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fall in praifes, doing won. they went out into the wil ders?holoog pils base reuderness of Shurt and they 12 Thou Arercheft ontwent three days in the wil tby right hand, the earth dernefs, & found no water.. fwallowed them.

13 Thou in thy mercy haftled forth the people, which thou haft redeemed thou hast guided them in thy ftrengen, untothy ho ly habitation.3 905 690: 14 The people thall hear, and be afraid: forrow thall take hold on the inhabi tants of Palestina.

23 And when they came to Marah, they could not. drink of the waters of Marab for they were bitter: therefore, the name of it was called Marabasted and 24 And the people murmured again Motes, fay ing. What thall we drink?

25 And he cried unto the LORD, and the LORD, fhewed him a tree, which when he had caft into the waters, the waters were made fweet: there he made for them a ftatute and an ordinance and there he Proyed them

15 Then the dukes of Er: dom thall be amazed, the mighty men of Moab, trembling hall take hold upon them all the inha bitants of Canaan ball melt away0JHT 16. Fear and dread hall 26 Andsaid, Ifthou wilt fall upon them by the diligently hearken to the greatness of thinearmthey voice of the LORD thy thall be as illas aftone; God, and wilt do that till thypeople pafs over, Os which is right in his fight, LORD stillthe people país. and wilt give, ear to his over match thou haft pur commandments, and keep chafederal pro hom all his ftatures; will, pur. 17 Thou shalt bring them, in, and plant them in the mountains or china inhe. ritance, in the place, o LORD, which thou haft made for thee to dwell in: In the fanftuary,O LORD, which thy hands have efa: blished man warn 18 The LORD thal reign for ever and ever,

19 For the horse of Pha raoh went in.with his cha riors, and with his horfe then into the feas and the LORD broughragain the waters of the fea upon. them: hut the children.of Ifrael went on dry land in the midst of the fea

midfofphe fea.e 20 And Mirlamthe pro phetes,the fiffer of Aar.n, took a timbrelinher hand. and all the women went lour after her, with tim brels, and with dances.

21 And Mirlam antwered them, Sing ye to the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloric ufy: the horfe and his rider hath he thrown into the fea. 01010

3 So Mofes brought fra el trom the Red fea, and

nope of thefeuifeafes up
on thee, which, I have.
bronght upon the Egypti
ans: for I am the LORD
that healeth thee.

27 And they came to
Elim, where we twelve:
wells of water, and three-
fcore and ten palm-trees &
and they encamped there.
by the watersnelhed


Nd they took their journey from Elim, and all the congregation of the children offrack came unto the wilderness of Siny which is between slim and Sinals on the fifteenth day. of the fecond monerh, af ter their departing out of the land ofEgy

2 And the whole capg gation of the children of Ifrael murmured against Mofes and Aaron in the wildernefs.

3 And the childeep of Ifrael fald unto them, Would to God we had died by the hand of the LORD In the land of Es gypt, when we far by the leih-yors, and when we


did eat bread to the full for ye have brought us forth into this wilderness, to kill this whole affembly with hunger.

faying. At even ye haleas fieth, and in the morning ye thall be filled with bread and ye thall know that I am the LORD your God.

that at even the quails: came up, and covered the camp and in the morning the dew lay round about the hott.

Then faid the LORD anto Mofes, Behold, I will 13 And it came to pafs, rain bread from heaven for you; and the people fall go out and gather a certain rare every day, that may prove them; whether they will walk in my law, of no...

14And when the dew that Slay was gone up, behold upon theface ofthewildernefs there lay a small round thing, or small as the boar froft on the ground.

And it thall come to pals,that on the fixth day, they hall prepare that which they bring in; and it thall be twice as much as they gather daily

6 And Mofes and Aaron fald unto all the children of Ifrael, At even then ye fall know that the Lord hath brought you wour from the land of Egypt.

15 And when the chil dren of Ifrael faw it, they faid one to another. At t manna: for they wift oot what it was And Mofes fald unto them, This is the bread which the LORD hath given you to ear

which the LORD bath commanded, Gather of it every man according to his eating an omer for e very man, according to the number of your perfons, take yeevery man for then whicharein his tents.

