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This is assuming that the ball were acted upon by no force other than that of gravity. If it encountered resistance, say that of air, it would finally come to rest at the earth's centre, and there it would remain, without visible support, being attracted by the earth's mass with equal force in every direction.

That this would be the result will become apparent upon examining the circumstances of the case. To begin with,

there can be no question that the ball I would fall to the earth's centre. The force which drew it downward would not be a constant one, however, but one continually lessening in intensity until, at the earth's centre, it became nil. The reason of this is that when the ball was below the earth's surface the portion of the earth's mass which lay above it would attract it upward, and only the portion which lay below it- that is, below a plane passing through it perpendicular to the direction of its fallwould attract it downward. The relative intensities of these two attracting forces can be calculated for any given position of the ball. The force which would be efficient for drawing the ball downward would be, of course, their difference. Without attempting to give here the demonstration, the simple fact may be stated that at every point in its descent the ball would be pulled downward by a force proportional to its distance from the earth's centre. At the start the whole force of gravity would act in a downward direction, giving to the ball an acceleration of thirty-two feet a second. When it had reached a point midway between the earth's surface and its centre, the acceleration would be sixteen feet a second. At three-quarters of the way down it would be reduced to eight feet a second, and at the centre it would become zero.

The ball would descend with accelerated velocity and would reach the earth's centre with a velocity of about five

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miles a second. Its momentum would carry it past this point, and its course would then become one of ascent from the centre. Now would come in the principle that to stop a moving body requires the same expediture of force as that which gave it its motion. The only force operating in this case would be that of gravity, which would now pull at the upward-flying ball, to check its motion, with exactly the same intensity and under the same conditions as when it was drawing it downward. As a consequence, the ball would rise before it parted with all of its motion to a height exactly equal to that from which it fell. It would rise to the surface of the earth on the farther side, where it would rest for a brief space of time, and then, gravity still having a hold upon it, it would fall back towards the earth's centre, again shoot past that point, and, ascending on the other side, would return to the point from which it fell originally.

The movement of this ball is essentially the same as that of a swinging pendulum. Now, if a pendulum is struck dexterously when just at the end of its swing, in a direction perpendicular to the plane in which it swings, it will be set to swinging in two ways simultaneously and its visible path will be an ellipse, or, if the blow is just sufficient to make it swing in the new direction to the same extent as in the first, the path will be a circle. This ellipse or circle will be described by the bob of the pendulum in the same time as it requires for making one complete oscillation. Similarly our cannon ball would make its double passage through the earth in the same time as it would take in circling round the earth, just clear of its surface, as a satellite. To escape falling to the earth, it would need to travel at the rate of a little more than five miles a second, and the period of its revolution round the earth would be one hour and twenty minutes, very nearly. G. S. J.

It is believed by many scientists who have followed most carefully the growth of the science of brain diseases, remarks a pharmaceutical journal, that scores of the deaths set down to other causes are due to worry, and that alone. The theory is a simple one-so simple that

any one can readily understand it. Briefly put, it amounts to this: Worry injures beyond repair certain cells of the brain; and the brain being the nutritive centre of the body, the other organs become gradually injured, and when some disease of these organs, or a combination of them, arises, death finally ensues.

Thus does worry kill. Insidiously, like many another disease, it creeps upon the brain in the form of a single, constant, never-lost idea; and as the dropping of water over a period of years will wear a groove in a stone, so does worry gradually, imperceptibly, but no less. surely, destroy the brain cells that lead all the rest—that are, so to speak, the commanding officers of mental power, health and motion.

Worry, to make the theory still



OISE, says the "American Machinist," is, like dirt, a nuisance. Much noise, like much dirt, is a great nuisance. As dirt is matter out of place, so noise is sound out of place. Dirt demands removal, and so is the great promoter of cleanliness. Noise is perhaps more insistent than dirt, and so has also its beneficent function, especially in the running of machinery. For many of the improvements and much of the perfection of modern machinery, noise only is to be thanked. Noise has done and is constantly doing much for lubrication, from the squeaking wheel-barrow and the baby carriage to the line shaft or the loose pulley in the shop, and so clear to the top. Noise has saved the lives of half the steam-engines and of many engineers.

