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AARON-His death why bewailed, 270.-His
delay respecting the molten calf, 199.-
Why he did not die with the offenders,


ABRAHAM-Anecdote of, 58.-Disputed with
the Chaldean Sages, 58.-The reason of
being tried, 72.-Thrown into a fiery fur-
nace, 58. Why called Hebrew, 58.
ADAM-An appellation common to male and
female, 17.-And Eve how created, 17.
-Animal food not given to, 18.-Food
allotted to him, 18.-Precepts given to
him, 276.-Sentence against him how
understood, 28.-The prototype of Isaac,

ALLEGORY-Of a colloquy with the moon,
10.-Of R. Isaac Arama, 116.

AMALEK-Why to be hated and destroyed,


AMBIGUITY-Has caused much mischief, 93.
-Of Genesis 49:10, 93.
ANGELS-Instruments of the Most High,
70, 91.-Learn what they knew not, 75.
-Meant by the light of the first day, 5.
-The ten degrees of, 152.-When as-
sume the name of the First Cause, 70.-
When created, 23.

ARK OF THE COVENANT-Supposed to have
been two, 247.-What it contained, 299.
ASTEROTH-its meaning, 160.
ATTRIBUTES-God's, where specified and
explained, 205.

AUTHOR'S-Address to the reader, ix.
BAAL-A name given to the Sun, 159.
BABYLONIAN-Captivity its cause, 62.-
Joke on marriage, 29.

BIBLE-Number of each letter in it, 250.-
The Hebrew never vitiated, 250.-The
Latin and Greek frequently vary, 250.
BIOGRAPHICAL-Account of the Author,xiii.
-Notices of authors quoted, xvii.
BIRDS-Of what created, 11.-Some wor-
shipped by heathen, 160.

BLESSINGS-And curses, how delivered, 294.
BODY OF MAN-A symbol of the Tetragram-

maton, 111.-Termed flesh and blood, 32.
CABALA-Its rules derived from Scripture,
209-The necessity and meaning of it,


CABALISTS-Compared to physicians, 208.
-Opinion of the duration of the world,
CALF-The molten, cause of it, 198.-Jo-

sephus makes no mention of it, 201.-


The intention of it, 200.-Why made of
gold, 198.-Why that figure chosen, 199.
CAPTIVITY-Duration of the Egyptian, 61.
-Duration of this and the Egyptian not
plainly revealed, 63.-How revealed to
Abraham, 60. The Babylonian, its
cause, 62.
CARAITES-During the Second Temple, 216.
-When revived, 216.
CHARITY-How it should be given, 181.-
Priority of claim to it, 284.-The benefit
of doing, 181.-Should not be unneces-
sarily asked, 147.

CHASTISEMENT-Of love its meaning, 68.
CHERUBIM-Difference between those of the
Tabernacle and Temple, 191.

CHILDREN-How and when perish for their
fathers, 165.

tended to in Scripture, 49.

CIRCLE Of all things commence and end
with God, 3.-Divided into semicircles, 3.
CLEMENCY-To be practised towards ani-
mals, 37.

COVENANT-Meaning of the word, 242.-
New, how explained, 240.

CREATION-Every thing created in perfec-

tion, 127.-Of Adam and Eve, 17.-The
order of the, 7.

CREATURES-All created in perfection, 127.
DAGON-Its figure and signification, 160.
DAVID-Comparison between the moon and
the kingdom of, 54.-God's instrument,
300.-Sinned in numbering the people,
197.-Why pestilence, war, or famine,
were offered him, 198.

termed a, 275.

DEATH-Of Aaron why greatly deplored,
270.-Three kinds mentioned by David,
184.-Why good, 20.

DECALOGUE-Confirmatory of the creation,
173.-Explanation of its delivery, 148.-
Why given in the Desert, 149.
DELUGE-Announced 120 years previous,
34.-Duration of, explained, 38.
DEODAND-Its foundation and meaning,


DEUTERONOMY- Commences, 274.

