Mac. By Chrish la, tish ill done: the work ish| And the flesh'd soldier,—rough and hard of heart,— give over, the trumpet sound the retreat. By my In liberty of bloody hand, shall range hand, I swear, and by my father's soul, the work With conscience wide as hell; mowing like grass ish ill done; it ish give over: I would have blowed Your fresh-air virgins, and your flowering infants. up the town, so Chrish save me, la, in an hour. What is it then to me, if impious war, O, tish ill done, tish ill done; by my hand, tish ill Array'd in flames, like to the prince of fiends,done! Do, with his smirch'd2 complexion, all fell3 feats Flu. Captain Macmorris, I peseech you now, will Enlink'd to waste and desolation? you vouchsafe me, look you, a few disputations with What is't to me, when you yourselves are cause, you? as partly touching or concerning the disci- If your pure maidens fall into the hand plines of the war, the Roman wars, in the way of Of hot and forcing violation? argument, look you, and friendly communication; What rein can hold licentious wickedness, partly, to satisfy my opinion, and partly, for the When down the hill he holds his fierce career? satisfaction, look you, of my mind, as touching the We may as bootless spend our vain command direction of the military discipline; that is the point. Upon the enraged soldiers in their spoil, Jamy. It sall be very gud, gud feith, gud cap- As send precepts to the Leviathan tains both and I sall quit1 you with gud leave, as To come ashore. Therefore, you men of Harfleur, I may pick occasion; that sall I, marry. Take pity of your town, and of your people, Mac. It is no time to discourse, so Chrish save Whiles yet my soldiers are in my command; me, the day is hot, and the weather, and the wars, Whiles yet the cool and temperate wind of grace and the king, and the dukes; it is no time to dis-O'erblows the filthy and contagious clouds course. The town is beseeched, and the trumpet Of deadly murder, spoil, and villany. calls us to the breach; and we talk, and, by Chrish, If not, why, in a moment, look to see do nothing; 'tis shame for us all: so God sa' me, The blind and bloody soldier with foul hand 'tis shame to stand still; it is shame, by my hand: Defile the locks of your shrill-shrieking daughters; and there is throats to be cut, and works to be done; Your fathers taken by the silver beards, and there ish nothing done, so Chrish sa' me, la. And their most reverend heads dash'd to the walls; Jamy. By the mess, ere theise eyes of mine take Your naked infants spitted upon pikes; themselves to slumber, aile do gude service, or aile Whiles the mad mothers with their howls confus'd ligge i'the grund for it; ay, or go to death; and Do break the clouds, as did the wives of Jewry aile pay it as valorously as I may, that sall I surely At Herod's bloody-hunting slaughtermen. do, that is the breff and the long: Mary, I wad full What say you? will you yield, and this avoid? fain heard some question 'tween you tway. Or, guilty in defence, be thus destroy'd? Flu. Captain Macmorris, I think, look you, under your correction, there is not many of your nation Gov. Our expectation hath this day an end: The dauphin, whom of succour we entreated, Returns us-that his powers are not yet ready Mac. Of my nation? What ish my nation? ish To raise so great a siege. Therefore, dread king, a villain, and a bastard, and a knave, and a rascal? We yield our town, and lives, to thy soft mercy: What ish my nation? Who talks of my nation? Enter our gates; dispose of us, and ours; Flu. Look you, if you take the matter otherwise For we no longer are defensible. than is meant, captain Macmorris, peradventure, I K. Hen. Open your gates.-Come, uncle Exeter, shall think you do not use me with that affability as Go you and enter Harfleur; there remain, in discretion you ought to use me, look you; being And fortify it strongly 'gainst the French: as goot a man as yourself, both in the disciplines Use mercy to them all. For us, dear uncle,of wars, and in the derivation of my birth, and in The winter coming on, and sickness growing other particularities. Upon our soldiers,-we'll retire to Calais. Mac. I do not know you so good a man as my-To-night in Harfleur will we be your guest; self: so Chrish save me, I will cut off your head. Gow. Gentlemen both, you will mistake each other. Jamy. Au! that's a foul fault. [A parley sounded. Flu. Captain Macmorris, when there is more better opportunity to be required, look you, I will be so bold as to tell you, I know the disciplines of war; and there is an end. [Exeunt. To-morrow for the march are we addrest." [Flourish. The King, &c. enter the town. SCENE IV.