When things are running all right there will be sounds, generally rhythmical, and therefore more or less musical, but never noise. As soon as things go wrong, there is noise at once. The knock in the cylinder must be attended to or the head flies out. There are other noises about an engine which tell an engineer at once of minor disarrangements and give the opportunity of correction before wear or accident occurs. A deaf engineer would necessarily be an almost worthless and an unsafe one. Probably many persons do not appreciate the value of good hearing to an engineer. It is probable that

stronger, is an irritant at certain points, which produces little harm if it comes at intervals or irregularly. Occasional worrying of the system the brain can cope with, but the iteration and reiteration of one idea of a disquieting sort the cells of the brain are not proof against. It is as if the skull were laid bare and the surface of the brain struck lightly with a hammer every few seconds, with mechanical precision, with never a sign of a “let up" or the failure of a stroke.

Just in this way does the annoying idea, the maddening thought that will not be done away with, strike or fall upon certain nerve cells, never ceasing, and week by week diminishing the vitality of these delicate organisms that are so minute that they can only be seen under the microscope.

on our railroads there should be tests for hearing as well as for sight, although we have not heard of them. Sound is constantly telling the stationary engineer of the condition of his engine, and noise. tells of its maladjustment or derangement. Noise tells of the unwelcome presence of water in pipes and valve chests, as well as in the cylinder, of the incorrect action of valves, of abnormal changes of speed, of defective lubrication anywhere, of the displacement and rubbing of parts, of nuts or screws working loose, of connections or bearings that need taking up. An engineer that can hear noises in his engine room and be content under their continuance should be promoted to the outside of the door.

An ear sensitive to noise, with a proper detestation of it, is one good qualification for a foreman or superintendent. Noise means at least discomfort, makes men nervous and irritable, and will never allow them to do their best. We worked once for a long time contiguous to some rattling gearing, and we know what we are talking about. We passed through a foundry the other day where they had a very noisy power-driven sand shifter at work which must have had anything but a good effect on the men, and certainly did not increase the amount of work done, and we could not help wondering how the powers that be could permit such a nuisance. There are many preventable noises that might be stopped.



For the benefit of those whose acquaintance with the Question Department begins with this issue, it may be well to say that SELF CULTURE readers are expected to look up in the Encyclopædia Britannica each day the answer to the question given for that day. This will seldom require more than one hour, but in the event that one evening's leisure does not suffice, it will be easy to continue the investigation the following evening while the subject is still fresh in the reader's mind. The conscientious pursuit of the home study involved in this department will lead to the possession of a large and varied stock of general information.

o vary the interest in these series of questions, as well as to increase the educational benefits arising from their daily study in tracing them to the sources of the history, it is designed, for a while, to group the questions under specific countries, and to withhold reference to the pages in the Britannica, or in the New Supplement thereto, where the answers may be sought. In the present series of questions (for the month of December), it may suffice to say that answers will be found either under the general article on France, in the E. B., or under the historical personages or specific events referred to in the questions.-ED. S. C.

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Dec. 8. When was Paris made the capital of all France?

Dec. 9. Give the Roman name applied to France in Cæsar's day, and state who were the Franks who conquered the country in the fifth century.

Dec. 10. Give the periods of the régime of Charles Martel, mayor of the Palace, who founded the Carlovingian dynasty.

Dec. II. Relate what you know of Charlemagne and his period. When did he become King of the Franks, and when was he crowned Emperor of the West?

Dec. 12. When did the Northmen (Normans) become permanent settlers in France?

Dec. 13. Under whom did the Feudal Monarchy in France have its rise?