DILIGENCE-And care recommended, 115.
DREAMS-A curious one foretold, 255.-
Different description of, 254.-Impossi
bilities never dreamt, 255.-The causes of,
254.-Prophetic, how known, 256.

EARTH-Arranged before the heavens, 2.-
Corporeal members attributed to it, how to
be understood, 47.-Could not be without
heaven, 3.

ELYSIAN FIELDS-Whence the appellation is
supposed to be derived, 160.
EQUIVOCATION-May be used for a good
purpose, 50.-What termed so, 50.
ESAU-Why he resigned Canaan to Jacob,
82.-Settled in Seir, 82.
EUPHRATES-Whence the name derived, 27.
EVIL-Desires, why good, 20.-May be bene-
ficial, 67.-Eye, irrational creatures guard
against it, 195.-Eye, learned men do not
deny it, 195.-Eye, whence arises, 195.-
Eye, whether it exists or not, 194.
EXCELLENCE-Of ancient music, 249.-Of
Nos. 5 and 6, 106.-Of No. 10, 105.-
Of the Tetragrammaton, 107. Of the
square root, 106.

EXODUS-Commences, 100.

FALSEHOOD-Three descriptions of, 51..
FEAR-Servile and reverential, 76.-Rever-
ential, a theological virtue, 76.

FIRST-Born, why to have precedence, 80.
-Born, how exchanged with the Levites,
248.-Born, how resemble the First Cause,
80.-Understood by logicians in four
ways, 1.

FOOD-Animal, permitted to Noah, 19.-
What first given to man, 18.
FOWLS-Worshipped by the Babylonians,


FREE WILL-Always possessed by man, 113.
-Hebrew writers on the subject, 121.-
Proved by authority, reason and experi-
ence, 113.-Proved in the case of Balaam,


FRIENDSHIP-Of God, how to be under-
stood, 77.

GENESIS-Commences, 1.
GOD-Acts in the world by intermediate
means, 70.-Descending, how to be under-
stood, 46.-Ever rewards good actions,
79. Has pleasure, its meaning, 36.-
His names explained, 111.-How corpo-
real members are attributed to, 47.-How
He is termed "Friend," 77.-Immediate
cause of miracles, 261.-Is the efficient,
formal, and final cause of all beings, 106.
-Is merciful in judgment, 138.-No con-
ception can be formed of, 188.-Propor-
tions himself to the weakness of man,
137.-Remembering Noah, how to be un-
derstood, 39.-Repents not, 35.-The
beginning and end of a circle, 3.-The
origin of first beauty, 8.-The proximate
agent of miracles, 70.-What he con-
sulted in making man, 13.-Why corpo-
real members are attributed to, 47.
GLOBE-An explanation of the, 158.
GRANDFATHERS-Termed fathers in Scrip-
ture, 100.

HAPPINESS The fruit of good conduct, 72.
HEAVEN-Could not be without earth, 3.
-Created simultaneously with the earth,


HEBREW-Derivation of the name, 60, 58.
HELL-Why good, 20.

HEZEKIAH-How his life was prolonged,


HUR-Killed for opposing the people, 199.
I-AM, its signification, 103.

IDEAS-Plato's, agree with the Cabalists,


IDOLATRY-Descriptions of, forbidden in the
Decalogue, 163.-When commenced, 30.
IMAGE-Explanation of the Hebrew word,


INFERIORS-affect superiors, 36.

ISAAC-His likeness to Adam, 73.—Why
considered the root of Israel, 73.
ISAIAH-Why put to death, 187.
ISRAEL-Have no common beggars, 284.
-In Egypt 210 years, 61.-Meaning of
the name, 83.-Not under planetary in-
fluence, 275, 278.-Their comparison to
the heavens, 53.-Their order at the de-
livery of the Decalogue, 238.-Why liken-
ed to the stars, dust, and sea-sand, 52.-
Why termed Hebrews, 58, 60.
JACOB-Purchased the birthright on the day
Abraham died, 80.-Reason for seeking
to get the primogeniture, 78.-Why at-
tached to Esau's heel, 78.-Why he had
the name of Israel, 83.
JAH-Its signification, 103.

