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These Forms may be added to the following Occa. sional Prayers, and used instead of the preceding, for the Morning or Evening's Devotion.

Morning. (1.)

MERCIFUL and ever-loving God, I bless thee for thy care over me the past night. Grant me thy protection through the ensuing day; keep from me all evil; and whatever thou ordainest for me, in small or great events, may I remember that it is thy will, and that I must cheerfully take up my cross to follow the Lord Jesus, my Saviour and Redeemer. Amen.

Our Father, &c.

Morning. (2.)

HEAVENLY Father, Lord God Almighty, I come to thee to implore thine aid and

protection through the ensuing day, and to offer thee thanks and praise for all thy mercies, and that of the past night's quiet rest. Make me to walk in thy ways, and so shall I be blessed. Give me the strength to do that which is righteous in thy sight, and may no allurements of gentleness or pleasure wile away my heart from thee.

Make me diligent to do the day's work which is set before me. And in all the trials of hourly existence, the infirmities of my temper and that of others, the crosses and disappointments of worldly hopes and cares, may I, O God, lift up my heart unto thee, through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.

Our Father, &c.

Evening. (1.)

MERCIFUL Lord, take me this night under thy kind protection. Watch over

me while I sleep. If I wake in the night season, may my meditation of thee be sweet, and my soul be glad in the Lord. If I am spared to see the light of the returning day, may I rise from my bed to give all diligence to walk before thee to all well-pleasing. And whether I wake or sleep, live or die, may I be the Lord's, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. Our Father, &c.

Evening. (2.)

I THANK thee, O Lord, for the blessings which I have this day enjoyed. Grant me this night such refreshing rest, that I may be better able to discharge the duties, and bear the burthens of another day, if thou shalt be pleased to add another day to my life. If my eyes should be kept waking, may my meditations on thee be useful to me. Pity my weakness, O merciful God, and hear my imperfect petitions for the sake of the Lord Jesus

Christ, who is touched with our infirmities, to whom, as to our merciful High Priest, be glory, for ever and ever.Amen.

Our Father, &c.




New Year's Day.

[Bp. Wilson. BLESSED be God, who has brought me safe to the beginning of another year!

My God, make me truly sensible of this mercy, and give me grace to consider often how short and how uncertain my time is; that there is one year more of a short life passed over my head; and that I am so much nearer eternity:-that I may in good earnest think of another life, and be so prepared for it, as that death may not overtake me unawares.

Lord, pardon all my mispent time, and make me more diligent and careful to redeem it for the time to come, that when I come to the end of my life, I may look back with comfort on the days that are past.

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