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the romantic history of Scotland. One obvious advantage of this plan is, that it teaches geography as well as history. Mrs. Geldart is peculiarly happy in telling a tale to the young. She has the best of narrative styles, always light and genial, yet serious and earnest; and these Stories of Scotland,' so happily are they dressed in this style, will be read by many of the class for whom they are written with as much interest as the most fictitious tale. We may add, that the work is accompanied with a map, and illustrated by many engravings.

Bible Fruit for Little Children, gathered by the Rev. E. Mannering (J. Snow), is an attempt to convey some of the leading truths and more familiar facts of the Bible to the understandings and hearts of the youngest in the family circle. The style of its composition is the very simplest, and many flowers of happy anecdote and illustration has the author gathered with the Fruit.' The book reminds us of Todd's 'Lectures to Children,' and is exceedingly well adapted for use in the Infant Class.'

Bible Exercises, a Sabbath Recreation for Young People (J. F. Shaw), we confess, does not please us so well. It is an attempt to teach Scripture by means of riddle and acrostic. The work certainly displays great ingenuity, but it is an ingenuity that we cannot praise.

Our next work is one from the German of Dr. Barth with the taking title of The Weaver of Quellbrunn; or, the Roll of Cloth-translated by J. E. Ryland. Dr. Barth is well known as a talented and successful tale-writer; and there are undoubted indications of such talent in the present volume of Messrs. Paton and Ritchie's Nursery Library.' The tale is well told; and although the plot is somewhat faulty in its construction, its 'moral' is one for Christian children.

Scripture Subjects put into simple Verse for the Young, by E. Miller (J. Snow), is a collection of original verses on various Scripture subjects, adapted to impress the memory of a child. The verses have various degrees of merit, but, on the whole, the task is discharged with indifferent success.

The History of a Family Bible, a Tale of the American War; and The Casket Rifled, or Guilt and its Consequences, both by Mrs. Best (J. F. Shaw), are well designed to interest and instruct. The Family Bible,' however, is by far the better performance, more natural in style, though not perhaps better adapted to convey instruction.

Our last book is Mamma's own Riddle Book (Houlston and Stoneman), a very ingenious collection of riddles done into simple verse, and well calculated to make home cheerful,

'When tasks are completed, when lessons are done,
And night's sable curtains have shut out the sun.'

Monthly Retrospect.

EIGHTEEN-HUNDRED AND FIFTY-TWO has opened heavily for the prospects of peace and progress. On the first day of the first month,' Louis Napoleon went in state to Notre Dame Cathedral, to return thanks to GOD for the 'salvation of society' which he had been the humble instrument of accomplishing. Seven salvos of artillery proclaimed to Europe that the French people had responded, by seven millions and a half affirmative votes,* to his modest propositions-a ten years' Presidency, and a constitution modelled

The official statement of the plebiscitum was as follows:-Affirmative, 7,439,216; negative, 640,737; null, 36,880.

on that of the year VIII. [1799]. On the 14th, the constitution made its appearance. It is simply an organization of despotism on the basis of universal suffrage-absolutism, authorized by a democracy debauched or intimidated into the abdication of its functions-an arbitrary Ego expanded, by the self-abrogation of multitudinous units, into all the faculties of national life, executive, legislative, and administrative. The People elect, perhaps by direct suffrage, perhaps not-certainly not by ballot-a Corps Législatif for six years. The Corps Législatif pass the laws sent down by the Senate, and vote the taxes asked by the Ministry. The Senate, except the Cardinals, Marshals, and Admirals, is nominated by the President— its members, removable at his pleasure, and may or may not be compensated for their services by a salary not exceeding 1,2001. a-year-its business, to forward a stage the laws introduced by Ministers, and vote the President's civil list. The Council of State is nominated by the President-its functions, to advise with him, when invited, on affairs of state, and constitute his medium of communication with the Senate and Legislative. The Ministers are chosen by the President, and are responsible to him alone. The President is responsible to-the People, at the distance of one decade; the necessity of responsibility being slight from the triviality of his prerogatives the proclamation of any town or department in a state of siege, the making of war, and the conclusion of treaties. The temper in which these powers will be used, has been amply indicated. Parisand we know not how many of the departments-are still under martial law. Hundreds of prisoners have been transported, without public trial, or the specification of offence, to the pestilential swamps of Cayenne and French Guiana. Three lists of proscription have been issued—the first, sentencing to Cayenne or Algeria five leading members of the Mountain party—the second, seventeen illustrious writers and generals to exile-the third, sixty-six Republican ex-representatives, to banishment; the penalty of disobedience, transportation. The censorship of the press is as severe as in Russia. The National Guard is disbanded. Lastly, the property of the Orleans family is virtually confiscated; and MM. Morny and Fould have given way to men yet more unscrupulous than they.

