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Smyth J. F. D.

lation, agriculture, customs, and manners of the inhabitants,
with a description of the Indian Nations. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1784
T. An Ecclesiastical Catechism of the Presbyterian Church.
12mo. Boston, 1841

Presbytery and not Prelacy the Scriptural and Primitive Polity
proved from the testimonies of scripture, the Fathers, the school-
men, the reformers, and the English and oriental churches, with
an account of the ancient Culdees.
8vo. Boston, 1843
The Romish and Prelatical Rite of Confirmation, examined and
proved to be contrary to the Scriptures and the practice of all
the earliest and purest churches both oriental and western.

12mo. New York, 1845
The Unity of the Human Races proved to be the Doctrine of
Scripture, Reason, and Science, with a review of the theory of
Professor Agassiz.
12mo. New York, 1850

W. Lectures on Modern History, from the Irruption of the
Northern Nations to the Close of the American Revolution.
From the second London Edition, with a preface, list of books on
American history, etc., by J. Sparks. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1841
Same, new Edition.
2 vols. post 8vo. London, 1854
Lectures on the History of the French Revolution. New edi-
tion, with the author's last corrections and an additional lecture.
2 vols. post 8vo. London, 1855

and Lowe F. Narrative of a Journey from Lima to Para across
the Andes and down the Amazon, undertaken with a view of
ascertaining the practicability of a navigable communication with
the Atlantic by the Pachitea, Ucayali, and Amazon.

8vo. London, 1836

W. C. A Dictionary Hindostanee and English, abridged from
the Quarto Edition of J. Taylor, as edited by W. Hunter.

8vo. London, 1820

Warington W. On the Mines of Wicklow and Wexford.

8vo. London, 1853

The Hydrography of Sicily, Malta, and the Adjacent Islands,
surveyed in 1814, '15, and '16, under directions from the Lords
Commissioners of the Admiralty.
Eleph. Fol. London, 1823

Sketch of the Present State of the Island of Sardinia.

8vo. London, 1828 A Cycle of Celestial Objects for the use of Naval, Military, and Private Astronomers, observed, reduced, and discussed.


Sneedorf Fr. Samlede Skrifter.

2 vols. 8vo. London, 1844

Vol. I. Prolegomena. II. The Bedford Catalogue.
The Mediterranean; a Memoir, Physical, Historical and Natu-
Svo. London, 1854
6 vols. 12mo. Kiöbenhavn, 1794-98
Vol. I. Breve fra Göttingen og Leipzig i Aarene, 1783-86. Breve
paa en Reise igiennem Tydskland, Schweitz, Frankerige og Enge-
land i Aarene, 1791 og 92.

II. Som foruden en Inledning til Statistiken og om Europa i

III. IV. Forelaesninger over de vigtigste Staatsrevolutioner i de
tre sidste Aarhundreder.

V. VI. Forelaesninger over Faedernelandets historie.

Sneedorf-Birch Fr. Dansk Retskrivningslaere.

8vo. Kjöbenhavn, 1825

Sneglu-Halle's Reiser og Haendelser i det 11te Aarhundrede. Over-
satte efter islandske Haandskrifter ved Finn Magnusen.

8vo. Kjöbenhavn, 1820

Snell C. W. u. F. W. D. Handbuch der Philosophie.

3 vols. 12mo. Giessen, 1802-03
F. W. D. Ueber eine neue und bequeme Art Faktorentafeln
4to. Giessen, 1800
Sammlung, von sechs und sechsig Uebungstafeln aus der Lehre
von Grössten und Kleinsten nebst ihrer Auflösung.

8vo. Giessen, 1805

K. Einleitung in die Differential- und Integralrechnung.

8vo. Leipzig, 1846

4to. Lugd. Bat. 1617

(or Snellius) W. Eratosthenes Batavus, de terræ ambitus vera
Tiphys Batavus sive Histiodromicæ, de navium cursibus et re

4to. Lugd. Bat. 1624

Apollonius Batavus seu exsuscita Apollonii Pergæi Geometria.

