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14 Every thing devoted in Ifrael, hal berhine.

are upon the children of very one that is clean in Ifrael thine hous, hal eat of 56 And 1, behold I have it. taken your brethren the Levites from among the Children of Ifrael: to you. 15 Every thing that o they are given as agift for peneth the matrix in all the Lord to do the fervice Reth, which they bring unof the tabernacle of the to the LORD, whither it be congregation. of men or beafts, hal be thine: nevertheless, the fra born ofman halt thou furely redeem, & the firftling of unclean beafs half thou redocin.

16 And thofe that are to be
redeemed, from a moneth
old halt thou redeem a
ccording to thine efimatl
on, for be money of five
thekels, after the hekel
of the fanctuary: which is
twenty gerahs.

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7 Therefore thou and thy fons with thee, thal keep your priefts office for every thing of the altar, and within the vail, and ye thal ferve: I have given your pricfts office untojen, as a fervice of gift: and the ftranger that cometh nigh, hal be put to death. .8 And the LORD fpake unto Aaron, Behold, I alfo have given thee the charge of mine heave-offcrings of all the hallowed things of the children of Ifrael: unto thee have I gi ven them, by reafon of the anointing, and to thy fons for an ordinance for ever. 9 This fhal be thine of the most hely things, re feved from the fire, every oblation of theirs, every meat offering of theirs, & every fin offering oftheirs, and every trefpas-offering of thelis, which they hal 19 All the heave-offerrender unto me, ball beings of the holy things moft holy for thee,and for which the children of I thy fons.wisrael offer unto the In the moft holy glace fhalt thou ear it, every male hal eat it: it hal be holy unro hee.

17 But the firfling of a cow, or the firftling of a theep, or the firftling of a goattou halt not redeem, they are holy thou shalt fprinkle their blood upon the altar, and halt burn their far for an offering made by fire,for afweer fa Your unto the LORD.

It And this is thine(the heave-offering of their gift, with all the wave-of ferings of the children of Ifrael I have given them unto thee,and to thy fons, and to thy daughters with thee, by a flatute for ever: every one that is clean in thy houfe, fhal eat ofit.

12 All the best of the oyl, & all the best of the wine, and of the wheat, the firit fruits of them which they that offer unto the LORD, them have I given thee.

13 And wharfoever is firit ripe in the land, which they hal bring unto the LORD, hal be thine; e

18 And the flesh of them fhai be thine, as the weave breaft, and as the right thoulder are thine.

have I given thee, and thy
fons, and thy daughters
with thee, by a ftarure for
ever:it is a covenant offalt
for ever, before the Lord,
unto thee and to thy feed
with thee.

20 And the Lord fpake
unto Aaron, Thou thale
have no inheritance in
their land, neither fhalt
thou have any part among
them: I am thy part, and
thine inheritance among
the children of Ifrael:

21 Andbehold, I have gl. ven the children of Levi all the renth in Ifrael for an inheritance, for their forvice which they ferve, in the fervice of the tabernacle of the congregarlon.

22 Neither

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22 Neither mut the chil. dren of Israel henceforth come nigh the tabernacle of the congregation, left they bear fin, and die,

every place, ye and your houtholds: for it is your reward for your fervice, in the tabernacle of the congregation.

32 And ye hal bear no fin, by reafon of It, when

beft of it; neither hal ye pollute the holy things of the children of Ifrael, left yo die.

23 Bur the Levites that do the fervice of the tabernacle of the congregation, ye have heaved from it the and they hal bear their iniquity It fhall be a fta*ture for ever throughout your generations, that a mong the children offfrael they have no inheritance. 24 But the tithes of the children of Ifrael, which they offer as an heave-offering unto the LORD, I have given to the Levites to inherit:therefore have fard unto them, Among the children of Ifrael they hal have no inheritance. 25 And the Lord fpake funro Mofes, faying,


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26 Thus fpoak unto the Levites, & fay unto them, When ye take of the chil dren of Ifrael the tithog which I have given you from them for your inhes ritance, then ye thal offer up an heave-offering of it for theLORD,even a tenth part of the tithe.

27 And this your heave offering al be reckoned unto you,as though it were the corn of the threshing floor, and as the fulnots of the wine prefs.

28 Thus you alfo dhal of. fer an heave-offering unto the LORD, of all your tithes which ye receive of the children of Ifrael: and ye thal give thereof the LORDS heave offering to Aaron the priest.

29 Out of all your gifts ye thal offer every heaveoffering of the LORD, of all the beft thereof, even the hallowed part thereof

out of it,

30 Therefore thou shalt fay unto them, When ye have heaved the beftbere of from it, then it thal be counted unto the Levites, as the incroafe or the threshing floor, and as the increase of the wine-prefs. 31 And ye hal ear it in

CHAP. XIX. ANd the LORDipake un to Mofes, and unto Aa. ron, faying,

This is the ordinance of the law which the Lord harh commanded, faying. Speak unto the children of

rael,that they bring thee a red heifer without spot, wherein is no blemih, and upon which never came yoke.

