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MINISTRATION, Work of the, 137.

rial Navigation, Recent Experiments in, 279, 665.
ghanistan and Tibet in European Politics, 535.
rica and South America, Shortest Route Between,

rica: Cape to Cairo Railway, 607.

ricultural Education in Macdonald College, Quebec,
Canada, 576.

aerica, North and South, Why They Are Different,

nerican People, New German Estimate of, 350.
bitration, Compulsory, Between Nations, 373.

ctic Exploration: Will the America Fly to the
Pole? 239.

gentina, The Progress of, 245.

't, American, An Artist's Plea for, by Paul de
Longpre, 688.

t: American Painting To-day, 689.

siatic Labor, South America and, 622.

siatic Labor Riots on Pacific Coast, 403.
iatic Race Problem, 394, 395.

lantic Monthly, Fiftieth Anniversary of, 735.
Istralia, Political Creed of, 243.
Istralia, University Life in, 625.
istria-Hungary, Affairs in, 18, 152, 533.

ALLOONING, Progress and Records in, 279, 665.
irrett, John. Resourcefulness of Central America, 69.
itson, George W. Charles S. Mellen: Railroad Or-
ganizer, 169.

everidge-Bryan Debate on "Imperialism,” 370.

cknell, Frank W. The Farmer's Debt to Science,

llboards, Crusade Against, 345.

Dies, W. J. Trust Companies and the Panic, 680.
ooks, The New, 124, 381, 510, 635, 753.

oston & Maine Railroad Acquired by New York,
New Haven & Hartford Railroad, 6.

oston, Solution of Gas Problem in, 594.

randeis, Louis D. How Boston Solved the Gas
Problem, 594.

[blocks in formation]

Chilean Ministry, New, 614.

China, Affairs in, 404, 405.

China Becomes a Constitutional Monarchy, 537.
China, Educational Evolution in, 620.
China's Indemnity to United States, Reduction of, 12.
Chinese Suspicions of Japan, 404.

Civilization: Is It Really Traveling Westward? 488.
Clearing House, Scope and Functions of, 684.

Clemens, Samuel L. (Mark Twain), Doctor of Let-
ters, 167; His Trip to England, 145.

Cleveland, City of, Tom Johnson and, 612.
Cleveland Municipal Campaign: Burton vs. Johnson,

Coal Supply, Our, How Long Will It Last? 335.
Cochrane, John Llewellyn. How Long Will Our Coal

Supply Last? 335.

College in the South, The, Task of, 246.

Commons, John R. The Wisconsin Public Utilities
Law, 221.

Confederate Veterans, The South's Care for, 40.

Congo, King Leopold and, 406.

Congo, Upper, Railways of, 253.

Congo, Will Belgium Annex? 407.

Congress: New Southern Senators, 263.

Cooper, Fennimore, the Story Teller, 503.

Coöperative Consumers' Associations in Russia, 201.
Copper, Collapse of, 392; the Copper Situation, 605.
Corporate Misconduct and Its Effects, 499.
Corporation Control, 517-518.

Corrigan, John. The Prohibition Wave in the South,

Corwine, William R. Does the Country Want Tariff
Readjustment? 47.

Criminals, Youthful, 495.
Crops of 1907, 79, 515.

Currency Reform Problem, Our, 88.

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Modern, "Red and Black" in, 233.

School Girls, French, of To-day, 626.
United States, Tariff Relations with, 269.

Wine Growing Districts, Trouble in, 10, 17-18, 231.
Francis Joseph, Emperor, of Austria-Hungary. 552.
Freeman, Lewis R. West Indies in Commerce, 305;
Railroads and Railroad Building in South Amer-
ica, 177.

Frost. Lines of, Through the United States, During
the Spring, 80-81.

Fyles, Franklin. Richard Mansfield and His Influ-
ence on the American Drama, 424.

GARFIELD, HARRY A., Chosen President of Williams
College, 144.

Gas Problem, How Boston Solved the, 594.
German-American Republic That Failed, The, 353.
Germans and Denationalization, 633.
Germany Affairs in, 533.

American Tariff and Other Relations with, 269, 483.
Berlin Court Scandals, The von Moltke-Harden
Suit, 663.

England, Russia and the German Kaiser, 485.
Fathers and Sons, Battle of, in, 95.

France, Relations with, 271-272.

Isolation of, 276, 489.

Political Changes in, 153.

Trades-Unionism in, Growth of, 744.

Germany's Poorly Paid Professional Men, Unionizing

of, 251.

Gilder, Jeannette L.

Mother, 703.