JUBILEE-The Cabalistic opinion of the, 43.
JUDGMENT-Why new year is termed a day
of, 275.

KING-Manasseh put Isaiah to death, 188.

-Manasseh corrupted the Law, 296.-
Why Israel sinned in asking one, 286.
KINGDOM-Of David compared to the moon,


LAND-Of Promise, how partitioned, 267.
LAW-Adapted to the capacity of mankind,

177.-God's name erased from it, 296.
-Its observers not under planetary influ-
ence, 185.-Never forgot by Israel, 297.
-Never to be changed by another, 235.
-Of Moses a model for all others, 186.
-Of Moses to be everlasting, 235.-Proofs
of its perfection, 235.-The Oral Law
where indicated, 206.-The book of the,
found by Hilkiah, 297.-The necessity of
it shewn, 214.-Perfect in the moral,
ceremonial, and judicial, precepts, 235.—
Where kept in the ark, 250.-Why given
with thunder, lightning, and voices, 150.
-Why recommenced as soon as ended
annually, 175.

LETTERS-Excellence of those forming the
Tetragrammaton, 105.-Excellence of
those forming the word ¬ “I AM,”
105.-Number of each in the Hebrew
Bible, 250.-Number of each in the Pen-
tateuch, 250.-The root of every thing,
105.-The world created by them, 109.
LEVITES-How exchanged for the first-born,
248.-Taught music scientifically, 248.
LEVITICUS Commences, 218.

LIBERALITY-Two modes of exercising it,


LIFE-How prolonged, 185.-Its cause, 183.
LIGHT-Differs from darkness in three things,

5. From the first, four proceeded, 7.-
Of the first day, what it was, 4.-The,
God shewed himself in, 5.
LOTS-How drawn by the first-born, 250.
-For the partition of the Holy Land, 267.
MAN-And woman created together, 17.—
How made in the image and likeness of
God, 15.-In what similar to angels, 14.
-Means body and soul, 24.-Partakes
of all the worlds, 14.-It would have been
better had he not been made, 22.
MANNA-Its various flavours, 142.
MEDITATION-And study require solitude,


MANASSEH-King, erased God's name from
the book of the law, 296.-W hy he put
Isaiah to death, 274, 187.
MERCY-Of God seen in all his works, 20.
-Of God surpasses his justice at least 500
times, 168.

MIRACLES-Performed by, or for Moses, 304.
--Performed by, or for other prophets,306.
MOLOCH-An appellation given to the sun,

MOON-Created in Aries, 10.-Created in

opposition to the sun, 10.-How like the
kingdom of David, 54.-Not to be wor-
shipped, 285.-Receives its light from the
sun, 10.-Why called both great and small
light, 10.

MOSES-Asked of God a possibility and an
impossibility, 201.-Did not require prayer
to perform his miracles, 302.-Difference
between his prophesies and those of other
prophets, 186.-Fulfilled his full term of
life, 140.-Had direct revelation, 202.-
In four points excelled other prophets,
202.-In what superior to other prophets,
302.-In what way he excelled other pro-
phets, 301, 56.-King, legislator, prophet,
and priest, 238.-Saw in a clear mirror,

MUSIC-Power of ancient, 249.-Taught the
Levites, 248.-Vocal requires harmony,

NAME-Given at the time of circumcision,
84.-Of God, their explanation, 110.-
Why Abraham's was changed, 84.
NEW YEAR-Why termed a day of judg-
ment, 275.

NISAN-Commencement of the sacred and
regal year, 127.

