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which otherwise come forth, if they be found mischievous and libellous, the fire and the executioner will be the timeliest and the most effectuall remedy, that mans prevention can ufe. For this authentic Spanish policy of licencing books, if I have faid ought, will prove the most unlicenc't book it felf within a fhort while; and was the immediat image of a Star-chamber decree to that purpose made in thofe very times when that court did the rest of thofe her pious works, for which the is now fall'n from the Starres with Lucifer. Whereby ye may gueffe what kinde of State prudence, what love of the people, what care of Religion, or good manners there was at the contriving, although with


how it

fingular hypocrifie it pretended to bind books to their good behaviour. And gọt the upper hand of your precedent Order fo well conftituted before, if we may beleeve thofe men whose profeffion gives them caufe to enquire moft, it may be doubted there was in it the fraud of fome old patentees and monopolizers in the trade of book-felling; who under pretence of the poor in their Company not to be defrauded, and the just retaining of each man his feverall copy, which GOD forbid fhould be gainfaid, brought divers glofing colours to the House, which were indeed but colours, and serving to no end except it be to exercise a fuperiority over their neigh

neighbours, men who doe not therefore labour in an honeft profeffion to which learning is indetted, that they should be made other mens vaffalls. Another end is thought was aym'd at by fome of them in procuring by petition this Order, that having power in their hands, malignant books might the easier scape abroad, as the event fhews. But of thefe Sophifms and Elenchs of marchandize I skill not: This I know, that errors in a good government and in a bad are equally almoft incident; for what Magiftrate may not be mif-inform'd, and much the fooner, if liberty of printing be reduc't into the power of a few; but to redreffe willingly and

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fpeedily what hath bin err'd, and in higheft autority to efteem a plain advertisement more than others have done a fumptuous bribe, is a virtue (honour'd Lords and Commons) answerable to Your highest actions, and wherof none can participat but greatest and wifeft men.


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