Victoria: Queen, Wife and

Glasson, William H. The South's Care for Her Con-

[blocks in formation]

HAGUE Conference, Second, and Its Work, 21, 147-148,
271, 274, 405-406, 529-530, 660, 727.
Harger, Charles M. The West's Financial Revela-

tion, 677; The Middle West and Wall Street, 83.
Harris, G. W. Edvard Grieg, 429.
Haywood Acquittal, The, 265.

Hearst, William R. Fight of, Against Coal Trust, 14.
Heney, Francis J., San Francisco's Star Prosecutor,

Heyn, Edward T. How Germany Makes Toys for
) the World's Christmas, 708.

Hill, David Jayne, New Ambassador to Germany, 659.

Hill, David Jayne. The Net Result at The Hague
Conference, 727.

Holt, Byron W. The Present Financial Crisis, 672.
Horse, Developing a National Type of, 321.
Housekeeping, Coöperative: Why It Fails, 93.

Hughes, Governor, as a Presidential Possibility, 398.
Hungary, Race Troubles in, 152.

ICELAND'S Fight for Autonomy, 628.

Iles, George. Why Is Interest High? 342.
Immigrant Woman, The, 367.

Immigration and Labor, 655.

Imperialism: Bryan-Beveridge Debate, 370.

India: A Nation in the Making, 433.

Industrial Efficiency, Have We Passed the Zenith of?

Infant Mortality, Most Important Factor in, 116.
Insurance Matters, 13.

Internationalism, An Age of, 528.

Interest: Why Is It High? 342.
Interstate Commerce Commission's Report on Harri-
man Investigation, 139.

Ireton, Robert Emmett.
Railroads, 217.

The Legislatures and the

Italian Children, Education of, America's Interest in

Italian Woman, Extraordinary Civil Status of, 377.
Italy, Religious Revival in, 377.

Ivins, William M. Rubber as a World Product, 51.

[blocks in formation]

Johnson, John A., Governor of Minnesota, 476.
Johnson, Tom, and the City of Cleveland, 612.
Johnston, Charles. Three Hundred Years of the Epis
copal Church in America, 461.

Judson, Frederick N. The Labor Decisions of Judg
William H. Taft, 212.

KINNOSUKE, ADACHI. The Japanese in Korea, 472.
Knaufft, Ernest. American Painting To-day, 689
Art Effects at the Jamestown Exposition, 549
Saint Gaudens and American Sculpture, 290.

Alleged "Looting" of, 501.

Diplomatic Duel for, 357.

Japanese Absorption of, 277-278, 472.
Problem in, 404.

LABOR, Migrations of, 733.

[ocr errors]

Labor Problem, Personal Factor in, 87.
Land Policies and Land Grabbing, 379.
Landis, Kenesaw Mountain, Judge, 498.
Lanier. Robert S. Has Arkansas a Diamond Field?
Latin-America as a Field for Capital, 242.
Latin-American Notes, 154.

Leading Articles of the Month, 87, 225, 348, 476, 60:

Lees, Frederic. The Study of the Human Plant, 20-
Legislation, Industrial, and Its Cost, 254.
Linnæus, After Two Hundred Years, 105.

Liquor Business, New Plan for State Control of, 749
Literature: Is It Dying? 115.

Lumber Industry of America, 561.

Lusitania, the New Speedy Transatlantic Liner, 42

[blocks in formation]

Rubber Producing Area of the World, 52-53.

West Indies, in Relation to North and South Amer-
ica, 304.

Wheat Territory Infested by Green Bugs, 79.

Mark Twain." (See under, Clemens, Samuel L.).
arks, Marcus M., An Example for Retired Business
Men, 556.

larks, Marcus M. Retirement from Business, 557.
[arriage Laws, French, Proposed Reforms in, 230.
larvin, Winthrop L. The Navy Department and Its
Work, 614.

faryland Governorship Contest, 264.

latch, Friction, and Its Precursors, 497.
lazzini Letters, Some Newly Discovered, 238.
IcKinley Memorials in Sculpture, 467.

Ielius, Marion. Are Secret Societies a Danger to Our
High Schools? 338.

fellen, Charles S. Railroad Organizer, 169,
Iexico, Railroad Control in, 747.

Liddle West and Wall Street, 83.

filk Supply as a National Problem, 585.

filk Supply, The City and Its, 360.

Ioffett, Samuel E. Mark Twain, Doctor of Letters,

Iohammedanism, World Renascence of, 492, 745.
Iorocco: Affairs in, 408.

France in, 271, 273.

French Punitive Expedition Against, 102, 407.
Situation in, 532.

The "Derelict" of Diplomacy, 63.

Iotoring, Progress in, 279.

Iunicipal: Galveston Plan of City Government,
Spread of, 623.

