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to revoke the order of the board of war; but upon conversing with the colonel who has charge of us, he was willing to defer sending us away, at least for a week longer, or until we hear further from congress.

"16th; My mind for the week past hath been very poor, having been much hindered from that retirement which I find needful for me to be exercised in.

"19th; Andrew M'Coy called on his way from Pipe creek, and acquainted us that nine Friends were named to attend the congress at York on our behalf, and that four Friends were appointed particularly to assist us, in case we are removed to Staunton.

"First-day, 25th; Our religious meeting this day was attended by our friends John Hunt and Edward Penington, quartered in the country. Our dear friend William Mathews, arrived from Yorktown with an order from the board of war, for the suspension of their former order respecting our removal, which gave us some relief.

"28th; George and William Mathews attended our meeting, which was held mostly in silence. Towards the close I had to commemorate the gracious dealings of the Lord with us, in affording us, for a considerable time since our exile, the cup of consolation for our encouragement, and to strengthen and support us in stability and faith, though we had latterly experienced a season of drought and poverty; under which dispensation I desired we might endeavour to profit, and not grow slack, or insensible of the soul's want; being watchful that the mind is not suffered to wander, but humbly to wait until the Lord is pleased to knock; and by thus waiting, be ready to open, and again sup in his Divine presence. The meeting was solid, and our spirits were somewhat refreshed.

for our release. They were heard by a committee of congress, and although they did not obtain their desire, yet they had opportunity to obviate objections, and manifest that the charges against us were false and groundless. What was objected, was rather against the body of Friends than individuals. One matter they pretty generally urged, was that Friends did not join with them, or approve their measures. Friends replied that it was our concern to promote peace, and inculcate the principles of Christ; while it was theirs to promote war; and therefore of course they must be opposite; to which they were silent. It was comfortable to find they could not make out anything criminal against us. Several wished us at home, but granting a discharge would make them appear criminal in taking us up.

"First-day, soon after the afternoon meeting broke up, we dropped into solemn silence, and the Lord condescended to cover our minds with his love, and season them by his grace. Both myself and father had to express counsel and encouragement to stability and faithfulness, and a caution to beware of giving way to impatience. My heart also was engaged in prayer to the Author of our being, that his mercy and goodness might be continued to us and our beloved connexions, that we might all be preserved in his pure and holy fear, and under a sense of his love; and that neither heights nor depths, things present, nor things to come, might separate us from his love. Our spirits joined in commemoration of the Lord's gracious dealings; magnified and praised be his great and adorable name, and Christ Jesus the Lamb, both now and forever.

"Second-day, I rode with father Zane as far as Shanandoah, on his return to Pennsylvania; and then called and spent a short time with some poor negroes in their quarters near the river. What was said to them they received in love, and I returned towards my prison.

"Second month 2nd; Went with some of my companions to the monthly meeting at Hopewell, which was large, and our friend John Hunt had to speak of the judgments of the Lord in this land, mentioning that he had heard, as with his inward ear, a voice pro- "Third-day, Dr. Thomas Parke and James claiming mourning, lamentation and woe, un- Morton arrived with letters from our friends, less the people repented and sought the Lord; and I was comforted in reading a letter from and remarked how opposite the revelling, my dear wife, being thankful for the Lord's dancing, balls, &c., now prevalent, were to goodness to her and me, in this season of deep that humiliation which ought to be experi-exercise.

enced. He mentioned also, that he appre- "Fifth-day, I accompanied Dr. Parke and hended he should not have the like opportu- James Morton to Hopewell meeting, at which nity again among them, though he should leave that to Divine Providence, and concluded with expressions of comfort to the truly religious.

"Fifth-day, my dear father Zane arrived from Yorktown, where he and several other Friends had spent about ten days, labouring

were our friends Thomas Bailes and William Robinson, who had gone about three months past with an intent to pay a religious visit to the Delaware and other Indians; but on their way they were stopped near a place called Sewickly, carried prisoners to Hanna's town, and there kept for about twenty-seven days.