-Rouen. A room in the palace. Enter Katharine and Alice. Kath. Alice, tu as esté en Angleterre, et tu parles bien le language. Alice. Un peu, madame. Alice. Le main? elle est appellée, de hand. Alice. Les doigts? ma foy, je oublie les doigts; mais je me souviendray. Les doigts? je pense, qu'ils sont appellé de fingres; ouy, de fingres. Kath. Le main, de hand; les doigts, de fingres. Je pense, que je suis le bon escolier. Jay gagné deux mots d'Anglois vistement, Comment appellez vous les ongles? Alice. Les ongles ? les appellons, de nails. (1) Requite, answer. (2) Soiled. (3) Cruel. (4) Without suceess. (5) Prepared, Kath. Dites moy en Anglois, le bras. Kath. De elbow. Je m'en faitz la repetition de tous les mots, que vous m'avez appris dès a present. Alice. Il est trop difficile, madame, comme je pense. Kath. Excusez moy, Alice; escoutez: De hand, de fingre, de nails, de arm, de bilbow. Alice. De elbow, madame. Decoct their cold blood to such valiant heat? Upon our houses' thatch, whiles a more frosty Sweat drops of gallant youth in our rich fields; Our madams mock at us; and plainly say, Kath. O Seigneur Dieu! je m'en oublie; De el- Their bodies to the lust of English youth, bow. Comment appellez vous le col ? Alice. De neck, madame. Kath. De neck: Et le menton ? Alice. De chin. Kath. De sin. Le col, de neck: le menton, de sin. Alice. Ouy. Sauf vostre honneur; en verité vous prononces les mots aussi droict que les natifs d'Angleterre. Kath. Je ne doute point d'apprendre par la grace de Dieu; et en peu de temps." Alice. N'avez vous pas deja oublié ce que je vous ay enseignée ? Kath. Non, je reciteray à vous promptement. De hand, de fingre, de mails. Alice. De nails, madame. Kath. De nails, de arme, de ilbow. To new-store France with bastard warriors. And teach lavoltas" high, and swift corantos; Fr. King. Where is Montjoy, the herald? speed Let him greet England with our sharp defiance.- For your great seats, now quit you of great shames. Alice. De foot, madame; et de con. Bar Harry England, that sweeps through our land Kath. De foot, et de con? O Seigneur Dieu! With penons painted in the blood of Harfleur: ces sont mots de son mauvais, corruptible, grosse, Rush on his host, as doth the melted snow et impudique, et non pour les dames d'honneur Upon the valleys; whose low vassal seat d'user: Je ne voudrois prononcer ces mots devant The Alps doth spit and void his rheum upon : les seigneurs de France, pour tout le monde. Go down upon him,-you have power enough,faut de foot, et de con, néant-moins. Je reciterai And in a captive chariot, into Rouen une autre fois ma leçon ensemble: De hand, de Bring him our prisoner. fingre, de nails, de arm, de elbow, de neck, de sin, de foot, de cop. Alice. Excellent, madame! Con. This becomes the great. Sorry am I, his numbers are so few, His soldiers sick, and famish'd in their march; Kath. C'est assez pour une fois; allons nous a For, I am sure, when he shall see our army, disner. [Exeunt. He'll drop his heart into the sink of fear, SCENE V-The same. Another room in the And, for achievement, offer us his ransom. same. Enter the French King, the Dauphin, Duke of Bourbon, the Constable of France, and others. Fr. King. 'Tis certain, he hath pass'd the river Con. And if he be not fought withal, my lord, Let us not live in France; let us quit all, Montjoy: Fr. King. Therefore, lord constable, haste on Fr. King. Be patient, for you shall remain with US. Now, forth, lord constable, and princes all; Dau. O Dieu vivant! shall a few sprays of us,-And quickly bring us word of England's fall. The emptying of our fathers' luxury,1 Our scions, put in wild and savage stock, Spirt up so suddenly into the clouds, And overlook their grafters? Bour. Normans, but bastard Normans, Norman bastards! Mort de ma vie! if they march along Unfought withal, but I will sell my dukedom, To buy a slobbery and a dirty farm In that nook-shotten2 isle of Albion. [Exeunt. SCENE VI.