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These two reasons, taken together, will account for the omission of the text and translation of a tablet containing. "Addresses to Esarhaddon," and also of another containing an account of Esarhaddon's buildings, and numbered K 3053.

The translations are as literal as possible, and all added words are enclosed in brackets. Parts of the texts relating the history of Esarhaddon have been translated before by my friend Dr. Julius Oppert, Professor of Arabic in the University of France, the profound scholar and earliest pioneer of Assyrian in France.

The grammatical analysis has been thrown into a vocabulary arranged according to the order of the English alphabet. The object has been to make the words easily accessible and useful. Wherever I have known a Semitic equivalent for the Assyrian word it has been given, but words properly Syriac have been turned into Hebrew letters. The sense of some of the words is only known from the context, and of course there are some the meaning of which I do not know at all.

Here I take the opportunity of expressing my great obligations to the Rev. A. H. Sayce, M.A., for several years past my kind friend and teacher. It is to him that I am indebted for anything I may know of Assyrian. The whole of the MS. for this book was read by him before it went to press, and it owes much to his scholarly and accurately critical eye. My thanks are also due to Mr. Pinches for copies of texts and verifications of existing copies.

The text is printed in W.A.I., iv. 68, and translated in the Records of the Past, vol. xi.

* See Expédition Scientifique en Mésopotamie éxécutée par ordre du Gouvernement de 1851 à 1854. Par MM. F. Fresnel, F. Thomas et J. Oppert. Paris, 1857-64.

New advances are made in Assyrian with every new tablet that is found. Old readings are corrected, new words are found, and what is almost unintelligible to-day becomes quite clear to-morrow. With such progress going on, no book can be perfect; and as for this, I feel that


אמנם השגיתי כי אין אנוש שלא יחטא הלא אתי תלין משוגתי: אחלי שגיאות מי יבין וידעם, יתקין לפי שכלו עוות שגיאותי:

"Truly I have committed errors, for there is no man who does not err; so that my error cleaves to me.

I pray, therefore, that whoever understands and knows them, may correct

my errors according to his wisdom."


October, 1880.


1 I quote from Levita, Massoreth Ha-massoreth, p. 268, by Dr. Ginsburg. Longmans.


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,, 109. Concerning the history of Tirhakah, see a paper by Dr. Birch

which will appear in the Trans. Soc. Bib. Arch., vol. vii. part 2.

I. While The History of Esarhaddon was passing through the press Dr. Schrader's new work, Zur Kritik der Inschriften TiglathPileser's II. des Asarhaddon und des Asurbanipal, appeared. On pages 34 and 35 he identifies some of the towns and countries mentioned by Esarhaddon, and printed on pages 103-107 of this book. Thus, concerning "'Samsimuruna" he says, "Eine Stadt des Namens Samsimurun ist bis jetzt in Palästina-Phönicien überhaupt nicht nachzuweisen.' He points out (as I have also done on page 107 of The History of Esarhaddon) that the hitherto accepted reading of "Amtikhadatsti is wrong, and should be Karti-khadatsti,"





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bedeutet " ,(ק" חדסת Assyrisch regelrecht) קרת חדשת",Newstadt *


und einfach ein cyprisches Kapyndav Karthago ist." Dr. Schrader likewise points out that in Esarhaddon's List of Kings the King of Arvad is called, "Matanbaal (y), but in Assurbanipal's list “Yacinlu” (ɔɔ); also the name of the King of Beth-Ammon in the former list is "Puduilu (7), but in the latter Amminadbi, Heb.

; and thinks "dass wir es bei dieser zweiten Liste nichts weniger als mit einer gedankenlosen oder gar frivol-leichtsinnigen Reproducirung der früheren des Asarhaddon zu thun haben." Also, see "Zusätze," page 36 of Dr. Schrader's book, for the opinion of Professor R. A. Lepsius, of Jena, concerning the town of Lidir, situated in Cyprus.

II. In the "Vocabulary" all parts of the verb "suzubu” have been compared with the Hebrew/ary. But I believe its correct

equivalent to be found in the Chaldee

or 1, "to save,” “to

deliver;" Syriac an. Compare Targum on Isaiah xx. 6, jinvą)

ומן רשיעא דמשתוזב ; themselves they deliver (save) not ", לָא שָׁזִיבוּ

"and who is the wicked man that shall be saved" (Ephraem, "Carmina," Opp. iii. p. 635; Rödiger, Chrestomathy, p. 79); N "that I shall save the world" (John xii. 47). In the expression, ana suzub napsate su," "for the saving of his life," I would compare the word "suzub" with Chaldee or Rabbinic

לעלמא ,ראשוזב

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, "deliverance, escape.”

III. Ittagil, from "dagalu." With this compare Chaldee, "fidere, confidere, fiduciam ponere vel collocare;" and see Psalm ix. II, where is translated by one MS. ", " and they trusted.”

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