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on άжоμ 6, (and on xpive 6,) renders both words in this text punio. Also Acts vii. 7; Heb. x. 30; xiii. 4; Rev. xvi. 5, xviii. 8, 20; xpivw punio. Doddr. on Rom. ii. 12, punishment in different degrees.

1 Cor. xv. 18. Then thofe alfo that are fallen afleep in Christ, awλolo, have perished, (or are loft, Wakefield.) This relates not to character, and it is a merely imaginary cafe, which a Chriftian believes has no reality.

2 Cor. ii. 15. For we are a fweet smell of Chrift unto God among those that are faved, and, ev 7015 añoλλuμevois, among those that are loft; namely, by rejecting the Gospel, and perfifting in fin.

2 Cor. iv. 3, 4. But if our Gospel be hid, (or covered,) it is hid, (or covered,) e TOIS ATOλλUμEVO15, among thofe that are loft, among thofe unbelievers whofe minds the god of this world hath blinded, &c. i. e. loft by vice and infidelity.

2 Pet. iii. 9. The Lord is long-fuffering, not willing, Tas atokeoa, that any fhould perish, (or απολεσθαι, be loft, Wakefield,) but that all should come to repentance.

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Matt. x. 28. Rather fear him that is able, na ψυχην και σωμα απολέσαι εν γέεννα, to deftroy both foul, or life, and body, in hell. This fpeaks of the power of God, but does not fay that He will exert it. The term γεννα is figurative. Αποκλείνω, being applied both to the body and to the life, or foul, in the former part of the fentence, and aоλλμg

in the latter part of it, may point out a ftronger fense than ufual to the latter word. Grotius, on this text, fays it implies torment, which is fometimes the meaning of this word.

James iv. 12. There is one lawgiver and judge, who is able to fave, zaι aλeσal, and to deftroy, or to kill and torment. This expreffes the power of God, but does not fay that He will exert it.

In the New Teftament, I believe, no inftance occurs in which απολλυμι, οι απώλεια, neceffarily require to be understood of eternal death, or annihilation, when they are applied to the future punishment of the wicked.

Απωλεια occurs about twenty times in the New Teftament. It fignifies

I. Death, or temporal destruction.

John xvii. 12. None of them is destroyed, or loft, but, vios aπwλeias, the son of destruction, or death; i. e. who deferves death. Comp. Acts i. 20; Pí. cix. 8.

Acts xxv. 16. It is not the custom of the Romans to give up any man, as awhaav, to death, before he that is accused have his accufers face to face.

Rom. ix. 22. If God have endured with longfuffering the veffels of wrath fitted, as anwλaav, to destruction, or the punishment of death. Pf. lxxxviii. 11; απώλεια is ufed as fynonymous with death and the grave. Compare ver. 10, 12.

2 Theff. ii.


The man of fin be revealed, the fon, anwλnas, of destruction; i. e. the heir of it. See ver. 8. Newcome.

Rev. xvii. 8. The beaft which thou faweft is about to go, as aπwλtav, to deftruction.

Rev. xvii. 11. The beaft will go, as aπwλeiαV, to deftruction.

2 Pet. ii. 3. Their judgment lingereth not, and, NATWλEIX AV/Wv, their deftruction flumbereth not.The Roman war broke out a few years after this

was written.

II. Wafte, profufion.

Matt. xxvi. 8. Mark xiv. 4. Why was, ʼn awha auln, this wafte of the ointment was made?

III. Injury, hurt, calamity.

2 Pet. ii. 1. There will be falfe teachers, who will privily bring in, aigeσeis aπwλaas, destructive herefies, &c. bringing on themselves fwift, aπwλav, deftruction.

2 Pet. iii. 16. The unlearned and the unftedfast wreft, &c. to their own, aπwλaav, deftruction.

Acts viii. 20. Peter faith unto Simon, thy money, TUV TOL EIN HIS ATTWλav, perifh with thee. See Grotius, l'Enfant, and Doddridge.

1 Tim. vi. 9. They that would be rich fall into many hurtful defires, which drown men, as oλeçou naι as aπwhɛrav, in deftruction and perdition. Comp, ver. 10, which explains this to be, erring from the

faith, and piercing themfelves through with many forrows.

IV. Аπwλεα, applied to the future life.

Matt. vii. 13. Wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth, as tην aπwλelav, to destruction, or punishment. Compare Matt. viii. 29, ßaravica, βασανισαι, with Mark i. 24, απολεσαι.

Heb. x. 39. But we are not of those who draw back, is aπwheav, to deftruction, (or, punishment and lofs of the favour of God, fee ver. 38; Rom. i. 17, 18;) but of those who have faith to the faving of the foul.

2 Pet. iii. 7. The heavens and the earth are kept for fire against the day of judgment, and awλES, of the deftruction (or, punishment by death) of ungodly men.

Phil. i. 28. In nothing terrified by your adverfaries, which is to them a proof, aπwλeias, of destruction; or, that they deserve punishment for rejecting the gofpel; but to you of falvation, and that from God. Comp. 2 Theff. i. 5 to 9.

Phil. iii. 19. Enemies of the cross of Christ, whose end is, aπwλeiα, deftruction, or death, (the wages of fin, Rom. vi. 23;) whofe God is their belly, who glory in their shame, who mind earthly things.

Thus we fee that the verb wouμ, in the New Tel'ament, much more frequently fignifies to kill and to die, than any thing else; and that the substantive wwwλa, which is derived from the verb, is oftener

used to denote death, or temporal deftruction, than any other fingle idea; and that both the verb and the fubftantive are comparatively applied in but a few inftances to the future punishment of the wicked. Hence it follows, by the fecond and fifth rules of interpretation laid down in the introduction, that these terms, when used respecting the future punishment of finners, fhould be understood of temporary death, not of eternal death, or total annihilation and extinction of the living and thinking principle. This, we fhall hereafter fhew, agrees alfo with the fixth rule of interpretation which we have mentioned,

Even the emphatical manner in which Mofes ufes this verb and fubftantive, is very far from implying abfolute annihilation.

Deut. iv. 6. If thou make a graven image, and fhalt do evil in the fight of Jehovah thy God, I cail heaven and earth to witness against you this day, οτι απώλεια απολείσθε απο της γης, that ye fhall foon utterly perifh from off the land whereunto thou goeft over Jordan to poffefs it. This is interpreted in the next verfe, 27, of scattering them among other nations, and leaving them few in number; and in ver. 30, 31, it is added, that if they repent, God will not forfake them, nor deftroy them.

Deut. xxx. 18, is parallel to the above.


This word occurs in the New Teftament only in the four following paffages.

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