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in the character of Englishmen, which he could not but attribute partly to the infidel and blasphemous publications so diligently circulated. In the dreadful and deliberate murder of Mr. Weare, we see, at least, the way in which the Sunday of those concerned was spent after the murder, their habits of conversation, employment, and amusement in general; for it is all detailed in the evidence of the witnesses. Want did not drive these miserable wretches to their crime. They could not plead ignorance. Gambling had been one cause; their victim was a gambler! In the society which he met at the gaming house some of these men were found. One of them was in "the fancy," and in "the habit of attending fights." Let this most dreadful murder lead those who give way to idle company, and to the neglect of their public and private duty to their God, to consider the danger they are in. They know not how long it may be before they proceed from one crime to another, from gambling to fraud, from fraud to murder. The science of "defence," as it has been called, has spread to an alarming degree. Even children are taught to fight, and matched against each other. Let any one who reads his Bible, see whether he can defend this practice on the principles he there learns! Let him go to the road side, where he can see the crowds going and returning from these fights; which, alas! occur almost every day, and are encouraged by thousands, both high and low, rich and poor! Let him observe the appearance, the countenances, of the throng! he will hear enough of their conversation to judge whether this is an amusement likely to make any man a better Christian, and whether it is quite so certain as its supporters would assert, that the habit of witnessing such scenes, and the company into which it leads, does not demoralize, and debase, and brutalize the character, instead of preserving that fine character of being religious, humane, just, generous, afraid

of guilt alone, which should be the glory of the British nation!

If, in a better dress, this hint can be of use to your truly excellent Visitor, I shall be happy.


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Prize for School Masters and Mistresses.

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"THE General Committee of the National Society for the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church, lately held their Meeting at St. Martin's Vestry-room. Present-the Archbishop of Canterbury, Bishop of London, Lord Kenyon, Archdeacons Pott and Watson, and other Members of the Committee. Seven fresh Schools were united to the Society, and several grants of money were made towards the erecting, enlarging, and fitting up of School-rooms, in sums from 201. to 2007. each. A communication was made from the Northamptonshire Society, of the gift of 5007. consols, by Sir James Langham, Bart. the interest of which, is to be distributed in four prizes of unequal amount, to two such Masters, and two such Mistresses of Schools (other than the Central School at Northampton,) without regard to the size of such Schools, or number of children, in which the principles of the Madras system shall be best understood, and most successfully practised."

We beg particularly to direct the attention of the Masters and Mistresses of National Schools to the above account, which we have taken from a London Newspaper. Whoever has attended to the system of Education pursued in the National Schools will see how vast an improvement it is upon the old plan of instruction. This new method gives energy and activity to the whole school, and consequently promotes the rapid improvement of the scholars. If a school is well conducted, upon this plan, it is sur

prising to see the great progress that is made by the children, in a little time. This new plan of Education, as most of our readers know, is called the Madras system, because it was first practised in that distant part of the world. It is sometimes called the Bell system, from the exertions of Dr. Bell in its establishment.

That this system may, however, produce the desired effect, it must be well kept up and diligently attended to; for if the Masters and Mistresses grow careless and inattentive, or, from attachment to their former plans, are not careful to observe the rules laid down for the new plan, the energy of their schools will soon be at an end, and the children will make but little progress.

Now, the reward which the liberal Northamptonshire Baronet has given, will, we trust, encourage a spirit and energy in the Masters, and Mistresses of these schools, throughout the kingdom; not so much for the sake of the mere prize, as for the pleasure of feeling that they have done their work as they ought to do.

The great point, in this National system, is, that the education is by the scholars themselves. Some parents, who do not understand the plan, are apt to think that boys can learn nothing from boys; and they do not like their children to be put under those who are but little older than themselves. They should remember, however, that though the boys work one another in these schools, yet that all is done under the eye of the Master; the greatest order and regularity is, or ought to be, kept up: and every body, who understands education, knows, that when children are helping one another, their learning goes on both with pleasure and with effect. They ought, however, to be constantly within the reach of the master's watchful eye; and to have the advantage of his advice, and assistance, and encouragement. Let any body take a child that has been six months.

at a National School, and one who has been the same time, at any other school, and the difference will presently be seen. But the Master and the Mistress must look well to their charge, and see that the system be properly attended to.

It is emulation, a desire to excel, that gives such spirit to the scholars. There is always this emulation in children. But, generally, the trial is, who can run best, and jump best, and fight best; but here the game is which can read best, and write best, and cypher best, and behave best. Emulation, however, may be carried to a dangerous height, and produce quarrels and envyings and jealousies. This spirit the Instructors should take especial care to watch, and discourage; for it will be a poor consolation to give their pupils good scholarship, if they give them, at the same time, bad feelings: for we must always bear in mind, that the great business of National education is not so much to make the children great scholars, as, with God's blessing, to make them good Christians. V.


In our first volume, we gave a Gardener's Calendar for every month in the year. And, as we hope our readers keep their Numbers by them, they can refer to that volume to see the directions which they will find there. It is, therefore, unnecessary to give another gardener's calendar; but our readers must not suppose that we have forgotten the subject, and we hope that they have not.

Many people, at this time of the year, let their gar dens lie in a very slovenly disorderly state, thinking that it signifies nothing how they look in winter, and that there is now no good to be done with them. This is a great mistake. You will find that some good workmanship done in your garden at this time

of year, will make a very great difference, both as to its appearance and its value.

Take away all dead tops of flowers, if not already done; clean and dig well between; bury the weeds, and leaves, and rubbish, and make every thing look neat and wholesome. Cut away the old dead stems of rasberries, and leave about three or four of the young shoots for bearing; top these to an equal height. Thin your gooseberry and currant bushes. When there is too much wood, the fruit is generally small. Stick the young shoots, which you cut off, into the ground, to strike root, if you wish to increase your stock. Put in cuttings of honey suckle, &c. prune roses and shorten them well. If the weather be open, gooseberries, currants, rasberries, and almost all sorts of trees, and shrubs may be transplanted; but perhaps the next month may be as well. Trench your ground, where nothing is planted, both for the sake of neatness, and for the good which it will do the ground. In trenching, dig in all the manure you have at hand. If you wish to try some peas, choose a warm border well manured, under a wall. Broad beans may be now sown. If you have already peas above ground, earth them up well.


On pruning Gooseberries and Currants.—Gooseberries and currants bear both on the one or two years wood, and upon other branches from small spurs rising naturally all along the sides.

In pruning gooseberries, let them always be kept thin of branches, and those not permitted to grow ramblingly across one another, but all pruned to some regular order. Keep the middle somewhat hollow; cut away worn-out and naked branches, retaining young shoots where necessary, to supply their places; and generally leave a leading shoot to each main branch; or where any branch is too long or rambling, prune it down to some convenient lateral shoot, to

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