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N° 362. to make up for the narrowness of mine. But I write, to you now, only to give you the character of Be linda, as a woman that has address enough to de.. monstrate a gratitude to her lover, without giving him hopes of success in his passion. Belinda has from a great wit, governed by as great prudence, and both adorned with innocence, the happiness of always being ready to discover her real thoughts. She has many of us, who now are her admirers; but her treatment of us, is so just and proportioned to our merit towards her, and what we are in our. selves, that I protest to you I have neither jealousy nor hatred towards my rivals. Such is her good. ness, and the acknowledgment of every man who admires her, that he thinks he ought to believe sho will take him who best deserves her. I will not say that this peace among us is not owing to self-love, which prompts each to think himself the best de server. I think there is something uncommon and worthy of imitation in this lady's character. If you will please to print my letter, you will oblige the little fraternity of happy rivals, and in a more parti, cular manner,




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Crudelis ubique

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Luctus, ubique pavor, et plurima mortis image.

VIRG. En. ii. 368.

All parts resound with tumults, plaints, and fears,
And grisly Death in sundry shapes appears.


MILTON has shown a wonderful art in describing that variety of passions which arise in our first parents upon the breach of the commandment that had been given them. We see them gradually passing from the triumph of their guilt, through remorse, shame, despair, contrition, prayer and hope, to a perfect and complete repentance. At the end of the tenth book they are represented as prostrating them. selves upon the ground, and watering the earth with their tears: to which the poet joins this beautiful circumstance, that they offered up their penitential prayers on the very place where their judge appeared to them when he pronounced their sentence:

-They forthwith to the place

Repairing where he judg'd them, prostrate fell
Before him rev'rent, and both confess'd

Humbly their faults, and pardon begg'd, with tears
Watering the ground.-

There is a beauty of the same kind in a tragedy of Sophocles, where Edipus, after having put out his own eyes, instead of breaking his neck from the

* This paragraph was not in the original paper in folio; it was added on the republication of the papers in volumes, when the eighteen numbers, of which Addison's critique on Paradise

palace battlements, (which furnishes so elegant an entertainment for our English audience) desires that he may be conducted to Mount Citharon, in order to end his life in that very place where he was exposed in his infancy, and where he should then have died, had the will of his parents been executed.

As the author never fails to give a poetical turn to his sentiments he describes in the beginning of this book the acceptance which these their prayers met with in a short allegory formed upon that beautiful passage in holy writ, And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar, which was before the throne: and the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God *.

To heaven their prayer

Flew up, nor miss'd the way, by envious winds
Blown vagabond or frustrate; in they pass'd
Dimensionless through heav'nly doors, then clad
With incense, where the golden altar fum'd
By their great Intercessor, came in sight
Before the Father's throne

We have the same thought expressed a secon1 time in the intercession of the Messiah, which is conceived in very emphatical sentiments and expressions.

Among the poetical parts of Scripture, which Milton has so finely wrought into this part of his narration, I must not omit that wherein Ezekiel, speak

Lost consists, seem to have been carefully revised by their author, and to have undergone various and considerable alterations in consequence of his revisal

*Rev. viii. 3, 4.

ing of the angels who appeared to him in a vision, adds, that every one had four faces, and that their whole bodies, and their backs, and their hands, and their wings, were full of eyes round about:

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The assembling of all the angels of heaven, to hear the solemn decree passed upon man, is represented in very lively ideas. The Almighty is here described as remembering mercy in the midst of judgment, and commanding Michael to deliver his message in the mildest terms, lest the spirit of man, which was already broken with the sense of his guilt and misery, should fail before him :

-Yet lest they faint

At the sad sentence rigorously urg'd,
For I behold them soft'ned, and with tears
Bewailing their excess, all terror hide.'

The conference of Adam and Eve is full of moving sentiments. Upon their going abroad, after the melancholy night which they had passed toge ther, they discover the lion and the eagle, each of them pursuing their prey towards the eastern gates of Paradise. There is a double beauty in this incident, not only as it presents great and just omens, which are always agreeable in poetry, but as it expresses that enmity which was now produced in the animal creation. The poet, to show the like changes in nature, as well as to grace his fable with a noble prodigy, represents the sun in an eclipse. This par ticular incident has likewise a fine effect upon the

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imagination of the reader, in regard to what follows; for at the same time that the sun is under an eclipse, a bright cloud descends in the western quarter of the heavens, filled with an host of angels, and more luminous than the sun itself. The whole theatre of nature is darkened, that this glorious machine may appear with all its lustre and magni. ficence:

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-Why in the east

Darkness ere day's mid-course and morning light
More orient in that western cloud that draws
O'er the blue firmament a radiant white,
And slow descends with something heavenly fraught?
He err'd not, for by this the heavenly bands

Down from a sky of jasper lighted now

In Paradise, and on a hill made halt;

A glorious apparition

I need not observe how properly this author, who always suits his parts to the actors whom he introduces, has employed Michael in the expulsion of our first parents from Paradise. The archangel on this occasion neither appears in his proper shape, nor in the familiar manner with which Raphael the sociable spirit entertained the father of mankind before the fall. His person, his port, and behaviour, are suitable to a spirit of the highest rank, and exquisitely described in the following passage: sribo

-Th' archangel soon drew nigh,.

Not in his shape celestial; but as mans sou
Clad to meet man : over his lucid arms.
A military vest of purple flow'd,

Livelier than Meliboean, or the grain
Of Sarra, worn by kings and heroes old,
In time of truce! Iris had dipt the woof:
His starry helm, unbuckled, show'd him prime
In manhood where youth ended; by his side,
As in a glist'ring zodiac, hung the sword,

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