An Explication of the First Part of the Assembly's Shorter Catechism: In Continued Discourses on Each Question. To which is Subjoined, the Peculiar Advantage and Business of Life ... Never Before Printed. By ... Thomas Boston ...William Gray, and sold at his printing-house, 1755 - 301 pages |
From inside the book
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Page 3
... because they are the Word of God . It appears , that they are the Word of God , by the Holinets and Efficacy of their Doc- trine , and the Miracles wrought to confirm it : And this , although for the moft Part they were written by Men ...
... because they are the Word of God . It appears , that they are the Word of God , by the Holinets and Efficacy of their Doc- trine , and the Miracles wrought to confirm it : And this , although for the moft Part they were written by Men ...
Page 4
... because extraordinary Reve- lation of Doctrine is ceafed , and God hath bound us to the Scripture as the Teft or Touchstone of Doctrine . viii . 20. To the law and to the teftimony : if they speak not according to this word , it is because ...
... because extraordinary Reve- lation of Doctrine is ceafed , and God hath bound us to the Scripture as the Teft or Touchstone of Doctrine . viii . 20. To the law and to the teftimony : if they speak not according to this word , it is because ...
Page 12
... because ye are fons , God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts , cry- ing , Abba , Father . ' The Son and the Holy Ghost are not below the Father , but equal with him They are all equally powerful and glorious . So the ...
... because ye are fons , God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts , cry- ing , Abba , Father . ' The Son and the Holy Ghost are not below the Father , but equal with him They are all equally powerful and glorious . So the ...
Page 14
... because they knew him not , nor yet the ' voices of the prophets which are read every fabbath - day , they have fulfilled them in con- demning him . ' The Design and End of God's Decrees is his own Glory : Rom . xi . 36. For of him ...
... because they knew him not , nor yet the ' voices of the prophets which are read every fabbath - day , they have fulfilled them in con- demning him . ' The Design and End of God's Decrees is his own Glory : Rom . xi . 36. For of him ...
Page 15
... because his in- finite Understanding comprehends all Things per- fectly at once . They are faid to be according to the counfel of his will , as depending on nothing without himself : Rom . xi . 34. For who hath ' known the mind of the ...
... because his in- finite Understanding comprehends all Things per- fectly at once . They are faid to be according to the counfel of his will , as depending on nothing without himself : Rom . xi . 34. For who hath ' known the mind of the ...
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Acts againſt alfo alſo becauſe behold believe believeth bleffed blood body bufinefs buſineſs caft Chap Chrift Jefus Compared confcience Covenant of Grace curfe darkneſs dead death doth earth eternal everlaſting faid unto faith falvation fame fanctified Father faved fent fervant ferve fhall fhew fhould firft firſt fleſh fome forecited foul fpirit fuch glory God's gofpel hath heart heaven Hence fays himſelf Holy Ghoft honour Ifrael Image itſelf John John iii John xv John xvii juftified laft live Lord Jefus Chrift Luke Matth Nature original Sin ourſelves pafs perfect Perfon Pfal Power praife praiſe promife propagate religion Purchaſe Queft raiſed Redeemer refpect reft Refurrection rifing righteoufnefs righteous Sanctification ſhall Sinner Soul Spirit thee thefe Theff themſelves theſe things thofe thoſe truth underſtanding verf viii whatſoever Wherefore wherein word wrath