The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments: Newly Translated Out of the Original Tongues; and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised ...Heirs and succesors of Andrew Anderson, 1698 - 1416 pages |
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... feven fold . 13 And Cain faid unto the LORD , My punishment is greater than fcan bear . 14 Behold , thou haft driven me outthis day from the face of the earth and from thy face that be hid , and I thal be a fugitive and a vagabound in ...
... feven fold . 13 And Cain faid unto the LORD , My punishment is greater than fcan bear . 14 Behold , thou haft driven me outthis day from the face of the earth and from thy face that be hid , and I thal be a fugitive and a vagabound in ...
... feven years , and begat fons and daughters . 3 And all the days of Seth , were nine hundred and twelve ears , and he died . 9¶ And Enos lived ninery years , and begat Calnan . 10 And Enos lived after he begatCainan , eight hun- dred and ...
... feven years , and begat fons and daughters . 3 And all the days of Seth , were nine hundred and twelve ears , and he died . 9¶ And Enos lived ninery years , and begat Calnan . 10 And Enos lived after he begatCainan , eight hun- dred and ...
... face of all the earth . okto 4 For yet feven days , and I will caufe it to rain upon the earth , fourty days , and fourry nights : and every A4 living livingfubftance that I have made , will I deftroy from CHAP . VI , VIT .
... face of all the earth . okto 4 For yet feven days , and I will caufe it to rain upon the earth , fourty days , and fourry nights : and every A4 living livingfubftance that I have made , will I deftroy from CHAP . VI , VIT .
... feven days , that the wa- rers of the Bood were upon the earth . 11 In the fix hundredth year of Noahs life , in the fecond moneth , the feven- teenth day of the monethe the fame day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up ...
... feven days , that the wa- rers of the Bood were upon the earth . 11 In the fix hundredth year of Noahs life , in the fecond moneth , the feven- teenth day of the monethe the fame day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up ...
... feven days , and again be fent forth the dove out of the ark II And the dove came in to him in the evening , and lo , in her mouth was an o- live - leaf pluckt off : So No. ab knew that the waters ware abated from off the earch . 12 And ...
... feven days , and again be fent forth the dove out of the ark II And the dove came in to him in the evening , and lo , in her mouth was an o- live - leaf pluckt off : So No. ab knew that the waters ware abated from off the earch . 12 And ...
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Aaron Abfalom Abimelech alfo altar Amorites Balaam becaufe behold bleffed bread brethren brought burnt offering Canaan caufe CHAP chil children of Ifrael commanded congregation cubits curfe daugh daughter David dren of Ifrael earth Edom Efau Egypt ephod facrifice faid unto fald fave faying felf fent ferve feven fhal fhall fhalt fide filver fore foul fpeak ftones furely fword Gibeah hall halt thou hoft holy houfe Ifaac Jacob Jeroboam Joab Jofeph Jordan Joshua Judah king land of Egypt LORD faid Lord thy Moab moneth ofthe pafs Pharaoh Philistines pray thee priest rael Saul Shechem Sihon Solomon tabernacle tenth deals thall thar thefe theLord ther thereof thine hand thing thofe thon thou shalt thy fathers thy fervant took tribe unclean unro unto Mofes unto the LORD unto thee Wherefore wife ye thal