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newspaper of Thursday, the 2d instant :— are adroit in the use of all warlike instru"Sir J. YORKE observed, that although ments; they possess as much courage as one great enemy of this country, Bona- their assailants; are more sober, more parte, had been deposed, there was ano-cool, and would be animated by a thousand "ther gentleman whose deposition was also motives which have no place, and can have necessary to our interest, he meant Mr. no place, in the breasts of those who would "President Madison, and with a view to be sent to fight against them. They must “THAT DEPOSITION a considerable be sensible of their fute, if defeated in a "naval force must be kept up, especially contest upon the ground said to have been "in the Atlantic. But as to his Hon. stated by Sir Joseph Yorke, So that, if "Friend's opinion respecting the reduc- the speech be correctly reported, here is "tion of the Navy, he wished it to be con- certainly a hopeful job cut out for us. I "sidered that a number of shipping were am disposed to believe, however, that if employed in conveying French prisoners nothing else would prevent a war for such to France, and bringing home our own an object, a representation of the state of countrymen. So much for the occupa- our purse will have that desirable effect; "tion of our navy on the home station. and that thus we shall, at last, once more "But from the Mediterranean, for in-see our country at peace with all the stance, several three deckers were order-world. I shall not, however, be surprized ❝ed home, and he could swear, that no if this is not the case. There are SO





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pitch; the revenge on account of the defeat of our frigates; the implacable, the hereditary hatred of some persons against the Americans; the diabolical malice of many in this country against every people enjoying any portion of real, and not sham freedom; all these together are at work in favour of a long and bloody war with America; and, as to whether they will prevail, my fears really rather outweigh my hopes.

practicable exertion would be remitted many people who feel an interest in per“to reduce the expence of our Naval De-petuating war; the mad passions of the partment." -Now, perhaps, this re-nation have been wound up to so high a port of Sir Joseph Yorke's speech might be an erroneous Report; but I take it word for word as I find it in the newspaper; and if it really was delivered by Sir Joseph Yorke, it is well calculated to excite most serious and anxious thoughts on both sides of the Atlantic; but especially on this side, where an already well-sweated purse had a prospect, as we hoped, of being spared a little in future.Sir Joseph Yorke is one of the Lords of the Admiralty; and, therefore, must have spoken, in all probability, not only with a thorough knowledge of the views of the Ministry, but with their privity and approbation; and it is through this official channel, that we learn, that the war has for its immediate object, THE DEPOSITION OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!


important document, in which is involved human beings, was submitted to the Legisthe future welfare of so many millions of lative Body of France on the 4th instant. As it will form the subject of reference in fature REGISTERS, I have given a copy of it of France addressed to the Assembly on here; together with the speech of the King this interesting occasion :

"GENTLEMEN-When, for the first time. I came into this Assembly, surrounded by "the great Bodies of the State, the repre"sentatives of a nation which does not

Now, then, Jonathan, stand clear for, in case the war goes on, the ultimate object must be of a very serious character indeed.-I must confess, how-« ever, that I am not quite so sanguine as Sir J. Yorke appears to be as to the success of the enterprize. The Americans" cease to lavish upon me the most affecting do not like taxes, and they are in the "marks of its love, I congratulate myself right; but they like something still less"in having become the dispenser of those and that is slivery, to which they would, deigns to grant to my people. I have made blessings which the Divine. Providence of course, be reduced, if conquered by "with Austria, Russia, England, and Prusforeign enemy. They are a rabble of" sia, a peace, in which are included their armed men, compared with our troops; "Allies, that is to say, all the Princes of but they are armed, and they are free; "Christendom. The war was universal.and a nation of freemen in arms were "The reconciliation is the same. The rank "which France has always held among the never yet subdued. Besides, the Ame"nations, has not been transferred to any ricans are brave; they are hardy; they other, and remains to it without parti