NOAH-The seven precepts of, 276.-Why

animal food was permitted to him, 18.
NOTES by the Translator-On Ancient music,
249.-Anecdote of Abraham, 58.-An opi-
nion of Maimonides,215.-The Babylonian
captivity, 63.-Cabala, 92.-On change of
words and letters, 212.-Deodand, 180.-
On the differences of Shamai and Hilel, 2.
-The Divine presence, 89.-On the di-
vision of the earth, 46.-On the dupli-
cation of Hebrew words, 28.-On the
Hebrew Bible, 250.-On the Holy Land

being the best part of the globe, 27.-
On an interpolation, 126.-The incorrect-
ness of Whiston's Josephus, 172.-On
individual prayer, 274.-Joshua reverenc-
ing the angel, 164.-To avoid materiality,
109.-The necessity of an Oral Law, 231,
217.-On Plato being taught by Jere-
miah, 8.-On prayer against the Evil
Eye, 196.-Respecting the Caraites, 216.
-Sacrifices related in our Ritual, 223.-
The Saducees, 63.-The Sephirot, 91.-
How seven times vanity is reckoned, 21.
-Set form of prayer not to be deviated
from, 233.-On Sight, 195.-Of those
for whom their is no salvation, 276.-
On tradition, 214.-A translation from
the Hebrew, 137.-On the Urim and
Thummim, 267.-Why the in the Te-
tragrammaton is incomplete, 109.-Why
the roots of Hebrew words are of three
letters, 111.-On the word ¡nn, 101.—

.3,עמד On the word

NUMBERS-Commences, 246.-5 and 6, their
peculiarities, 106.-One, the beginning of
every thing, 105.-Ten, the end of all and
most perfect, 105.
OPINIONS-Of R. Simeon ben Jochai on the
Oral Law, 207.-Of Maimonides on voli-
tion, 114.-Of the ancients that Eve was
created with Adam, 17.-On the cause of
miracles, 261.-On the creation of heaven
and earth, 1.-On the duration of life,
184. On the duration of the world, 43.
-On the light of the first day, 4.-On
the period of the creation, 127.-On the
original work, vii.-Respecting dreams,
253.- Respecting the Tetragrammaton,

Ox-The, worshipped by the Egyptians, 200.
-The, venerated in Greece and the East,

PATRIARCHS-Above planetary influence,56.
-Acquainted with the Tetragrammaton,


PEACE Offered before war commenced, 293.
-Offered in two modes by Joshua, 293.
-Offered, the two nations that accepted,

PENITENCE-Obtains pardon for sin, 118.—
Will shorten the present captivity, 63.
PHARAOH-Induration of his heart, how to
be understood, 118.

PHILOSOPHERS-Ancient, admit only what
reason would demonstrate, 73.
PLATO-A disciple of Jeremiah or Baruch, 8.
PRAYER-Better in a congregation than in-
dividually, 275.-Should be for proper
objects, 276.-To be addressed to the First
Cause only, 91.-When began, 31.-When
most perfect and acceptable, 274.
PRECEPTS-Four modes of observing them,
228. Given to Adam and Noah, 277.-
May be suspended but not annulled,


PREFACE The Translator's, v.

PRIEST-Levites termed, 250.-Means a

minister of any religion, 153.-The mean-
ing of the word translated, 153.
PROPHETESSES-Seven in Israel, 54.
PROPHETS-Inquire why some things ap-
parently unjust occur, 65.-False, how to
be known, 283.-The number of, in Israel,
54. Those not required to give signs,
291, 282.-When to be credited, 290,

PUNISHMENT-Why good, 20.
QUESTIONS-Of Alexander to some Sages,

1.-On borrowing vessels of gold and sil-
ver, 126.-Of a Duke to R. Gamliel, 11.
-On the duration of the earth, 41.-If
Elijah was fed by ravens, 226.-Whether
heaven or earth was created first, 1.—
How the soul unites with the body, 221.
-How sacrifices attracted the Divinity,
221.-As to the light of the first day, 4.-
Whether the molten calf was worshipped
as a deity, 200.-On the number of Le-
vites, 247.-On the seniority of Noah's
sons, 32.-Whether tribes might inter-
marry or not, 231.

