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ymbclippe 118, 19.

ymbclypte 461, 12. 499, 18. ymbeahtas 371, 9. 490, 22.

ymbfeng 523, 35.

ymbfonde 415, 5.

ymbgang 485, 10.

ymbgongum 355, 15.

ymbgyrded 355, 23.

ymbhæfdan 367, 1. ymbhammene 340, 14.

ym bheapiendum 412, 33.

ymbheapod 489, 11.

ymbhedig 172, 24.

ymbhedigra 65, 28.

ymbhiwan 381, 2.

ymbhringde 414, 26. 531, 30. ymbhringendum 48, 20. ymbhumne 514, 3.

ymbhweorft (lytel-) 109, 22. ymbhwerft 109, 20.

ymbhwyft (bysne mislecan-and bleofagan) 428, 10.

ymbhwyrfte 340, 14. (on-) 426, 27.
ymbsele (uton—) 60, 4.
ymbsuæpe 5, 28.

ymbtyrnd (mid water-) 187, 6.
ymboriodung 17, 8. 384, 35.

ymbbrydung 218, 20.

ymele 314, 16. 541, 8.

ymle 164, 5.

ynca 107, 12.

yndanwega (ba belocenan-) 527, 13.

yneleac 270, 27.

ynnelæc 7, 23.

ynneleac 295, 21. 300, 26.

ynnilæc 12, 35.

yplenu (þa-) 215, 39.

yppan 102, 6.

yppe 27, 37. 150, 9.

ypped 458, 9.

ypte 387, 43. 396, 36. 517, 10. yrfe 114, (gewriten-) 39, 44. 429, 13. (gewriten-) 439, 18.

yrfebec 114, 45. 115, 2, (underne―) 4, (samhiwna-) 5. 429, (somhiwena—) 7, 8. 11. (undyrne-) 457, 1. (eall writene-) 463, 28.

yrfefyrt 115, 3.

yrfegedal 115, 6. 410, 14.

yrfeweard (gewriten―) 439, 19.

yrfeweardnes 114, 38.

yrfeweardwritere 114, 42.

yrfewritend 114, 43.

yrnende (-ea) 177, 35.

yrpland 279, 27. 353, 26. yrþlincgas 90, 9.

yrblincge (pam-) 91, 15. 99, 19.

yrbling (se-) 99, 14, 19. 358, 11. 361, 14. yrblinge 90, 12. (se-) 91, 13. (þam—) 99, 15. 310, 39.

yrblinge (þam-) 100, 9.

ys 90, 1. 91, 4, 17, 18. 92, 3. 94, 10, 18. 95, 4. 97, 6. 98, 16. 99, 10, 11, 19 etc. ysene 254, 38.

ysle 146, 12. 266, 35. 295, 1. 405, 17. yslendra 235, 28.

yst 182, 36.

ytemeste 234, 6.

ytemystan (ba-endas bære seglgyrde)

288, 11.

ytend 232, 37.

ytst 102, 8, 10.

yttran (ba) 248, 7.

yb 240, 45.

yða 376, 24.

ybiendan 240, 39.

youm (æt-wæran gesette) 511, 1.

ybworigendan 241, 3.

[blocks in formation]

abotte 780, 19.

aboute (-mesure) 602, 8.

abse 719, 40.

ache 554, 6. (coold-) 562, 44. 564, 36.

(hede-) 571, 35. 572, 6.

acordyt 627, 1.

acorne 647, 27.

acorun 716, 8.

acton 782, 33.

acumelyd 588, 5. addurcop 625, 7.

addure 625, 8.

adrelwurt 556, 16.

aferd (to be) 598, 28.

age 611, 17.

aglott 734, 37.

agremoine 555, 2.

agryse 588, 11.

agulere 561, 14.

ail 558, 17.

ak 716, 7.

ake 646, 9. (-appylle) 716, 9.

aker (of lond) 561, 7.

aketoun 568, 28.

akyre 737, 18.

ale 572, 14. 611, 38. 614, 17. 625, 16. 658, 27, 28. 659, 11, 12, 13. 724, 12. (alle maner-) 772, 16, (stale-) 17.