7. And in the morning, This is the thing then ye fall fee the glory, of the LORD; for that he heareth your murmurings agaloft the LORD: And what are we, that ye muc mur againft use my blog B And Mofes fald, This fhall be when the Lord that give you in the evening flesh to eat, and in the morning bread to the full; for that the Lotd heareth your murmuringswhichyet murmur against him: And what are we? your mat ndurings are not againffus, bur against the LORD.

ng And Mofes fpakeun to Aaron, say unto all the ebngregation of the call dren of frael, Comte near before the LORD, for he hath heard your murmur. Ings-do

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17 And the children of Ifrael did fo, and gathered fome more, fome lefs.c

18 And when they did metelt with an omer, he that gathered much; had nothing over, and he that gathered little, had no fack: they gathered every. man according to his cat inget sinnum 2102-08

19 And Mofes faid, Lero no man leave of it till the morning so grisp fox 20 Norwith@tanding they hearkned nor unto Moles, but fome of them left of it. until the morning, and ir bred worms and fank and Mofeswaswrothwiththent

10 And it came to pafs as Aaron pake unto the whole congregation of the children of Ifracl, char they looked toward the Andthey gathered!! wildernes and behold, the glory of the LORD ap peared in the cloud, nor

every morning, every man according to his eating? and when the fun waxed And the LORD hot it melted. was fpake unto Mofes, faying, 22 And it came to pass 121 have heard the murio that on the fixth day they marings of the children of gathered, twice as match 1racl fpeak unto them, bread, two omers for ene


many and all the rulers of the congregation came and rold Mofes.

23 And he faid unto them, This is that which the LORD hath faid; To mor row fi the reft of the holy fabbath unto the LORD; bake that which ye will bake to day,and feethe that ye will feethe; and that which remaineth over, lay up for you to be kept until, the morning.

24 And they laid it up till the morning, as Mofes bade; and it did not kink, neither was there any

worm therein,

25 And Mofes fald, Eat thar to day; for to day is a fabbath into the LORD: to day ye thall not find it in the field.

26. Six days ye shall gar ther it, but on the feventh day which is the fabbath, In Itthere thall be none.

27 And It came to pafs, that there went out foms of the people on the feventh day for to garber, and they found none. din 25 And the LORD fald unco Mofes, How long re fuse yo to keep my cont. mandments and my laws? 29 See, for that the Lord hath given you the fab. bath, therefore he giveth you on the fixth day the bread of two days: abide, ye every man in his place, ler no man go one of his place on the feventh day 30 So the people reffed on the feventh day.

31 And the houfe of If rael called the name there of Manna' and it was like eoriander feed, white; and the taffeofit was like was fers made with honey,

32 And Mofes faid,This is the thing which the LORD commanderby Fill an amer of it to be kept for your generationgifthat they may fee the bread wherewith I have fed you In the wilderness, when I brought you forth from the land of Egypt. sa 330And Mofer fald unto

Aaron, Take a pot, and
put an omer full of Manna
therein, and lay it up be
fore the LORD, to be kept
for your generations.

34 As The LORD com
manded Mofes, fo Aaron
laid it up before the refl.
mony, to be kept.

35 And the children of Ifrael did ear manna four. ty years, until they came to a land inhabited: they did cat manna, until they came unto the borders of the land of Canaan.


36 Now an omer is the
tenth part of an Ephah.
Nd all the congregation
of the children of lira.
el journeyed from the wil
derness of sin, after their
journeys,according to the
commandment oftheLord,
and pitched in Riphidimi
and there was no water for
the people to drink.

Wherefore the people.
did chide with Mofes, and
fald, Give us water that
we may drink. And Mofes
faid unto them. Why chide
ye with me? wherefore do
ye tempeche LORD?

3 And the people thiṛfted there for water: and the people murmured againft Moles, and aid, Wheres fore is this that thou hafty brought us up out of E gypt to kill us and our children, and our cartel with thirit?

And Mofes cried unto
the LORD, faying, What:
fhall I do unto this people?
they be almoft ready to
ftone me.

5.And the LORD fald
unto, Go on before;
the people, and take with
thee ofthe elders of Ifraelr
and thy fod wherewich
thou moreft the river,take
in thine hand, and go.

6 Behold, I will ftand be
fore thee there upon the
rock in. Horeb, and thou
hate mire the rock, and
there fhall come water out
ofit, that the people may
drink. And Mofes did fon
in the fight of the elders i
of Ifrael.
7 And



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And he called the name of the place, Mafiah, and Meribah, becaufe of the chiding of the children of Ifrael, and because they rempred the LORD, faying, Is the LORD among ns, or not?

S Then came Amalek,
and fought with Irael in

And Mofes fald unto
Joshua, Choofe us out
men, and go out, fight
with Amaleks to morrow
Iwill stand on the top of
the hill, with the rod of
God in mine hand.
10 So Johua did as

people, and that the Lord had brought Ifrael out of Egypt.

