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Numbers xxiv. 17....1167
Deuteronomy vi. 6, 7....45

1 Kings ix. 28....350

2 Kings xviii. 13-16; 2 Chronicles xxxii. 7....

2 Kings xviii. 17-37; Isaiah xxxvi., xxxvii.

2 Kings xix. 9....1191

2 Kings xix. 9; Isaiah xx. 5; Nahum iii. 9;
Acts viii. 27....348

2 Kings xix. 15-19....1190

2 Kings xix. 37; Isaiah xxxvii 38....1192

1 Chronicles v. 19; Joshua xiii. 13....483

Ezra iv. 2....1193

Psalm 1xviii. 31; lxxii. 9, 11, 15; Isaiah 1x.

6, 7....554

Psalm lxxxiii. 6....482

Psalm exxvi. 5, 6....1195

Proverbs xxiii. 7....1050, 1154

Isaiah x. 8-11....1093

Isaiah xxi. 16, 17....483

Isaiah xxxv. 7....347

Jeremiah xiii. 23; Isaiah xlv. 14....349

Jeremiah xlix. 16; Malachi i. 6; Ezekiel
Xxxv. 15....347

Jeremiah xlix. 16, 17; Ezekiel xxxv. 3-9; Ma
lachi i. 4; Isaiah xxxiv. 10, 11, 13....255,

Ezekiel xxx. 14-16; Jeremiah xlvi. 19....576
Ezekiel xxxvii. 22....349

Daniel iv. 35; Acts xvii. 26....345

Nahum iii 8, 9....575

[blocks in formation]

The one loaf taken into the ship by the disciples,

Thorne, Mr. J., of Williton, mentioned, 937
"Times newspaper, The, quoted, on the
utility of the Great Exhibition, 577
Travelling Preacher, a, of former times, 1217
Tycho Brahe, account of a new star seen by, 1167

Unitarians, Dr. Hamilton's controversy with
the, 174-in America, referred to, 277
Utraquist, origin of the name, 1211


A patrician poet's estimate of poetry, 697
A tempting offer, 183

Abyssinian hospitality, 806

Advice to a law-student, 594
Am I a friend to the people ? 394
An author's disappointment, 882
An excellent substitute, 183
An incident in camp-life, 1117
Chaucer and the Exhibition," 1116
Churches in Greece, 592
Copper-mines of Lake Superior, 593
Eulogics on the dead, 77
Extinguishing fire without water, 805
Floating baths on the Rhine, 76
Gossiping Nuns, 77

Heights of the Caucasus, 806
High notions among lunatics, 77
Importance of chemistry, 1117
Instinct of plants, 76
Jews in Palestine, 1116
Lamartine's Memoirs, 1009

Latin and labour, 593

Life assurance, 592

Literary traits of Berlin, 1009

Michael's Hebrew library, 698

Morning hymn, 882

Mottoes, 593

New remedy for short-sightedness, 182
Nothing new under the sun, 693
Origin of the word “ beggar," 1117
Paganini, 697

Russian churches, 805

Spectacles, 394

Statistics of poetry, 882

Supply of water to Rome and London, 806

The faithlessness of Rome, 394

The most ancient flora, 697

The progress of America, 1008

The Red Indians, 693

Wade, Mr., quoted, on the practicability of
establishing new schools in places supposed to
be already sufficiently supplied, 365
Waldenses, early Bishops of the, described, 36—
brightening prospects of the, 993. See also

Wales, popularity of Sabbath-schools in, 872
Washington and Napoleon, compared, 32
Watson, Rev. Richard, letter to, from Mr.
Wilberforce, 781-quoted, 633

Wesley, Miss, letters of, 855

Wesley, Rev. John, views of, on education,
referred to, 54, 55-letter of, to the Rev. John
Fletcher, 56-letters of, to Miss Marston, 335
-a slander upon, refuted, 354-early visit of,
to Manchester, 556-a strange prediction attri-
buted to, noticed, 557; disclaimed, 682-—
charge of mutilating the Journal of, answered,
1095; withdrawn, 1098

Wesleyan Methodism, in its principles and re-
sults, a work of God, 643-the present agita-
tions in, 643-blessing specially needed by,
645-the system of, contrasted with that of
Congregational Independency, 689-pastoral
observations on the original design and present
circumstances of, 907-principles and duties
suggested by the recent controversy in, 965—
works relating to the dissensions in, reviewed,
280, 382, 689; noticed, 75, 180, 1005, 1220
Wesselus, of Groningen, account of, 1215
"While stone," symbol of the, explained, 685
Wilberforce, William, interest of, in behalf of
the Negro, 781

Wilson's "Lands of the Bible," quoted, 345,
346, 350, 351

Wood, Mr. James, of Manchester, mentioned,


Worshippers, irregular, a word to, 790

Writing and literature, in the early ages of the
world, 580

Xavier, Mission of, to India, 859

Ximenes, Cardinal, facts overlooked by the eulo-
gists of, 493

Zeal, true and false, difference between, 850
Ziethen, General Von, anecdote of, 569


