APPENDIX TO PART II. BANKRUPTCIES IN THE COTTON TRADE. It is curious to observe the mishaps which have occurred in the cotton trade since its foundation. Looking to the Gazettes, the first bankrupt described as a "cotton-spinner" appears in the year 1786. The subsequent numbers in each year shew that, great as is the capital embarked and immense the number of factories, the business is not always a flourishing one. An indefatigable friend of the Author has compiled for him the following paper: This, of course, is not inclusive of the private compromises effected with creditors, of which the number is great. Another item of loss of capital in the cotton trade-and it is an important one-arises from the destruction by fire. Within the memory of the gentleman who furnished the above table, not less than forty factories in Manchester and the district have been burnt down. CONTINENTAL FAIRS. In the days of its infancy, the cotton trade of Manchester was greatly dependent on the Chester and Wrexham fairs, which are now only known as boyish holidays. The continental fairs have assumed the importance which formerly attached to those in England, and it is therefore material to know the dates of their occurrence. They are here subjoined : In May and June there are no fairs, and by consequence the Manchester, Rochdale, Leeds, Bradford and other principal markets are flat and dull during the whole of May and a part of June. Great anxiety used to be felt as to the goodness or badness of the Chester and Wrexham fair markets; and the same anxiety, heightened of course in proportion to the increased extent of the trade, now attaches to the German fairs. N.B. Goods intended for one of the above fairs ought to be forwarded from Manchester at least four weeks prior to the fair. PART III. CHAPTER I. The following particulars of the population of Manchester and its environs, are derived from the returns published by order of Government, from tables drawn out by Mr. Rickman, and from other authentic sources. TABLE SHEWING THE RAPID INCREASE OF THE POPULATION OF TAX POPULATION OF THE TOWNSHIPS CONSTITUTING THE PARISH OF MANCHESTER IN 1831, THEIR OCCUPATIONS, THE NUMBER OF INHABITED AND UNINHABITED HOUSES, &c.: 7742 560 717 19475 21311 40786 567 2561 2963 5524 77 3535 3670 816 1605 41 242 435 219 282 36 8 134 114 248 1 36 8 1 17 the hundreds of Salford and West Derby, in Manchester and Liverpool," not less than *A "large portion" of these are indirectly employed in commerce and trade: "in 50,000 out of 60,000," The returns state that the township of Manchester contains about 12,000 men engaged in the cotton and silk manufactures; Salford, 3,500, including many makers of machinery; Pendleton, 850; Chorlton-upon-Medlock, 1,900; Heaton Norris, 1,100; and other townships of the parish about 4,000 colleetively; Oldham, 4,000, and Crompton in that parish, 4,200; Great and Little Bolton, 6,100; Bury, 1,600; Tottington, 1,500; Spotland and Castleton, (Rochdale parish) 2,000; Middleton township, 1,100 collectively. In addition to these there are 18,000 persons employed in the numerous manufacturing townships of the populous Hundred of Salford. The manufacture of woollens is said to be "comparatively unimportant;" the number of men employed in worsted mills, and as fullers, makers of baize, blankets and flannels being about 2,700, chiefly at Newchurch, in Whalley parish, in Rochdale, and at Bury. In Chorltop-upon-Medlock there are 1,900 workers in iron and brass (in foundries and so forth); there are 550 men employed as hatters in several of the adjoining townships-300 at Oldham. RECAPITULATION OF THE FOURTEEN DISTRICTS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF MANCHESTER: May 28th., 1821. RECAPITULATION OF THE FOURTEEN DISTRICTS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MANCHESTER: 1831. 7,493 12,773 12,808 25,581 6,709 2,539 867 7,357 8,206 15,563 3,751 1,120 498 3,462 3,813 7,275 1,934 1 151 87 565 709 1,274 310 15 229 7 40 12 7.. 1,617 2,288 6 50 5 1,453 830 4,537 5,247 9,784 2,466 5 703 1,100 232 306 90 30 8.. 420 470 1 14 295 175 1,269 1,475 2,744 791 51 291 183 83 150 33085203 9.. 546 615.. 41 353 262 1,523 1,795 3,318 896 28 439 159 212 29 29 11 405 10.. 613 741 3 21 570 170 1,823 2,063 3,886 877 207 296 130 214 19 10 9 129 11.. 2,059 3,007 3 44 2,011 992 6,465 7,170 13,635 3,365 778 1,639 228 629 73 11 8 224 12.. 328 375 32 1 293 81 866 993 1,859 494 1 56 323 38 49 15 12 3 162 13.. 1,195 1,545 6 42 1,119 426 3,445 3,824 7,269 1,919 250 857 165 556 60 31 33 224 14.. 986 1,426 5 33 1,056 369 3.205 3,629 6,834 1,695 3 307 711 191 430 47 6 1 219 Total. 22,445 30,384 53 968 30 23,067 7,287 67,845 74,181 142,026 35,655 13 63 11,797 14,308 2,002 5,991 1,255 235 110 2,978 |