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judge vacant in their body. The King chooses one of the three. The King names the first presidents and the public ministry of the courts and the tribunals.

male to male, in order of primogeniture. I only be established for a year. The budThey are named by the King. The present get of the following year, and the accounts Senators, with the exception of those who of the preceding year, are presented annushould renounce the quality of French ally to the Legislative Body and the Senate, citizen, are maintained, and form part of at the opening of the sitting of the Legisthis number. The actual endowment of lative Body.-16. The law shall fix the the Senate, and the Senatorships, belongs mode and amount of the recruiting of the to them. The revenues are divided equally army.-17. The independence of the jubetween them, and pass to their successors. dicial power is guaranteed. No one can be In case of the death of a Senator without removed from his natural Judges. The direct male posterity, his portion returns to institution of Juries is preserved, as well as the public treasure. The Senators who the publicity of trial in criminal matters. shall be named in future, cannot partake of The penalty of confiscation of goods is this endowment, 7. The Princes of the abolished. The King has the right of Royal Family, and the Princes of the blood, pardoning.-18. The courts and ordinary are by right members of the Senate. The tribunals existing at present are preserved; functions of a Senate cannot be exercised their number cannot be diminished or inuntil the person has attained the age of 21 creased, but in virtue of a law. years.-8. The Senator decides the cases in judges are for life and irremovable, except which the discussion of objects before them the justices of the peace and the judges of shall be public or secret.-9. Each depart-commerce. The commissions and extrament shall send to the Legislative Body the ordinary tribunals are suppressed, and cansame number of deputies it sent thither. not be re-established.-19. The courts of The deputies who sat in the Legislative cassation, the courts of appeal, and the triBody at the period of the last adjournment bunals of the first instance, propose to the shall continue to sit till they are replaced.king, three candidates for each place of All preserve their pay. In future they shall be chosen immediately by the Electoral Bodies, which are preserved, with the exception of the changes that may be made by a law in their organization. The du--20. The military on service, the offiration of the functions of the deputies to the Legislative Body is fixed at five years. The new Election shall take place for the Session of 1810.-10. The Legislative Body shall assemble of right each year on the 1st of October. The King may convoke it extraordinarily; he may adjourn it; he may also dissolve it; but in the latter case another Legislative Body must be formed, in three months at the latest, by the Electoral Colleges.-11. The Legislative Body has the right of discussion. The sittings are public, unless in cases where it chuses to form itself into a general committee.-12. The Senate, Legislative Body, Electoral Colleges and Assemblies of Cantons elect their President from among themselves. -13. No Member of the Senate, or Legislative Body, can be arrested without a previous authority from the Body to which he belongs. The trial of a member of the Senate or Legislative Body, belongs exclusively to the Senate.-14. The Ministers may be members either of the Senate or Legislative Body.-15. Equality of proportion in the taxes is of right; no tax can be imposed or received, unless it has been freely consented to by the Legislative Body and the Senate, The land-tax can

cers and soldiers on half-pay, the widows and pensioned officers, preserve their ranks, honours, and pensions.-21. The person of the King is sacred and inviolable. All the acts of the Government are signed by a minister. The ministers are responsible for all which those acts contain violatory to the laws, public and private liberty, and the rights of citizens.-22. The freedom of worship and conscience is guaranteed. The ministers of worship are treated and protected alike.-23. The li berty of the press is entire, with the exception of the legal repression of offences which may result from the abuse of that liberty. The senatorial commissions of the liberty of the press and individual liberty are preserved.-24. The public debt is guaranteed. The sales of the national domains are irrevocably maintained.-25. No Frenchman can be prosecuted for opinions or votes which he has given.-26. Every person has the right to address individual petitions to every constituted authority.-27. All Frenchmen are equally admissable to all civil and military employments.-28. All the laws existing at present remain in vigour, until they be legally repealed. The code of civil laws shall be entitled, Civil Code of the


then swear obedience and fidelity to Louis XVIII. and let us display the White Cockade, as a sign of adhesion to an event which stops the effusion of blood, gives us peace, and saves our country.-This order shall be read by the commanders of the different corps, at the head of the troops. JOURDAN, the Marshal of the Empire, Commander in Chief of the 15th Military Division. Head-quarters, Rouen, April 8." Although it might have been supposed,