Baker, Miss Sarah, 499
Baker, Mrs., 713

Barnes, Mr. Thomas, 709
Burnop, Mrs., 811
Chapman, Mrs., 1121
Clemetshaw, Mrs., 598
Cousin, Mrs., 1123
Cross, Mrs., 82
Greenwood, Mrs., 600
Harris, Mr. Thomas, 706
Haughey, Miss Mary, 812
Hillman, Mrs., 813
Holroyd, Mrs., 1019
Johnson, Mrs., 599
Long, Mr. Robert, 290
Merchant, Mrs., 711
Morris, Miss, 501

Ozanne, Mr. James, sen., 712
Plant, Mr. Benjamin, 83
Remmington, Miss M., 291
Rigby, Mrs., 1020

Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth, 596
Smith, Mrs. Mary, 597
Stephenson, Mrs., 810
Sutcliffe, Mrs., 83

Taft, Rev. Zechariah, 1120

Taylor, Mr. Thomas, 595
Woodhead, Mrs., 809

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Bell, Rev. Alexander, 503
Bennett, Mr. John, 1221
Bennett, Mrs., 1023
Binns, Mr. William, 602
Bird, Mrs., 189
Boothby, Mrs., 1022
Bourne, Mrs., 1127
Bradford, Miss, 1126
Brandram, Rev. Andrew,
M.A., 187
Breckon, Mrs., 86
Brown, Mr. James, 1126
Browning, Mr. Caleb, 188
Buckingham, Mrs., 396
Budgett, Samuel, Esq., 606
Bush, Mrs., 396
Butcher, Mrs., 1128
Buxton, Mr. Samuel, 397
Caley, Mr. Hugh, 604
Cannell, Miss A., 604
Cannell, Mr. John, 1023
Carpenter, Miss Jane, 1022
Carrick, Mr. Jackson, 1125
Caterer, Mrs., 87
Chapman, Mrs., 1125
Chiswell, Mrs., 604

Chivers, Mr. Jesse, 603
Claigue, Mr. John, 400
Clarke, Mr. D., 815

Clayton, Rev. Benjamin, 1222
Clemence, Mr. William, 190
Collier, Mrs., 192
Collinson, Mr. James, 601
Colton, Mr. Samuel, 605
Cooke, Mr. James, 816
Cornwall, Mrs., 714
Cox, Rev. Henry B., 606
Craske, Miss, 1126
Craven, Mrs., 187
Dalton, Mrs., 189
Dean, Mr. George, 189
De Bock, Miss Mary, 1022
Denham, Mrs., 1023
Denton, Rev. Jolin, 399
Dewherst, Mr. Thomas, 601
Dickenson, Mr. William, 187
Dixon, Mrs. Elizabeth, 602
Dixon, Mrs. Sarah, 605
Douglas, Mrs., 88
Emmet, Miss Sarah E., 602
England, Mrs., 187, 296

*By mistake printed Ayland.



Evans, Mr. William, 1022
Ferguson, Mr. John, 397
Fielden, Mrs., 1221
Fort, Mr. Abraham, 86
Fowler, Rev. Joseph, 400
Fox, Mrs., 504
France, Rev. William, 87
Francis, Mr. James, 1221
Frid, Mr. Thomas, 294
Furneaux, Mr. John, 1024
Furneaux, Mrs., 399
Gaggin, Mrs., 190
Gardner, Mr. John, 86
Gempson, Mr. James, 400
Gosse, Mrs., 295
Gray, Mrs., 398

Green, Mr. Edward, 602
Green, Mr. William, 504
Greenwood, Mr. Elijah, 1126
Gridley, Miss Emma B., 502
Hackett, Mrs., 1126
Hallam, Mr. John, 504
Hammond, Mrs., 714
Hancock, Mrs., 605

Harcourt, James, Esq., 190

Hardcastle, Mr. Edward, 191

Harding, Mr. Isaac, 604

Harding, Mrs., 87

Hardman, Mr. James, 606

Hardwick, Mr. Robert, 188
Harris, Mrs., 295
Harwood, Mrs., 816
Hayes, Mr. James, 189
Hayman, Mr. William, 1128
Hazlehurst, Mrs., 397
Heape, Mr. David, 603
Hedley, Mr. Robert, 1126
Hindley, Mrs., 188
Hogbin, Mrs., 1024
Hollis, Mrs., 192
Holloway, Mr. J. B., 814
Holmes, Mr. William, 396
Holt, Mr. Thomas, 397
Hooker, Mrs., 1127
Hoole, Miss Eliza, 504
Horington, Adah, 1022
Howarth, Mrs., 815
Howden, Mrs., 296
Huff, Miss Mary, 816
Humble, Mr. John, 1126
Hunter, Mr. John, 1126
Hutchinson, Ann, 188
Ingham, Mr. William, 296

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Jaques, Mr. Stacey, 1022
Jenkins, Mrs. David, 816
Jenkins, Mrs. Elizabeth, 398
Jones, Mr. Evan, 39:
Jones, Mrs. Juliet, 604
Jones, Mrs., of Hinckley, 400
Jones, Mrs., of Liverpool, 85
Jones, Rev. John, 695
Jopling, Mrs, 604