Quite naturally, proximity to this military dictatorship, with an immense army in pay, and under the necessity of giving it employment, is felt to be an uncomfortable if not dangerous position. Belgium and Switzerland, there is much cause to fear, will early fall a prey to the ambition, the fanaticism, or the necessities of the tyrant. Ground of quarrel it will be easy enough to find. Already the Government of the former country has commenced to temper the duties of hospitality with the instincts of selfpreservation. The cantons are only the more in danger from the fact of their having formerly given an asylum to the present scourge of France; for bad men forgive benefits less easily than injuries. The traditions of the Revolution as well as of the Empire, claim the Rhine for the eastern boundary of France. It can scarcely be conceived that he whose every act is motived and vindicated by the example of mon oncle,' can abstain from the imitation of his belligerent genius. It is not impossible that, strengthened by alliance with Austria and Russia, the eagle may be let fly at higher game, and England be at once singled out for attack, in the

hope, of at least, humiliating and crippling her. So wide-spread is the impression that war may be forced upon us at a moment's notice-not only for the maintenance of treaties to which we are a party, or in aid of nations whom it would be an intolerable dishonour to refuse to succour, but even in defence of our own insular territory-that the excitement is without parallel in the memory of the present generation. We remember the Russophobia of 1837-40, and the invasion-panic of two or three years since. We are bound to declare that the feeling at present manifested differs widely from either of these-is infinitely more spontaneous and reasonable in its origin, if inebriate and even ludicrous in some of its displays. At the same time, we earnestly trust that no pretext for umbrage will be given to the unprincipled adventurer who now holds in leash the dogs of war; and that our fellow-countrymen will not suffer themselves to be diverted for one moment from the pursuit of domestic reforms, nor suffer themselves to be further taxed for means of defence until our existing establishments are rendered as effective as talent and honesty can make them.

The ecclesiastico-political incidents of the month are numerous, and suggestive of more extended remark than we can bestow upon them.The promoters of the Declaration in support of the Royal supremacy over the Church having obtained 3,262 signatures to that document, have transmitted it to the primates, by whom it was graciously received. Two other and vivid illustrations of the good order secured by that supremacy have been afforded. Mr. Gladstone, minister of Long Acre Episcopal Chapel, having spoken of his diocesan as a 'traitor,' or an abettor of treason, to the truth, was summoned to the presence of his lord, and required to retract. Refusing so to do, he was served with an 'inhibition;' notwithstanding which, he continues to preach, incurring thereby the unknown 'terrors of the law' as administered by the Court of Arches. Meanwhile, Mr. Bennett, whose expulsion from St. Barnabas every one remembers, is presented to the vicarage of Frome, by a lady patron, the Dowager Marchioness of Bath. The Evangelical clergy and laity of Frome entreat her ladyship to forbear the infliction upon them of an heretical pastor; but are simply informed, 'What I have done, I have done.' They next betake themselves to the Bishop of Bath and Wells; from whose antecedents one is not surprised to learn that he has full confidence in Mr. Bennett's soundness in the faith. When ye are persecuted in one' diocese, 'flee ye to another.'-The Anti-Maynooth agitation has been commenced with considerable vigour by the Protestant Alliance; and an auxiliary clerical movement has been initiated by Dr. Croly and the Archdeaconry of London. Meetings have been held at Edinburgh, Manchester, Hull, Derby, and other places. The last mentioned was converted into an anti-state-church demonstration; the Rev. W. Griffiths proposing and carrying an amendment, denouncing all state endowments of religion. Anti-state-churchmen generally may be disinclined to defeat the object for which a public meeting is got up; but they owe it to themselves and their principles not to suffer a section of the inhabitants of a locality to petition the Legislature in the name of that locality against the Maynooth endowment alone. It is perilous to work for a good end in bad company-it is all but fatal to

