The following tables present an amusing and not altogether valueless contrast to these numerical results: ENUMERATION OF THE HOUSES AND INHABITANTS IN THE TOWN AND PARISH OF MANCHESTER, IN 1773 AND 1774, TAKEN FROM AN ACTUAL. SURVEY, AND DEPOSITED BY DR. JOHN WHITAKER, APRIL 27, 1778, IN THE COLLEGE LIBRARY: Houses. Families Males. Females Married. Wives. Widows. Manchester.... 7782 under 15. 3252 above 50. 44 Empty Houses. 640 26 39 Persons to a house, more than 6; Individuals to a family, 44. Population of the principal manufacturing towns of England and Scotland at the same period, (taking the suburbs as arranged by the Reform Bill) shewing their relative increase per cent: - 1831 94876 22 115874 40 161635 47 237832112873 124959 77385 30 100749 46 147043 38 202426 93724 108702 73670 16 85753 24 106721 33 142251 69415 72836 Suburbs Norwich (city) 36832 1 28861 19 Paisley, with the In Liverpool, including Toxteth Park, the increase per cent. in the first period was 26; in the second, 31; in the third, 44. Extraordinary as is the increase in some of these towns, the growth of the fashionable watering places has been still more magical. Brighton, in 1801, had a population of only 7,339; in 1831 it was 40,308. Cheltenham, in 1801, had 3,076; in 1831, 23,045. According to an actual survey made by Mr. W. Johnson, the parish of Manchester contains 34,507 statute acres, viz. : FULL ANNUAL VALUE OF PROPERTY ("MESSUAGES, LANDS, TENEMENTS AND HEREDITAMENTS") IN EACH TOWNSHIP OF THE PARISH OF MANCHESTER, IN THE DIVISIONS OF MANCHESTER, MIDDLETON AND BOLTON, AND THE WHOLE HUNDRED OF SALFORD, ACCORDING TO THE ASSESSMENTS FOR THE COUNTY RATE MADE IN 1815 AND 1829. The area of the county contains 1766 square statute miles, and consequently 1,130,240 acres; whilst the proportions ascribed to the several parishes make a total of only 1,117,260. This disagreement occurs in the returns for many counties.-Lancashire is very thinly peopled in some of its more remote districts: thus the chapelry of Bleasdale in the parish of Lancaster has 8490 statute acres, with only 236 inhabitants.* The most densely populated hundreds in the county, after that of Salford, are the following: Amoundernes Hundred, with 145,110 has only 69,987 of which are 8,191 It is, unfortunately, quite impossible to obtain a correct table of mortality for the town of Manchester. The frequency of baptisms and burials at the numerous Dissenting chapels in the town, from which no complete register can be procured, renders this impracticable, and it has therefore been deemed most advisable, in the first place to give the following calculated rates of mortality from the population returns, and to append a calculation (founded upon the register furnished to Chester) of the rate of increase in the population as shewn by the most correct data to which access can be obtained: The annual proportion of baptisms, burials and marriages to the population of Lancashire, calculated upon an average of the totals in five years preceding the enumerations of 1801, 1811, 1821 and 1831, was, in 1796-1800. 1806-1810. 1816-1820. 1826-30. Bap. Bur. Mar. Bap. Bur. Mar. Bap. Bur. Mar. Bar. Bur. Mar. 34 47 114 115 37 55 116 38 57 117 31 51 *Cheshire, containing 1,052 square statute miles and 673,280 acres, had a population in 1831 of 334,391; 34,997 being employed in trade and 16,397 in agriculture: the hundred of Macclesfield, containing 148,030 statute acres, has a population of 123,349; whilst the hundred of Bucklow, with 107,710 statute acres, contains only 42,942 souls. By reference to the copies of registers required to be returned periodically to Chester, it would appear that during the last ten years, namely, from 1825 to 1835, inclusive, there have been in Manchester, of Taking the marriages as the only infallible standard (the register of baptisms and births being always incomplete) and estimating the average according to the London bills of mortality, which alone are correct, it would appear that the proportion of baptisms and burials in Manchester, from 1825 to 1835, was as 4 to 3; and that excluding still-born infants and unregistered baptisms (of which the private baptisms form a most essential ingredient, none of them being registered) there were three children born to each marriage. The increase of population in the last ten years would therefore be 31,032. By reference to preceding tables, however, it will be seen that between 1821 and 1831 there was only in the township of Manchester an increase of 34,000 souls; and it is therefore probable that between 1825 and 1835 there has been an increase of at least ten thousand beyond the amount indicated by the register. Deducting, then, the increase as shewn by the register from the actual increase, the difference must con |