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-The same. Popular astronomy.

W. H. Smyth and R. Grant. London,
1855-58. 2 v. 8°.

Tr. by -DELAUNAY (C. E.) Cours élémentaire d'as-
tronomie. бe éd., par A. Lévy. Paris,
1876. 18°.
System of the heavens as
revealed by lord Rosse's telescopes.
PP. 7-60.
v. 2 of 21.1304. I

- -Popular lectures on astronomy. With addi--DE QUINCEY (T.)
tions by D. Lardner. New York, 1845.

[ocr errors]



-The same.

-DICK (T.) Celestial scenery. New York,

1846. 18°.


-The same. 12th thousand. London, 1871.

-ARATUS, solensis. Phaenomena et diosemeia, graece et latine curavit J. G. Buhle. Lipsiae, 1793. 8°. 14.882.21 Sternerscheinungen und wetterzeichen. Uebersetzt von J. H.Voss. Heidelberg, 1824. 8°. 14.882.21 Les phénomènes, etc. Traduits par N. Halma. Paris, 1821. 4°. 26.1658.7 -BABINET (J.) Astronomie descriptive. pp. 119--DUBOIS (E. P.) Cours d'astronomie. 3e éd. 132. v. I of 26.1657.42

--The same.

[merged small][ocr errors]

12°. 26.1657.27 -Sidereal heavens. New York, 1840. 18°. 26.1657.45 -The same. New York, 1846. 18°. 32.2030.15 -The same. 7th ed. London, 1871. 12°. 26.1657.26

[blocks in formation]

-L'astronomie en 1852 et 1853. PP. 93-118.-FERGUSON (J.) Astronomy explained upon Newton's principles. 8th ed. London, 1790. 8°. 26.3642.3

-L'astronomie en 1855. pp. 121-153.

v. 4 of 26.1657.42

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Ed. by T. Wright. pp. 1-19 of 25.1582.13 -FÖRSTER (W.) Sammlung populärer astrono-BESSEL (F. W.) Abhandlungen, herausg. von mischer mittheilungen. Berlin, 1878. R. Engelmann. Leipzig, 1875-76. 3 v. Observatory. in I. 4°. -Astronomische untersuchungen. Königsberg, 1841-42. 2 v. 4°. Observatory. -Populäre vorlesungen über wissenschaftliche gegenstände. Herausg. von H. C. Schumacher. Hamburg, 1848. 8°.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

26.1654.23 --Recensionen. Herausg. von R. Engelmann. Leipzig, 1878. 8°. Observatory. -BOILLOT (A.) L'astronomie; instruments et méthodes d'observations. [Exposition de 1878 à Paris]. Paris, 1879. 8°. Observatory. -Traité élémentaire d'astronomie. Paris, Observatory. -BONNYCASTLE (J.) Introduction to astronomy. 6th ed. London, 1811. 8°. Observatory. -BOUVIER (H. M.) Familiar astronomy, [with] an astronomical dictionary. Philadelphia, 1856. 8°. 26.1654.16 -BRINKLEY (J.) Astronomy. Revised and rewritten by J. W. Stubbs and F. Brünnow. 2d ed. London, 1874. 16°. Observatory. -CASWELL (A.) Lectures on astronomy.

[ocr errors]

[In Gassendi's Institutio astronomica]. -The same. Sidereal messenger. Tr. by E. S. Carlos. London, 1880. p. 8°. 26.1651.15 -Systema cosmicum. Ex italica lingua. Augustae Trebocorum, 1635. s. 4°. 26.1651.14 -The same. Lugduni Batavorum, 1641. 4°. 26.1651.13 -GASSENDI (P.) Institutio astronomica. 3a ed. Londini, 1683. 8°. 26.3642.15 -GELPKE (A. H. C.) Populaire himmelskunde. 4e aufl. Hannover, 1832. 8°. 26.1651.17 -GEMINUS. Introduction aux phénomènes célestes, traduite par [N.] Halma. Paris, 26.1658.15 1819. 4°. [In Ptolemaeus' Table chronologique des règnes]. -GIBERNE (A.) Sun, moon, and stars. 3d ed. London, 1880. p. 8°. 26.1657.8 GODFRAY (H.) Treatise on astronomy. 2d ed. London, 1874. 8°. Observatory. 28.3733.1-GUILLEMIN (A.) Éléments de cosmographie. 2e éd. Paris, 1868. 16°. 26.1657.30 -Heavens. An illustrated

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

-DAVIS (S.) Astronomical computations of the GUMMERE (J.) Elementary treatise on astron

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

26.3642.11 exposition of the


-Elements of astronomy.