truth so to utter it as to make it do the work of falsehood. The observation and reflection of the past month has confirmed the suspicion we expressed in our last-that identification with the Alliance, in this division of its labours, is unwise and uncalled for. Conscience requires us to demand the discontinuance of all religious payments by the State-judgment may or may not indicate Maynooth as a favourable point of approach. In any case, if we lay one hand upon the Popish college, let us fasten the other on the Anglo-Irish Establishment. Practically, and as a matter of detail worth observing, we say to our friends-Put the Church first, and the College second, upon the bills that convene your meetings; take care to be first in the field, lest the simple 'Protestant' get possession of the local ear; and appeal to the working men (Irish included) of your districts—their alliance may be of little value just now, but their hostility is much to be deprecated. The Scottish Voluntaries, we observe with much pleasure, are once more arousing themselves. Drs. King, Thomson, and Beattie, have put forth some 'Suggestions' of exertion on Parliament and the public, which can scarcely be neglected, and could not fail to be highly serviceable.-The Public School Association (the seculars) have drafted their scheme into a parliamentary bill, and had an interview, by deputation, with Lord John Russell, who gave them about as much encouragement as he gave the Entwisle deputation. The Voluntaries have also sought, through Mr. Morley, of London, and the Rev. J. A. Pearce, of Manchester, an interview; which was declined on the ground that Government had no intention of moving in the matter next session. We have, therefore, another year's armistice from legislative aggression-let us prepare the more thoroughly for the contest that is only postponed.



The annual public meeting of the London Congregational Chapel Building Society was held in the Poultry chapel on the 14th ult., the Lord Mayor presiding. From the very able and interesting Report presented by the secretary, Mr Davies, it appears that this society, though little more than three years old, has been the means of building, or of helping to build, or of preserving, no fewer than seven places of worship-viz., City-road chapel; Bedford New-town chapel; Horbury chapel; Notting-hill; Haverstock-hill chapel; St. John's-wood chapel; Portland chapel, Portland-town; Notting-dale Potteries chapel; and Battle-bridge chapel. Two of these edifices, St. John's-wood and Battle-bridge chapel, are not yet built, but, we believe, the works on them will shortly be commenced. In addition to these, the society has purchased an eligible site in the neighbourhood of Nunhead (Peckham Rye); another site has been secured at Bayswater, and the committee, it is further stated, are in treaty for the purchase of sites at Stoke Newington, Wandsworth-road, Blackheath, and Chelsea. Remarking on the present insufficiency of chapel accommodation in the metropolis and neighbourhood, the Report showed that the population of London consisted of more than two millions and a quarter of human souls, and that it is being augmented yearly by an addition of not less than 40,000; and that the accommodation for public worship provided by all denominations, including Romanists and Unitarians, does not amount to 700,000. If we deduct the proportion of this accommodation which is identified with Romanism, Tractarianism, and Unitarianism,

