Who dares not stir by day, must walk by night : Near or far off, well won is still well shot ; K. John. Go, Faulconbridge; now hast thou thy desire, A landless knight makes thee a landed 'squire.Come, madam, and come, Richard; we must speed, For France, for France; for it is more than need. Bast. Brother, adieu; Good fortune come to thee! For thou wast got i'the way of honesty. [Exeunt all but the Bastard A foot of honour better than I was; 5 Good den,] i. e. a good evening. 6 'Tis too respective, and too sociable, For your conversion.] Respective, is respectful, formal. Conversion seems to mean, his late change of condition, from a private gentleman to a knight. STEEVENS. 8 7 My picked man of countries:] i. e. my travell'd fop. like an ABC-book:] An ABC-book, or, as they spoke and wrote it, an absey-book, is a catechism. 1 (Saving in dialogue of compliment ; Enter Lady FAULCONBRIDGE, and James GURNEY. O me! it is my mother:-How now, good lady? Lady F. Where is that slave, thy brother? where is he? That holds in chase mine honour up and down? Lady F. Sir Robert's son! Ay, thou unreverend boy, • For he is but a bastard to the time, &c.] He is accounted but a mean man in the present age. 1 Colbrand] Colbrand was a Danish giant, whom Guy of Warwick discomfited in the presence of King Athelstan. Bast. James Gurney, wilt thou give us leave a while? Gur. Good leave2, good Philip. Philip ? sparrow 3!-James, There's toys abroad*; anon I'll tell thee more. [Exit GURNEY. Madam, I was not old sir Robert's son ; Lady F. Hast thou conspired with thy brother too, That for thine own gain should'st defend mine honour? What means this scorn, thou most untoward knave? Bast. Knight, knight, good mother, -Basilisco-like: What! I am dubb'd; I have it on my shoulder. But, mother, I am not sir Robert's son; I have disclaim'd sir Robert, and my land; Legitimation, name, and all is gone : Then, good my mother, let me know my father; Some proper man, I hope; Who was it, mother? Lady F. Hast thou denied thyself a Faulconbridge ? Bast. As faithfully as I deny the devil. Lady F. King Richard Cœur-de-lion was thy father; By long and vehement suit I was seduc'd To make room for him in my husband's bed:Heaven lay not my transgression to my charge! 2 Good leave, &c.] Good leave, means a ready assent. 3 Philip? Sparrow!] A sparrow is called Philip. 4 There's toys abroad; &c.] i. e. rumours, idle reports. 5 Knight, knight, good mother, Basilisco-like: Faulconbridge's words here carry a concealed piece of satire on a stupid drama of that age, printed in 1599, and called Soliman and Perseda. In this piece there is a character of a bragging cowardly knight, called Basilisco. Thou art the issue of my dear offence, And they shall say, when Richard me begot, [Exeunt. ACT II. SCENE I.-France. Before the Walls of Angiers. Enter, on one side, the Archduke of Austria, and Forces ; on the other, PHILIP, King of France, and Forces; LEWIS, CONSTANCE, ARTHUR, and Attendants. Lew. Before Angiers well met, brave Austria.- At our importance hither is he come, Of thy unnatural uncle, English John; Lew. A noble boy! Who would not do thee right? As seal to this indenture of my love; Till Angiers, and the right thou hast in France, Const. O, take his mother's thanks, a widow's thanks, Till your strong hand shall help to give him strength, To make a more requital to your love. Aust. The peace of heaven is theirs, that lift their swords In such a just and charitable war. K. Phi. Well then, to work; our cannon shall be bent Against the brows of this resisting town. Call for our chiefest men of discipline, To cull the plots of best advantages: 6 At our importance - ) At our importunity. 7 To cull the plots of best advantages:] i. e. to mark such stations as might overawe the town. |