French.-29. The present Constitution | vered themselves. This Monarch will shall be submitted to the acceptance of the grant you the rewards which you have French people, in the form which shall be merited by long services, your brilliant regulated. LOUIS STANISLAUS XAVIER deeds and honourable wounds.-Let us shall be proclaimed King of the French, as soon as he shall have signed and sworn, by an act stating, I accept the Constitution; I swear to observe it, and cause it to be observed. This oath shall be repeated in the solemnity, when he shall receive the oath of Fidelity of the French.-(Signed) Prince of Beneventum, President; Counts de Valence and de Pastoret, Secretaries; the Prince Arch-Treasurer; Counts Abrial, Barbe Marbois, Emmery, Bartlemy, Baldersbuck, Beurnonville, Cornet, Garbena-that the forming of a new constitution for ra, Legrand, Chasseloup, Chollet, Coland, France, was a labour of sufficient magniDavous, de Gregory, Decroiy, Depere, tude to occupy the whole attention of the Dembarrere, Dhaubersaert, Destatt, Tracy, Provisional Government, during the short d'Harville, d'Hedouville, Fabre(de l'Aude), period they were engaged upon it, we still Ferino, Dubois Dubais, de Fontanes, Garat, find that they found leisure, even then, to Gregoire, Herwyn de Nevelle, Jacourt, direct their views to other matters.-By the Klein, Journu, Aubert, Lambrecht, Lan-first decree which they published, they dejuinais, Lejeas, Lebrun de Rochemont,clared the restoration of the Pope to his Lemercier, Meerman de Lespenasse, de former power. By another, the total supMautbadon, Lenoir Laroche, de Mailleville, pression of all those public schools, estaRedon, Roger Ducos, Pere, Tascher, blished in France by Napoleon, for the Porcher de Rechebourg, de Ponte Coulant, Education of poor Children; and, a third Saur, Rigal St. Martin, de Lamotte, Sainte respecting the liberty of the press, ran as Suzanne, Sieyes, Schimmelpenninck, Van follows:

de Vandegelder, Van de Pol, Venturi, Vau- "The Provisional Government consibois Duc de Valmy, Villetard, Vimat, Vandering that the most effectual means of Zaylen van Nyevelt." establishing public liberty is to prevent li

Since the promulgation of the new Con- centiousness; that the liberty of the press, stitution, which, it appears, has been joy-which should be the safeguard of the citifully accepted by Louis XVIII. the fol- zens, ought not to become an instrument lowing proclamation has been published of insult and defamation; that, under preby Marshal Jourdan, by which the fact is sent circumstances, such an abuse, and placed beyond all dispute, that Napoleon especially that which might be made of is to retire to the island of Elba on an al-pamphlets and placards, would easily belowance of six millions of franks, about come a perfidious engine in the hands of £40,000 sterling per annum :—“ Sol- those who might endeavour still to sow diers! The Emperor Napoleon has abdi- disturbance among the citizens, and thus cated the imperial throne, and is to retire impede the noble movement which should to the island of Elba, with a pension of unite them all in the same just cause; order, 6,000,000 franks.-The Senate has adopted-1. No placard or bill shall be posted in a Constitution which guarantees civil li- the streets or public places, without having berty, and insures the rights of the Mo-been previously presented at the prefecnarch.-Louis Stanislaus Xavier, brother ture of police, where an imprimateur shall of Louis XVI. is called to the throne by the wish of the French nation, and the army has manifested the same sentiments. -The accession of Louis XVIII. is the guarantee of peace.-At length, after so many glorious campaigns, so many fatigues and honourable wounds, you are going to enjoy some repose.-Louis XVIII. is a Frenchman, he will not be a stranger to the glory with which the armies have co-ted, addressed to the Editor.

be given.-2. Every hawker is prohibited from crying, selling, or distributing in the streets any pamphlet or sheet, the distribution of which has not been authorised by the prefecture of police."


