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against Christians, although he is satisfied that the skeptics are wrong, for he has an internal evidence of the truths of the Bible and of the value of Christianity, yet he is still in comparative ignorance, and does not know how to reply to their cavils. So also with reference to questions of duty. The young Christian wishes to do right, and to act in accordance with the will of God in all things. But he is often uncertain as to the manner in which he should act under certain circumstances in which he finds himself placed, because he is not sufficiently acquainted with the Bible to enable him to decide his duty. But its constant study increases his knowledge, unfolding the character of God, so that he sees it in new lights. The will of God is made plain, and he learns how he may please him. Scripture explains Scripture. An acquaintance with its various parts reconciles apparent discrepancies. In proportion to the diligence with which he studies the Bible, the clearer is the knowledge he obtains, and the brighter the light that is shed on his pathway. "For the commandment is a lamp, and the law is light, and reproofs of instruction are the way of life." (Prov. 6: 23.) "The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple." Thus the constant study of the Bible enables him to repel the suggestions of Satan, meet the cavils of skeptics and detect misapplications of Scripture. Hence he may say, "By the word of thy lips I have kept me from the paths of the destroyer," (Ps. 17: 4,) and "Through thy precepts I get understanding, therefore I hate every false way. (Ps. 119: 104.) A constant perusal of the Bible also teaches us the details of duty, how we should act in peculiar circumstances into which we may be brought. Sometimes this is learned from recorded examples; at other times from direct precepts, and still again, by deduction from definite principles which are found distinctly declared. "For whatsoever things were written aforetime, were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope." (Rom. 15: 4.) "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." (2 Tim. 3: 16, 17.) Thus as the Christian gains

an increased acquaintance with the Bible, and acts on the knowledge thus acquired, his Christian character progresses and becomes more fully developed.

Secondly, we may expect progression and continued development, because the Christian increases in spiritual strength, and thus has more power to perform his duty and to resist temptation. If we look at natural life and examine its characteristics we find that a few persons remain always physically weak and helpless. They increase in years and grow in size, but not in strength. The muscles enlarge, but there is very little increase of physical power; they continue dependent on those around them, and perhaps on arriving at manhood are nearly as helpless as when infants. Usually, such persons are idiots as well as weaklings. A feeble mind is connected with a feeble body. Again, there are persons who grow physically strong and have the full use of their muscular powers, who yet remain mentally weak, and pass their lives in a state of imbecility. But these cases are exceptions to the general rule. In every one of them we know that there is something radically wrong causing this feebleness of body or mind; for the general law is, that food and exercise develop muscular power, from infancy to manhood; and that the use of the intellectual faculties expands the mind, causing it to grow stronger and stronger, and increasing its ability to grasp those special matters to which it gives particular attention.


So, also, the use of Christian privileges and the exercise of religious duties develop and expand the Christian character, so that it is less difficult to resist temptation. Duties become easier. It is affirmed of wisdom, i. e., true religion, "Her ways are ways of pleasantness." This is true! But it is also true, that the young Christian sometimes finds his duties trying, and the path of self-denial painful. Stimulated by his new-found love to Christ, he is willing to make sacrifices and to relinquish what he once loved. Yet he sometimes realizes that while the spirit is willing the flesh is weak. But by faithfulness in the performance of these duties, he grows stronger and stronger, till that which was once hard and difficult becomes easy and pleasant, and he can say, "I can do all things through Christ which strength

brotherly kindness, charity." (2 Pet. 1: 5—7.) added, "For if ye do these things, ye shall never fall 1: 10.) Thus by the practice of Christian duties, a ticipation of Christian privileges, we lose our relish for we once loved, increase in spiritual strength, and are ly perfecting our Christian character. Thereby we m the progressive and continued development of Christi ter, from the increased experience of communion wi At first the believer's hope is comparatively feeble. W paratively, because we are aware that there are differen respect. In many cases, the commencement of a hope is very weak, while in others it is more decided in i ter. Some young Christians think that their hope is v indeed. But we have no hesitation in saying, that w may be at first, it is comparatively feeble to what it may A man taught by the Holy Spirit that he is a sinner, Christ, because he has a realization of his personal and learns that Jesus Christ died to save him. hope, his last resource, the single way of deliverance fr But he has had no experience of the blessedness of t and he cannot realize the wondrous personal results wh follow in consequence of this act of faith; "as it is wri hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into of man, the things which God hath prepared for them t him." (1 Cor. 2: 9.)

This is

He has been deeply anxious concerning his state, an be has been filled with terror and alarm lest eternal ruin

overtake him. Now, "being justified by faith, he has peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ," (Rom. 5: 1,) and he finds that it is a "peace which passeth all understanding." He enters into his closet that he may pray to his Father; and in a fuller sense than he expected, he finds his Father there and receives a rich blessing from his gracious hand. He reads the Word of God and meditates thereon, and God speaks directly to him through this word so that he understands it better than ever before; and finds it the special truth which he needed. He listens to the preaching of the gospel, and that preaching unfolds new views of truth, and his soul is fed thereby. He meditates on the works of God, and again God reveals himself to him in a special manner. He attends to some duty which he expected would be irksome, but he finds that it is pleasant, for the Holy Spirit is near, aiding him in its performance. While engaged in the general business of life, he is constantly looking to God for guidance, he seeks in every thing to glorify God; and he feels with reference to every thing which he does, "Even this is for God."

He has aid in circumstances of trial. Difficulties come upon him, and sorrows weigh down his spirits. It may be that business arrangements which looked fair, grievously disappoint his expectations. Perhaps his own familiar friends are estranged, or his Christian brethren too readily believe some evil report concerning him, and therefore treat him as a transgressor. Sickness may enter his family, or may lay himself aside from active employment, disarrange his plans and interfere with his temporal prosperity; or death may bereave him of dearly loved ones,perhaps stroke after stroke coming in quick succession. But in these or other heavy trials God sustains him; and though his heart is sore and his anguish great, he can exercise implicit trust and confidence in God. Knowing that "all things work together for good to them that love God," he can say in the midst of these trials, "Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation." (Heb. 3: 18.)

He has deliverances from temptation. Perhaps this comes upon him with powerful force, and he trembles under it. It may be a temptation to indulge in some former evil habit, or it

trial and difficulty is frequently afforded, and these d from temptation recur again and again.

The hope of the Christian is strengthened because ting nearer the end of his journey. Once he was commencement. All before him was strange and un knew only by report what difficulties he should encou only by faith, the help he should receive. But no passed over a large portion of the pathway, and all al has found grace to help him in time of need. All the

of God have been in Christ, "yea, and in him, Amen 1: 20.) Thus he has more confidence that he shall fi come through Jesus Christ. He is able to trust more Christ: and he believes that all through his journey be afforded him. He believes that Jesus is able to from falling, and to present him faultless before the pr his glory with exceeding joy. And in this confidence claims,

"His love, in time past, forbids me to think
He'll leave me at last, in trouble to sink."

He now has clearer views of heaven. When he first in Jesus Christ as his Saviour, he received not only a k of sins forgiven, but also a hope of heaven. Yet that the Christian seemed a long way off; now it seems ne he thinks of it more as his home. John Bunyan has w trated this in his "Pilgrim's Progress." escaped from Doubting Castle and had

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