York, 1870. 12°.

York, 1865. 8°.

16°. 26.1657.36

Am. ed. New

system of the universe. New York, 1828.-LOOMIS (E.) Treatise on astronomy. New

8°. -HENDERSON (E.) [Report of Ferguson's astronomical and mathematical inventions and

discoveries]. Edinburgh, 1867. 8°.


[In his Life of James Ferguson]. -HERSCHEL (J. F. W.) Essays from the reviews. London, 1857. 8°. Observatory. — -Familiar lectures on scientific subjects. New York, 1872. 16°. Observatory. --Outlines of astronomy. London, 1849. 8°. 26.1654.8

-The same. Philadelphia, 1849. 8°. 26.1654.8

[Giger]. --The same. --The same.

--The same.

[blocks in formation]

— -Treatise on astronomy. London, 1833. 16°.



adelphia, 1836. 16°. -HUYGHENS (C.) Koбμоεpos; sive, de terris coelestibus conjecturae. n. p., n. d. 8°. Observatory.


-MÄDLER (J. H. von). Wunderbau des weltalls. 7e aufl. von W. Klinkerfues. Berlin, 1879. 8°. Observatory. -MANILIUS (M.) Astronomicon a J. Scaligero. Lugduni Batavorum, 1600. s. 4°. 13.802.1 -The same. Ed. A. J. Valpy. Londini, 13.824.1 -MITCHEL (O. M.) Astronomy of the Bible. New York, 1863. 12°. 26.1657.16

1828. 2 v. 8°.

-Course of six lectures on astronomy. New

York, 1848. 31 PP. 8°.


[In a vol. lettered "Arago and Lardner's As-

1868. 12°.

-Popular astronomy. 7th ed. New York, 26.1657.18 -MÜNSTER (S.) Ausslegung dess instruments über die liechter der sonnen und dess monssleuffen, [vom Lateinischen] verfertiget durch M. Wallpach. Basel, 1554. s. 4°. 26.1651.17

--The same. New ed. by S. C. Walker. Phil--NEWCOMB (S.) and HOLDEN (E. S.) Astronomy for schools and colleges. New York, 1879. 12°. 26.1654.22 —NICHOL (J. P.) Views of the architecture of the heavens. From the last Lond. ed. New York, 1840. 12°. Observatory. -The same. London, 1850. 1. 8°. 26.1653.1 -Views of astronomy. Lectures reported by O. Dyer. New York, 1848. 8°. 26.1654.19 -NORTON (W. A.) Treatise on astronomy, with tables. 4th ed. New York, 1867. 8°.

[In a vol. lettered "Miscellanies"]. -IDELER (C. L.) Ueber die sternkunde der Chaldäer. Berlin, 1818. 4°. [Akademie der wissenschaften, 1814-15, PP. 149229].

[Over students' entrance]. -JENNINGS (D.) Introduction to the use of the globes and the orrery. 3d ed. London, 1766. 8°. 26.3642.7 -KEITH (T.) New treatise on the use of the globes. 3d Am. from last London ed. New York, 1819. 8°. 26.3642.8 Ed. C. Frisch.

-KEPLER (J.) Opera omnia.

Frankofurti, 1858-70. 8 v. 1. 8°. 26.1652.1

- -Dissertatio, cum Nuncio sidereo ... misso a Galilaeo. . . . Francofurti, 1611. 16o.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

-Poetry of astronomy. Philadelphia, 1881. p. 8°.