Iunicipal Ownership of Telephones in Great Britain,

NAVY and the Panama Canal, 136.

Navy Department and Its Work, 714.

Savy, Good, Need of, 136.

Navy: The Pacific Cruise, 135, 400, 660-661.

Nations, Small: Are They Doomed to Destruction?

Natural Resources, Conservation of, 515.

Nelson, Milton O. Lumber Industry in America, 61.
New York City: Hearst-McClellan Election Recount
Bill, 14.

New York City Street Railroads, 518-521.

New York City Public Service Commission, Recent
Work of, 266, 521-523.

New York Life Insurance Company: Election of D. P.
Kingsley as President, 13.

New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad, Under
President Mellen, 169.

New York State, Public Utilities Commissions of, 140.
New York State Legislature: Railroad 2-cents-a-mile
Bill Vetoed, 5, 9; Measures in, 10; Gas Legisla-
tion. 261.

North Carolina and "States' Rights," 260.
Norway, Language Struggle in, 739.

OBITUARY, 30, 159, 283, 417, 543, 668.

Oil Transportation Industry, 738.

[blocks in formation]

PAINTING, American, To-day, 689.

Panama Canal, Our Navy and the, 136.
Panama, Progress at, 657.

Papacy, Present Crisis of, in Italy, 507.
Papal Utterances, Important, 411.

Parenthood: Is the Modern Man a Poor Father? 378
Peace, Economic Motives for, 12.

Peace, Universal: Is It Possible? 226.

Persia: Anglo-Russian Agreement Regarding, 535.
Persia, Regeneration of, 599.

Phelan, James D. The Case of San Francisco, 37.

Assembly, Opening of, 537.
Elections in, 277.

Railroad Development in, 477.

Secretary Taft and, 396.

Philippine Question: Have We a? 397.
Pius X., The Legend of, 491.
Playgrounds in Chicago, 364.

Play, Ethical Significance of, 256.

Plants: Are They Possessed of Senses? 120.
Polish Autonomy and International Complications,"

Polish Emigration, Rapid Increase in, 119.

Politics, National, 13, 142, 397-398, 527, 657; the
Chandler and Gray Booms, 400-401; Bryan's Can-
didacy, 401.

Politics: State Campaigns, 525-526.

Population in Europe, Century's Movement of, 245.

Albert, Marcelin, 17, 231.

Albert, Prince Consort of Queen Victoria, 705.

Alexander, E. P., 43.

Alexis, Czarewitch, of Russia, 22.

Armor, Mrs. Mary Harris, 331.

Austria, Emperor Francis Joseph of, 553.

Avery, Elroy M., 510.

Baker, George F., 645.
Bankhead, John H., 27.

Barney, Charles T., 650.

Bassett, Edward M., 141.

Beeks, Gertrude, 136.

Belgians, Leopold, King of, 706.

Benson, Arthur Christopher, 759.
Berezin, Michael, 2.

Berkeley, Bishop George, 462.

Birdseye, Clarence F., 126.
Björnsen, Björnstjerne, 740.
Bolquadze, Mr., 2.

Booth, General William, 149.
Borah, W. E., 6.

Borne, Federico Puga, 614.

Bowman, Bishop Thomas, 157.

Brownson, Rear-Admiral Willard H., 717.

Burnham, Daniel H., 363.

Burns, William J., 200.

Burton, Theodore E., 389.

Butler, Nicholas Murray, 391.

Capps, Rear-Admiral Washington L., 719.

Carlos, King of Portugal, and Queen Amélie, 19.
Carlyle, W. L., 323.

Carus, Paul, 383.

Casson, Herbert N., 382.

[blocks in formation]

Cortelyou, George B.. 643.

Covington, W. A., 332.

Cowles, Rear-Admiral William S., 717.
Crothers, Austin L., 657.

Curry, Governor, 541.

Curtiss, Charles F., 186.
D'Abruzzi, Duke, 20.
Dale, Charles H., 59.
Dana, Charles A., 124.
Darrow, Clarence S., 5.

Davis, Jefferson, Statue of, 41.
Decker, Martin S., 140.

Dewey, Admiral George, 717.

Dolan, Thomas, 524.

Drago, Luis Maria, 148.

Dunne, F. H., 195.

Durland, Kellogg, 757.

Edwards, Augustin, 623.

Egan, Maurice Francis, 29.

Eustis, John E., 141.

Evans, Admiral Robley D., 135, 660.

Fairchild, James H., 381.

Finley, W. W., 261.

Fletcher, Horace, 609.

Fort, John F., 657.

Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria, 553.

Franz, Governor, 541.

Fulton, Robert, 389.

Garfield, Harry A., 144.