The Public are respectfully informed that the Register will, in future, be published be Mr. Morton, No. 94, Strand, to whom all communi cations and orders (post paid) may be transmit

Printed and published by J. MORTON, No. 94, Strand.



APRIL 23, 1814. [Price 18.



SUMMARY OF POLITICS. whom they had condemned to death, and the TRIUMPH OF THE ARISTOCRATS, rest of whom they had (before NAPOLEON TREATMENT OF NAPOLEON The triumph was heard of) proscribed, as they thought, of the aristocrats is not greater than we for ever! This is a pretty way of showing had reason to expect, for reason bade us attachment to a Royal Family. We now expect it to be boundless: We shall here- see the same, the very same writers who after have to talk to them about the gains justified, nay, who urged with all their and the losses of different nations by that might, the putting down of the Bourbons, grand event, the French Revolution; but, exerting their skill to render their resto though I wish to get on to a very impost-vation palatable. Cretelle is mentioned ant topic, the designs with regard to amongst those who have uttered the most America, which are now of the first conse bitter things against NAPOLEON. It was quence to the world, I must stop to say a he, who lauded his character the most; word or two upon the business of those, who praised his humanity to the skies, and who so lately were the loudest in praising who, in his history of the hero's exploits, Napoleon, and who are now the most loud gave a cut, representing him in the pestr amongst his calumniators. We are toldof house in Africa, discovering a trait of hu the joy, the plaudits, attending the arrival manity and courage such as is not upon of MONSIEUR at Paris. Were they greater record, relating to any other man. It is not or more sincere than those, with which time yet to take a view of the result of the Napoleon was receivedat Berlin, at Vienna, French revolution, of its gains and its or at Rome?-I very much question the losses. When it is, we shall bring into fact. It is the voice of the base and weak view the putting down of the inquisition as and thoughtless at the dictation, or under well as the destruction of the Bastille. We the influence of the strong. We are told, shall, in a few months, be able to make that the Allied Sovereigns and troops took the comparison of the previous state and no share in the entry of MONSIEUR; that the present state, of France. As to the they were resolved, that it should be purely new constitution, as it is called, we can yat a French procession; an act of the French know nothing of it. It is binding, or not people! To be sure, they did not put their binding, as the king shall please. But, at hand to the thing. They only formed a any rate, much must have been gained ving round, while it was going on. But because it will be inpossible to bring things this is an foolish trash. We know, all to their ancient state. The very material the world knows, that it is force; that are gone, and it cannot be done. I it is a great, overwhelming military force; not one of those, who think, that the sove that it is the power, the sheer military reigns of Europe will now, taking a lesson power, of all the States of Europe com-of France, be more mild in their govern bined through their fear of one man; allments than they formerly were: I think the world knows, that it is this force, the contrary: I do not think that they will and that it is this force alone which has make any concessions to liberty; but in produced the fall of Napoleon, and the se-France, to restore all the old abuses will be storation of the Bourbons. The triumph absolutely unpossible. The people of France is, therefore, the triumph of the strongest; will have gained many things; any one of the triumph of him who has most bayonets which was worth all the sacrifices th they on his side. There is no moral victory have made. To get rid of a id of any one of their The people of France had an opportunity great curses was worth 22 years of war of showing their attachment to the Bour- and all the lives that have been lost. bons long before; but, they waited till the The treatment of NAPOLEON is what, allies were in possession of their capital. indeed, he had to expect if ever he fell But, indeed, low monstrous is it to talk of into the power of those Sovereigns, whom their attachment to those, the head of he had at his feet, and whom he had reR