-Universe and the coming transits. London, 1874. 8°. 26.1653.17 PTOLEMAEUS (C.) Almageste. Composition mathématique, traduite par [N.] Halma; [avec] notes de J. B. J. Delambre. Paris, 1813-16. 2 v. 4°. 26.1658.4

Vorlesungen über as--QUETELET (L. A. J.) Astronomie élémentaire. 2e éd. Paris, 1834. 18°. 26.1654.32

tronomie. Wien, 1830. 2 v. in I. 8°. Observatory.

--Wunder des himmels. Stuttgart, 1834-36. 3 v. 8°. Observatory.

[blocks in formation]

-RITTENHOUSE (D.) Philosophical papers. -WOLF (C. von). Anfangs-gründe der astronoLondon, 1787. 40 pp. 8°. v. 54 of 31.3971.1 mie. pp. 1121-1426. v. 3 of 26.3610. I -ROLFE (W. J.) and GILLET (J. A.) Hand--WOLF (R.) Handbuch der mathematik und book of the stars. Boston, 1868. 16°. astronomie. Zürich, 1870-72. 2 v. 8°.





-YOUNG (C. A.) Astronomical facts and fan

cies for philosophical thinkers.

York, [1882]. 8°.

-Schubert (F. T.) Populäre astronomie. St.-WOODHOUSE (R.) Treatise on astronomy, Petersburg, 1804-10. 3 v. 8°. 26.3642.13 theoretical and practical. Cambridge, -SCHULZE (G. L.) Lehrbuch der astronomie. [Eng.], 1818-23. 2 v. in 3. 8°. 2e aufl. Leipzig, 1821. 8°. 26.3642.12 --Neue astronomische versinnlichungs-werkzeuge. Leipzig, 1823. 8°. -SCHUMACHER (H. C.) Astronomische abhandlungen. Altona, 1823-25. 3 v. in I. 4°. Observatory. -SMYTH (W. H.) Cycle of celestial objects. London, 1844. 2 V. 8°. Observatory. -The same. Continued at the Hartwell observatory, to 1859. London, 1860. 4°. Observatory. -The same. [Ed.] by G. F. Chambers. ed. Oxford, 1881. 8°. Observatory. -SOMERVILLE (M. F.) On the connexion of the physical sciences. 2d ed. London, 1835. 26.1618a.23



-STARS and the angels. [Anon.] Philadel-
phia, 1860. 12°.
-STRUVE (F. G. W.) and others. Recueil des
mémoires. v. I St. Pétersbourg, 1853.

-STURM (J. C.) Scientia cosmica; sive, astrono-
mia. pp. 169-450. v. 2 of 26.3610.3
-SURYA-SIDDHANTA; a text-book of Hindu as-
tronomy. Tr. by E. Burgess. pp. 141-
v. 6 of 11.2703.1
-THEON, of Alexandria. Commentaire sur la
composition mathématique de Ptolemée,
traduit par [N.] Halma. Paris, 1821.
2 v. 4°.
-UTRECHT observatory. Recherches astrono-
Ie li-
miques, publiées par M. Hoek.
vraison. La Haye, 1861. 4°. Observatory.
-VALENTINER (W.) Astronomische bilder.
Leipzig, 1881. 8°.
-VINCE (S.) Complete system of astronomy.
Cambridge, [Eng.], 1797–99.

-The same. 2d ed. London, 1814.

New 26.1655. Box I -[Volume of astronomical papers]. 8°. Observatory. -ZIMMERMANN (J. J.) Scriptura copernizans: das ist, ein astronomischer beweissthum des copernicanischen weltgebäudes. Hamburg, 1706. s. 4°. 26.1655. Box I -ZURCHER (F.) and MARGOLLÉ (É.) Le monde sidéral. Paris, 1878. 16°. 26.1657.44

[blocks in formation]

-The same.