Joyce, Mr. William, 398
Judd, Mrs., 1126
Kedgley, Mrs., 86

Keeling, Rev. Ralph R., 1127
Kent, Mr. Thomas, 399
Kirkley, Mr. Nicholas, 816
Ladd, Mr. Thomas, 503
Lawn, Mrs., 85

Leach, Mr. Jonathan, 396
Lean, Mr. John, 188
Lee, Mrs., 88

Lewis, Mr. William, 190
Lindley, Mrs., 397

Littlewood, Mr. William, 603
Llewellyn, Captain G., 296
Mackie, Mr. James, 192

Mackley, Mr. John, 189

Maggs, Mrs., 1128
Mannering, Mrs., 294
Marchant, Mr. George, 714

Marriott, Thomas, Esq., 1222
Marsden, Mr. John, 815

Martin, Mr. Henry, 86

May, Mrs., 815

Meggitt, Mrs., 601

Meldrum, Mrs., 603
Mobbs, Mrs., 714
Morgan, Mr. Thomas, 397
Morris, Mary, 815
Mortlock, Mr. Philip, 191
Mousir, Mr. Alfred, 188
Napier, Mrs., 296

Nelson, Mrs., 192
Norton, Mr. William, 88
Oakden, Mrs., 396
Oglethorpe, Mr. Joseph, 192
Olin, Stephen, D.D., LL.D.,


Overend, Mary, 1125

Overend, Mrs., 602

Owens, Mrs., 88




Pemberton, Rev. William, 714
Perks, Mrs., 396

Perriton, Mr. Amos, 400
Petch, Mrs., 85
Plumb, Miss Eliza, 295
Pomfret, Mr. John, 606
Pontefract, Miss C. J., 295
Powell, Mr. Richard, 187
Price, Mrs., 86
Procter, Mrs., 1023
Prosser, Mrs., 87
Radford, Mr. Samuel, 503
Randall, Mr. James, 1222
Reval, Mrs., 603
Rholes, Mrs., 399
Richards, Mr. William, 1128
Ripley, Robert, M.D., 1024
Roberts, Mr. G., 86
Rutter, Mrs., 88
Sackett, Rev. Edward, 188
Sanderson, Mrs., 399
Sedger, Mrs., 1126
Sellers, Mr. John, 188
Shaw, Mr. John, 397
Shaw, Mrs., 296

Sheidow, Mr. Thomas, 1022
Shepherd, Mrs., 191
Shoar, Mrs., 190

Skead, Mrs., 1023
Smith, Isaac, Esq., 294
Smith, Miss Eliza, 294
Smith, Miss Rhoda, 1127
Smith, Mr. David, 191
Smith, Mr. William, 601
Smith, Mrs., 504
Smith, Mrs. Ellen, 296
Smith, Mrs. Mary, 817
Spilman, Mr. John, 295
Stephenson, Mrs., 605
Stokes, Mrs., 714

Stokes, Rev. William, 1024
Sutcliffe, Mr. Robert, 605
Toft, Mrs., 604
Taylor, Mrs., 396
Thompson, Mr. Thomas, 603
Thompson, Mrs., 816
Tooley, Miss Emily, 815
Trotter, Mr. Thomas, 605
Truscott, Joseph B., 1024
Turner, Mr. Jonathan, 604
Turton, Rev. Isaac, 606
Venning, Miss Mary, 1128


Willy, Mrs., 605

Woodroffe, Alderman, 190
Wodrow, Rev. John, 191
Woolley, Mrs., 1128
Young, Mrs., 1021


who have died during the
year, Conference account
of the:
Atherton, William, 914
Bell, Alexander, 917
Bumstead, James, 1014
Calder, Frederick, 1013
Campbell, John, 1014
Collier, Francis, 1013
Crabtree, Abraham, 1013
Cubitt, George, 915
Denton, John, 918
Elam, John, 1011
Flower, Thomas, 919
Fowler, Joseph, 918
France, William, 914

Golding, James, 1011
Hodgson, Thomas L., 1015
Jones, John, 1st, 919
M'Cutchan, James, 1015
Parry, Evan, 916
Pemberton, William, 1011
Posnet, Leonard, 912
Sackett, Edward, 916
Stanley, Jacob, sen., 913
Sullivan, James, 1015
Talboys, Thomas, 1014
Thompson, Edward S., 1016
Turton, Isaac, 920
Vevers, William, 914
Wilkinson, William, 1011
Womersley, Joseph, 920
Wood, Robert, 1012
Woodrow, John, 916


January, REV. J. BEECHAM,
D.D., President of
the Conference.

February, REV. J. JENKINS.



Oxford, Mrs., 295

Paine, Mr. Jonathan, 400

Parker, Margaret, 1222
Parks, Miss Mary, 1024
Parry, Rev. Evan, 503
Pattison, Mrs., 338
Pawley, Miss Sarah A., 294
Payne, Mr. Robert, 1221
Peake, Mrs., 601

Pearce, Mrs., 602

Peart, Mr. James, 1021


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