fridefwide's Priory.

The Court of the Grammar School is South of the great Quadrangle, having the Hall on the North Side of it: Under Part of the Hall is the Spacious Common Room, in which over the Chimney-piece is an excellent Buft, by Ryfbrac, of Dr. Bufby, formerly Master of Westminster School, and a confiderable Benefactor to the College. Round the Room are the Pictures of feveral of the Mafters of the fame School, and other eminent Men belonging to the College. On the South Side is the new Anatomical Theatre, erected and endowed by the late Dr. Lee, Phyfician to King George the II. at the Expence of 20,000l. with a proper Stipend to the Lecturer, &c. In it is a fine Collection of Anatomical Preparations and Injections. The Wide Gravel Walk, shaded on each Side with Elms, deferves our Notice, being a Quarter of a Mile in Length and of a propor tionable Breadth. It commands a Sight of Lord Har court's Seat, a pleasant Profpect of the Meadows, the Thames, and fome adjacent Villages.

This College was founded by Cardinal Wolfey, upon the Place where formerly ftood the Priory of St. Fridefwide, which, and feveral other religious Foundations, were diffolved, in order to endow the new College in


tended by the Cardinal. The Defign was far from be ing compleated at the Time of the Cardinal's Disgrace, little more being built than the Eaft, South, and Part of the Weft Sides of the Great Quadrangle, and the Kitchen. And as to the Foundation itself, whatever it might be at that Time, 'tis certain it was afterwards leffened, and the Form of it altered two or three times by the King. The Difgrace of the Cardinal happened in the Year 1529, when the King feized upon this College, as well as the other Eftates belonging to the Cardinal. In the Year 1532, at the Inftance of Lord Cromwell, the King new-modelled the Foundation, and gave it the Name of King Henry the Eighth's College. This was fuppreffed in 1545, and in the Year following the Epifcopal See was removed from Ofeney to this College, and the Church of St. Fridefwide conftituted a Cathedral, by the Name of Chrift's Church.

This Foundation has continued in the fame Form ever fince. It confifts of a Dean, eight Canons, 101 Students, part of which are elected annually from Westminster School, and the other Vacancies as they happen, are filled up by the Dean and Canons, 8 Chaplains, 8 Singing-Men, and as many Chorifters, a Schoolmafter, an Organift, &c. Since the Time of Queen Elizabeth, this College has largely experienced the Bounty of feveral Benefactors, particularly Bishop Fell, who left ten Exhibitions of 10l. per Ann. to Commoners,` to be held' for ten Years from the Time they were nominated to them. The 10ift Studentship was added by William Thurston, Esq; 1663, and is now in the Gift of the Vernon Family. Several Exhibitions were given by Lady Holford for Scholars educated at the CharterHouse, and more by other Benefactors.

Vifitor. The King.


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