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scarcely a province in which the real sovereignty and the nominal sovereignty were not disjoined. Titles and forms were still retained which implied that the heir of Tamerlane was an absolute ruler, and that the Nabobs of the provinces were his lieutenants. In 5 reality, he was a captive. The Nabobs were in some places independent princes; in other places, as in Bengal and the Carnatic, they had, like their master, become mere phantoms, and the Company was supreme. Among the Mahrattas, again, the heir of 10 Sevajee still kept the title of Rajah; but he was a prisoner, and his prime minister, the Peshwa, had become the hereditary chief of the State. The Peshwa, in his turn, was fast sinking into the same degraded situation into which he had reduced the 15 Rajah. It was, we believe, impossible to find, from the Himalayas to Mysore, a single Government which was at once a Government de facto and a Government de jure, which possessed the physical means of making itself feared by its neighbours and subjects, and which 20 had at the same time the authority derived from law and long prescription.

Hastings clearly discerned what was hidden from most of his contemporaries, that such a state of things gave immense advantages to a ruler of great talents 25 and few scruples. In every international question that could arise, he had his option between the de facto ground and the de jure ground; and the probability was that one of those grounds would sustain any claim that it might be convenient for him to 30 make, and enable him to resist any claim made by others. In every controversy, accordingly, he resorted to the plea which suited his immediate purpose, with

out troubling himself in the least about consistency; and thus he scarcely ever failed to find what, to persons of short memories and scanty information, seemed to be a justification for what he wanted to do. 5 Sometimes the Nabob of Bengal is a shadow, sometimes a monarch; sometimes the Vizier is a mere deputy, sometimes an independent potentate. If it is expedient for the Company to show some legal title to the revenues of Bengal, the grant under the 10 seal of the Mogul is brought forward as an instru

ment of the highest authority. When the Mogul asks for the rents which were reserved to him by that very grant, he is told that he is a mere pageant, that the English power rests on a very different founda15 tion from a charter given by him; that he is welcome to play at royalty as long as he likes, but that he must expect no tribute from the real masters of India.

It is true that it was in the power of others, as well as of Hastings, to practise this legerdemain ; but 20 in the controversies of Governments, sophistry is of little use unless it be backed by power. There is a principle which Hastings was fond of asserting in the strongest terms, and on which he acted with undeviating steadiness. It is a principle which, we 25 must own, though it may be grossly abused, can hardly be disputed in the present state of public law. It is this, that where an ambiguous question arises between two Governments, there is, if they cannot agree, no appeal except to force, and that the opinion 30 of the stronger must prevail. Almost every question was ambiguous in India. The English Government was the strongest in India. The consequences are obvious. The English Government might do exactly what it chose.



THE English Government now chose to wring money out of Cheyte Sing. It had formerly been convenient to treat him as a sovereign prince, it was now convenient to treat him as a subject. Dexterity inferior to that of Hastings could easily find, in the 5 general chaos of laws and customs, arguments for either course. Hastings wanted a great supply. It was known that Cheyte Sing had a large revenue, and it was suspected that he had accumulated a treaNor was he a favourite at Calcutta. He had, 10 when the Governor-General was in great difficulties, courted the favour of Francis and Clavering. Hastings, who, less perhaps from evil passions than from policy, seldom left an injury unpunished, was not sorry that the fate of Cheyte Sing should teach neigh- 15 bouring princes the same lesson which the fate of Nuncemar had already impressed on the inhabitants of Bengal.


In 1778, on the first breaking out of the war with France, Cheyte Sing was called upon to pay, in ad- 20 dition to his fixed tribute, an extraordinary contribution of fifty thousand pounds. In 1779 an equal sum was exacted. In 1780 the demand was renewed. Cheyte Sing, in the hope of obtaining some indulgence, secretly offered the Governor-General a bribe 25 of twenty thousand pounds. Hastings took the money, and his enemies have maintained that he

took it intending to keep it. He certainly concealed the transaction, for a time, both from the Council in Bengal and from the Directors at home, nor did he ever give any satisfactory reason for its concealment. 5 Public spirit, or the fear of detection, at last determined him to withstand the temptation. He paid over the bribe to the Company's treasury, and insisted that the Rajah should instantly comply with the demands of the English Government. The Rajah, 10 after the fashion of his countrymen, shuffled, solicited, and pleaded poverty. The grasp of Hastings was not to be so eluded. He added to the requisition another ten thousand pounds as a fine for delay, and sent troops to exact the money.


The money was paid. But this was not enough. The late events in the south of India had increased the financial embarrassments of the Company. Hastings was determined to plunder Cheyte Sing, and, for that end, to fasten a quarrel on him. Accordingly, 20 the Rajah was now required to keep a body of cavalry for the service of the British Government. He objected and evaded. This was exactly what the Governor-General wanted. He had now a pretext for treating the wealthiest of his vassals as a criminal. 25 ' I resolved '-these are the words of Hastings himself' to draw from his guilt the means of relief of the Company's distresses, to make him pay largely for his pardon, or to exact a severe vengeance for past delinquency.' The plan was simply this, to demand 30 larger and larger contributions till the Rajah should be driven to remonstrate, then to call his remonstrance a crime, and to punish him by confiscating all his possessions.

Cheyte Sing was in the greatest dismay. He offered two hundred thousand pounds to propitiate the British Government. But Hastings replied that nothing less than half a million would be accepted; nay, he began to think of selling Benares to Oude, as 5 he had formerly sold Allahabad to Rohilcund. The matter was one which could not be well managed at a distance, and Hastings resolved to visit Benares.

Cheyte Sing received his liege lord with every mark of reverence, came near sixty miles, with his 10 guards, to meet and escort the illustrious visitor, and expressed his deep concern at the displeasure of the English. He even took off his turban and laid it in the lap of Hastings, a gesture which in India marks the most profound submission and devotion. 15 Hastings behaved with cold and repulsive severity. Having arrived at Benares, he sent to the Rajah a paper containing the demands of the Government of Bengal. The Rajah, in reply, attempted to clear himself from the accusations brought against him. 20 Hastings, who wanted money and not excuses, was not to be put off by the ordinary artifices of Eastern negotiation. He instantly ordered the Rajah to be arrested and placed under the custody of two companies of sepoys.


In taking these strong measures, measures, Hastings scarcely showed his usual judgment. It is possible that, having had little opportunity of personally observing any part of the population of India, except the Bengalees, he was not fully aware of the difference 30 between their character and that of the tribes which inhabit the upper provinces. He was now in a land far more favourable to the vigour of the human frame

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