placed on their thrones. It is such, too, into the house of Austria, to have lost all as the republicans of France must rejoice notion of respect for the people of France; to see him endure. They put him at the and to have carried his dread of republicanhead of a republic; they placed an army of ism to a length hardly conceiveable. It republicans in his hands; they sent him is, therefore, perfectly natural in the reforth to pull down thrones. He betrayed publicans of France to rejoice at his fall; his trust; he upheld thrones: he raised but, the aristocrats are very ungrateful himself to a throne: he allied himself by towards him: he has been their political marriage witha family, whom they regarded saviour and redeemer: he has saved them as their greatest enemy. He sold the from total destruction: he has restored liberties of his country, and, as far as he them and their titles and their priviliges in could, of Europe, for a wife and a dynasty. France, and has given them security, for His offences are, therefore, against repub-some time, at least, in all other countries. licans, and not against royalists, of whom If he had been and continued a republican; he has been the sole guardian and protec-if he had faithfully obeyed the will of those tor. His fall was not wished for, as yet, who put power into his hands; there by me, because I thought, that he might, would not, in all human probability, have By continuing some years longer in power, been a kingt 'us day existing on the contido good in some respects. As being at warnent of Europe. But, he, so far from acting with my own country, I could not, of course, as the republicans of France wished him, wish him success, but, as we had made not only spared the kingly race, but acone treaty of friendship with him, I saw no tually married amongst them, and took the reason why we should not make another lead amongst the aristocrats in abusing with him. But, the republicans in France the people, and treating them with conmust rejoice at his fall. It must have been tempt; therefore, he is now justly treated, much more galling to see him triumph, as the republicans of France must think. than to see the Bourbon's return: He He would be an Emperor, would he! He became, not only a king, but the friend of must marry into the ancient House of all kings; the supporter of kings, and by Austria, must he, and be papa of a dignity the means of that very power, which had of kings! He, who received all his power 'been placed in his hands for the extermina- from republicans! These were the causes tion of royalty and aristocracy. This is the of the loss of his power; these were the light; in which he is viewed by the repub-causes of his fall; and, therefore, that fall licans of France, who, if they are now to submit to a government that they dislike, have, at any rate, the satisfaction to reflect, that the man, who has reduced them to the necessity of so doing, has been mot severely punished; that, if they are not free, he, at any rate, does not enjoy the fruit of his treason against freedom. FONTANES'S speech on the invasion of France, that speech; in which the allied sovereigns were reproached, not with their designs against the liberties of France, but with having, in their proclamation, given it to be under-first invasion.- -Napoleon's character, As stood, that they regarded the wishes of the people of France as something; that insolent speech, in which the people were told, that they ought to thank the government for repressing their audacity; that speech, the author of which, as remark-out an army any more than another king. ed at the time, ought to have been thrown headlong down the deepest well in Paris; that speech alone was an act to deprive NAPOLEON of all compassion on the part of the friends of freedom, notwithstanding all the good he had done in other respects. He seems, from the date of his marriage


must have given infinite satisfaction to the republicans of France, who will have to reflect with pride on the contrast exhibited in the invasion of France when under Napoleon, and when under the assembly and convention: when under an Emperor, and when under a republican government. They will always have to say, that all Europe combined was nothing against France animated by the voice of liberty; but, that France, under an Emperor and King, with a gagged press, yielded to the

developed at the close of the drama, we
cannot yet judge of; because, in truth, we
know nothing about his behaviour. All
that we hear comes through a channel
hostile to him. He could not fight with-

If he had dared appeal to the people; if he
had still had the cup of liberty upon his
head, in place of an ill-gotten crown, he
might have been able to make a last stand;
but, like all other despots, bereft of his
bayonets, he was powerless as a child.
It has been stated, that his Empress (we


which has ended in the putting down of Napoleon. The Times, of the 19th instant observes: " Among other news from the North, we learn, that the Danish Contingent is advancing, and that the Crown Prince of SWEDEN has reached Brussels. His Royal Highness's activity is not at least premature. Surely, he has judged ill, after the laurels which he so honourably reaped at Leipsic, to allow any minor considerations to prevent his appearing equally prominent in the last great scenes which consummated what was so well begun.”