-The English camp in Picardy. Gow. How now, captain Fluellen? come you from the bridge? Flu. I assure you, there is very excellent service committed at the pridge. Gow. Is the duke of Exeter safe? Flu. The duke of Exeter is as magnanimous as Con. Dieu de baltailes! where have they this Agamemnon; and a man that I love and honour mettle? Is not their climate foggy, raw, and dull? with my soul, and my heart, and my duty, and my life, and my livings, and my uttermost powers: he is not (Got be praised, and plessed!) any hurt in the 'orld; but keeps the pridge most valiantly, with excellent discipline. There is an ensign there at (4) Dances. (5) Pendants, small flags. the pridge,-I think, in my very conscience, he is bravely, who was shot, who disgraced, what terms as valiant as Mark Antony; and he is a man of no the enemy stood on; and this they con perfectly in with new estimation in the 'orld: but I did see him do gal-the phrase of war, which they trick the general's lant service. Gow. What do you call him? Enter Pistol. Flu. Do you not know him? Here comes the man. Pist. Captain, I thee beseech to do me favours: The duke of Exeter doth love thee well. Flu. Ay, I praise Got; and I have merited some love at his hands. tuned oaths: And what a beard of Flu. I tell you what, captain Gower;-I do perceive he is not the man that he would gladly make show to the 'orld he is; if I find a hole in his coat, I will tell him my mind. [Drum heard.] Hark you, the king is coming; and I must speak with him Pist. Bardolph, a soldier, firm and sound of from the pridge. Of buxom valour,' hath,-by cruel fate, That stands upon the rolling restless stone, Enter King Henry, Gloster, and soldiers. Flu. Got pless your majesty! K. Hen. How now, Fluellen? camest thou from the bridge? Flu. By your patience, ancient Pistol. Fortune Flu. Ay, so please your majesty. The duke of is painted plind, with a muffler before her eyes, to Exeter has very gallantly maintained the pridge; signify to you that fortune is plind: And she is the French is gone off, look you; and there is galpainted also with a wheel; to signify to you, lant and most prave passages: Marry, th'athversary which is the moral of it, that she is turning, and was have possession of the pridge; but he is eninconstant, and variations, and mutabilities: and forced to retire, and the duke of Exeter is master her foot, look you, is fixed upon a spherical stone, of the pridge: I can tell your majesty, the duke. which rolls, and rolls, and rolls;-In good truth, is a prave man. the poet is make a most excellent description of fortune: fortune, look you, is an excellent moral. Pist. Fortune is Bardolph's foe, and frowns on him; For he hath stolen a pix, and hanged must a' be, A damned death! Let gallows gape for dog, let man go free, Therefore, go speak, the duke will hear thy voice; Pist. Why then rejoice therefore. Flu. Certainly, ancient, it is not a thing to rejoice at: for if, look you, he were my brother, I would desire the duke to use his goot pleasure, and put him to executions; for disciplines ought to be used. Pist. Die and be damned; and figo for thy friendship! Flu. It is well. Pist. The fig of Spain! [Exit Pistol. Gow. Why, this is an arrant counterfeit rascal; I remember him now; a bawd, a cut-purse. his K. Hen. What men have you lost, Fluellen? Flu. The perdition of th'athversary hath been very great, very reasonable great: marry, for my part, I think the duke hath lost never a man, but one that is like to be executed for robbing a church, one Bardolph, if your majesty know the man face is all bubukles, and whelks, and knobs, and flames of fire; and his lips plows at his nose, and it is like a coal of fire, sometimes plue, and sometimes red; but his nose is executed, and his fire's out. cut off:-and we give express charge, that in our marches through the country, there be nothing compelled from the villages, nothing taken but paid for: none of the French upbraided, or abused in disdainful language; For when lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom, the gentler gamester is the soonest winner. K. Hen. We would have all such offenders so Tucket sounds. Enter Montjoy. Mont. Thus says my king:-Say thou to Harry of England, Though we seemed dead, we did but sleep: Advantage is a better soldier, than rashness. Tell him, we could have rebuked him at Flu. I'll assure you, a' utter'd as prave 'ords at Hardeur; but that we thought not good to bruise the pridge, as you shall see in a summer's day: an injury, till it were full ripe :-now we speak But it is very well; what he has spoke to me, that upon our cue," and our voice is imperial: England is well, I warrant you, when time is serve. shall repent his folly, see his weakness, and Gow. Why, 'tis a gull, a fool, a rogue; that now admire our sufferance. Bid him, therefore, conand then goes to the wars, to grace himself, at his sider of his ransom; which must proportion the return to London, under the form of a soldier. And losses we have borne, the subjects we have lost, such fellows are perfect in great commanders' the disgrace we have digested; which in weight names: and they will learn you by rote, where ser- to re-answer, his pettiness would bow under. For vices