26.1655.9 Observatory.

-BIOT (J. B.) Mémoires sur divers points d'astronomie ancienne, et en particulier sur la période sothiaque. v. 20 of 16.3014.1 -BLAKE (J. F.) Astronomical myths, based on Flammarion's "History of the heavens." London, 1877. 8°. 26.1653.25 2 V. 4. -COSTARD (G.) History of astronomy. Lon26.1656.5 don, 1767. 4°. Observatory. 3 v. 4.-DELAMBRE (J. B. J.) Histoire de l'astronomie. Paris, 1817-27. 6 v. 1. 8°. Observatory.


-Elements of astronomy. 2d ed. Cambridge, [Eng.], 1801. 8°. v. 1 of 25.1581.15-GAUBIL (A.) Histoire de l'astronomie chin

-WALSH (Sir J.) Astronomy and geology compared. New York, 1872. 12°. 26.1657.34 -WARREN (H. W.) Recreations in astronomy. New York, 1879. 12°. 26.1657.14 -WEBB (T. W.) Celestial objects for common 16°. telescopes. 2d ed. London, 1868. Observatory. -The same. 4th ed. London, 1881. 16°. 26.1657.31 --The same. Observatory. —WHEWELL (W.) Astronomy and physics considered with reference to natural theology. Philadelphia, 1833. 12°. 26.1654.25 -WHISTON (W.) Astronomical lectures, done into English, [with] tables. London, 1715. 26.3642.16 2d ed. London, 1728. 8°. 26.3642.16

8°. --The same.

oise, jusqu'à l'an 206 avant Jésus Christ. Paris, 1732. 2 v. in I. 8°. Observatory. [Souciet's Observations chinois, v. 2, 3]. -The same. PP. 71-295. v. 26 of 31.1970.4 -GRANT (R.) History of physical astronomy. Observatory. London, [1852]. 8°. -JAHN (G. A.) Geschichte der astronomie von [1800] bis zu 1842. Leipzig, 1844. 2 V. 8°. Observatory. LEWIS (G. C.) Historical survey of the astronomy of the ancients. London, 1862. 8°. Observatory. MITCHEL (O. M.) Planetary and stellar worlds: discoveries of modern astronomy. New York, 1854. 12°. 26.1657.20 -The same. New York, 1868. 12°. 26.1657.19 -NARRIEN (J.) Historical account of astronomy. Observatory. London, 1850. 8°. Observatory.-PLAYFAIR (J.) Remarks on the astronomy of the Brahmins. pp. 89-175.

[blocks in formation]

-TODHUNTER (I.) History of the mathematical -SCHUBERT (F. T.) Theoretische astronomie. theories of attraction, and the figure of the earth. London, 1873. 2 v. 8°.

Observatory. -VOIRON (.) Histoire de l'astronomie, depuis 1781 à 1811, pour suite à Bailly. Paris, 1810. 1. 8°. Observatory. -WOLF (R.) Geschichte der astronomie. München, 1877. 8°. Observatory.


-ABBATT (R.) Elements of physical astronomy.
London, 1871. 8°.
-AIRY (G. B.) Mathematical tracts on the lu-
nar and planetary theories, [etc.] 4th ed.
Cambridge, [Eng.], 1858. 8. 25.1582.8
-BIOT (J. B.) Traité élémentaire d'astronomie

physique. 2e éd. par [É. P. É.] de Rossel. Paris, 1810-11. 3 v. 8°. 26.1651.II -The same. 3e éd. Paris, 1841-57. 5 v. 8°.

St. Petersburg, 1798. 3 pts in I v. 4°. Observatory. -SOMERVILLE (M. F.) Mechanism of the heavens. London, 1831. 8°. 26.1654.18 --The same. Observatory. -STRONG (N.) Astronomy improved; or, a new theory of the planetary system. New Haven, 1784. 52 pp. 8°. 31.3971.1 -WATSON (J. C.) Theoretical astronomy relating to the motions of the heavenly bodies. Philadelphia, 1869. 8°.

Observatory. -WILKINSON (W.) On the orbits described by bodies revolving in given planes round immovable centres of forces. Cambridge, [Eng.], 1816. 1 1. iv, 34 pp. 4°. 26.1656.15 See, also, Gravitation, Solar system.