And ye fhal give her unto Ellazar the priest, that he may bring her forth without the camp, and one bal flay ber before his face 34 And Eliazar the priest fhal rake of her blood with his finger. and fprinkle offer blood directlybefore the tabernacle of the congregation feven times.

And one thal burn the heifer in his fight; her skin, and her flem,and her blood, with her dung,hat he burn.

6And the priest that take cedar wood, and byflop, and fearlet, and call if into the midst of the burning atthe halfer..

7Then the priest hal wash his cloaths, and he hal bath his flech inwater,&af terward he thal come into the camp, & the prieft that be unclean until the even.

8 And he that burneth her, thal wash his clothes in water, & bathe his flesh in water, and that be un. clean until the even.

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And a man that is clean thal gather up the ashes of the heifer, and lay den up without the camp in aclcan place,it hal be kept for the congregation of the 24 children

children of Ifrael, for a halfprinkle upon the un-wet

water of fepararion: it is a purificarion for fin.

to And he that gather eth the ashes of the heifer, fhal wash his cloths, and be unclean until the eyen:

and it that be unto the

children of Ifrael, and un to the firanger that fo journeth among them, for a fiature for ever.

11 He that toucheth the dead body of any man, faal be unclean feven days, 12He thal purifie himfelf with it on the third day, and on the feventh day he hal be clean but if he purifie nor himfelf the thirdday,then the feventh day he that not be clean.

clean on the third day, and on the feventh dayi and on the feventh day he fhal purl fie himself, and wath his clothes, & bathe himselfin water, and halte

13 Whofoever toncheth the dead body of any man that is dead, and purifieth not himself, defileth the tabernacle of the LORD; and that foul thal be cur off from Ifrael; because the water of feparation was not fprinkled upon him, he thal be unclean; his uncleanness is yet upon him. 14 This is the law, when a man dieth in a tent; all that come into the tent, & all thats in the rent, thal be unclean feven days.


be clean at even that that

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20 But the man be unclean and fhal not pu rifie himself, that font dal be cut off from among the congregation: becaufe het hath defiled the fanctuary r ofthe LORD,the water of feparation, hath not been fprinkled upon him, he is unclean.

to the


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21 And it thal be a pergeing tual ftarureunto them,that he that fprinkleth the wa rer of feparation, fhal wash his clothes, and he that toucheth the water offepa-e ration, fhal be unclean un til even..

22 And whatfoever the unclean perfon toucheth, thal be unclean: and the foul that toucheth it, that be unclean until even.

CHAP. XX. Then came the children

of Ifracl,even the whole congregation, into the de fert of Zin, in the firft moneth: and the people abode in Kadeth and Mir, iam died there, and was buried there.

15 And every open veffel which hath no covering bound upon ir, ti unclean. 16And whofoever ronch- 2 And there was no wa eth one that is flain with a ter for the congregation: ord in the open fields, and they gathered them pra dead body, or a bone felves together against Mos ra man, or a grave, thal fes and against Aaron: be unclean feven days.

17 And for an unclean erfon they hal take of the ahes of the burnt helfer of purification for fin; and Tunning water hal be pur thereto in a veffel

18 And a clean perfon fhal take hyffop,and dip it in the water,& (prinkle it upon the tent,and upon all the vessels, and upon the perfons that were there, and upon him that touch ed a bone, or one flain, or One dead, or a grave

19 And the clean perfon

3 And the people chode with Mofes, and fpake, faying, Would God that we had died when our bre thren died before theLord 4 And why have yet brought up the congrega: tion of the LORD, into this wilderness, that we & our carrel hould die there;



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5And wherefore have ye made us to come up out of. Egypt, to bring us in unto this evil place? it is no place of feed, or of figs, or vines, or of pomegra, nates, neither if there apy


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wafer to drink. 21 6 And Mofes and Aaron went frome prefence of the Affembly, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation,and they fellupon their taces: and the glory of the LORD apeared unto them.


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7 And he LORD fpake unto Mores, faying,

8 Take the rod, and gather thou the aflembly to gether. Hou and Aaronthy brother, and fpeak ye un to the rock before their eyes, and it thal give forth bis water, and thou al bring orth to them water ou of the rock: fo theu thair give the congrega i on, and heir beafts drink. 9 And Mofes took the rod rom be ore he Lord, as be commanded him.

10 And Mofes and Aaron gartered the congrega lon before the rock, and he laid un o them, Hear now, ye rebels; mutt we ferch you water out of this rock.

11 And Mofes lift up his hand, and with his rod he fmore the rock twice:8c the water came our abundant ly, and the congregation drank,and their beans alfo,

12 And the Lord fpake unto Mofes and Aaron, Becaufe ye believed me nor, to fanétific me in the In the eyes or the children of Ifrael; therefore ye thal not bring this congregati onin:o The land which I have given them.