Then Jethro, Mofes father in law, took Zippo rah Mofes wife, after he had fent her back,

3 And her two fons of which the name of the one war Gerhom (for he fald, I have been an allen in a ftrange landwhey ex

4 And the name of the other was Ellezer, (for the God of my father, fata be, was mine help, and delive red me from thefword of Pharaoh 72 2074 -vuole Mo-5 And Jethro, Mofes fa ther in law, came with his fons, and his wife unco Mofes into the wilderness, where he encamped at the mount of God.


fes had fald to him,
fought with Amalek and
Moles, Aaron, and Hur,
went up to the top of the

1 And It came to pafs
when Mores held up bis
hand that Ifrael prevailed:
and when he let down his
hand, Amalek prevalled.
12 But Mofes hands were.
heavy, and they took a
ftone, and put it under
him, and he far thereon;
and Aaron and Hur ftayed
up his bands, the one on
the one fide, and the other
on the other fide; and his'
lands were Ready until
the going down of the fan

3 And Johua dicom
ted Amalek, and bis people
with the edge of the fword
14 And the LORD faid
anto Mofes, Write this for
a memorialin a book, and
rehearse it in the ears of
Joshua: for I will utterly
put out the remembrance
of Amalek from under

14 And Mofes bullt an altar, and called the name of it JEHOVAH-Nifi 16 For he fald, Because the LORD hathfwarn that the LORD bave war with Amalek from genera tion to generation.

CHAP. XVIII. WHen Jethro, the priest of Midian, Mofes fa. ther lo law, heard of all that God had done for Moes, and for Eirael bis

And he faid unto Mofes, 1 thy father in law Je thro am come unto thee, and thy wife, and her two fons with her miner

7And Mofes went out to meet his father in law, and did obeifance, and kir fed him, and they asked. each other of their welfare, & they came into the cent.

8 And Mofes told his fa thes in law all that the LORDhad done unto Phas raoh,and to the Egyptians for liraels fake, and all the travel that had come upon them by the way, and bow the LORD delivered them

9 And Jethro rejoyced for all the goodness which the LORD had done to If. rael: whom he had delivo.. red out of the hand of the Egyptians.


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10 And Jethro faid, Blef fed bethe Lord, who hath delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians,and out of the hand of Pharaoh, who hach delivered e the people from under the hand of the Egyptians.

11 Now Lknow that the LORD greater than all gods: for in the thing wherein they dealt proudly, he was above them.ta

12And Jethro, Mofes father in law took a burnt


offering, and facrifices for God and Aaron came,and all the elders of Ifrael to eat bread with Mofes fa therin law before God.

13 And it came to pafs on the morrow, that Mofes far to judge the people, and the people food by Mofes, from the morning unto the evening.derent

and it shall be, that every great matter they ha bring unto thee, but every fmall marter they fhall judge: So fhall it be easier for thy felf, and they thail bear the burden with thee.

14 And when Mofes fa ther in law faw all that he did to the people, he faid, What is this thing that thou doeft to the people? Why firteft thou thy felf alone, and all the people fand by thee from morning unto even? nives 15 And Mofes faid unto his father in law, Becaufe the people come unto me to enquire of Gudia 16 When they have a matter, they come unto me, and judge between one and another, and 1 do make them know the fa. tates of God and his laws. 17 And Mofes father in law faid unto him, The thing that thou doeft is not good.

18 Thou wiltfurely wear away, both thou, and this people that is with thee for this thing is too heavy. for thee; thou art nor able to perform it thy felfalone 19 Hearken now unto my voice, I will give thee counfely and God shall be with thee: Be thou for the people to God ward, thar thou mayeft bring the canfes unto God."

23 Ifthou hair do this thing, and God command theejo, then thou shalt be. able to endure, and all this people shall alfo go to their place in peace.

24 So. Mofes hearkened to the voice of his father in law, and did all that he had faid.

25 And Mofes chofe able men out of all Ifrael, and made them heads over the people; rulers of thoufands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers oftens,

26 And they judged the people at all lesions: the hard caufes they brought. unto Mofes,but everyfmail matter they judged them felves. Agora

27 And Mofes ler, his father in law depart; and he went his way into his own land,

CHAP, XIX... TN the third moneth,

when the children of If rael were gone forth, ont ofthe land of Egypt, thefame day came they into the wilderness of Sinai

a For they were departed from Rephidin, and were come to the defert of Si nai, and had pitched in. the wilderness, and there Ifrael encamped before the; mount ads

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20 And thou shalt reach them ordinances and laws, 3 And Mofes went up unand half few them the to God, and the LORD. way wherein they muft called unto him out ofthe.. walk, and the work that mountain, faying, This they must do to bathalt thou fay to the houte 21-Moreover thou shalt of Jacob, and tell the chil provide out of all the peo-dren of Ifracla ple, able men? fuch as fear God. men aftruth, haring covetousness and place Juch over them, re be rulers of thoufands, and ruters of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens.

22 And let them judge the people at all Teasons:

4 Ye have feen what 1 did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles wings, aedbrought you unto my falfa ca

5 Now therefores ifye will obey my voiceIndeed, and keep my covenant, then ye-thall be a pecuilarireafure

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