EDINBURGH NEW 2441 PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL, EXHIBITING A VIEW OF THE PROGRESSIVE DISCOVERIES AND IMPROVEMENTS IN THE SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. CONDUCTED BY ROBERT JAMESON, REGIUS PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY, LECTURER ON MINERALOGY, AND KEEPER OF Fellow of the Royal Societies of London and Edinburgh; Honorary Member of the Royal Irish Academy; of the APRIL....OCTOBER 1839. VOL. XXVII. TO BE CONTINUED QUARTERLY. EDINBURGH: ADAM & CHARLES BLACK, EDINBURGH; 1839. Page ART. I. Historical Eloge of Antoine-Laurent Jussieu. M. FLOURENS, Perpetual Secretary of the Aca- II. On the comparative merits of the Reflecting Micro- scope of Sir David Brewster, and the Catadiop- tric Engiscope of Professor Amici of Modena; with an account of a new Reflecting Telescope for Terrestrial Objects. By CHARLES R. Go- RING, M.D. Communicated by the Author, III. On the Expansive Action of Steam in some of the Pumping Engines on the Cornish Mines. By WILLIAM JORY HENWOOD, F.G.S., Secretary of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall, H.M. Assay-Master of Tin in the Duchy of Cornwall, IV. On Water-Spouts. By HANS CHRISTIAN ERSTED, Professor of Natural Philosophy in the Univer- General nature of Water Spouts, Colour and Transparency of Water-Spouts, Formation and Phenomena of Water-Spouts, On the actual nature of a Water-Spout, V. Experiments and Observations on the Temperature of Artesian Springs or Wells, in Mid-Lothian, 1. On the Principles of the Classification of Soils, 2. The Characters of Soils in relation to Agriculture, 3. Relative value of Characters, |