alisaundre 556, 12.

alkemyn 562, 41.

alkenet 562, 39.

alle 628, 17.

almary 666, 13.

almarye 565, 37. 607, 34. 612, 26. alme 563, 7.

almere 658, 33.

almery 648, 36. 754, 18.

almonde 715, 4.

almost 582, 40, 46.

almry 726, 41.

almund 715, 40.

almunde 713, 29.

almundmylk 713, 30.

almundmylke 740, 25. almus 728, 32.

almyghty 577, 5.

alne 557, 5.

aloigne 554, 11.

alose 598, 47.

alowe 581, 8.

alphyn 626, 14.

alpys (longend to hylle of-) 563, 13. also 560, 13.

alysandyre 714, 9.

ambrose 556, 23.

ambrosye 581, 10.

ameruche 556, 35.

amphanere 755, 12.
amys 581, 18.
amyt 721, 19.

amyte 563, 29. 755, 24. amytte 649, 37, 38.

anas 711, 35.

ancle 571, 27. 632, 7. ancoryse 681, 25.

ancryst 695, 5. and 560, 13.

andyre 564, 5. 590, 33.

anete 557, 23.

aneyse 564, 10.

anfeld 627, 18.

anfenare 648, 30.

anger 562, 25.

angyl 766, 12.

ankyle 678, 38. ankylle 637, 10. ankyr 805, 12.

ankyre 737, 33.

ankrys 692, 20.

anoynter 598, 12. anselle 613, 41. answere 607, 42. antyphonere 719, 38.

anys 714, 5. ape 639, 21. apere 564, 41. apostyle 680, 12. appe 699, 40. appele 790, 1. appelleaf 559, 10.

appuljuse 740, 33. appultre 629, 5. appylle 715, 14. appyltre 715, 13. aprune 660, 34. apse 617, 23.

apulle 647, 22. apulseler 688, 18. apultre 646, 37, 38. aquytaunce 564, 38. arasches 559, 1. araye 564, 46.

arcehoole 632, 4.

arcetere 565, 19.

arche 611, 14.

archebyschope 629, 19.

archer 565, 20, 22. 687, 38.

arcister 780, 42, 43.

are 683, 31. arehole 737, 32. arere 615, 2. arestynge 566, 22.

areyse 615, 2. argent 559, 28. argentine 557, 4.

arke 659, 30, 31, 32.

arme 568, 37. 635, 22. 676, 27.

armehole 676, 28.

armepytt 627, 3. 631, 11.

armytegke 723, 24.

arow 783, 31, (brode-) 32. arowblaste 784, 7.

ars 627, 14.

arsbyschop 779, 37.

arsdekyn 680, 17. 780, 1.

arsholere 636, 25.

arsmetryke 565, 40.

arsyon (of a sadelle) 565, 25.

arswyspe 627, 12.

aruwbale 593, 35.

arw (brode-) 812, 36.

as 699, 1.

asayle 589, 6.

asche 584, 34. 629, 8.

ashamed 574, 48.

ashard 687, 22.

askapye 580, 48.

aske (-beseche wyth cry) 583, 37.

(-ayen) 607, 31.

askkyste 684, 39.

askys 657, 7.

aspe 629, 7.

aspye (-seytfully) 590, 1.

assyon (of a sadelle) 604, 36. astoned (to be) 575, 10.

astsyche 764, 32.

aswell 615, 12.

asyon (for-of the sadell) 564, 21. asyre 714, 17.

atamye 589, 40.

atterlobe 558, 25.

atwyte 589, 17.

auens 586, 2. aueroine 554, 14. augrym 562, 45. augur 616, 7.

aundyre 623, 13. avance 566, 46. avans 787, 17.

avence 555, 6.

awbe 562, 34. 721, 18.
awblast 653, 34.
awenye 560, 9.
awfyn 563, 12.
awn 725, 33.
awndyren 657, 8.
awndyrn 728, 8.

awngyls (-fode) 739, 16. awntt 690, 29, 30. aworowylle 794, 18. awter 626, 3.

awtyr 720, 14, (hye-) 15. awtyrcloth 721, 14. ax 726, 35.

