Page images
[blocks in formation]

EATON (J.) Illiteracy and its social, political and industrial effects. [New York?] 1882. 8°. 24.1486. Box 3

—REPORTS on the best means of preventing the pollution of rivers in Great Britain. Lon- Imagination. don, 1866-74. 12 v. f°. Alumni room. -RICHTER (A.) Phantasie und ihre schöpfun-SCOTT (J.) Irrigation and water-supply. gen. Eine studie zur psychology. MagLondon, 1883. 12°. 26.3624.22 deburg, 1864. 34 PP. 16°. 23.1428. Box 4 -WATER Supply of towns. [Anon.] 35 pp. Imitation of Christ. v. 4 of 32.2037.5-KETTLEWELL (S.) (Hydrostatics). tione Christi. -PLATEAU (J. A. F.) Statique expérimentale Immermann (Carl). et théorique des liquids. Paris, 1873. STRAUSS (D. F.) 2 v. 8°. Hydropathy.



Authorship of the De imitaLondon, 1877. 8°. 22.1381.1 b. 1796, d. 1840. Karl Immermann. v. 2 of 19.3181.2

Immortality of man.


-BULWER (Sir E. G. E. L.) Confessions of a-BARTSCH (J.) Schiller's glaube an die unster water-patient. pp. 49-75 of 21.1302.8 blichkeit der seele. Berlin, 1860. 16 pp. 8. 9.548. Box 4 CLARKE (S.) Letter to Mr. Dodwell; wherein his arguments against the immortality of the soul are answered. 4th ed. London, 1711. 8°. 22.1373-5

-BALFOUR (E.) Observations on the means of
preserving the health of troops, by select-
ing healthy localities for their canton-
ments. 14 pp.
29.3825. Box 3
-Observations on the means of forming and
maintaining troops in health, in different
climates and localities. 8 pp.

29.3825. Box 3

-PICKFORD (J. H.) Hygiene or health as de


-COBBE (F. P.) Hades. pp. 395-446 of 21.1302.34
-DEINHARDT (J. H.) Ueber die vernunft-
gründe für die unsterblichkeit der men-
schlichen seele. Bromberg, 1863. 23
PP. 4°.
22.1367. Box I

pending upon the conditions of the at--HEYN (M.) Ueber die unsterblichkeitslehre
mosphere, foods, sleep, secretions, etc.
des alten testaments. Hildburghausen,
London, 1858. 8°.
1870. 20 pp. 4°.
notiones de rebus
fontibus collatae.


-LUBBOCK (J.) Ants, bees, and wasps. New
York, 1883. 12°.


-HYMNAL of the protestant episcopal church.
Rev. ed. New York, 1877. p.8°. 18.3093.13
-KLOPSTOCK (F. G.) Geistliche lieder.
v. 7 of 18.3073.12


-KRIEBITZSCH (T.) Geschichte des geistlichen
liedes der evangelischen kirche in kurzen
biographien der dichter. Leipzig, 1854.
23 pp. 42.
18.3068. Box 5

-PEARSON (C. B.) Hymns and hymn-writers.
pp. 124-164.

Anleitung zu barometrischen
hohenmessungen, mittelst quecksilber
barometer und aneroid nebst dazu nöthi-

gen hilfstafeln. 2e aufl. Dresden, 1882.
26.3648. Box I



[blocks in formation]

v. for 1858 of 21.1315.8-WALTER (J.) De animi immortalitate quae
decreta et praecepta Cicero tradidit.
[Prag], 1867. 17 pp. 4°. 22.1367. Box I
-WINDET (J.) De vita functorum statu, ex He-
braeorum atque Graecorum comparatis
sententiis concinnatus. Ed. 4a. Lugduni
Batavorum, 1716. s. 4°. 22.1367. Box I
-WYTTENBACH (D.) Lectiones quinque, prae-
fatione auctae a G. L. Mahne. Gandavi,
1824. 8°.
22.1367. Box 2
-EVELYN (J.) History of three famous impos-
tors, padre Ottomano, Mahomed bei, and
Sabatai Sevi. pp. 563-620 of 6.2358.1

Iambic measure.
-ZARNCKE (F.) Ueber den fünffüssigen iam-
bus, mit besonderer rücksicht auf seine
behandlung durch Lessing, Schiller, und
Goethe. Leipzig, [1865]. 93 pp. 1. 8°.
18.3068. Box 4


-ACCOUNT of the great trigonometrical survey
of India. By J. T. Walker. Dehra Dun,
1870-83. 9 v. 4°.