Dec. 14. What was the influence on France of the Crusades?

Dec. 15. Give the date of the English invasion of France, and state when Calais was taken by Edward III.

Dec. 16. Cite the chief events of the Hundred Years' War.

Dec. 17. Tell what you can about Joan of Arc and her deeds.

Dec. 18. What was the character and aims of Louis XI.?

Dec. 19. Relate what you know of the religious wars of the sixteenth century, and give the date of the Massacre of St. Bartholomew.

Dec. 20. Under what circumstances did Henry of Navarre become King, and in what great battle did he defeat the Holy Catholic League?

Dec. 21.

What was the social condition of France under the regency of Marie de Medicis?

Dec. 22. What distractions in the Kingdom brought Cardinal Richelieu into power?

Dec. 23. Who was Louis XIV.'s great finance minister?

Dec. 24. What was the immediate cause of the great exodus of the French Protestants (the Huguenots), at the close of the seventeenth century?

Dec. 25. In what cause was the battle of Blenheim (Höchstädt) fought? State the approximate losses of the Allies, and also the fosses of the French and Bavarians.

Dec. 26. Under what sinister feminine influences did Louis XV. fall?

Dec. 27. What was the condition of the French people on the eve of the Revolution?

Dec. 28. State what you know of Turgot, Necker, Mirabeau, Talleyrand, Guizot, and


Dec. 29. What brought Charlotte Corday (D'Armans) to the block? Justify the epithets applied to her as "the angel of assassination" and "the Joan of Arc of the Revolution."

Dec. 30. Who were the parents and who the husband of Marie Antoinette, and against what excesses, in the turmoil of the time, did she disastrously protest?

Dec. 31. What immediately led to the res toration of the Bourbons?

* For answers to some of the above questions that refer to the recent history of France, it will be necessary to consult the New Supplement to the E. B., in 5 volumes [The Werner Company], 1897.

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QUARTER of a century has passed since the death of Mary Somerville. While yet living kings and queens acknowledged their indebtedness to her, sculptors wrought her form in marble, artists painted her picture, poets addressed sonnets to her, and every society for the diffusion of useful knowledge then existing made her its honorary member. We may more fully appreciate the significance of these facts if we consider the fermentation of new ideas in the closing years of the eighteenth century. It was then that England was pronounced the first maritime and colonial power in the world. In the lessening power of great families and in the increase of wealth among the industrial classes there was a growing reverence for mental power that became the inspiration of science and of literature. A hundred years earlier, Sir Isaac Newton ceased to be a child playing on the shore, and set sail on that boundless ocean of truth which during his life had lain unexplored before him. Later on, Sir William Herschel swept the heavens with his telescope in search of new worlds; later still, his son, Sir John Herschel, continued the observations and formulated the valuable data that his father had so ably furnished.

It is notably true of this period that from scores of illustrious names the various seats of learning received new life and became conscious of an inspiration vastly greater than any they had hitherto

* See sketch (brief facts in Mary Somerville's life) in the Encyclopædia Britannica, Vol. XXII, page 260.


been able to bestow. The universities of Oxford and Cambridge, each with its score of colleges, growing richer in facilities with every generation, were now the crowning glory of civilization, and there was no more alluring path to an honorable consideration than that by which the stores of useful knowledge were increased or its greater diffusion secured.

Then, as now, boys and girls born of the same parents, were seated at the same table, permitted to eat of the same food, and to hear the same conversation. They were separated, however, when they went to school. For the boy there was a course of study preparatory to the broader one of the universities. When after a term of years he returned to his family, if in any degree worthy of his advantages, his conversation soon betrayed the fact that to him the doors to learning were all swung open. He could enter and wander at will.