13 This is the water of Meribab, becanfe the c-il dren of Ifrael firove with the LORD: and Le was fandified in them.

14 And Mofes fent mef fengers from Kadeth, unro, the king o' Edom, Thus faith thy brother Ifrael, Thou knoweft all the tra vel har ha h befallen us. 15 How our fathers went down into Egup, and we have dwelt inEgvpra longtime: and the Egyprians vexed us, and our at ers.

15 And when we cried autothe LORD, he heard

our voice: and fent an an gul, and hath brought us or out of Egypt; and be. hold, we are in Kadeh, a city in the uttermott of thy border.

17 Let us pas, I pray thee, through thy country: we will no pars hrough he fields, or throught evineyardsneither will we drink ofhe water or the wells: we will go by the kings bigb way, we will not turn to the righ: hand nor to the left, until we have paf fed by borders.

S And Edom faid unto im, Thou halt not pass by me, left i come out a. gain tee with the word

19 Andthe children of Ifrael faid unto him, We will go by the high-way 3 and it 1 and my ca: el drink oftby water, hen I will pay for is I will only wit our doing any thing elje) go through on my feet.

20 And he fald, Thou fhalt no go through. And Edom came out against him with much people, and witn a firong and

21 Tus Edom resu'ed to give Ifrael paffage rough is border: wherefore ifrael turned away from im.

22 And the children of Ifrael, the whole congrega ion,journeyed from Kadeth, and came un:o moun Hor.

23AndreLord fpake unto Mofes andAaron in mount Hor, by the coaft of the land of Edom, faying.

24 Aaron hal be garbe red unto bis people: for

ethal not enter into the land which 1 tave given un o the children of ifta. ei, becaufe ye rebelled a gain my word at the wa ter Of Meribab

25 Take Aaron and Ete azar his fon, and bring trem up unto mount Hor

26 And fripAaron off his garments, and put them ucon Eleazar his son: and Aaronthal be gathered


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Apeople,and that dierbere pray unto the LORD that

he take away the ferpents
from us: and Mofes pray
ed for the people.

27 And Mofes did as the Lord commanded and they went up into moun: Hor, in the fight of all the 8 And the LORD faid unro Mofes, Make thee a congregation: a fiery ferpent,&c fet it up. on a pole. and it has come to pass, that every on that is bitten,when he looketh uponir, fhal live.

25 And Mofes Bripped Aaron of his garments,and pur them upon Eleazar his fon; and Aaron died there In the top of the mount: and Mofes & Eleazar came9 And Mofes made afer. down from the mount. pent of brafs, and put it 29 And when all the con upon a pole,and it came to gregarion faw that Aaron pafs, that ira ferpent had was dead, they mourned bitten any man, when he tor Aaron thirty days,even beheld the ferpent of brafs, all the houfe of Ifrael. be lived.


10 And the children

of Ifrael fer forward, and
pitched in Oboth.

11 And they journeyed
from Oboth,and pirched at
I e-abarim, in the wil-
dernefs which is before
Moab, toward the fun ri

And when king Arad the
Canaanite,waich dwele
in the fouth, heard tell
that Ifrael came by the
way of the fples; then he
fought against Ifracl, and
took fome ofthem prifoners
2 And Ifrael vowed a vow
unto the LORD, and faid, 12 From thence they
If thou will indeed deliver removed, and pitched in
this people into my hand, the valley of Zared.ALY
then I will utterly deftroy 3 From thence they re
their ciries.

3 And the LORD hear. kened to the voice of Ifra el,and delivered up the Ca. naanites; and they utterly deftroyed them and their cities and he called the name of the place Hormah 4 And they journeyed from moun Hor, by the way ofthe Red fea, to compafs he land o Edom: and the foul of the people was much difcouraged ber caufe of the way.

5. And the people fpake against God, and againft Mofes, Wherefore have ye brought us up out of E gpt to die in the wilder nefs? for there is no bread, neither is there any water, and our foul loatheth this light bread.

6 And the LORD fent fiery ferpents among the people and they bit the people; and much people of litae died.

74 Therefore the peo p'e came to Mofes,and fald We have finned, for we have spoken against the LORD, and against thee,

moved,and pitched on the
other fide ofArnon, which
is in the wilderness that
cometh our of the coafts
of the Amorites: for Ar-
non is the border ofMoab,
between Moab and the

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14 Wherefore it is fald in the book of the wars of the LORD,What he did in E the Red fea, and in the brooks of Arnon.

15 And at the ftreams of the brooks that goerb down to the dwelling of Ar, and lyeth upon the border of Moab.

16 And from thence they went to Beer; that is the well whereof the LORD fpake unto Moses, Garher the people together, and I will give them water.

17 Taen Ifrael fang: this fong, Spring up, a well, fing ye unto it:

19 The princes digged thee well, che nobles of the people digged it, by the direction of the law gi ver, with their faves. And from the wilderness they


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