26.3642.8-BESSEL (F. W.) Astronomische beobachtungen [zu] Königsberg. V. 16-17. Königsberg, 1833-35. 2 v. f°.

-The same. Atlas, obl. 1. 8°. 26.3642.8 -DIONIS DU SÉJOUR (P. A.) Traité analytique des mouvemens apparens des corps célestes. Paris, 1786-89. 2 v. 4°. Observatory. -EULER (L.) Theoria motuum planetarum et cometarum. Berolini, 1744. s. 4°.

Observatory. -GAUSS (C. F.) Determinatio attractionis, quam in punctum quodvis exerceret planeta. Gottingae, 1818. 1. 8°. Observatory. --Theoria_motus corporum coelestium. Ed. 2a ab E. J. Schering. Gothae, 1877. 4°. Observatory.

--The same.
Theorie der bewegung der him-
melskörper. Ins Deutsche übertragen von
C. Haase. Hannover, 1865. 4°.

-GREGORY (D.) Elements of physical and ge-
ometrical astronomy. Done into English
from Latin. 2d ed. by E. Stone. Lon-
don, 1726.
2 v. 8°.
-HANSEN (P. A.) Darlegung der theoretischen
berechnung der in der mondtafeln ange-
wandten störungen. Leipzig, 1862-64.
2 v. in I. 1. 8°.
-HERSCHEL (J. F. W.) Physical astronomy.
London, 1848. 4°.
[In a vol. lettered "Encyclopaedia of astronomy"].
-KLINKERFUES (E. F. W.) Theoretische as-
tronomie. Braunschweig, 1871. 8°.
-LAPLACE (P. S.) Traité de mécanique céleste.
Paris, an VII-XIII, [1799-1805]. 4 v. 4°.
-The same. Tr. by N. Bowditch. Boston,
1829-39. 4 v. 4°.

-The same. -OPPOLZER (T.) Lehrbuch zur bahnbestimmung der kometen und planeten. Leipzig, 18702 v. in I. 1. 8°. Observatory.


Observatory. -BISHOP (G.) Astronomical observations at Regent's park, London. London, 1852. 4°. Observatory. —BURNHAM (S. W.) Report of observations on Mt. Hamilton. Chicago, 1880. 8°.

26.1656 Observatory.

-The same. -CAMBRIDGE observatory. Astronomical observations. Cambridge, [Eng.], 1829-64. 20 v. 4°. Observatory. -CARRINGTON (R. C.) Results of astronomical observations at Durham. Durham, 1855. 8°. Observatory. -DORPAT observatory. Beobachtungen. Herausg. von J. H. Mädler. v. 13-14. Dorpat, 1856. 2 v. in I. 4°. Observatory. -DUBLIN. Trinity college observatory. Astronomical observations and researches. Dublin, 1870-79. 4°. Observatory. -EDINBURGH observatory.



Astronomical obEdinburgh, 1838-77. 14 v. Observatory.

-GREENWICH observatory. Astronomical observations, 1838-79. London, 1840-81. 42 v. 4°.

-Results of astronomical observations, 1874.

[London, 1876]. 4°.

bridge, [Mass.], 1856-80.



-HARVARD College observatory. Annals. Cam 12 v. in 6. 4°. Observatory. -HERSCHEL (J. F. W.) Results of astronomi cal observations at the Cape of Good Hope. London, 1847. 4°. Observatory. -KONKOLY (N. von). Beobachtungen an gestellt am astrophysicalischen observatorium in Ungarn. Halle, 1879. 4°. Observatory. Théorie analy--LAMONT (J. von). Observationes astronomicae in specula regia monachiensi institutae. v. 8 and 9. Monachii, 1834-36. 2 v. 4°. Observatory. -MANNHEIM observatory. Astronomische beobachtungen. Herausg. von E. Schönfeld und W. Valentiner. Mannheim, 1862, Carlsruhe, 1875-79. 3 v. in I. 4°. Observatory.

tique du système du monde. Paris, 1829-
46. 4 v. 8°.
-PRATT (J. H.) Treatise on attractions, La-
place's functions, and the figure of the
earth. 4th ed. London, 1871. 16°.
-RESAL (H.) Traité élémentaire de mécanique
céleste. Paris, 1865. 8°. Observatory.

