ON SEVERAL SUBJECTS, By THOMAS SECKER, LL.D. Late Lord Archbishop of CANTERBURY. Published from the original Manuscripts, By BEILBY PORTEUS D.D. and GEORGE STINTON D.D. His Grace's Chaplains. VOL VI. LONDON, Printed for J. and F. RIVINGTON, in St. Paul's Church- MDCCLXXI. CONTENT S. Five Sermons on Scripture. SERMON I. On the divine Inspiration of Scripture. 2 TIM. iii. 16, 17. All Scripture is given by Infpiration of God: and is profitable for Doctrine, for Reproof, for Correction, for Inftruction in Righteousness: that the Man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good Works. SERMONS II. III. On the Usefulness of Scripture. The fame Text. SERMON IV. On the Duty of reading it. The fame Text. A 2 P. I P. 29, 57 P. 85 SER. SERMON V. Directions for reading it profitably. |