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rily; that is, he cannot help it; he does not think at all about it.

Regiment a large number of soldiers, and several officers. The soldiers are divided into companies; each company has a Captain, who commands the soldiers. A Colonel is the chief officer; he commands the whole regiment.

Arms-sometimes mean guns, and other implements used in fighting.

Hunting. Children who live in towns do not know much about hunting. People in some countries go out in large companies to find wild animals and to kill them. They sometimes take dogs with them. The dogs run after the creature that is hunted, and kill him, or hold him fast till the men come up. The animals which are killed in this manner, or are shot, are called game. The men who shoot for amusement, are called sportsmen. The dogs employed in hunting, are Hounds, Pointers, and Spaniels.

Crown-an English coin. A half crown is 60 cents in value.


"REWARD-papa," said Frank, talking to his father-"That word always puts me in mind of my History of Quadrupeds; you gave me that book, you said, as a reward for having cured myself of a bad habit."

"What do you understand by the word reward?" said his father.

"Reward is something that is given for hav

ing done right; it is not always a thing, for though the first reward ever given to me was a thing, yet I have had rewards of a different sort. "When you, papa, or mamma, praise me, that is a reward. A reward is any sort of pleasure, that is given us for doing right."

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What do you think," said his father, "is the use of rewards ?"

"To make me, to make all people do right." How do rewards make you, make all people, do right ?"

"Papa, you know I like, and all other people like, to have rewards, because they are pleasures; and when I know I am to have a reward, or even hope to have a reward, I wish, and try to do the thing for which the reward is to be given-if I have been rewarded once, I expect to be rewarded again; and even if I have seen another person rewarded, I think I may be rewarded for the same good action. When my mother praised my brother Edward, and gave him a table for keeping his room in good order, I began to keep my room in better order; and you know I have kept it in good order ever since." "Papa, that is all I know about the use of rewards.'

"You have explained it very well, Frank; now you may run to your play."


FRANK had a little cousin Mary; when Mary was six years old, she was brought to live at his father's house. Frank soon grew very fond of Mary, and played with her at whatever she


liked. Sometimes all le that woman, mamma." she was his horse ding with me to her house, if his wheelbarrow, ay blowsre, Rosamond; but cat's cradle for him and reas(annot even guess;

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Though Mary and elves, by morning, and you tured, yet they had faul thems

impatient, and Mary was I really do dislike cross. Frank had not beelwarst moment she children younger and we ong When he found that he was

made use of his strength, to for now-I have he commanded her; and whe

e the thing she had he would snaive me a finger, her hands. Once Frank took

this manner, and hurt her so no ed out with the pain.

Frank's father, who was in the people heard her, and came in to inquire what was the matter. Mary stopped crying, and Frank, though he felt much ashamed, told his father how he had hurt her.

Frank's father was pleased with his honesty in telling the truth, but he ordered the children into different rooms, and they were not allowed to play together any more that day.

The next morning at breakfast, Frank's father asked them if they liked best to be together, or to be separate.

"To be together," answered Frank and Mary. "Then, my children, take care and do not quarrel," said Frank's father, "for whenever you quarrel, I shall end your dispute at once, by separating you. You, Frank, know the use of punishment."

"Yes, I know," answered Frank," that when

ing done right; it is not e pain: you take though the first reward eve me from doing as I thing, yet I have had reward

"When you, papa,


father, "that I like

that is a reward. A rewarpose do I punish sure, that is given us for

"What do you thike to give me pain, but use of rewards ?" ng wrong again."

"To make me, tment hinder you from doing "How do rewa

do right ?"

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pa, I should be afraid to have Papa, you knt again, if I were to do the like, to have rew

sures; and when

and the pain and the shame

make me remember them a

or even hope to never I think of doing the to do the thing in for wh ch I was punished, I given if punishment and then I determine ven if

not to do wrong again."

"Is there any other use in punishments, do you think, Frank ?”

"Yes, to prevent other people from doing wrong when they see a person who has done wrong punished, if they are sure they shall have the same punishment, if they do the same wrong thing, they take care not to do it.

"I heard John, the gardener's son, saying to his brother yesterday, that the boy who robbed the garden had been taken, and had been whipped; and that this would be an example to all dishonest boys; and would hinder them from doing the same thing. But, papa, why do you ask me all this? Why do you tell me these things?"


Because, my dear son, now that you are becoming a reasonable being, I wish to explain to


you the reasons for all le that woman, mamma." have not understanding with me to her house, if times be governed by blowsre, Rosamond; but tures, who can think and reaseannot even guess; ed, can govern themselves, by morning, and you is right-what makes themse

happy. I do not treat you as I really do dislike reasonable creature; and I alwairst moment she to you what is right and wrong

just and unjust."

"Thank you, papa," said Franow-I have be treated like a reasonable cr

"Go, Frank, play with Marive me a finger, to act like a kind, generous, or her har

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EXPERIENCE-what we have tried, seen, and known, is our experience. We know in all the years of our life, which we can remember, that after autumn was over, winter came, so we expect from our past experience that winter will always follow autumn.

When we know that one of our acquaintance is good and amiable now, our experience makes us believe that we shall always find him good and amiable. But when we believe a person to be good, or bad, without knowing that he is either, that is a prejudice.

Sometimes we may think very rightly, and expect things to happen, with good reason, without our own experience. Other persons, who

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