-MASKELYNE (N.) Astronomical observations-WEIDLER (J. F.) De praesenti specularum at Greenwich, 1765-1810. London, 1776

[blocks in formation]

astronomicarum statu dissertatio. Wittenbergae, 1727. s. 4°. 26.1655. Box I See, also, Georgetown observatory, Harvard college observatory.


ASTRONOMICAL journal. Ed. by B. A. Gould,
jr. Cambridge, [Mass.], 1851-61.
in 2. 4°.

6 v.


-OXFORD. Radcliffe observatory. Astronomical-ASTRONOMICAL register. London, 1864-80.

and meteorological observations. V. 1518. Oxford, 1842-64. 21 v. 8°. Observatory. -PARIS observatory. Annales, publiées par Ú.

17 v. 8°. Observatory. -ASTRONOMISCHE nachrichten. v. VIII-XCV, mit general-registern. Altona, 1831-79. 91 v. Observatory.


Vierteljahrsschrift. Leipzig, 1866–79. 14

v. 8°.

-BRUSSELS observatory.

Quételet, 1861-80.

20 v. in 10. 24°.

Observatory. Annuaire, par A. Bruxelles, 1860-79. Observatory.

-LONDON. Royal astronomical society. Memoirs. London, 1822-79. 44 v. in 36.

J. Le Verrier. Observations, 1856-77.-ASTRONOMISCHEN gesellschaft in Leipzig. Paris, 1860-80. 16 v. 4°. Observatory. -PLANTAMOUR (É.) Observations astronomiques faites à l'observatoire de Genève. 2e série. Genève, 1843. 4°. Observatory. -Observations faites dans les stations astronomiques suisses. Genève, 1873. 4°. Observatory. -PRITCHARD (C.) Astronomical observations made at the university observatory, Oxford. Oxford, 1878. 8°. Observatory. -PULKOWA Observatory. Observations. Publiées par O. Struve. St. Pétersbourg, 1869-79. II V. f°. Observatory.

Note. V. 10 has not yet been published. -SCHOTT (C. A.) Astronomical observations in the arctic seas, by E. K. Kane, 185355. Washington, 1860. 4°.

v. 12 of 28.3738.1 -SLOP DE CADENBERG (J.) Observationes siderum habitae Pisis. Pisis, 1769-78. 3 pts. in I v. 8°. Observatory. -SOUCIET (E.)

Observations astronomiques tirées des anciens livres chinois. V. I. Paris, 1729. 8°. Observatory. -STONE (E. J.) Results of astronomical observations at the Cape of Good Hope. Cape Town, 1876. 8°.


-The same. Index. 8°.



[blocks in formation]

Observatory. -BRÜNNOW (F.) Lehrbuch der sphärischen astronomie. Berlin, 1851. 8°. Observatory. -The same. Spherical astronomy. From 2d German ed. Berlin, 1865. 8°. Observatory. -Traité d'astronomie sphérique et d'astronomie pratique. Publiée par É. Lucas et C. André. Paris, 1869-72. 2 v. 8°. Observatory. -CHALLIS (J.) Lectures on practical astronomy and astronomical instruments. Cambridge, [Eng.], 1879. 8°. Observatory.

et les observatoires en Europe et en Amé--CHAUVENET (W.) Manual of spherical and
rique. . . . Paris, 1874-78. 5 v. 16°.

-LAWSON (H.) Paper on the arrangement of
an observatory. Bath, 1844. 8°.

Observatory. -REPORTS of American observatories. 28.3733.1 [Smithsonian report, 1879, PP. 535-576]. -REPORTS of European observatories. From the German by G. H. Boehmer. 28.3733.1 [Smithsonian report, 1879, pp. 577-589].

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