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God appeared unto him,
when he fled from the face
of his brother.

8 But Deborah Rebekahs
nurfe died, and the was bu
ried beneath Berh-el, un.
der an oak: and the name
of it was called Allon-

9 And God appeared unto Jacob again, when he came out of Padan. aram and bleffed him.

10 And God faid unto him, Thy name is Jacob; thy name thall not be called any more Jacob, but Ifrael thall be thy name; and he called his name If rael.

11 And God fald unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply, a nation and a company of nations fhall be of thee, and kings thall come out of thy loins:

12 And the land which I gave Abraham and Ifaac. to thee will I give it: and to thy feed after thee will Igive the land:

at 13 And God went up from him, in the place where he talked with him.

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14 And Jacob fet up a pillar in the place where he talked with him, even a pillar of ftone, and he poured a drink offering thereon, and he poured oyl thereon.

15 And Jacob called the name of the place where God fpake with him, Beth-ef.

16 And they journeyed from Beth-el and there was bur a little way to ecome to Ephrath: and Ra chel travalled, and the had

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hard labour,"

17 And it came to pafs when the was in hard labour, that the mid-wife faid unto her, Fear not; thou halt have this fon alfo.

18 And it came to pafs as eher foul was in departing for the died) that the caf led his name Ben-onl: but his father called him Ben jamin.




19 And Rachel died, and was buried in the way to Ephrath, which is Bethle hem.

20 And Jacob fet a pillar upon her grave: that is the pillar of Rachels grave untò this day.

21 And Ifrael journeyed and fpread his rent beyond the tower of Eder.

22 And it came to pass, when Ifrael dwelt in that land, that Reuben went and lay with Bilhah his fathers concubine: and Ifrael heard it. Now the fons of Jacob were twelve.

23 The fons of Leah; Reuben Jacobs firft-born and Simeon, and Levi,and Judah, and Iffachar, and Zebalan

24 The fons of Rachel Jofeph, and Benjamin.

25 And the fons of Bil. bah, Rachels hand-mald; Dan, and Naphtali.

26 And the fons of Zi1pah, Leahs hand-maid; Gad and Ather. Thefe are the fons of Jacob, which were born to him in Padan-aram. Ant

27 And Jacob came un to Ifaac his father unto Mamre, unto the city of Arbah( which is Hebron) where Abraham and Ifaac fojourned.

28 And the days of Haac were an hundred and four fcore years,

29 And Ifaac gave up the ghoft and died, and was gathered unto his people, being old and full of days: and his fons Efau and Jacob buried him.


Now thefe are the gene

rations of Efau, who

is Edom.

2 Efau took his wives of the daughters of Canaan Adah the daughter of Elon the Hittite, and Aho libamah the daughter of Anah, the daughter of Zibeon the Hivire:

3 And Bathemath Ifhmaels daughter, fifter of Ne bajoth,

4 And Adab bare to Efair, Bliphaz


Eliphaz and Bathemath bare Reuel.

And Aholibamah bare

16 Duke Korah, duke Garam, and duke Amalek: Thefe are the dukes that

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Jeuth, and Jaalam, and came of Eliphaz, in the later was a fran

Korah: tbefe are the fons of Efau, which were born unto him in the land of Canaan.

6 And Efau took his wives,and his fons,and his

land of Edcm: thefe were
the fons of Adah.

17 And there are the. of 1

fons of Reuel Efans fon;
duke Nahath,duke Zerah,
duke Shammah, duke Miz

hy the land of Canaan of Theft an thin dukes fios of Ja being even there the was feeding reigned in the his bre hre

daughters, and all the per- zah. Thefe are the dukes trees with

fons of his houfe, and his that came of Reuel, in the
cartel, and all his beafts, land of Edom: thefe are
and all his fubftancewhich the fons of Bahemath
he had got in the land of Efaus wife..
Canaan 2nd went into
18 And thefe are the
the countrey, from the fons of Aholibamah Efaus

ying over the hah, and Zilpah,

B the fon of and Jofe ged in Edom: his fath

face of his brother Jacob. wife; duke Jeuth, dukeja-ded, and Seph

were the dukes that came of
Aholibamah the daughter
of Anah Efans wife.

