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1. Sing forth, O Kanvas, to the sportive host of your Maruts, brilliant on their chariots, and unscathed,1

2. They who were born together, self-luminous, with the spotted deer (the clouds),' the spears, the daggers, the glittering ornaments.


3. I hear their1 whips, almost close by, as they crack them in their hands; they gain splendour 2 on their way.3


4. Sing forth your god-given prayer to the exultant host of your Maruts, the furiously vigorous,2 the powerful.

3. WILSON: I hear the cracking of the whips in their hands, wonderfully inspiring (courage) in the fight.

BENFEY: Schier hier erschallt der Peitsche Knall, wenn sie in ihrer Hand erklingt; leuchtend fahr'n sie im Sturm herab.

LANGLOIS: Écoutez, c'est le bruit du fouet qu'ils tiennent dans leurs mains; c'est le bruit qui, dans le combat, anime courage.


4. WILSON: Address the god-given prayer to those who are your strength, the destroyers of foes, the powerful, possessed of brilliant reputation.

BENFEY: Singt eurer Schaar, der wühlenden, der strahlenreichen, kräftigen ein gotterfülletes Gebet!

LANGLOIS: A cette troupe (divine), qui détruit vos ennemis, noble, forte et glorieuse, offrez la part d'hymnes et de sacrifices que lui donnent les Dévas.*

[blocks in formation]

5. Prá samsa góshu ághnyam krîlám yát sárdhah marutam, gámbhe rásasya vavridhe.

6. Káh vah várshishthah a narah diváh ka gmáh ka dhûtayah, yát sîm ántam ná dhûnuthá.

7. Ní vah yẩmâya mẩnushah dadhré ugrẩya manyáve, gihîta párvatah giríh.

8. Yéshâm ágmeshu prithivï gugurvân-iva vispátih, bhiya yameshu régate.

9. Sthirám hí gẩnam eshâm váyah mâtúh níh-etave, yát sîm ánu dvitấ sávah.

5. WILSON: Praise the sportive and resistless might of the Maruts, who were born amongst kine, and whose strength has been nourished by (the enjoyment of) the milk.

BENFEY: Preist hoch die muntre Marutschaar die unbesiegbar in den Küh'n, im Schlund des Safts wuchs sie heran.

LANGLOIS Loue donc cette puissance des Marouts, invulnérable et rapide, qui règne au milieu des vaches (célestes), et ouvre avec force (leurs mamelles pour en faire couler) le lait.

6. WILSON: Which is chief leader among you, agitators of heaven and earth, who shake all around, like the top (of a tree)?

BENFEY: Wer, Helden! ist der erste euch-ihr Erd- und Himmel-schütterer!-wenn ihr sie schüttelt Wipfeln gleich? LANGLOIS: Parmi vous qui remuez si puissamment le ciel et la terre, qui agitez celle-ci comme la cime (d'un arbre), quel est le plus vigoureux ?

7. WILSON: The householder, in dread of your fierce and violent approach, has planted a firm (buttress); for the manyridged mountain is shattered (before you).

5. Celebrate the bull among the cows (the storm among the clouds),' for it is the sportive host of the Maruts; he grew as he tasted the rain.2

6. Who, O ye men, is the oldest among you here, ye shakers of heaven and earth, when you shake them like the hem of a garment?1

7. At your approach the son of man holds himself down; the gnarled cloud' fled at your fierce anger. 8. They at whose racings1 the earth, like a hoary king, trembles for fear on their ways,

9. Their birth is strong indeed: there is strength to come forth from their mother, nay, there is vigour twice enough for it.'

BENFEY: Vor eurem Gange beuget sich, vor eurem wilden Zorn der Mann; der Hügel weichet und der Berg;

LANGLOIS: Contre votre marche impétueuse et terrible, l'homme ne peut résister; les collines et les montagnes s'abaissent devant vous.