were done;-at such and such a sconce, at our losses, his exchequer is too poor; for the effu. such a breach, at such a convoy; who came off sion of our blood, the muster of his kingdom too faint a number; and for our disgrace, his own per (1) Valour under good command. A fold of linen which partially covered the face. (3) A small box in which were kept the consecrated wafers. (4) An allusion to the custom in Spain and Italy, of giving poisoned figs.. (5) An entrenchment hastily thrown up. son, kneeling at our feet, but a weak and worth-dull elements of earth and water never appear in less satisfaction. To this add-defiance: and tell him, but only in patient stillness, while his rider him, for conclusion, he hath betrayed his followers, mounts him: he is, indeed, a horse; and all other whose condemnation is pronounced. So far my jades you may call-beasts. king and master; so much my office. K. Hen. What is thy name? I know thy quality. K. Hen. Thou dost thy office fairly. Turn thee And tell thy king,-I do not seek him now; Stand in our way. There's for thy labour, Montjoy. ness. Mont. I shall deliver so. Thanks to your high- Con. Indeed, my lord, it is a most absolute and excellent horse. Dau. It is the prince of palfreys; his neigh is like the bidding of a monarch, and his countenance enforces homage. Orl. No more, cousin. Dau. Nay, the man hath no wit, that cannot, from the rising of the lark to the lodging of the lamb, vary deserved praise on my palfrey: it is a theme as fluent as the sea; turn the sands into eloquent tongues, and my horse is argument for them all: 'tis a subject for a sovereign to reason on, and for a sovereign's sovereign to ride on; and for the world (familiar to us, and unknown,) to lay apart their particular functions, and wonder at him. once writ a sonnet in his praise, and began thus: Wonder of nature, I Ort. I have heard a sonnet begin so to one's mistress. Dau. Then did they imitate that which I composed to my courser; for my horse is my mistress. Orl. Your mistress bears well. Dau. Me well; which is the prescript praise and perfection of a good and particular mistress. Con. Ma foy! the other day, methought, your mistress shrewdly shook your back. Dau. So, perhaps, did yours. Con. Mine was not bridled. Dau. O! then, belike, she was old and gentle; and you rode, like a kerne of Ireland, your French hose off, and in your strait trossers." Con. You have good judgment in horsemanship. Dau. Be warned by me then: they that ride so, and ride not warily, fall into foul bogs; I had rather have my horse to my mistress. Con. I had as lief have my mistress a jade. Dau. I tell thee, constable, my mistress wears her own hair. Con. I could make as true a boast as that, if I had a sow to my mistress. [Exe. Dau. Le chien est retourné à son propre vomisseAgin-ment, et la truie lavée au bourbier: thou makest use of any thing. March to the bridge; it now draws toward night:- Con. Tut! I have the best armour of the world. 'Would, it were day! Orl. You have an excellent armour; but let my horse have his due. Con. It is the best horse of Europe. Orl. You are as well provided of both, as any prince in the world. Con. Yet do I not use my horse for my mistress; or any such proverb, so little kin to the purpose. Ram. My lord constable, the armour, that I saw in your tent to-night, are those stars, or suns, upon it? Con. Stars, my lord. Dau. Some of them will fall to-morrow, I hope. Dau. That may be, for you bear a many superfluously; and 'twere more honour, some were away. Con. Even as your horse bears your praises; who would trot as well, were some of your brags dismounted. Dau. What a long night is this!--I will not Dau. 'Would I were able to load him with his change my horse with any that treads but on four desert! Will it never be day? I will trot to-morpasterns. Ca, ha! He bounds from the earth, as row a mile, and my way shall be paved with Engif his entrails were hairs; le cheval volant, the lish faces. Pegasus, qui a les narines de feu! When I bestride Con. I will not say so, for fear I should be him, I soar, I am a hawk: he trots the air; the faced out of my way: But I would it were mornearth sings when he touches it; the basest horn of ing, for I would fain be about the ears of the his hoof is more musical than the pipe of Hermes. English. Orl. He's of the colour of the nutmeg. Dau. And of the heat of the ginger. It is a beast for Perseus: he is pure air and fire; and the Ram. Who will go to hazard with me for twenty English prisoners? (3) Alluding to the bounding of tennis-balls, which were stuffed with hair. (4) Soldier. (5) Trowsers. |