7 For their riches were alam, duke Korah: thefe more than that they might dwell together: and the land wherein they were @rangers, could not bear them, becaufe of their car. 41des


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8 Thus dwelt Efau in mount Seir: Efau is Edom. 9 And thefe are the generations of Efau the father of the Edomites, in mount Seir..NG


Jobab died, and colo

19 Thefe are the fons of land of Ter 44

Efau (who is Edom) and
thefe are their dukes.
20 Thefe are the fons of.
Seir the Horite, who in-
habited the land; Leotan,"
and Shobal, and Zibeon,
and Anah.

ied in his fead. fau ban died, and hir fon of Bedad th Midian in the c reigned in 4 and the name of Avith. Wlad died, and ahreign

21 And Dithon, andEzer, and Difhan; thefe are the dukes of the Horites, the children of Seir in the land of Edom.

10 Thefe are the names of Efaus fons; Eliphaz the fon of Adah the wife of Efau, Reuel the fon of Bafhemath the wife of Efau. 11 And the fons of Eli phaz were, Teman, Omar,

22And the children of Lo.
tan were, Hori, and Heman:
& Lorans fifter was Timna.

is head Salah died, and

med in his fte Saul died, a

Zepho, and Gatam, and 23 And the children of in his ftead


12 And Timna was a concubine to Eliphaz Efaas fon; and the bare to Eliphaz Amalek thefe were the fons of Adah Efaus wife.

Shobal were thefes Alvan,
and Manabath, and Ebal,
Shepho, and Onam.
24 And thefe are the chil.
dren of Zibeon; both A-.
jah, and Anah, this is.

that Anah, that found the
mules in the wildernefs
as he fed the affes of Zibe-
on his father.

13 And thefe are the fons of Reuel; Nabath,and Zerah, Shammah and Mizzah thefe were the fons 25 And the children of of Bathemath Efaus wi e. Anah, were thefe; Dithon, 14 And there were the & Aholibamah the daughfons of Aholibamah, the ter of Anah. daughter of Anah, the daughter of Zibeon Efaus wife: and he bare to Efau, Jeuth, and Jaalam, and Korah.


bbor died, ed in his

name of hi

and his Mebetal

er of Mar Ser of Meza And thefe of the d

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35, by th

Trina Jetheth


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that came of the Horites CHAP. XXXVIL
Juke Lotan, duke Shobal, ANd Jacob dwelt in the
dake Zibeon, duke Anah. land wherein bis fa-
30 Duke Difhon, duke ther was a ftranger, in the
Ezer, duke Difhan: thefe land of Canaan.
are the dukes that came of 2 Thefe are the genera-
Hoti, among their dukes
in the land of Seir.

