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The argument drawn from the analogy of the sun, light, and heat, to the Trinity, considered ...


On the argument which represents Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit, as qualities of one Deity .....

The union between Father and Son compared to that between the human soul and body.


Argument drawn from the alleged resemblance between the term "Son of Man" and "Son of God"



On the argument which represents God as a compound sub








John xvii. 3; 1 Cor. xv. 24, viii. 6; Ephes. iv. 5, 6, quoted 259 Alleged necessity of the Deity of Jesus to his mediatorial character


This opposed to common sense




Opposed also to scripture; Numbers xi. 1, 2, xiv. 19, 20, xxi. 7, xxxii. 30; Gen. xviii. 32; Jeremiah xxvii. 18; Deuteronomy v. 5.

.... 260, 261

.... 262

The arguments of Hindoos for Polytheism more powerful than those of Christians for the Trinity


No. I.

On the Quotations from the Old Testament contained in the New.

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These quotations prove the subordinate nature of Jesus to

No. II.

On the References made to the Old Testament in Support of the

Deity of Jesus.


John i. 14, compared with Isaiah ix. 6, explained
Hebrews i. 8, 9, compared with Psalm xlv. 6, 7, considered 284
Luke i. 16, 17, compared with Isaiah xl. 3, and Malachi iii. 1. 285
John xii. 41, compared with Isaiah vi. 5



1 Cor. i. 30, compared with Jeremiah xxiii. 6............
The original of Jeremiah xxiii. 6, xxxiii. 16; Gen. xxv. 26;
2 Sam. ii. 16; Gen. xvi. 14, compared..
287, 288
Rom. xiv. 10, 12, compared with Isaiah xlv. 23 .......... 288
2 Peter iii. 18, compared with Isaiah xliii. 3, on the term

John x. 16, compared with Psalm xxiii. 1, on the term


... 290


1 Cor. x. 9, compared with Psalm lxxviii. 56, on tempting Christ.....

John iii. 29, compared with Psalm [Isaiah] liv. 5, on the term husband...



.. 292

Revelation xxii. 13, compared with Isaiah xliv. 6, on the phrase " Alpha and Omega" .....


Rev. xxii. 12, compared with Isaiah xl. 10, on the phrase "My reward is with me"


Ephes. iv. 8, compared with Psalm lxviii. 18, on the phrase "Thou hast ascended on high"



John xix. 37, compared with Zechariah xii. 10, on the phrase "whom they pierced" ..






1 Peter ii. 6-8, compared with Isaiah xxviii. 16, and viii. 13, 14, on the phrase "stone of stumbling," &c. •• 299, 300 The Hebrew and other Asiatic languages full of metaphor, John x. 34-36..

• 301

The Deity of Moses and of David cannot be proved from
Deut. xxx. 15; 1 Chron. xxix. 20 ..


Personal interest does not influence the author; nor desire of fame


Nor the hope of success



• 303



But reverence for the author of Christianity, and a wish to
raise it above all polytheistical systems
The author's views derived from the Scriptures ....
The Old Testament should be studied before the New
Locke's testimony respecting the fundamental articles of

[blocks in formation]

Extract from Sir Isaac Newton, pointing out the different natures of God and Christ

[blocks in formation]




[blocks in formation]

Argument in favour of the Trinity, from its analogy to the
triangle, considered

Several arguments occurring in the beginning of Serle's Horæ
Solitariæ, considered



[ocr errors]



Dr. Prideaux's assertion respecting the testimony of Jona-
than's Targum on Isaiah ix. 6, 7, examined........................................................ 313
The term "Messiah" applied to various kings............ 314
Quotations from several ancient Jewish commentators......
On the difference of meaning between "to be called" and
"to be"..................



Passages illustrating the epithets employed in Isaiah ix. 6. 316
The terms "Son" and "only-begotten" incompatible with
the nature of the First Cause ..


The assertion respecting two sets of terms and phrases being applied to Jesus, examined...



No Hindoo can conscientiously prefer the doctrine of the
Trinity to Hindooism ••••


True Christianity is free from Polytheism...


ib. 318




General Defence of the Precepts in Question.

THE observations contained in No. I. of the Quarterly Series of "The Friend of India," on the Introduction to "The Precepts of Jesus," as well as on their defence, termed "An Appeal to the Christian Public," are happily expressed in so mild and Christian-like a style, that they have not only afforded me ample consolation for the disappointment and vexation I felt from the personality conveyed in the preceding Magazines, (Nos. 20 and 23,) but have also encouraged me to pursue my researches after the fundamental principles of Christianity in a manner agreeable to my feelings, and with such respect as I should always wish to manifest for the situation and character of so worthy a person as the Editor of the Friend of India.

The Reverend Editor labours in his Review to establish two points-the truth and excellency of the miraculous relations and of the dogmas found in the Scriptural writings-and 2ndly, the insufficiency of


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