"This day is six months since I was first arbitrarily deprived of my liberty; but I have been hitherto upheld by an invincible Divine power. Oh! may I thereby be kept still, under all trials, so that the Lord's name may be magnified.

At first the people were very violent, and and quietly departed between twelve and one threatened their lives; but after a time they o'clock. In his sickness he was disposed to became more moderate, and even consented be retired and quiet, and several times towards to their having a religious meeting. They his close, requested to be kept very still; and were shortly after discharged, the people I doubt not he was inwardly exercised in a agreeing to burn their mittimus; but telling preparation therefor. them that if they proceeded, they would be stopped at Pittsburg. There is a great ferment at present among both the whites and the Indians, on account of the injuries these poor people have received, and the cruel murders committed on some of them, particularly near Pittsburg, about two months since, upon the sons of Corn-stalk, the chief of the Shawanese, and a man of great note among them; and on these considerations, the Friends found freedom to return, though Thomas expressed that his love and concern for the poor Indians still continued.

"Fourth-day, John Hunt seemed better, though he had but little sleep last night. He expressed to my brother Israel and me, that he had thought much of some expressions of John Woolman's, in a time of great exercise and affliction, respecting true prayer; that it was deep, and the place thereof was a pre"Second month 25th; I went to visit my cious habitation; that it was not to be truly beloved friend John Hunt, quartered in the come at in the commotions of the mind, but country, who had been very ill. He ex- in pure stillness; adding, that at times he had pressed his joy at seeing me and my brother been troubled with strange imaginations and Israel, and we dropped into silence; in which unsettlement, but that he had laboured after a time our hearts were contrited, and John ex-state of resignation, and he thought he could pressed that he was broken in spirit, and at times say, 'not my will, O! Lord, but thine thankful in being renewedly made sensible be done.'

that the Lord had not forsaken him; that for "22nd; Our friend John Hunt, had his leg some weeks it had been a time of great in-amputated, which he bore with Christian for ward stripping and baptism; and he had a titude and patience. I spent some hours with prospect that an exceedingly trying time would him, and found him calm and easy. attend Friends as a people, more deeply exer- "27th; I visited two persons, both on beds cising than they had ever experienced, and of languishing; one with a pleuritic disorder, our deepest sufferings would be from some of and the other with the same fever that has the same family; that many would make sub-attacked several of our captive brethren. mission to this and the other, but that the "Fourth month 1st; My worthy friend John poor and some weak ones would be strength-Hunt, departed about ten o'clock last evening. ened; and he desired us to notice it. He On fifth-day a large number of Friends atadded, that under his present exercise, he had tended the funeral, and some not professing made a narrow search, and desired the Lord to manifest, if in any particular he had done wrong, or was deficient; nothing however, in particular was manifested, but that there was need of becoming still more pure and holy, and inwardly refined throughout.

with us, who appeared much affected; his religious labours having had a place in the minds of many. During his illness he was preserved in great patience and resignation, and favoured with his understanding, except that during two or three days before his departure, he appeared somewhat at a loss at

"28th; Our friend Thomas Gilpin is ill, and reduced to a very weak state, but favour-intervals; but sensible at the close. He was ed with his understanding, and very calm and patient.

a wise and experienced minister and elder, who will be greatly missed in the church.

"14th; A messenger arrived from Lancaster, to inform us that the congress had ordered the board of war to deliver us up to Pennsyl vania, and that two men were on their way hither, to conduct us to Lancaster. And on the 18th, our escort having arrived, we engaged in preparing for our journey homewards.

"First-day, third month 1st; After our af ternoon meeting broke up, our banished friends being more select, we again dropped into silence, and I had to press my beloved brethren to continue watchful and steady, and not to look too much outward, nor be attracted too much homeward, so as to bring them into danger of joining with things that might not prove peaceful to their minds, or to the hon- "On the 19th, after spending a short time our of the cause and testimony of truth, for in solemn retirement, we set out; and on fifthwhich we suffered. Our friend Thomas Gil-day crossed the Potomac at Nowland's ferry. pin continued calm, resigned and sensible, The wind being very high, and two poles

breaking, our passage was somewhat difficult and dangerous; but through the Lord's good providence, we got safely over and reached our friend Richard Richardson's, near Fredericktown, about twelve o'clock. The next day we arrived at Yorktown much wearied, but were cordially received and entertained. "Seventh-day, Henry Drinker and myself visited a young man confined in jail for his religious testimony against war, who appeared in a tender disposition. We found that our persecutors had not yet quite relaxed in their enmity. James Pemberton and Henry Drinker waited on the president of the council, informed him of our being here, and desired that we might be restored to our families; he replied that the council would meet and consider our