RAVEN-Why sent by Noah from the ark,

REASON-Why Abraham could call Sarah

his sister, 50.-Why Abraham ceased to
be called Abram, 84.-Why animal food
was granted to Noah, 18.-Why Balaam
was forbidden to curse Israel, 266.-Why
the blood of the Paschal Lamb was put
on the doorpost, 133.-Why bread was
put between two cloths, 141.-Why the
Decalogue was given in the Desert, 149.
-Why the Egyptian and the present cap-
tivity are not plainly revealed, 63.-Of God
trying a person, 72.-Why the good may
experience troubles, 67.-Why Israel re-
tained the name of Jacob, 84.-Why Israel
sinned in demanding a king, 286.—Why
Joshua reverenced the angel, 164.—Why
the seven nations were driven from their
land, 279.-Why the wicked sometimes
prosper, 65.

REDEMPTION-Why the future one is hidden,
64.-Why the future will be everlasting,

RELATIVES-Termed brethren in Scripture,


REPENTANCE-In God, how to be under-
stood, 35.-Necessary to obtain pardon
on Kipur, 276,-What is true, 276.
REWARD-Due, given by God to all crea-
tures, 277.

RIGHTEOUS-Of all nations partake of the
next world, 277.

RULES-Of the Cabalists, 209.
SABBATH-Foundation of the articles of
faith, 177.-How to be remembered and
kept, 171.-Instils three things into the
soul, 168.-Is everlasting, 173.-Meaning
of the two words, Remember and keep,
170.-Should be dedicated to meditation,
169.-Should not be spent in idleness and

feasting, 169.-Termed the soul of the
universe, 25.-The name retained by all
nations, 169.-The soul of the world, 177.
-Represents the world of rest, 168.
SACRIFICES-Their origin and cause, 218.-
Their effect, 221.-When permitted any
where, 281.-When confined to one place,

SEPHIROT Their meaning, 91.

SEPTUAGINT-Alterations from the Hebrew
text, 15, 18, 24, 61, 277, 285.
SERVANT-Difference of the Hebrew and
Canaanite, 178.

SHEKEL-Its value in Moses' and Nehe-
miah's time, 198.-Reason of the half-
shekel annually, 194.
SHEMITA-Its original meaning, 43.-The
two descriptions, 243.
SIMILITUDE-Of seven illustrious men of
Israel to the planets, 54.-Of the tribes to
the signs of the zodiac, 53.

SLEEP Caused by the inward concentration
of, 256.-Necessary to all creatures, 176.
-Why beneficial, 20.

SOULS-Created on the first day, 14.-Form
part of the host of heaven, 24.-How
united with the body, 221.-Is what is
termed man, 32.-Their three states, 22.


-What connects them with bodies, 16.
STANDARDS-Of the tribes, description of
the, 161.

STARS-Fill the concavity of heaven, 10.
-Fixed in the heavens, 10.-Not created
to do good or harm, 185.

STUDY Five impediments to theological,
151.-Requires solitude, 30.

SUN-The, created in Libra, 10.-The, not
to be worshipped, 285.-The fountain of
light and beauty, 4.

TABERNACLE-What it represented, 154.
TABLES-Both written by God, 203.—Why
the second were shaped by Moses, 203.
TALMUDISTS-Did not require philosophical
doctrines, 176.-Found their theology on
Scripture, 152.

TEMPLE-HOW the land of it was bought,

TEMPTING-God, a grievous sin, 278.
TETRAGRAMMATON-All creatures have its
form, 111.-A noun proper, 104.-Im-
mutable, 109.-Its amount numerically,
107. Its signification, 103.-Jews do not
pronounce it, 107.-Learnt by revelation,
104.-Not found in ancient Chaldaic, As-
syrian, nor Greek writings, 107.-When
and how pronounced by the high-priest,
107.-Why of only four letters, 106.-.
Why not used in the creation, 104.
THEFT-HOW punished by the Mosaical and
other laws, 180.

TISRI-Proved to be the beginning of the
year, 128.

TITHES-Reward for bringing, 279.
TRADITION-Necessary to understand the
Written Law, 206.

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