4to. Lugodini, 1608

Considerationes Hassiacæ et spicilegium biennale ex obser-
vationibus Bohemicis Tychonis Brahe, nunc primum publ.

4to. Lugd. Bat. 1618

Descriptio Cometæ qui anno 1618, mense Nov. primum effulsit.

4to. Lugd. Bat. 1619

Cyclometricus de circuli dimensione secundum Logistarum
abacos et ad Mechanicem accuratissima.

4to. Lugd. Bat. 1621

W. R. F. De re nummaria. In Gronovius Thesaurus, Vol. 9.
Snelling T. A View of the Silver Coin and Coinage of England from
the Norman coinage to the present time, considered with regard
to type, legend, sorts, rarity, weight, fineness, and value. With
4to. London, 1762

A View of the Copper Coin and Coinage of England, including
the leaden, tin, and laton tokens made by tradesmen, the farthing
tokens of James I. and Charles I.; those of towns and corpo-
rations; and the tin farthings and half-pence of Charles II.,
James II., and William and Mary, with copper-plates.

4to. London, 1766

Catalogue of his Curious Library, to be sold March 14th, 1774.
8vo. London, 1774

8vo. Fiesole, 1830

Sniadecki G. Ragionamento di Niccolo Copernico, tradotto dalla
lingua Polacca nell' Italiana da B. Zaydler.
Snodgrass J. J. Narrative of the Burmese War, detailing the
tions of Major-General Sir A. Campbell's Army from its landing
until the treaty of peace at Yandaboo in February, 1826.

Svo. London, 1827

Snorre Sturlusons Nördländske Konunga Sagor. Sive Historia regum
Septentrionalium a Snorrone Sturlonide ante secula quinque
patrio sermone antiquo conscriptæ, quas ex manuscriptis codi-
cibus edidit, versione gemina, notisque brevioribus, indici poetico
vel rerum sparsim insertis illustravit Johann Peringskiöld.

2 vols. Fol. Stockholmiæ, 1697
Heimskringla edr Noregs Konunga Sögor af Snorra Sturlusyni.
Sive Historia regum Norvegicorum conscripta a Snorrio Sturlæ

Snorre, &c.

filio. Nova, emendata et aucta editione in lucem prodd. opera
G. Schöning, Vol. I. II. J. T. Thorlacius, Vol. III. et B. Thor-
lacius ac E. C. Werlauff, Vol. IV. V. VI.

6 vols. Fol. Hanniæ, 1777-1826
Vol. I. Prefatio Historica. Snorronis vita. Genealogia Snor-
ronis. Ynglingorum Historia. Historia regis Halfdani nigri.
Historia Haraldi pulchricomi. Historia Hakoni Boni. Historia
Regis Haralldi Graffelldi et Hakoni Jarli Sigurdi Filii. His-
toria Olafi, Tryggvii Filii.

II. Historia Regis Olafi Sancti, Haraldi Filii.

III. Historia Magni Boni. Historia Haraldi Severi. Historia
Olafi Kyrre (tranquilli) dieti. Historia Magni Regis, dicti Nudi-
pedis. Historia Regum, Sigurdi Hierosolymipetæ, ejusque fra-
trum Eysteini et Olafi. Historia regum, Magui cæci et Haraldi
Gilii. Historia regum, filiorum Haraldi, Sigurdi, Ingii et Eyst-
eini. Historia Hakoni humerosi. Historia Regis Magni, Er-
lingi Filii. Radius Poema, compositum ab Einaro in honorem
S Olavi Haraldi Filii. Vita Einari.

IV. Ad lectorem B. Thorlacius, E. C. Werlauff post mortem S.
Th. Thorlaciæ. Historia Regum Norvegii Suerreri, Haconis
Suerrerida. Guttormi Sigurdsonii et Ingii Bardsonii. Historia
Haconis Suer. ex recensione P. Clansenii.