Gilbert, Alexander, 646.

Gilman, Mrs. Charlotte Perkins, 93.

Glenn, Governor, 262.

Golovin, Theodore, 2.

Goodyear, Charles, 51.

Gordon, John B., Statue of, 45.

Gorki, Maxim, 100.

Gould, George M., 124.

Grieg, Edvard, 429.

Griffis, William E., 639.

Grubb, Eugene H., 323.
Guésde, Jules, 531.

Gulick, Luther H., 125.
Gummere, Samuel, 272.
Hadley, Arthur T., 386.
Hagron, General, 272.
Haney, William H., 638.
Harden, Maximilian, 663.
Harrison, Frederic, 383.
Haskell, Charles N., 402.
Hawley, J. H., 6.

Haywood, William D., 4.
Heilprin, Angelo, 159.

Heinze, F. Augustus, 542.
Heney, Francis J., 199.

Hepburn, Alonzo B., 646.

Hervé, Edouard, 531.

Hi-Hyeung, Emperor of Korea, 130.
Hill, David Jayne, 659.

Hobart, Bishop John Henry, 461.
Holden, P. G., 188.

Hollander, Jacob H., 104.

Holle, Ludwig, 153.

Horsley, Alfred (Harry Orchard), 4.

Hulbert, Homer B., 358.

Ivins, William M., 266, 524.

Jaurès, Jean, 232, 531.

Johnson, John A., 142, 477.

Joachim, Joseph, 283.

Johnson, Tom L., 656.

Johnston, Joseph F.. 262.

Joline, Adrian H., 521.

Jones, Sam P., 331.
Kampf, Arthur, 156.
Kaneko, Kentaro. 24.
Kartashov, Leo, 2.
Keep, Charles H., 140.
Kent, Duchess of, 704.
Kingsley, Darwin P., 13.
Knox, Philander C., 14.
Korea, Emperor of, 130.
Korn, Arthur, 97.
Lacroix, General, 272.
Lahovary, Jacques, 617.

Landis, Kenesaw Mountain, 138.
Lane, Franklin K., 140.
Langdon, William J., 199.
Lee, Stephen D., 43.

Lemire, Abbe, 232.

Leopold, King of the Belgians, 706.

Lincoln, Abraham, 755.

Linnæus (Carl von Linné), 105.

London, Bishop of, 528.

McCarroll, William, 141.

Macdonald, A. A., 237.

Macdonald, Sir William, 578.

McGaffey, Ernest, 127.

Mcllhinny, John A., 541.

Maclean, Sir Harry, 68, 155.
McLoughlin, John, 635.

Mahan, Captain Alfred T., 754.
Maltbie, Milo R., 141.

Mansfield, Richard, 425, 427.

Marconi, Guglielmo, 538.

Marks, Marcus M., 556.

Mason, Rear-Admiral Newton E., 719

Mathews, Shailer, 127.

Maxoodov, Sadtretdin, 2.

Mazzini, Giuseppe, 238.

Mellen, Charles S., 7, 171.

Metcalf, Victor H., 715.

Miller, Frederick, 5.

Miyakawa, Masuji, 639.

Montt, President, of Chili, 614.

Moore, Edward A., 511.

Morgan, Edward M., 281.

Morgan, James, 635.

Morgan, J. Pierpont, 645.

Morgan, John T., 30.

Morocco, Southern, Viceroy of, 65, 408.

Morocco, Sultan of, 62, 67.

Moyer, Charles H., 4.

Muhlenberg, William. 463.

Mulai Abd-El-Aziz XIV., Sultan of Morocco, 62, 67.

Mulai El Hafid, Viceroy of Southern Morocco, 65,

[blocks in formation]

Porter, Pleasant, 413.

Portugal, King and Queen of, 19.

Poznanski, Nicholas, 2.

Pritchard, Jeter C., 261.

Prudhomme, Sully, 619.

Ptolemy Philadelphos, 743.
Ptolemy Philometer, 743.

Purdy, Milton D., 139.

Pushkin, Alexander, 512.

Rae, Rear-Admiral Charles W., 719.

Richardson, Edmond F.. 5.

Ridgely, William B., 653.

Ristori, Adelaide, 512.

Robertson, James Wilson, 576.

Robinson, Douglas, 521.

Rockefeller, John D., 392.

Rockefeller, William, 393.

Rogers, H. H., 390.

Roosevelt, President, 541; with Gifford Pinchot, 517.

Root, Elihu, and party in Mexico, 539.

Ross, Edward A.. 500, 759.

Russell, Charles Edward, 758.

Ryan, Thomas F., 519.

Sague, James E., 140.

Saint Gaudens, Augustus, 292.

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