"Second-day; council met, and after spending some hours, came to the following result, which was delivered to us:

In Council, Lancaster, April 27th, 1778. The case of the prisoners brought from Virginia, and now in this borough, being considered,—thereupon ordered-that they be immediately sent to Pottsgrove, in the county of Philadelphia, and there discharged from confinement; and that they be furnished with a copy of this order, which shall be deemed a discharge.

Extract from the minutes,

'Signed, T. MATLACK, Sec'y.'

"This was far short of what we demanded; which was, to be reinstated in our families in the manner in which we had been wrested from them; but Timothy Matlack gave us to understand that the council would not do more, and said they were determined to do no act that should frustrate the operation of a law the assembly had made, to confiscate the estates of those who went into the city.

nicated to the mind, as a more sure intelli-
gence than outward counsel; that our reli-
ance being on the Lord alone, his interposing
mercy might yet be towards us.
It was a
favoured meeting, and Samuel Emlen being
there, corroborated what I said.

"Sixth month 17th; The British army remaining in the city, were ordered to be ready by six o'clock in the evening, and lay along the redoubts, &c., all night. Early in the morning of the 18th, they marched to Gloucester point, and went over to New-Jersey. Some of the American light horse then entered the city, and large numbers of soldiery and of the former inhabitants, came in by the 20th. The English went away without suffering the inhabitants to be pillaged, or any further destruction of property to be made, and the Americans came in quietly.

"28th; Near Monmouth court-house, was a battle between the contending armies, and it being very hot weather, many fell through the excessive heat, as well as by sword and gun.

"Seventh month 18th; I visited Christopher Sower, who had been taken prisoner by the Americans, stripped naked, and painted in different colours; confined at the camp for some time, and at length released with a few rags given him. The man that painted him and had part of his clothes, was a few days afterwards seized with a violent pain, and died in great misery, desiring that those clothes. which he had taken from Christopher, might be taken from his body; which being done, he expired.

"Eleventh month 2nd; I visited two persons in prison, and found them in a thoughtful disposition, and tender.

"Fourth-day; Friends in the city were sorrowfully affected with the melancholy scene enacted, in putting to death the two persons above mentioned. They appeared resigned, and died without a struggle. Their counte"30th; We reached the city without mo-nances when deceased, looked like those of lestation, to the joy of our friends, and I hope persons in an easy sweet sleep. The burials with thankfulness to the great Preserver of were very large, and their execution alarmed men. May I ever remember the gracious and affected the inhabitants, as neither of them dealings of the Lord with me during my had committed anything worthy of such treatexile. He was indeed my preserver through ment. But their friends were comforted with various conflicts and trials, the lifter up of my a belief that they were gone well, and they head, and my merciful sustainer, in affording were strengthened to forgive their persecume peace and the softening virtue of his Di-tors.

vine presence, which settled my mind in re- "Third month 22nd, 1779; An English signation to his holy will. I found my dear transport vessel, with soldiers from Halifax wife as well as I could expect; blessed be the for New-York, ran ashore and bilged, off great Name, saith my spirit.

"First-day, fifth month 24th; It became my concern this morning at our meeting in High street, to advise Friends to give attention to the voice of Divine Wisdom commuVOL. VI.-No. 8.