Did he desire

to acquaint himself with those civilizations that flourished and declined before his day, his knowledge of ancient languages made such a pursuit entirely practicable. If his taste led him to seek the controlling thought in modern literature, again his acquaintance with languages opened the door. All trophies of scientific investigation were laid at his feet. If he desired to watch the stars in their onward courses, or to wrest from the rock the secret of its age or birth, every available aid was placed at his disposal.

The prevailing sentiment regarding woman's development at this time is dutifully reflected by Mrs. Anna Letitia Barbauld, in a letter written to her niece.

Copyright, 1898, by THE WERNER COMPANY. All rights reserved.


"The line of separation," she writes, "between the studies of a young man and a young woman is this:

A woman is excused from all professional knowledge. Men study in order to qualify themselves for the law, for physic, for various departments in political life, for instructing others from the pulpit or professor's chair. These all require a great deal of severe study and technical knowledge, much of which is in no wise valuable in itself, but as a means to that particular profession. Now, as a woman can never be called to any of these professions, it is evident that you have nothing to do with such studies. A woman is not expected to understand the mysteries of politics because she is not called to govern. She is not required to know anatomy because she is not to perform surgical operations; she need not embarrass herself with theological knowledge because she will neither be called upon to make or explain creeds.

"A woman should have such a tincture of general knowledge as to be able to engage gracefully in conversation. In no subject is she required to be deep, of none should she be ignorant. If she

knows not enough to speak well she should at least know enough to keep from speaking at all, and the modesty which prevents an unnecessary display of what she does know will cause it to be supposed that her knowledge is greater than it is. As she will never obtrude her knowledge, none will ever be sensible of any deficiency in it, and her silence will seem to proceed from discretion rather than from a want of information."

It is proper to state, in passing, that Mrs. Barbauld could not so clearly have stated the popular idea of woman's education had she not herself overstepped the boundaries she prescribes. She was an excellent classical scholar, but dared not counsel her niece to a like disregard of prevailing sentiment; hence, her letter, presenting as it does the compromise between this sentiment and a personal desire for intelligence, affords as perfect a key to the spirit of the time as we can hope to find.

In this whirl of contending influences began the life of Mary, daughter of Admiral Sir William Fairfax. She was born at Jedburgh, Scotland, in the year 1780, and disclosed at an early age a hunger for knowledge that changed the whole

direction of her life and made her the most remarkable woman of her time.

The memory of days which are in any respect remarkable acquires peculiar charm when viewed through the perspective of quiet years, and one experiences a unique pleasure in reading the personal recollections of this gifted woman. We learn how, as a child, she wandered along the seashore, collecting shells, pebbles and flowers; how she passed evenings in gazing at the starlit heavens; how she amused herself in a garden frequented by birds, observing them until their habits were familiar to her. The first ten years of her life were passed without the aid of books- unless we except the book of nature, whose leaves she was already beginning to turn.

This excellent foundation for the superstructure of wisdom seems to have been most unwittingly laid, and was in fact the result of neglect rather than prevision. Suddenly, however, her father awoke to a consciousness of the fact that a girl should at least know how to read and write and keep accounts, and Mary was sent away to school.

We learn from her record how, though perfectly erect and well formed, she was enclosed in stiff stays, with a steel busk in front, while bands drew her shoulder blades back until they met, and how another steel rod with a semicircle which passed under the chin was clasped to the busk in her stays. In this constrained attitude she had to prepare her lessons, and the chief task given her was to "learn by heart' daily a page of Johnson's Dictionary. She returned to her home at the age of eleven, and, aside from instruction in music, seems to have been left to her own devices. When thirteen years old, she for the first time met with a friend who encouraged and gave direction to her love for study.

A little later, while out in company with her mother, she met a lady who tried to interest her in some manner of fancy work. While turning the leaves of a book of designs her eye caught sight of what appeared to be an arithmetical question, but, on turning the page, she found strange-looking lines mixed with letters, chiefly x's and y's: Said her friend, replying to her eager inquiry: "It is a kind of arithmetic; they call it algebra. I can tell you nothing about it.'

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