31 And thefe are the kings that reigned in the land of Edom,before there reigned any king over the children of Ifrael.

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tions of Jacob: Jofeph being feventeen years old, was feeding the flock with his brethren, and the lad was with the fons of Bil hah, and with the fons of Zilpah, his fathers wives; 32 And Bela the fon of and Jofeph brought unto Beor reigned in Edom: his father their evil reand the name of his city port, Das Dinhabah. 3 Now Ifrael loved Jo 33 And Bela died, and feph more than all hischilJobab the fon of Zerah of dren, because he was the Bozrah reigned in his fon of his old age: and he ftead. made him a coat of many 34 And Jobab died, and colours. Huham of the land of Ter 4 And when his brethren mani reigned in his ftead. faw that their father loved 35 And Hutham died, and him more than all his bre Hadad the, fon of Bedad thren, they hated him,and (who fmote Midian in the conld not fpeak peaceably field of Moab) reigned in unto him. his flead: and the name of And Jofeph dreamed bis city was Avlth. a dream, and he told it his 36 And Hadad died, and brethren and they hated Samlah of Mafrekah reign- him yet the more. ed in his ftead. Sub of 6 And he faid unto them, 37 And Samlah died, and Hear, I pray you, this Saul of Rehoboth by the dream which I have dreariver reigned in his ftead, medNE DEVANES 38 And Saul died, and 7 For behold, we were Baal-hanan the fon of Ach-binding fhedves in the bor reigned in his ftead.bfield, and lc, my theaf a 39 And Baal-hanan the rofe, and alfo food up fon of Achbor died, and right: and behold, your Hadar reigned in hisftead: fheaves flood round about, and the name of his city and made obeyfance to my was Pau: and his wives theaf. name was Mehetabel the 8 And his brethren faid daughter of Marred, the unto him, Shalt thou indaughter of Mezahab. deed reign over us; or 4 And thefe are the fhalt thou indeed have donames of the dukes, that minlon over us? and they cane of Efau, according to hated him yet the more, their families, after their for his dreams,and for his places, by their names, words. duke Timnah,duke Alvah. 9 And he dreamed yet duke Jetheth. another dream, and told it ,41 Duke Aholibamah, his brethren, and faid, Be duke Elah, duke Pinon, hold, I have dreamed a 42 Duke Kenaz, duke dream more, and behold, Teman. duke Mibzar, the Sun and the Moon, 43 Duke Magdiel, dake and the eleven ftars made Iram: thefe or the dukes obeyfance to me.. of Edom, according to 1o And he told it to his their habitations, in the father, & to his Lrethren: land of theft pofleflion; he and his father rebuked is Efau the father of the him, and fald unto him, Edomites.

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thou haft dreamed? Shall but caft him into this pit bed bed, t
I and thy mother, and thy that is in the wilderness, GOLD
bow down our felves to that he mightrid him out am The

What is this dream that to them, Shed no blood,

brethren indeed come ro

thee, to the earth?

11 And his brethren en vied him: but his farher obferved the faying. 12 And his brethren went to feed their fathers flock in Shechem,

and lay no handupon him;

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Tamar eris, and mour Law, Re

all his Forms and lab my fo Casters rofe up be aid ar him but he re be die a comforted and

of their hands, to deliver him to his father again. 23 And it came to pars, When Jofeph was come un to his brethren, that they ftript Jofeph our of his coat, his coat of many co13 And Ifrael faid unto lours that was on him. Jofeph, Do not thy bre-24 And they took him,, thren feed the flock in She- and caft him into a pit, chem? Come, and i will and the pit was empty, fend thee unto them. And there was no water in it. he faid unto him, Here 25 And they far down to am 1.200 bear bread and they lift up their eyes and looked, and behold, a company of Ish maelites cametrom Gilead, with their camels bearing. fplcery, and balm, and myrrh, going to carry it. down to Egypt,

14 And he fald unto him, Go, I pray thee, fee whe ther it be well with thy brethren, and well with the flocks: and bring me word again. So he fent bim out of the vale of He bron, and he came to She chem.

26 And Judah faid unto his brethren, Whar profit is if we flay our brother, and conceal his blood?

27 Come, and let us fell him to the Ishmaelites, and let not cur hand be upon him; for he is our brother, and our flesh: and his bre thren were content.

15 And a certain man found him, and behold, ber was wandring in the field: and the man asked him, faying, What feekeft thou? 16 And he fald, 1 feek my brethren: tell me, I pray thee,where they feed ibuir flocks.

17 And the man fald, They are departed hence: for I heard them fay, Let ns go to Dorhan. And Jofeph went after his brethren, and found them in


Sarning: Thas

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faw there of a certain ca hof name was and he took her, in unto her. @comcaived and Find be calle nceived kite a 100;2 name On yer again afbare a d his name he was at C Pate bare bim.

28 Then there paffed by Midianites merchant men and they drew and litt up Jofeph out of the pit, and fold Jofeph to the Ifhmaelites for twenty pieces of filver; and they brought Jofeph into Egypt.

