Above five hours. See, how she 'gins to blow 1 GENT. The heavens, sir, Through you, increase our wonder, and set up CER. She is alive; behold, Her eyelids, cases to those heavenly jewels1 Begin to part their fringes of bright gold;2 O dear Diana, ΤΗΛΙ. Where am I? Where's my lord? What world is this?3 In Twine's translation it is to Cerimon's pupil Machaon, and not to Cerimon himself, that the lady is indebted for her recovery: "-he pulled the clothes from the ladies bosome, and powred foorth the ointment, and bestowing it abroad with his hand perceived some warmth in her breast, and that there was life in her body.-Then went Machaon unto his master Cerimon, and saide: The woman whom thou thinkest to be deade is alive," &c. STEEVENS. 1 cases to those heavenly jewels-] The same expression occurs in The Winter's Tale: " they seem'd almost, with staring on one another, to tear the cases of their eyes.” - MALONE. Her eyelids, cases to those heavenly jewels-] So, in Sidney's Arcadia, Book III: "Her faire lids, then hiding her fairer eyes, seemed unto him sweet boxes, rich in themselves, but containing in them far richer jewels." STEEVENS. 2 Begin to part their fringes of bright gold;] So, in The Tempest: 3 "The fringed curtains of thine eye advance, What world is this?] So, in the Confessio Aman tis: Hush, gentle neighbours; Lend me your hands: to the next chamber bear sther.+ Get linen; now this matter must be look'd to, For her relapse is mortal. Come, come, come; And Esculapius guide us! [Exeunt, carrying THAISA away. "And first hir eyen up she caste, Hush, gentle neighbours; to the next chamber bear her.] MALONE. Thus, in Twine's translation: "And when he had so saide, he tooke the body reverently in his armes, and bare it unto his owne chamber," &c, So, in King Henry IV. Part II: "I pray you, take me up, and bear me hence STEEVENS, "Let there be no noise made, my gentle friends, Will whisper musick to my wearied spirit." MALONE. SCENE III. Tharsus. A Room in Cleon's House. Enter PERICLES, CLEON, DIONYZA, LYCHORIDA, and MARINA. PER. Most honour'd Cleon, I must needs be gone; My twelve months are expir'd, and Tyrus stands In a litigious peace. You, and your lady, Take from my heart all thankfulness! The gods Make up the rest upon you! CLE. Your shafts of fortune, though they hurt you mortally,5 Yet glance full wand'ringly on us.6 though they hurt you mortally,] First quarto-haunt. The folios and the modern editions read-hate. MALONE. • Your shafts of fortune, though they hurt you mortally, Yet glance full wand'ringly on us.] Old copy: Your shakes of fortune, though they haunt you mortally, I read, (as in the text): Your shafts of fortune, though they hurt you mortally, Thus, Tully, in one of his Familiar Epistles: "-omnibus telis fortuna proposita sit vita nostra." Again, Shakspeare, in his Othello: 66 The shot of accident, or dart of chance-." Again, in Hamlet: "The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune." Again, in The Merry Wives of Windsor: "I am glad, though you have ta'en a special stand to strike at me, that your arrow hath glanced." The sense of the passage should seem to be as follows.-All the malice of fortune is not confined to yourself. Though her The powers above us. We cannot but obey Could I rage and roar As doth the sea she lies in, yet the end To give her princely training, that she may be CLE. arrows strike deeply at you, yet wandering from their mark, they sometimes glance on us; as at present, when the uncertain state of Tyre deprives us of your company at Tharsus. STEEVENS. 7 Manner'd as she is born.] So, in Cymbeline: and he is one "The truest manner'd, such a holy witch, "That he enchants societies to him." MALONE. Fear not, my lord: &c.] Old copies : Fear not my lord, but think Your grace, &c. STEEVEns. I suspect the poet wrote: Fear not my lord, but that Your grace, &c. MALOne. I have removed the difficulty by omitting the words but think, which are unnecessary to the sense, and spoil the measure. STEEVENS. 9 If neglection Should therein make me vile,] The modern editions have neglect. But the reading of the old copy is right. The word is used by Shakspeare in Troilus and Cressida : By you PER. I believe you; Your honour and your goodness teach me credit,2 Unscissar'd shall this hair of mine remain, 1 "And this neglection of degree it is "That by a pace goes backward." MALONE. my nature need a spur,] So, in Macbeth: I have no spur "To prick the sides of my intent." STEEVENS. Your honour and your goodness teach me credit,] Old copies -teach me to it, a weak reading, if not apparently corrupt. For the insertion of its present substitute I am answerable. I once thought we should read-witch me to it, a phrase familiar enough to Shakspeare. Mr. M. Mason is satisfied with the old reading; but thinks "the expression would be improved by leaving out the particle to, which hurts the sense, without improving the metre." Then, says he, the line will run thus: I Your honour and your goodness teach me it, • Though I show will in't.] The meaning may be-" Though appear wilful and perverse by such conduct." We might read: Though I show ill in't. MALONE. Till she be married, madam, By bright Diana, whom we honour all, Unsister'd shall this heir of mine &c. But a more obvious and certain instance of corruption perhaps is not discoverable throughout our whole play. I read, as in the text; for so is the present circumstance recited in Act V. and in consequence of the oath expressed at the present moment: |