Egg-harbour. The people on shore observed their distress, and got ready with boats, to go off to their assistance; but a privateer, lying near the vessel in distress, would not suffer it. At length, however, one man, captain Job


Carr, whose heart yearned with compassion declined; and spent his time among his friends, for them, said that let the consequences be as one sensible that his own departure drew what they might, he would go to their relief. near. He appeared in a very tender frame Accordingly, with a son of Joseph Maps', he of mind, and in the fore part of his illness, went in his boat, and saved about forty-two; expressed that he was much favoured in spibut about one hundred and forty perished, who rit. For some hours before his departure he might generally, if not all, have been saved. seemed to be free from pain, and quietly deThe people on shore saw the poor creatures parted without sigh or struggle. At this awful falling from the shrouds, as death, through season, a great solemnity and sweet calm atthe severity of the cold, seized them. A wo-tended; and I doubt not he is gone to join the man was afterwards found with a child tied spirits of the just made perfect, where the to her, both drowned. Oh! cruel and sad wicked cease from troubling, and the weary effects of the spirit of enmity, hard hearted-are at rest. He was a man of good natural ness and war! May the Lord, in his infinite endowments, of a large understanding, which mercy, soften and take away the stony heart, and promote a more Christian spirit than is now generally prevalent.

was sanctified and rendered useful, both with respect to temporal matters and those of greater moment. He was very weighty on all occasions that affected the reputation and testimony of truth; a true friend to the poor and needy in their distress, a great advocate of the negroes, and a promoter of various public institutions, particularly of the Pennsylvania hospital, of which he was a manager from the beginning. All ranks of people appeared affected with his death, and a very great con

"Fourth month 11th; At our meeting in High street, were divers libertines, and such as had been disowned by Friends, and some not professing with us. Our beloved friend Samuel Emlen, jr., was zealously concerned in public testimony, beginning with the words of Jeremiah: Mine eye affecteth mine heart, because of all the daughters of my city;' and after some expressions to the dissipated daugh-course attended the funeral. ters, he called upon the women, in the words "On the 8th of fifth month, I left home of the same prophet: Yet hear the word of the Lord, O ye women, and let your ear receive the word of his mouth; and teach your daughters wailing, and every one her neighbour lamentation;' repeating these words several times, and proclaiming a day of wailing and bitter lamentation, that he that rideth on the pale horse, whose name is death, would invade the habitations of some, and that calamity and distress would attend many parts of this once peaceful land; even this once peaceful and joyous city, the place of his birth, if humiliation and turning to the Lord did not take place. He was favoured with energy and power, and was very close against the workers of iniquity, but comfortable to the true seekers after God.

with the unity of my friends, weak in body, yet under a solid covering of truth, accompa nied by my father-in-law, Isaac Zane, and taking meetings in the way, reached the quarterly meeting at Salem, which was very large, and attended by some well concerned Friends; though a more general godly zeal and true religious concern are much wanting. Notwithstanding we have experienced the rod, and much affliction has attended our land, yet greater purity and refinement, and more redemption from the spirit of the world, are still needed. We went from thence to Greenwich, Cape May and Egg-harbour, and reached home on the 31st. In this journey I was sustained through abundant mercy, and favoured with a steady mind. We had to observe the per"On the 22nd of this month, my dearly nicious effects of war and strife, by which beloved brother, Israel Pemberton, departed many are involved in great calamity. On this life, aged nearly sixty-four years. He the coast of Cape May and Egg-harbour, sehad been much broken in his constitution, for veral vessels have lately been cast ashore, about three years. In his banishment to Vir-and become a prey to the people, many of ginia, with others of us, in 1777, in which he remained a prisoner nearly eight months, separated from an aged and endeared wife, beloved children and grandchildren, and hurried in a violent manner from home, among spirits exasperated by misrepresentations, he was endued with constancy, and a good share of fortitude and patience. The separation, however, nearly affected him, being a man of tender feeling and sympathy. On his return he found his wife in a poor state of health, and from the time of her departure he visibly

whom, by the booty of spirituous liquors, corrupt themselves, and are led further distant from God and the teachings of his Spirit; which, if regarded, would lead to compassion, meekness and purity, and would destroy the spirit in man which delights in another's overthrow. Friends appeared to keep clear of being defiled with the spoils of war, either by purchasing the goods or otherwise.