axe (-beseche wyth cry) 583, 37. 590,

20. 628, 12. 654, 20.

axebathere 612, 8.

axyltre 665, 28. 727, 26. aye (make) 607, 13. ayens 575, 13.

ayeward 579, 35.

azure 566, 21. 591, 45.


babul 601, 24. 602, 46. bachous 603, 13. bachouse 670, 19. bachyler 567, 16. 680, 44. backebone 632, 4.

backstare 650, 33. bacler 781, 1.

bacon 567, 15. 661, 23. bacstare 650, 26. bacstere 663, 15.

bacun (flyk of-) 789, 34.

baggepype 600, 6.

bak (of a man) 749, 37. (―of a best)

750, 1, 2.

bake (of a knyf) 560, 2. 603, 12, 14. 635, 32. 677, 10, 11. 702, 2. 761, 30, 31. bakebone 677, 12.

bakehouse 626, 1. bakehowse 804, 18.

baker 603, 2. 808, 29. bakere 603, 15. 624, 5.

bakhous 600, 9. 620, 16.

bakhows 729, 27.

bakke 632, 1, 4.

baksterys (slomb) 750, 23. bakward 608, 2.

bakyn 662, 7.

balbene 705, 24.

baldemonye 567, 38.

bale 567, 23. balene 704, 18.

balk 667, 21. 731, 28, 29.

balke (to-) 608, 31.

balky (to) 618, 12.

balkyng 796, 13.

balle 666, 26. 738, 1.

ballednesse 569, 42.

balloke 677, 33, (-stone) 35, (—code) 36. ballokwort 609, 31.

balluc (-cod) 599, 1.
ballukod 595, 42.

ballyd (-byfore) 561, 2.
balokcod 750, 33.
balokstone 750, 32.
balsamitis 556, 21.
balwyn 769, 1.
bancare 626, 12.
bancker 567, 28.
banddoge 699, 16.
banddogge 638, 14.
banere 720, 28.
bank 737, 10.

banke 798, 1, 2.
banker 611, 1.

bankere 567, 30. 609, 46. bannenotetre 629, 5.

[blocks in formation]

barhyde 567, 37. 575, 28.

bark 717, 33. (―of the vyne) 810, 10.

barkare 650, 23, 24, 25.

barly 664, 26. 726, 12. 784, 42.

barly bred 657, 24.

barlyche 625, 13.

barmclothe 592, 44.

barme 808, 15.

barnacle 570, 6.

barnaculle 628, 4, 11.

baron 630, 1. 651, 1. 782, 7.

barone 683, 21.

baronet 782, 8.

baronys 651, 2. 792, 8.

baronyss 691, 37.

barow 724, 29. (—woman) 792, 10. 809, 25.

barre 602, 29. 659, 35. 727, 17. 733, 14.

778, 28.

barylle 659, 6.

baryngsexe 628, 17.

baselard 783, 20.

basket 570, 14. 613, 12.

baskyt 724, 5.

basselard 628, 13.

basterde 694, 13.

bastetre 647, 11.

basyn 601, 32. 626, 12. 656, 34. 723, 34.

bathye 567, 25.

batte 783, 37.

baxter 688, 30. 692, 29.

bay 612, 39.

baylé 630, 2. 683, 32.

baylyf 567, 24.

baytre 629, 12.

beche 582, 8. 629, 8.

bechtre 716, 31.

bed (-clothes) 592, 7. 613, 37. 617, 30. 742, 26, 27, 28. 777, 10, 11. bedde 626, 4. (a husbondes-) 776, 9, (a kynges-) 10.

beddestrawe 626, 4.

beddys (alle maner off-) 776, 7, (a seke mannys-) 8.

bede 660, 10.

bedlyche 573, 27.

bedlytter 660, 11.

bedstede 613, 28.

bedull 567, 45. bedus 604, 29.

bedylle 681, 2, 3.

bee 625, 7. 642, 32. 706, 38. 767, 17.

beeche 592, 18.

beene 625, 13.

beffe 741, 37.

beggere 688, 26.

begynnyng 673, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

begynnynge 599, 22.

behote 605, 19.

bek 736, 24.

belans 714, 26, 27.

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