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tion. Every thing which the other States "have acquired of security, equally encreases hers, and consequently adds to her "real power. That, therefore, which she "does not retain of her conquests, ought έσ not to be regarded as a retrenchment of “her real strength. The glory of the French





arms has received no stain: the monu"ments of their valour subsist, and the chefs d'œuvres of the arts will belong to us "in future, by rights more stable and more "sacred than those of victory. The chan"nels of commerce, so long closed, are going "to be opened. The market of France will "be no longer the only one open to the pro*ductions of its soil and its industry. Those "for which habit has created a want, or "which are necessary to the arts which it exercises, will be supplied to her by the "Colonies which she recovers. She will no longer be obliged to deprive herself of "thein, or to obtain thern only upon ruinous "terms. Our manufactures are about to reflourish, our maritime cities to revive, "and every thing promises that a long peace "abroad, and permanent felicity at home, "will be the happy fruits of the peace. A "melancholy recollection, nevertheless, dis"turbs my joy. I was born, I flattered my"self that I should remain my whole life "the most faithful subject of the best of Kings, and this day I occupy his place! "But, however, he is not entirely dead; he "lives again in this testament which he left "for the instruction of the august and un"fortunate child who ought to have reigned "before me. It is with eyes fixed upon this "immortal work-it is penetrated with the "sentiments which dictated it; it is guided




by the experience, and seconded by the "counsels, of several among you that have "drawn up the Constitutional Charter which "is now going to be read, and which is founded upon the solid bases of the prosperity of the State. My Chancellor will acquaint you in detail with my paternal "intentions."


PUBLIC RIGHTS OF FRANCE. Art. 1. The French are equal before the law, whatever may be their titles and ranks.

Art. II. They contribute, without distinction, in proportion to their fortune, to the expenses of the State.

Art. III. They are all equally admissible to civil and religious employments.

Art. IV. Their liberty is equally secured: no person can be arrested or prosecuted except in cases provided by the law, and in the form which it prescribes.

Art. V. Every one professes his own religion with an equal liberty, and obtains for his worship the same protection.

Art. VI. However, the Catholic, Apostolic, and Roman religion, is the religion of the State, Art. VII. The Ministers of the Catholic, Apostolic, and Roman religion, and those of the other Christian religions, only, receive maintenance from the Royal Treasury.

Art. VIII. The French have a right to publish and print their opinions, conforming to the

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Art. XVI. The King proposes the Law.

Art. XVII. The proposition of the law is carried at the pleasure of the King, either to the

House of Peers or to that of the Deputies, exfirst addressed to the House of Deputies. cepting laws relative to taxes, which must be

Art. XVIII. Every law shall be discussed and voted freely by the majority of each of the two Houses.

Art. XIX. The Houses have a right to petition the King to propose a law on any subject whatever, and to point out what, in their opinion, the law ought to contain.

Art. XX. Such petitions may be presented by each of the two Houses, but not till they have been discussed in Secret Committee. It shall not be sent to the other House by that which

shall have proposed it till after the space of ten


Art. XXI. If the proposition is adopted by the other House, it shall be submitted to the King; if it be rejected, it cannot be presented again during the same session.

Art. XXII. The King exclusively sanctions and promulgates laws.

Art. XXIII. The civil list is fixed for the whole duration of the King's reign by the first legislature assembled since the King's accession. OF THE HOUSE OF PEERS. Art. XXIV. The House of Peers is an essential part of the legislative power,

Art. XXV. It is summoned by the King at the same time as the House of the Deputies of the Departments. The Session of the one commences, and finishes at the same time as that of the other.

Art. XXVI. Any meeting of the House of Peers held out of the time of the Session of the House of Deputies, or which shall not be ordered by the King, is illegal, and null and void.

Art. XXVII. The nomination of the Peers of France belongs to the King. Their number is not limited; he may change their diguities,

nominate them for life, or render them heredi-mittee by the King, and unless it has been sent tary, at pleasure... to and discussed in the bureaux.

Art. XXVIII. The Peers are admitted into the House at 25 years of age, but have no deliberative voice till the age of 30.