18 And when they faw hlm afar off, even before he came near unto them, they confpired against him, to flay him.

19 And they faid one to another, Behold, this dreamer cometh.

29 And Reuben rernrned unto the pit: and behold, Jofeph was not in the pit? and he rent his cloaths.

20 Come now therefore, and let us lay him, and caft him into fome plt; and we will say,Some evil beast hath devoured him: and we thal fee what will become of his dreams.

30 And he returned unto his brethren,and faid, The child is not; and I, whi ther shall I go?

21 And Renben heard it, and he delivered him out of their hands; and faid, Let us not kill him.

22 And Reuben fald un

31 And they took Jofephs coat, and killed a kid of the goars, and dipped the coat in the blood."

32 And they fent the coat of many colours, and they brought it to their father, and faid, This have we found: know now whetauric be thy fons coat or


33 And he knew it, and

aah took rft bern Tamar Juda

the Lord

him. at Jadal Goin un Caife, and 2 vife up nd Ona Med mon

1 came rent in

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blood, Fald, It is my Tons coat: an

to And the thing which

this evil baaft hath devoured he did, difpleafed the
Ider him: Jofeph is without LORD wherefore he flew
on doubr rent in pieces. him alfo.
himo 34 And Jacob rent his
delive clothes, and put fackcloth
gais pon his loyns, and mour
toned for his fon many days
one 35 And all his fons and
at they all his daughters rofe up
of sto comfort him: but he re-
fufed to be comforted; and
im he faid, For I will go
ok his own into the grave unto
api ny fon, mourning: Thus
en his father wept for him.
tit 36 And the Midianites
ovan old him into Egypt unto
list Potiphar, an officer of
ed, and Pharaohs, and captain of
of the guard.

caria ANd it came to pa's at
that time, that Judah
7, 2nd 2
any went down from his bre
thren, and turned in to a
dunt certain Adullamire, whofe
rprofit name was Hirah.

other And Judah faw there a
d daughter of a certain Ca
as fell naantre, whofe name was
and Shuah, and he took her,
upon and went in unto her.
ether 3 And the conceived and
is bre- bare a fon; and he called
his name Er,
ed by 4 And he conceived a
men; gain, and bare a ton; and
up the called his name Onan.
And the yet again con-
hmae ceived, and bare a fon;
es of and called his name Sue-
ought lab: and he was at Chezib

when the bare him,
rned 6 And Judah took a wife
hold, for Er his firft born,whofe
pit: name was Tamar


And Er Judahs fire unto born, was wicked in the The light of the Lord; and the whi Lord few him.

8 And Judah fald unto eph Onan, Go In unto thy brodof hers wife, and marry her, the and raife up feed to thy brother.ith oat 9 And Onan knew that -hey the feed fhould not be his: hers and it came to pafs when we be went in unto his brohe thers wife, that he fpilled oft of r on the ground, left that as fhould give feed to his


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11 Then fald Judah to Tamar his daughter In law, Remain a widow at thy fathers houfe, till she lab my fon be grown; (for he fald, Left peradventure he die alfo as his brethren 414) and Tamar went and dwelt in her fathers honfe 12 And in procefs of time, the daughter of Shu ah Judahs wife died and Judah was comforted, and went up unto his theep thearers to Timnath be and his friend Hirab the Adullamite.

13 And it was told Tamar, aying, Behold, thy father in law goeth ip to Fimnath,to fhear his theep. 14 And the put her widows garments off from her, and covered her with avail, and wrapped her felf, and fat in an open place, which fr by the way to Timnath for the faw that Shelah was grown, and the was net given unto him to wife,

15 When Judah faw her, he thought her to be an harlor; because he had covered her face.. 16And he turned into her by the way, & faid, Go to, I pray thee, fet me come in unto thee (for he knew not thatthes his dangl ter in law) and the fald., What wilt thou give me, that thou mayeft come in unto me?

17 And he fald, I will fend ther akld from the flock: and the fald, Wile thou give me a pledge, titl thou end it?

18 And he fald, What pledgefhall give thee? And the faid. Thy fignce, and thy bracelets, and thy fla that's in thine hand; and he gave it her, and came in unto her, and the concelved by him.

19 And the arofe and went away, and laid by her vall from her, and pic

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