V. Historia Haconis Haconidæ dicti Grandævi et fragmentum
hist. R. Magni Legum emendatoris.

VI. Explicationem carminum in Heimskringla occurrentium,
disquisitionem de Snorronis fontibus et auctoritate, Indicesque


Konunga-Sägur. (Swedish version only.) 3 vols. 8vo. Holmiæ, 1816
The Heimskringla, or Chronicle of the Kings of Norway, trans-
lated from the Icelandic, with a preliminary Dissertation by S.
3 vols. 8vo. London, 1844
For the Snorra or younger Edda, both original and versions, see

Snorreson J. (Latine Snorronius). Tractatus historico-physicus de Agri-
cultura Islandorum priscis temporibus cum successu usitata,
postea exoleta et jam restauranda.
12mo. Hauniæ, 1757
Snow C. H. A History of Boston, the Metropolis of Massachusetts,
from its origin to the present period, with some account of the
Svo. Boston, 1825

T. A Reply to a Letter of J. Simons on Antinomian Errors.
8vo. London, 1818

numbers and those of

Snowball J. C. The Elements of Plane Trigonometry, with the con-
struction and use of Logarithmic tables of
trigonometric functions of angles.
The Elements of Spherical Trigonometry.

Svo. Cambridge, 1838 Sec. Edition.

8vo. Cambridge, 1827

Soames H. The History of the Reformation of the Church of England. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1826-28 Svo. London, 1839

Elizabethan Religious History. Soane G. Life of the Duke of Wellington, compiled from his Grace's despatches and other authentic records and original documents. 2 vols. 18mo. London, 1839

Soane G. New Curiosities of Literature and Book of the Months. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1849

Soave Fr. Elementi della Pronunzia e dell' ortografia Italiana.

12mo. Napoli, 1794 12mo. Livorno, 1824

Grammatica ragionata della lingua Italiana. Grammatica delle due lingue Italiana e latina. 12mo. Firenze, 1835 Sobolstchikoff B. Principes pour l'organisation et la conservation des grandes Bibliothèques. 12mo. Paris, 1859 Sobreviela M. et Narcisso y Barcelo P. P. Voyages au Pérou faits dans les années 1791-94. Précédés d'un Tableau de l'état actuel de ce pays sous les rapports de la géographie, du commerce, de la littérature et des arts, publiés à Londres par Skinner, d'après l'original Espagnol et traduits par F. P. Henry, avec Atlas de 12 Planches. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1809 Sobry J. F. Poétique des Arts ou cours de peinture et de litt. comp. 8vo. Paris, 1810

Société de Biologie. Comptes rendus de Séances et Mémoires de la
Société de Biologie. Année 1-10.
8vo. Paris, 1850-60
Socinus Fanstus. Opera omnia in duos tomos distincta quorum prior
continet ejus opera exegetica et didactica, posterior opera
ejusdem polemica comprehendit. Accesserunt quædam hactenus
2 vols. Fol. Irenopoli, 1656
Vol. I. Explicationes variorum locorum Sacr. Script. De Antho-
ritate Sacr. Scripturæ. Lectiones sacræ. De ecclesia. Epis-
tolæ ad amicos. Prælectiones Theologica. De justificatione.
Elenchi sophistici. Institutio religionis Christianæ. Quod regni
Poloniæ et magni ducatus Lithuania homines, vulgo Evangelisti
dicti, etc. De Baptismo. De coena Domini. De Deo, Christo
et Spiritu Sancto. Fragmenta.

II. Contra Palæologum de magistratu. De Christo Servatore
contra Covetum. De statu primi hominis ante lapsum. De
natura Christi. Contra Assertiones theologicas Collegii Posna-
niensis. Miscellanea sacra. Contra Erasmum Johannis. Con-
tra Wiciekum. Contra Eutropium. Contra C. Francken.

Contra Franc. Davidis.

For Biography of Socinus see Toulmin J.

Socratis et Socraticorum, Pyth gora et Pythagorum quæ feruntur epistolæ Græce ad fidem codicis recensuit notis Allatii, Stanleii aliorumque et suis illustravit versionem latinam et indicem adjecit. J. C. Orellius.