-ZIEGLER (T.) Das idyll und seine hauptver--BUCHANAN (C.) Ecclesiastical establishment treter im achtzehnten jahrhundert. PP. 1-42 of 19.3185.13 Illinois. -MAREST (G.) Father Marest's journeys through Illinois and Michigan, 1712. pp. 191-229 of 3.112.19

for British India. pp. 183-241 of 11.2690.12 -BUCKLEY (R. B.) Irrigation works of India, and their financial results. London, 1880. 8°. 11.685.14 -GLEIG (G. R.) India and its army. pp. 176– 325. v. 2 of 21.1306.23

Ingham (Benjamin). b. 1712. d. 1772. -TYERMAN (L.) Benjamin Ingham, the Yorkshire evangelist. pp. 57-154 of 6.338a.11


-CHANNING (W.) Causes of insanity. pp.
v. for 1883 of 29.3844.2
Hallucinations; La folie sen-
Analogies de la folie et de la

-HARDWICK (C.) Religions of India.
pp. 115-266 of 22.1391.30
-HUNTER (W. W.) Imperial gazetteer of India.
London, 1881. 9 v. 8°. 11.2695.1
-MOZLEY (J. B.) Indian conversion. pp.
v. 2 of 21.1314.44
—RENAUDOT (E.) Ancient accounts of India and
China, by two Mohammedan travellers in
the 9th century. From the Arabic [of
Masudi]. London, 1733. 8°. 11.683.5
-TREVELYAN (G. O.) Competition wallah,
[1863]. 2d ed. London, 1866. p. 8°. Inscriptions.


-LÉLUT (L. F.)



pp. 259-345 of 23.1414.42 Insanity and its problems. pp. v. for 1883 of 29.3825.6

11.681.21-BOECKH (A.) and FRANZ (J.) Corpus inscriptionum graecarum. Berolini, 1828-77.

—GOES (D. de). De rebus indicis, lusitanicis et
hispanicis, opuscula. pp. 449-655.
15 1. of 2.43.25
-HUNTER (W. W.) Imperial gazetteer of In-
dia. PP. 317-474. v. 4 of 11.2695. I
-KAYE (J. W.) History of the Sepoy war in
India, 1857-58. London, 1880.
3 v. 8°.
-TEMPLE (Sir R.) Men and events of my time
in India, 1847-1881. 2d thousand.
London, 1882. 8°.

Indiana county (Pennsylvania).
-PLATT (W. G.) Report [on the geology] of
Indiana county. Harrisburg, 1878. 8°.
v. 34 of 29.1851.1


4 v. f°.


14.858.2 Delectus inscriptionum graecarum propter dialectum memorabilium. Lipsiae, 1883. 8°.

-DUVIVIER (F. F.) Inscriptions phéniciennes,
puniques, numidiques, expliquées par une
méthode incontestable. Paris, 1846. 16
pp. 8°.
14.858. Box I
-MERRIAM (A. C.) Greek and Latin inscrip-
tions on the obelisk-crab in the metro-
politan museum, New York. New York,
1883. 8°.
11.648. Box I
-ROEHL (H.) Inscriptiones graecae antiquis-
simae praeter atticas in Attica repertas.
Berolini, 1882. f°.

-COMSTOCK (J. H.) Second report of the de-
partment of entomology of the Cornell
university experiment station. Ithaca,
N. Y., 1883. 8°.


27.1718. Box I

Animal intelligence. New 12°.

York, 1883. 27.1673.22 Interdict (Papal). -SARPI (P.), and others. Trattato dell' interdetto di Paolo v. [contro la republica di Venetia.] Venetia, 1673. 12°. V. I of 12.2722.2