Art. XXIX. The Chancellor of France presides in the House of Peers, and in his absence a Peer appointed by the King.

Art. XXX. The members of the Royal Family and Princes of the Blood are Peers in right of their birth; they take precedence immediately after the President, but have no deliberative voice till the age of 25 years.

Art. XXXI. The Princes cannot take their places in the House except by an express order from the King for each session, by a message, upon pain of all that has been done in their presence being annulled.'

Art. XXXII: All the deliberations of the House of Peers are private.

Art. XXXIII The House of Peers takes cognizance of the crimes of high treason and attempts against the safety of the State, which shall be defined by the law.

Art. XXXIV. No Peer can be apprehended but by the authority of the House, and tried by it in criminal matters.



Art. XXXV. The House of Deputies shall be composed of deputies chosen by the Electoral Colleges, the organization of which shall be determined by the laws.

Art. XXXVI. Each department shall have the same number of deputies as it has hitherto bad.

Art. XXXVII The deputies shall be elected for five years, and so that one-fifth of the House shall be annually received.

Art. XXXVIII. No Deputy can be admitted into the House, unless he be 40 years old, and pay a direct contribution of 1,000 francs.

Art. XXXIX. If, however, there should not be in the Department fifty persons of the age required, paying at least 1,000 francs in direct contribution, their number shall be completed by those rated the next highest, under 1,000 francs, and these shall not be capable of offering themselves as candidates against the former. Art. XL. The Electors who concur in the nomination of the Deputies, cannot have the right of voting unless they pay a direct contribution of 300 francs, and be at least 30 years of age.

Art. XLI. The Presidents of the Electoral Colleges shall be named by the King, and of right members of the College.

Art. XLII. One half at least of the Deputies shall be chosen from among such persons eligible as have their political residence in the Department.

Art. XLIII. The President of the House of Deputies is appointed by the King, out of a list of five Members presented by the House.

Art. XLIV. The Sittings of the House are public, but the requisition of five Members is sufficient to enable it to resolve itself into a Secret Committee.

Art. XLV. The House divides itself into Committees (bureaux) to discuss the projets sented to it on the part of the King.

Art. XLVII. The House of Deputies receives all the propositions for taxes; and it is not till these propositions bave been admitted, that they can be carried to the House of Peers.

Art. XLVII. No tax can be imposed or le- · vied unless it has been agreed to by the two Houses, and sanctioned by the King.

Art. XLIX. The land-tax is granted for a year only. The indirect taxes may be granted for several years.

Art. L. The King every year convokes the two Houses; he prorogues them, and may dissolve that of the Deputies of the Departments; but in this case, he must convoke a new one within the space of three months.

Art. LI. No personal restraint shall be laid upon any member of the House during the session, or within six weeks before and after it.

Art. LII. No member of the House can, during the session, be prosecuted or arrested for criminal matters, unless for a flagrant offence, till the House has permitted his prosecution.

Art. LIII. All petitions to either House must be presented in writing. The law forbids their being preferred in person, and at the bar.


Art. LIV. The Ministers may be Members of the House of Peers or of the House of Deputies. They have, moreover, a right to admission into either House, and must be heard whenever they desire it.

Art. LV. The House of Deputies has a right to accuse the Ministers, and to impeach them before the House of Peers, which alone is competent to try them.

Art. LVI. They cannot be accused, except for high treason or peculation. Particular laws shall specify this kind of crimes, and determine the mode of proceeding in respect to them.

OF THE JUDICIAL ORDER. Art. LVII. All justice emanates from the King; it is administered in his name hy Judges, whom he nominates and appoints.

Art. LVIII The Judges nominated by the King cannot be removed.,

Art. LIX. The ordinary courts and tribunals actually existing are retained. Nothing shall be changed in them but by virtue of a law.

Art. LX. The present institution of the Judges of Commerce is preserved. ·

Art. LXI. The office of Justice of the Peace is likewise retained. The Justices of the Peace, though nominated by the King, are removable. Art. LXII No man can be taken out of the hands of his natural judges.

