attainments he could appeal without hesitation,
but of other eminent individuals, whose names
would give lustre even to his humble labours.
It may not, perhaps, be improper to state, that
this volume necessarily comprises little more than
a sketch of the varied topics enumerated in the
table of contents. At a future day,
At a future day, perhaps, if
successful in this first effort, the Author may
attempt to convey an enlarged picture of the
history of this commercial metropolis, combining
with it some notices of the rise, progress, and
present state of those contiguous towns which,
in a mercantile point of view, may be correctly
designated the suburbs of Manchester. At pre-
sent, however, he is content that in his statistical
details he has opened valuably productive mines
hitherto unexplored, and in his biographical
chapter has placed upon record more authentic
memorials of some of the illustrious of their age
than have hitherto been given to the world, his
endeavours in this department of his work having
been kindly seconded by parties peculiarly com-
petent to afford correct information.