Indians of North America.
-BAEGERT (J.) Account of the aboriginal in-
habitants of the Californian peninsula.
Tr. by C. Rau.
[Smithsonian report, 1864, pp. 378-399].
—BARTRAM (W.) Manners, customs and gov--ROMANES (G. J.)
ernment of the Muscogulges or Creeks,
Cherokees, Chactaws, etc. Philadelphia,
1791. 8.
pp. 481-522 of 3.104.22
-BOLLER (H. A.) Among the Indians. Eight
years in the far west, 1858-1866. Phila-
delphia, 1868. 8°.
—GABB (W. M.) Tribus y lenguas indigenas de
Costa-Rica. pp. 303-486 v. 3 of 3.125.13
-HALDEMAN (S. S.) On the contents of a
rock retreat in south eastern Pennsylva-
nia. Philadelphia, 1880. 4°. 2.56.13
—RAU (C.) Ancient aboriginal trade in North
America; North American stone imple-

Interest. -BENTHAM (J.) Defence of usury; showing the impolicy of the present legal restraints on the terms of pecuniary bargains. pp. I-29. v. 3 of 6.2343.6 -BROWN (W.) No fund in commerce or labor, for lending on interest. Montreal, n. d. II pp. 18°. 25.1548. Box 2 28.3733.1-CAREY (H. C.) Of the rate of interest. Phila[Smithsonian report, 1872, pp. 348-408]. delphia, 1873. 24 pp. 8°. 25.1548. Box 2 —REPORT in relation to an agreement made be--MCCULLOCH (J. R.) Essays on exchange, intween J. K. McCammon and the Flathead terest, and other subjects. Boston, 1850. [and other] Indians for the sale of a por8°. 25.1553.11


tion of their reservation in Montana.—PRESTON (L.) Tables of interest at seven per
Washington, 1883. 8°.
cent. New York, 1836. 8°. 26.16186.14


-TONER (J. M.) Geological age of the world; International law.

an address. -WAITZ (T.) Die Amerikaner: ethnographisch und culturhistorisch dargestellt. Leipzig, 1862. 8°. vv. 3, 4 of 27.1674.18 Induction. See Science. Infidelity. -MANSEL (H. L.) Freethinking: its history and tendencies. pp. 291-336 of 21.1314.8 -NEWMAN (J. H.) On the introduction of rationalistic principles into revealed reli--MILL (J. S.) Few words on non-intervengion. pp. 30-102. v. 1 of 21.1314.51

pp. 7-112 of 29.3835.33-BENTHAM (J.) Principles of international
law. PP. 535-560.
v. 2 of 6.2343.6
-FULBECK (W.) Pandectes of the law of na-
tions. London, 1602.
S. 4°.
pt. 2 of 15.2954.24
-MABLY (G. B. de). Principes des négocia-
tions, pour servir d'introduction au droit
public de l'Europe. Paris, 1795. 8°.
v. 5 of 8.493.7

tion. pp. 238-263.

v. 3 of 21.1314.24

Inter-oceanic communication.



-HÉLÈNE (M.) Nouvelles routes du globe. -CATTANEO (C.) L'antico esercito italiano. Paris, [1882]. 8°. Milano, 1862. 48 pp. 8°. 12.726. Box 2 -SULLIVAN (J. T.) Report of information re--CHODZKO (L.) Histoire des légions pololating to the problem of interoceanic comnaises en Italie. Paris, 1829. 2 V. munication by way of the American isthmus. Washington, 1883. 4°. 3.128.9-GLADSTONE (W. E.) Italy, and her church.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

pp. 193-244.



v. 6 of 21.1306.18

-GROSLEY (P. J.) New observations on Italy
and its inhabitants, [1758]. Written in
French by two Swedish gentlemen.
[Pseudon.] Tr. by T. Nugent. London,
1769. 2 v. 8°.
-HARE (Á. J. C.) Cities of southern Italy and
Sicily. London, 1883. p. 8°. 12.722.4
-MONTAIGNE (M. E. de). Diary of journey
into Italy, through Switzerland and Ger-
many, 1580-81. Tr. by W. Hazlitt.
PP. 551-657 of 19.3184.4
Nooks and by-ways of
Italy. Liverpool, 1868. 1. 8°. 12.712.19


Ithaca (New York).

-COмSTOCK (J. H.) Second report of the department of entomology of the Cornell university experiment station. Ithaca, N. Y., 1883. 8°. 27.1718. Box I

Iriarte, or Yriarte (Tomas de). b. 1750. d.-KURTZ (D. M.) Ithaca and its resources. 1791.

-LAUN (A.) Ueber Yriartes literarische fabeln.
Oldenburg, 1868. 18 pp. 4°. 10.588. Box I


Ithaca, N. Y., 1883. 8°.