"His Royal Highness" will, probably, soon hear, that these gentry have a little more to say. They do not think, apparently, that the cause needs his Royal Highness's assistance; and "His Royal Highness" will, I am afraid, have to be contented with the high eulogiums that he has already received; for, it appears to me, that he is not likely to receive any more from that quarter. Whither he is to look for praises, in future, I cannot, I am sure, guess for the life of me; but, I will venture to say, that His Royal Highness is a personage not likely to give rise to any very violently interested feelings amongst any dozen of people on the habitable globe.

always ought to call her by that title), and the King of Rome, are to be separated from him, and that the former is to go to a Convent. They would do well to make a monk of him. One monk discovered gunpowder, and, I am sure, NAPOLEON has, in this respect, shown a true zeal for the discovery of his predecessor. I still think, however, that he will be divorced. The House of Austria will hardly endure to continue him as a relation; and, I dare say, that the Holy Father, will have little objection to relieve her from the dishonour of such an alliance. Perhaps NAPOLEON'S--This is only a beginning, I imagine: death is the most likely thing of all. It would remove numerous difficulties. We shall hear, I dare say, that, he has put an end to his existence; and then there is an end of him and his dynasty for ever. -We hear great boastings of the prowess of the allied powers; but, do what they will, they never can get rid of the fact of their having been all defeated by the armies of France; which armies, and under NAPOLEON too, have entered all their capitals. They have all been beaten, over and over again by France, and France alone. Their countries have all been subdued by Frenchmen; and, until the ruler of France matied amongst the ancient sovereigns, they were all together, unable to resist her prowess.-These are facts that never can RECOLONIZATION OF THE AMERICAN be gotten rid of. France has placed a king STATES.-It was easy to believe, that the in Spain, in Holland, in Naples, in Italy. enemies of freedom would, upon this ocShe has beaten all that she could reach; casion, turn their baleful eyes towards the and this will be recorded by history in spite of United States of America, and endeavour every thing that can now be done or said.- to stimulate our government, who, let us That the fall of NAPOLEON will be follow- hope, however, has too much sense to be ed by that of all his family and relations, so worked on, to wage a war for the dethere can be little doubt: and, indeed, the struction of liberty in the western world. allied sovereigns would be greatly to blame, But, I, who fully expected to see this, am upon their own principles, or upon any really astounded at the speed and the boldprinciples of sound policy, to suffer any of ness, with which the project has been them to remain in power. It was wise in brought forward in some of our public them, if they were able, wholly to extin- prints, especially the TIMES, which, in guish NAPOLEON himself; for they must plain terms, urges a war against the United have been very certain, that, with the States upon the same principles that the power of France in his hands, he would have close of the war has been carried on against annoyed them, and put them in peril, first NAPOLEON; and, indeed, which aims at or last. The same policy will dictate to the subjugation, re-occupation, and re-cothem the putting down of all the branches lonization of that country. -Before I of his family; but, I must confess, that I proceed any further, I shall insert the artidid not expect so soon to have heard a hint cle, which has called forth these observathrown out against his ROYAL HIGH- tions." It is understood that part of our NESS, the CROWN PRINCE OF SWE-army in France will be immediately transDEN, that worthy personage, of whom our ministers used to speak so much in praise; and who, be it remembered, was amongst the very first to take our money for the purposes of carrying on the war,

ferred to America, to finish the war there with the same glory as in Europe, and to place the peace on a foundation equally firm and lasting. Now, that the tyrant BUONAPARTE has been consigned to in

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