8vo. Lipsia, 1815 12mo. New York, 1858

Life Teachings and Death.
Ueber den tiefern Schriftsinn des revolutionar Socrates von J.
8vo. Altona, 1839
Ueber den werth des Socrates als Philosophen von Schleier-
Berlin Abhandl. 1815
See also Schneide wein Delectus Poet. Græcorum, Wiggers G. et
Xenophon Memorabilia.

Scholasticas Historiæ ecclesiasticæ, Libri VII., ex recensione
H Valesii.
8vo. Oxonii, 1844

8vo. Paris, 1859

Historia ecclesiastica. Accurante et denuo recognoscente J. P.
A History of the Church from the Accession of Constantine to
the 38th year of Theodosius, translated from the Greek with life
of the author.

Svo. London, 1844

Soden F. L. von. Kriegs- und Sittengeschichte der Reichstadt Nürnberg vom Ende des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts bis zur Schlacht bei Breitenfeld, September, 1631, nach archivarischen und andern urkundl. Quellen. 8vo. Erlangern, 1860 Soderini G. V. Trattato della coltivazione delle viti e del fruto che se ne può cavare. 18mo. Milano, 1806 Söchting E. Die Einschlusse von Mineralien in krystallirten Mineralien nebst Betrachtungen über die Enstehung von Mineralien und Gebirgsarten.

8vo. Freiberg, 1860

Sögur af Thusund og einni Nott islenzhadar af B. Gröndal.

12mo. Reykjavik, 1852

Sömmering S. T. Ueber die körperliche Verschiedenheit des Negers

vom Europäer.

8vo. Frankfurt, 1785

De corporis humani fabrica, donata ab ipso auctore, aucta et
4 vols. 8vo. Trajecti ad Moenum, 1794-1803
Icones embryonum humanorum.
Fol. Francofurti, 1799
Abbildungen des menschlichen Auges.
Fol. Frankfurt, 1801
Traité d'Ostéologie et de Syndesmologie, traduit de l'Allemand
par A. J. L. Jourdan. Avec atlas de 17 planches in 4to.

8vo. Paris, 1843

Vom Baue des menschlichen Körpers. Neue umgearbeitete und vervollständigte Original-Ausgabe, besorgt von W. T. Bischoff u. andern." 8 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1844-45 Vol. I. Leben und Verkehr mit seinem Zeitgenossen von R. Wagner. II. Lehre von den Knochen. III. Lehre von den Muskeln u. Gefässen. IV. Hirn und Nervenlehre. V. Lehre von den Eingeweiden u. Sinnes Organ. VI. Allgemeine Anatomie Lehre. VII. Entwickelungs Geschichte d. Säugethiere. VIII. Pathologische Anatomie d. menschlichen Körpers. Sohaili Effendi. History of Egypt in the Turkish Language.

4to. Constantinople, (1142) 1830 Sohucke L. A. Bibliotheca mathematica. Verzeichniss der Bücher über die gesammten Zweige der Mathematik, welche in Deutschland und dem Auslande vom Jahre 1830 bis Mitte des Jahres 1854, erschienen sind. Mit Register. 8vo. Leipzig, 1854 Solari Marchioness de. Venice under the Yoke of France and of Austria, with Memoirs of the courts, governments, and people of Italy. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1824 Solayrès de Renhac F. L. J. Dissertation sur l'accouchement terminé par les seules forces maternelles trad. et annotée par Andrieux de Brioude. 8vo. Paris, 1842 Soldan C. E. Afhandling om Teliangiectaci. 12mo. Helsingfors, 1847 W. G. Geschichte der Hexenprocesse, aus den Quellen dargestellt. Svo. Stuttgart, 1843

Soldani A. Saggio orittografico ovvero Osservazioni sopra le terre
Nautilitiche ed Ammonitiche della Toscana con Appendice.

[blocks in formation]

Vol. 21.

4to. Siena, 1780 12mo. Londra e Livorno, 1787

Soldo C. A. Annales Brixiani, 1437-1468. In Muratori Rer. Ital.

Soleinne M. de. Bibliothèque dramatique. Catalogue red. par P. L.


5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1843

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