4.188. Box I

-BELL (I. L.) Notes of a visit to coal and Jackson (Andrew), 6th president of the United

iron-mines and iron works in the United

States. b. 1767. d. 1845.

States. 2d ed. Newcastle-on-Tyne, -HOGE (M. D.) Inauguration of the Jackson

1875. 8°.

29.1805. Box I

-SWANK (J. M.) Statistics of the iron and

steel production of the United States,

statue. Oration by M. D. Hoge, Oct. 26, 1875. Richmond, 1875. 23 pp. 8°.

1880. Washington, 1881. 4°. 30.1876.1-LINCOLN (R. W.)

[blocks in formation]

3.158. Box I

Andrew Jackson.

pp. 273-324 of 4.1984.5 -SUMNER (W. G.) Andrew Jackson as a public man. Boston, 1883. p. 8°. 4.213.2} Jacobi (Friedrich Heinrich). b. 1743. d. 1819. -SCHELLING (F. W. J. von). Denkmal derschrift von den göttlichen dingen etc. des herra F. H. Jacobi. pp. 19-136. v. 8 of 9.555.1 Jacoby (Johann). b. 1805. -TUTTLE (H.) Johann Jacoby.

pp. 160-175 of 9.538a.11 Jamblichus, a Syrian, lived 1st century A.D. -CHARDON de La Rochette (S.) Notice sur Jamblique; Notice sur le roman de Jamblique. pp. 18-52, 72–91. v. I of 17.1014.6 James I., king of England. b. 1566. d. 1625. -CRUMMS fal'n from king James' table; or, his table-talk, taken by sir Thomas Overbury. pp. 253-278 of 21.1315.7 -DISRAELI (I.) Inquiry into the literary and political character of James the first. PP. 493-589 of 17.1023.6 -GOODMAN (G.) Aulicus coquinariae; or, a vindication [compiled by W. Sanderson] in answer to a pamphlet, entituled the Court and character of king James. [By A. Welldon]. pp. 91-298. v.2 of 5.301.14 -OSBORNE (F.) Traditionall memorialls on the raigne of king James the first. pp. 123297. v. 1 of 5.301.14 -WELLDON (A.) Court and character of king James. pp. 299-482, 1-12.

vv. 1, 2 of 5.301.14

d. 1823.

James II., king of England. b. 1633. d. 1701. Jerusalem. -MACAULAY (T. B.) History of England un--KIRCHNER (E. D. M.) Die tempel der Juden der James II. New York, 1870. 4 v. 8°. zu Jerusalem. Neustadt-Eberswalde, 1834. vv. 1-4 of 5.295.4 40 pp. s. 4°. 11.658. Box I -RANKE (L. von). Reign of James II., 1685-88. Jervis (Sir John), viscount St. Vincent. b. 1734. Pp. 209-365. v. 4 of 5.293.3 Jamestown (Virginia). -ORIGINAL documents illustrating the history of sir Walter Raleigh's first American colony, and the colony at Jamestown. Ed. by E. E. Hale.. pp. 1-65. v. 4 of 4.173.1 Jansen (Cornelius). b. 1585. d. 1638. -BEARD (C.) Jansen and St. Cyran. pp. 119163.


-BROUGHAM (H.) Lord St. Vincent-lord Nel-
son. pp. 192-210.
v. 3 of 6.367.18


ALEMBERT (J. Le R. d').
Jésuites en France.
-CARLYLE (T.) Jesuitism.

Sur la destruction des 249 pp. v. 5 of 8.500.2 pp. 249-286.

v. 20 of 6.2360.1

v. 1 of 8.478a.7-LAW (J.) Jesuit missionaries in the north

-ČARNE (J.) Church of Japan. pp. 279-360. v. 3 of 31.1975.34 -HISTORY of the empire of Japan. [Anon.]

PP. 342-447.

v. 7 of 2.73.2 Jasmin (Jacques). b. 1798. d. 1864. -SAINTE-BEUVE (C. A.) Jasmin. pp. 64-86.

west. pp. 89-124.

MORSE (S. F. B.)

v. 3 of 4.198.9 Clement XIV. and the JesuPp. 244-295 of 21.1314.31 Foreign conspiracy against


New 24.1514.42

the liberties of the United States.
York, 1835.

v. 3 of 8.481.2-QUINET (E.) Les Jésuites. 126 pp.
8.488. Box I Jewish religion.