Art. LXIII. There cannot, of course, be created any Extraordinary Commissions and Tribunals. Under this denomination the Provosts' jurisdictions are not comprehended, if their re-establishment should be judged neces


Art. LXIV. The pleadings in criminal matters shall be published, unless their publicity be dangerous to good order and morals; and in this case the tribunal shall declare it by a judgment.

Art. LXV. The institution of juries is repre-tained; the changes which a longer experience may cause to be considered necessary, caunot be effected but by a law for the purpose. Art. LXVI. The penalty of the confiscation

Art. XLVI. No amendment can be made in any law, unless it has been proposed in Com

of property is abolished, and cannot be re-estab- | bear their full share of the burdens of their


Art. LXVII. The King has the right of pardon, and that of commuting punishments.

Art LXVIII. The civil code and the laws actually existing, not contrary to the present charter, remain in force till they shall be legally abolished.


Art. LXIX. The military in active service, the officers and soldiers who have retired, the widows, officers and soldiers, pensioned shall retain their ranks, honours and pensions.

Art. LXX. The public debt is guaranteed; all kinds of engagements contracted by the State, with its creditors, are inviolable.

Art. LXXI The ancient Nobility resume their titles; the new retain theirs. The King creates Nobles at pleasure; but he coufers on them only ranks and honours, without any exemption from the charges and duties of society. Art. LXXII. The Legion of Honour is maintained. The King will fix its interior regulations

and decorations.

Art. LXXIII. The Colonies shall be governed by particular laws and regulations.

Art. LXXIV. The King and his successors shall swear at the ceremony of their anointment to the faithful observance of the present constitutional Charter.


Art. LXXV. The Deputies of the Departments of France, who sat in the Legislative Body at the time of the last adjournment, shall continue to sit in the House of Deputies till they are replaced.

Art. LXXVI. The first renewal of one-fifth of the House of Deputies shall take place, at the latest, in the year 1816, according to the order fixed between the classes. We order that the present constitutional charter submitted to the Senate and Legislative Body, agreably to our proclamation of the 2d of May, be forthwith sent to the House of Peers and that of the Depatics. Given at Paris, in the year of grace 1814, and of our reign the nineteenth. (Signed) (And underneath) The Abbe dé MONTESQUIOU.



from them by diminution of taxes, inecountry, and if they cannot be relieved vitable ruin speedily awaits them upon any great or sudden reduction in the price of

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£1,115 10.

On inquiring into the cause of the advance of rents, provisions, and other necessaries, it will be found to be the opinion of most of our enlightened political economists, that, in exact proportion to the weight of taxation, these articles advance in price; but no Author has so clearly and effectually illustrated this as Soame Jennings, in his Political Disquisitions, by the following anecdote:-"A sand-man, during the American war, raising the price of his sand, was asked the reason for his so doing- Because of the war,' replied the sand-man. His customers scoffed at him for SIR-The encreasing ferment in the this answer, and eagerly enquired if he impublic mind, and the ill directed abuse of ported his sand from America. But, (says every species of agriculturist, induce me to our Author) the sand-man was right; for send you the following Comparative State- the tax on leather, on hats, salt, porter, ment of the situation of farmers holding candles, and other articles necessary for farms of 400 acres in the year 1792, pre-his subsistence encreased his weekly exvious to the war with France, and the time penditure, and he had no other means of I am now writing. May I be indulged encreasing his revenue but by advancing by its early insertion, as I am not the price of the article in which he without hope that those who give attention traded." This argument is equally applito its contents will no longer consider the cable to every class of trader and farmer farmer unreasonable and selfish, in wishing through these realms:-our list of half the price of corn to be high enough to re- yearly taxes confirms the fact.-Those munerate him for his present encrease of persons, therefore, who demand that landexpences, and to meet with sufficient en-lords should abate their rents, begin at the couragement to continue its growth. It wrong end of their route. As the cause of will appear also, that the landed interest the evil is clearly pointed out to be an