"Eleventh month 4th; At our meeting for sufferings, after weighty consideration, a memorial was agreed upon to the assembly of

Pennsylvania, to express our sense of the great disgust, and one captain, it was said, grievous laws they have passed, oppressive laid down his commission, declaring that if to tender consciences; particularly respecting innocent conscientious men were thus treated, our schoolmasters in this city being discou- he would not serve any longer. raged from continuing their schools, in consequence of a further supplement to the test law. Friends were received favourably, and such a weight and solemnity attended, that an awe prevailed over the members during the reading of the memorial, and on the observations made by some of the Friends.

"Twelfth month 7th; At Wilmington I heard of the death of a colonel in the American army, who had been a schoolmaster in that town, and very active in distressing Friends. On the 27th ultimo, being at the house of a Friend, he used, as it is said, some endeavours to ensnare him; and at length queried of the Friend, what he thought of General Washington? He replied that he had heard he was a good soldier. This raised the colonel, who compared him to Christ Jesus our Lord; and mounting soon after, rode a little distance; but his horse threw him and broke his scull, and presently he died. He had, but a few days before, taken possession of a confiscated estate; and it is said, obliged the man's wife to leave the place. His sudden death, after such blasphemous expressions, was very affecting.


"Seventh month 20th; At the meeting for sufferings this day, a number of Friends were appointed to labour for the bringing back of Benjamin Gilbert and family, taken captive among the Indians. We met in the evening to confer on the subject, and concluded to apply to the president and council for liberty to send a person by land to Niagara, or to obtain conveyance of a letter from New-York to Canada, round by Quebec. The next morning we applied to the president, but he put difficulties in the way. At length, after saying that it would look partial, to send for one family, and not for others who were captives, he promised to lay our statement of their case before the council. In the afternoon he referred us to a committee of council, on whom we waited. They represented the partiality of the proposal. We reminded them, that these were our brethren, that if every religious society were to exercise the same care, the thing would be general; that it was our wish that all captives might be released, and it was well known that we had ever manifested a benevolent disposition to those under trials, and had in former wars been at much expense 30th; Hearing that a master of a vessel, and used great endeavours to relieve many Jonathan Esthill, a Friend, had lain in prison who were in captivity, and obtained their reabout three weeks, I went and had an oppor- lease. After we left them we conferred togetunity to see him, and obtained liberty to bring ther, and the next day represented the matter him to my house. He was owner as well as to council, who concluded not to allow of our master, and had been taken between Augus-sending. On the 28th we obtained the entine and Antigua, by an armed ship, called dorsement of a letter, by Timothy Matlack, "The Jay," fitted out from this place; and to send to New-York, to forward some supthus lost nearly all for which he had been working hard for many years. He is a steady, sober Friend, of the north of England. "First month 28th, 1780; Our friends John Parrish and Samuel Hopkins, returned from a religious visit in North Carolina; they gave an account of a Friend who has suffered greatly for his religious testimony against war. Being drafted to stand guard over part of Burgoyne's army, prisoners in Virginia, he could not comply, and was therefore tried at a court martial, composed of young officers; who sentenced him to have thirty-nine lashes, which was executed in the presence of some hundred spectators. Forty stripes were very heavily laid on, by three different persons, with a whip having nine cords; but the Friend, though much torn, was supported; and persuasions and threats were afterwards offered in vain, to prevail on him to yield to service. It was thought that the faithfulness of this Friend and the severe suffering he underwent, spread *This Vindication was published in the Pennthe testimony of truth. The procedure gave | sylvania Packet, “ September 2nd, 1780.”

plies to this afflicted family, and the letter containing an anxious desire for their relief, we hope it may open some way for them.


Eighth month 12th; The several testimonies and epistles issued by Friends, which were published by our persecutors in 1777, to justify the proceedings of the congress and council, against those Friends who were then sent into banishment, now appeared again in the newspapers, having a little piece prefixed to them, to excite fresh enmity against Friends. May the Lord disappoint the evil machinations of the wicked, and afford faith and patience to his people to bear reviling and reproach, for the name of Christ and his truth.

"On the 24th, Friends published 'A short vindication of the religious Society called Quakers, against the aspersions of a nameless writer,' in the Pennsylvania Packet, of the 12th instant.*


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