we can hardly estimate the provision for evangelical teaching and worship at much more than 500,000.' We call the earnest attention of our readers to the concluding sentences of this Report: In a properly evangelized community, we ought to be able to reckon upon the attendance of at least one-half of the population of the Sabbath at one time, but here is not provision for a quarter of the people. Five hundred places of worship, then, containing, on an average, 1,000 each, are needed to overtake the existing deficiency, while at least twenty additional should be erected annually, to meet the influx of 40,000 which is pouring into our midst every year. Such facts as these prove that there is "ample room and verge enough for the extension of every denomination, while they constitute an imperative demand for vastly increased effort and liberality in the prosecution of this noble work.' After the reading of this Report, the meeting was addressed by Dr. Leifchild, Mr. Ald. Wire, Rev. Geo. Smith Mr. Morley, Mr. Eusebius Smith, and Mr. Stoughton, in support of the resolutions approving of the object of the society, and asking for increased support. It was stated by one of the speakers that one lady had given 2,000l. to the society. Large subscriptions were also announced, and the Lord Mayor subscribed twenty guineas.


The annual meeting of this body was held on the 16th ult. (J. R. Mills, Esq., in the chair), and its proceedings were of more than ordinary interest. The Report stated that the deputies had decided on petitioning against the Maynooth grant, and also to continue their efforts to effect the repeal of the law which prohibited marriage with a deceased wife's sister. An intention was also expressed of publishing an abstract of the evidence taken before the committee of the House of Commons on church-rates. The Educational Controversy was likewise referred to. After alluding to the difficulty of separating secular from religious instruction, the Report complained of the existing system, and many of the alterations made in it, as opposed to religious freedom. At present, in the National Schools, which absorbed 78 per cent. of the whole grant, there was a new religious test established, inasmuch as the Church Catechism was, in effect, made compulsory. Lord J. Russell, by giving his sanction to such a system, was acting counter to his own declared principles. The committee declared, in conclusion, their opinion that the administration of the education grant by the Committee of Privy Council was unconstitutional, unjust to the Dissenters, and dangerous to the principles of civil and religious liberty. After the Report was read a discussion followed, principally on church and education rates. At the close of the meeting, in acknowledging the vote of thanks to himself, the chairman said that he saw every day, more and more plainly, symptoms of the great question of the separation of Church and State coming prominently up before the public mind.' Is it too rash to express hope that the Dissenting Deputies will do something towards bringing this great question before the public mind?


THE CONGREGATIONAL BOARD OF EDUCATION has caused to be delivered during the past month a course of lectures on Religious and Voluntary Education' at the principal places of worship in the suburbs of the metropolis. On the 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th, the Rev. Andrew Reed, of Norwich, gave a lecture on Educational Parties -their Present Position,' at Dalston, Horbury, City-road, and Hackney chapels respectively. On the 16th and 23rd, at Camden-town and Trevor chapels, Mr. Viney, of Bethnal Green, lectured on Education-its Nature and Importance;' while Mr. Conder, of Leeds, treated the subject of Voluntary Education-its Principles and Prospects,' at the British Institution, Cowper-street, at Tottenham-court-road chapel, and at the Kentish-town British school-rooms, on the evenings of January 20th, 22nd, and 23rd. The lectures were, on the whole, well attended.- -A CONFERENCE of the friends of voluntary and unsectarian education' is to be held in Manchester, on Monday evening, February 2nd, in the Baptist chapel, Grosvenor-street, and by adjournment, to a morning sitting in the Free-trade Hall, on Tuesday, February 3rd, under the auspices of the VOLUNTARY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION. An aggregate meeting (under the united auspices of the Voluntary School Association, and of the Congregational Board of Education) of the friends of voluntary and unsectarian education, who are opposed to all Government grants and local taxation for education, will be held in the Free-trade Hall, in the evening, when a deputation from London and other places will be present and address the meeting.A deputation from the NATIONAL PUBLIC SCHOOL ASSOCIATION has had an interview with the Premier since our last. It was composed of several members of Parliament, and of gentlemen representing various denominations. The Premier, in a very Delphic reply to observations made, said that one thing he saw with great satisfaction was that, although there had been a protest by the Society of Friends in Manchester, the great body of the ratepayers there were

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