-WENDLER (W.) Jacques Jasmin. Zwickau, 1870. 32 pp. 4.

v. 2 of 8.504.4

-CLARKE J. F.) Jewish religion. PP. 397v. 1 of 22.1382.17


-HISTORY of the dispersion of the Jews, from
the destruction of Jerusalem to the end of
the 17th century. [Anon.] pp. 427-476,
vv. 10, II of 2.73.2
-JEWISH life in central Europe. [Anon.] pp.
v. 3 of 32.2037.5

Jay (John). b. 1745. d. 1829. FLANDERS (H.) Life of John Jay. 429 pp. v. 1 of 4.1986.7 -VAN SANTVOORD (G.) John Jay. pp. 3-88 of 4.198a.6 Jefferson (Thomas), 3d president of the United States. b. 1743. d. 1826. -BROUGHAM (H.) Thomas Jefferson and American democracy. pp. 52-85. v. 6 of 6.367.18 —CATALOGUE of the library of the United States-MULLER (F. M.) Are there Jews in Cornwall? v. 3 of 22.1383.33 Joanna, of Navarre, wife of Henry IV. of England. b. 1370? d. 1437.

[blocks in formation]


pp. 287-315.

-EVERETT (E.) Eulogy on Adams and Jeffer--STRICKLAND (A.) Joanna of Navarre, queen
v. I of 21.1295.8
-LINCOLN (R. W.) Thomas Jefferson.
PP. 97-130 of 4. 198a.5
-MORSE (J. T.) Thomas Jefferson. Boston,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

V. 1 of 17.1021.3
b. 1801. d. 1873.
King John of Saxony.
v. 2 of 9.538a.3

Johnson (Samuel). b. 1709. d. 1784.
CARLYLE (T.) The hero as man of letters:
Johnson, Rousseau, Burns.

pp. 145-180 of 21.1302.27
8-DRAKE (N.) Literary life of dr. Johnson. pp.
v. 4 of 21.1305.20
-SCOTT (Sir W.) Samuel Johnson.
PP. 235-245 of 21.1218a.12
-STEPHEN (L.) Dr. Johnson's writings. pp.
v. 2 of 21.1316.10
Johnston (William).
-GREG (W. R.) England as it is, by W. John-
ston. [A review]. pp. 297-343.
v. I of 21.1306.37

pp. 181-190 of 21.1307.14 Jeffreys (George). b. 1648? d. 1689. -CAMPBELL (Lord J.) Life of lord chancellor Jeffreys. PP. 384-458. v. 3 of 6.3386.3 -ROSCOE (H.) Life of lord Jefferies. Pp. 113-139 of 6.347.13 Jenkinson (Robert Bankes), 2d earl of Liverpool. b. 1770. d. 1828. -BROUGHAM (H.) Lord Liverpool. pp. 161175. v. 3 of 6.367.18 -EARLE (J. C.) Liverpool and Canning. pp. 131-188. v. 2 of 6.367.11

[blocks in formation]

Jones (Lady Katharine Boyle). b. 1614. d. 1691. Juries. ANDERSON (J.) Katharine Boyle, wife of Ár--BENTHAM (J.) Elements of the art of packing, thur Jones, viscount Ranelagh. pp. 108as applied to special juries, particularly 144. in cases of libel law. pp. 61-186. v. 5 of 6.2343.6

v. 2 of 6.367.6

Jones (Sir William). b. 1746. d. 1794.
MALDEN (H.) Sir W. Jones. pp. 181-195.


v. 2 of 32.2011.5-WATERHOUSE (S.) Report on jute culture, and the importance of the industry. Washington, 1883. 21 pp. 8.

-ROSCOE (H.) Life of sir William Jones.
pp. 306-328 of 6.347.13

Jonson (Ben, or Benjamin). b. 1574. d. 1637.
-DISRAELI (I.) Jonson and Decker


PP. 324343. v. 2 of 17.1023.4 -DUNHAM (S. A.) Ben Jonson. pp. 131-203. v. 2 of 6.348.10 -HAMILTON (W.) Ben Jonson. pp. 42-62 of 18.1077.18 —TAINE (H. A.) Ben Jonson. pp. 267-295. v. 1 of 17.1026.9 Kansas. Joseph II. (Benedict Johann August Anton-Goss (N. S.) Michel Adam), emperor of Germany. b.