8. WILSON: At whose impetuous approach earth trembles; like an enfeebled monarch, through dread (of his enemies). BENFEY: Bei deren Lauf bei deren Sturm die Erde zittert voller Furcht, wie ein altergebeugter Mann.

LANGLOIS: Sous vos pas redoutables, la terre tremble de crainte, telle qu'un roi accablé par l'âge.

9. WILSON: Stable is their birthplace, (the sky); yet the birds (are able) to issue from (the sphere of) their parent: for your strength is everywhere (divided) between two (regions, —or, heaven and earth).

BENFEY: Kaum geboren sind sie so stark, dass ihrer Mutter sie entfliehn ist ja doch zwiefach ihre Kraft.

LANGLOIS: Le lieu de votre naissance est ferme et stable; vous pouvez, du sein de votre mère, vous élancer, tels que des oiseaux; car, des deux côtés, est un élément solide.

10. Út ûm (íti) tyé sûnávah gírah kẩshthâh ágmeshu atnata, vâsrah abhi-gñú yấtave.

11. Tyám kit gha dîrghám prithúm miháh nápâtam ámridhram, prá kyavayanti yẩma-bhih.

12. Márutah yát ha vah bálam gánân akukyavîtana, girîn akukyavîtana.

13. Yát ha yanti marútah sám ha bruvate ádhvan a, srinóti káh kit eshâm.

14. Prá yâta sîbham âsú-bhih sánti kánveshu vah dúvah, tátro (íti) sú mâdayâdhvai.

10. WILSON: They are the generators of speech: they spread out the waters in their courses: they urge the lowing (cattle) to enter (the water), up to their knees, (to drink.)

BENFEY: In ihrem Lauf erheben dann diese Söhne Getös und Fluth, die bis zum Knie den Kühen geht.

LANGLOIS: Ces (dieux) répandent le son comme on répand la libation. Leur souffle étend les voies du ciel; (l'eau tombe) et la vache (en s'y désaltérant), y entre jusqu'aux genoux.

11. WILSON: They drive before them, in their course, the long, vast, uninjurable, rain-retaining cloud.

BENFEY: Dann treiben sie im Sturm heran jenen langen und breiten Spross der Wolke unerschöpflichen.

LANGLOIS (Voyez-vous) ce long et large (nuage), fils de l'onde (qui s'y amoncelle)? (Il semble) invulnérable. (Les Marouts) savent le chemin par lequel on arrive jusqu'à lui pour l'ébranler.

12. WILSON: Maruts, as you have vigour, invigorate mankind: give animation to the clouds.


10. And these sons, the singers,' enlarged the fences in their coursings; the cows had to walk knee-deep.

11. They cause this long and broad unceasing rain1 to fall on their ways.

12. O Maruts, with such strength as yours, you have caused men to fall,' you have caused the mountains to fall.

13. As the Maruts pass1 along, they talk together on the way: does any one hear them?

14. Come fast on your quick steeds! there are worshippers1 for you among the Kanvas: may you well rejoice among them.

BENFEY: O Marut's! mit der Kraft, die ihr besitzt, werft ihr Geschöpfe um, die Berge werft ihr um sogar.

LANGLOIS O Marouts, puisque vous avez la force, faites-la sentir aux hommes, faites-la sentir aux collines.

13. WILSON: Wherever the Maruts pass, they fill the way with clamour: every one hears their (noise).

BENFEY: Wenn die Marut's des Weges ziehn, dann sprechen mit einander sie und mancher mag sie hören.

LANGLOIS: Quand les Marouts sont en marche, le chemin retentit de leur voix: chacun les entend.

14. WILSON: Come quickly, with your swift (vehicles). The offerings of the Kanwas are prepared. Be pleased with them.

BENFEY: Auf schnellen kommet schnell herbei, bei Kanva's Spross sind Feste euch: da wollt euch schön ergötzen.

LANGLOIS Accourez, portez ici vos pas rapides. Les enfants de Canwa vous attendent avec leurs offrandes; ici vous serez satisfaits.

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