overloaded taxation, there is no other re- Russia, already forgotten, when in less than medy than a speedy diminution of that a month after the news arrived, the price of taxation, in proportion as that decreases corn was reduced 50s. per quar. or more, by every necessary article of life will also di- the opening the trade of the Baltic. Is not minish in price. If a landlord is asked the price of oats stated in our last week's why he cannot lower his rent, he replies, market return, sufficient to convince us of because his expenditure is encreased by this undeniable fact, the certain and inevitaxation, and he will hold up to our view, table consequence, that importation lowers those badges of slavery, the accursed tax- the price of any article imported? does not papers. The parson will give the same the eager and anxious lock of every farmer reason for not lowering his tythe, and the of the kingdom at the weekly Market landholder, who thinks a free importation of Herald, demonstrate the truth of this corn would suddenly and inevitably ruin opinion? I think it does; and that the utter him, is justified in applying to Parliament ruin of all agriculturists is most certain, if to prevent the importation of corn, and a importation were freely allowed. The conti sudden and consequent reduction to the nental price of corn is such, I am assured, price of 1792. The farmer, like the sand- that importation would reduce it even inan, has no means of paying his increased below the price of 1792.-But I am calmly expenditure of 8057. 10s. a year, if a pro- told, let things find their level; but in the portionate advance in the price of his corn finding this level, I feel destruction and will not enable him to do it; and presuming ruin; the little account here stated, convincorn to be reduced to the price of 1792, the ces me of this. There would be as much whole of the capital he employs on his propriety in persuading the fen farmer to farm (suppose 3000/) will be wasted intake down his banks and let the water four years by reduced prices and undimi- find its level, and leave off interfering with nished taxation.-Those, therefore, who the course of nature. It would only be clamour against agriculturists, and meet asking him to inundate his farm, drown his to pass inflammatory Resolutions, had better cattle, and destroy his property, perhaps petition Parliament to keep their faith with too his family into the bargain—a more the public, and let the Property Tax be painful sight even than this is requested of reduced at the time specified, and that all the agriculturists of this country, by the the war taxes may immediately cease. Then calm gentlemen who wish things to find may the landlord abate his rent, the par- their level-they only require that his inson his tythe, the labourer his wages, and nocent prattlers should surround their fathe price of corn will be as cheap as the ther, and inquire the reason why his cattle public might wish it.-It will be found are seized, his farming stock and houseupon examination that the landed interest is hold furniture sold, and the earning of the one of the chief sources of taxation; ruin industry of many years at once destroyed→→ or distress this interest, the taxes will fail, the only answer to be given is to satisfy and the fundholder will be found involved the demands of the tax-gatherer; cruel in the national bankruptcy; convulsion, necessity and because he wishes to avert tumult, and anarchy, their constant accom- this evil, he is to be held up to the public paniments, must inevitably follow.Of as avaricious, wishing to deny to the those, therefore, who petition Parliament against the Corn Bill, it may truly be said, "they know what they ask."--There are those, however, who are of opinion that the evils I dread are only imaginary; that a free importation of corn would not reduce its price; that there are persons who hold this opinion, excites in me the utmost degree of surprise: it is no longer an affair of speculation or doubt, we have facts so recent before us, that nothing can overturn the position, that an importation of corn would reduce its price.-Is that memorable event, the death of the late Emperor of

people, the bounty of Heaven-to be burnt in effigy, and treated with scorn, contumely and contempt. I conclude, therefore, with requesting all those towns, counties, and districts, who mean to petition Parliament against the regulations of the Corn Laws, to state, in their Resolutions and Petitions, that an overloaded taxation puts us in eminent danger, and praying their speedy reduction. This would be acting more like reasonable beings, than abusing the agriculturists, whose industry, economy, and ingenuity, nothing can surpass.

Printed and Published by J. MORTON, No. 94, Strand.

R. F.

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