1741. d. 1790.

-MERIVALE (H.) Joseph 11.

pp. 1-48 of 21.1314.21


28.1736. Box I

-TRUMBULL (H. C.) Kadesh-barnea; its im portance and probable site. New York, 1884. 1. 8. 11.2702.4

Catalogue of the birds of Kansas. Topeka, Kansas, 1883. 34 pp. 8°. 27.1696.26 -LE CONTE (J. L.) Coleoptera of Kansas, and eastern New Mexico. 58 pp.

v. II of 28.3738.1

Joseph Bonaparte, king of Spain. b. 1768. THIRD biennial report of the state board of

d. 1844.

-COLLETTA (P.) Reign of Joseph Bonaparte in
Naples, 1806-08. pp. 1-76. v. 2 of 12.732.3
Josephine (Marie Rose Tascher de La Pagerie).
b. 1763. d. 1814.

-CHALLICE (A. E.) Empress Joséphine.
pp. 51-106 of 8.478a. 12
Joubert (Joseph). b. 1754. d. 1824.
ARNOLD (M.) Joubert.

pp. 308-356 of 21.1301.12 Jouffroy (Théodore Simon). b. 1796. d. 1842. -REMUSAT (C. de). Théodore Jouffroy. pp. v. 2 of 19.3185.14


[blocks in formation]

agriculture, to the legislature of the state of Kansas, for the years 1881-82. Topeka, Kansas, 1883. 8°. 28.1742.15 Kant (Immanuel). b. 1724. d. 1804. -BOWEN (F.) Kant: his life and character; his philosophy. pp. 154-258 of 23.1404.3 -BRUECKNER (T.) De tribus ethices locis qui

bus differt Kantius ab Aristotele. Berolini, 1866. 38 pp. 8°. 23.1428. Box 8 -ERDMAN (B.) Nachträge zu Kant's Kritik der reinen vernunft. Kiel, 1881. 8. 23.1428. Box 7 -FREDERICHS (F.) Der phaenomenale idealismus Berkeley's und Kant's. Berlin, 1871. 34 PP. S. 4. 23.1423. Box 6 -HERDER (J. G. von). Metakritik zur Kritik

[blocks in formation]

lini, 1841. -LEWES (G. H.) Sur le Jouvencel,MANSEL (H. L.) siècle. PP. 145

v. 2 of 7.2431.1

-DREXEL (H.) Tribunal Christi, seu cujusvis
hominis in morte judicum. Cologne,
1635. 24°.
pt. 2 of 23. 1450.21

-QUINDECIM signa ante judicium. [Old English

PP. 455-545

Philosophy of Kant.

v. 2 of 23. 1405.10

Pp. 155-185 of 21.1314.8


—ROEDER (E.) De voce a priori" in philoso

phia Kantii usitata. Bonnae, 1866. 35 PP. 8°. 23.1428. Box 8 -SCHOPENHAUER (A.) Kritik der kantischen philosophie. PP. 489-633.

v. 2 of 23.1446.9

poem. Anon.] pp. 120-124 of 18.1056.21-UEBERWEG (F.) De priore et posteriore forma Bero

-WAHRHAFTIGE beschreibung des jüngsten gerichts in thal Josaphat. [Anon.] pp.


kantianae Critices rationis purae. lini, 1862. 15 pp. 4°. 23.1428. Box 6 V. 12 of 20.1242. 19-ZALOMIT (J.) De kantianae philosophiae principiis ac dignitate. Berolini, 1848. 31 PP. 8°. 23.1428. Box S


Judiciary. -BENTHAM (J.) Draught of a code for the organization of the judicial establishment Karamsin (Nikolai Mikailovitch). in France. pp. 285-406. v. 4 of 6.2343.6-ALISON (Sir A.) Karamsin's Russia. pp. Julianus (Flavius Claudius) v. 3 of 21.1301.9 "the apostate." b. 331. d. 363. Kaulbach (Wilhelm von). b. 1805. d. 1874-STRAUSS (D. F.) Der romantiker auf dem GÖRRES (G.) Narrenhaus von W. Kaul bach, throne der Cäsaren, oder Julian der aberläutert. n. p. n. d. 99 pp. 8°. trünnige. pp. 175–216. v. 1 of 19.3181.2 9.548. Box 8

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