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Bibliography, part 2, Printing Pamphlets-continued.

66492 [Thomas (J. B.)] Printer's Recipe Book, c. 1850,

58098 Tobitt (J. H.) Combination Type, 1852.

58446 Tomlinson (C.) Invention of Printing, 1865.

62906 Toovey (J.) Catalogue of the Aldine Press, 1880.

66507 Typographical Antiquities of Great Britain (from "Colonial Review," Sept., Review of Ames, Herbert, and Dibdin) 1816.

66620 Villiers (G. de) Signature of Gutenberg, 1878.

58097 Walter (J.) Logographic Printing, 1789.

66509 Ward (E.) Ode to the Printer's Devil (from the "London Magazine") June, 1823.

58451 Watson (J.) History of the Art of Printing, with Address to the Printers in Scotland, 1713. 31927 Watts (T.) Letter to Panizzi on the reputed earliest printed Newspaper, "The English Mercurie," 1588, 1839.

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Cicero, Opera...




1 fol








60930 5419 4419



or Columna)

Cooper (T.) Thesavrvs Lingvae Romanæ and Britannica 1 fol
Hypnerotomachia, Poliphili (Said to be by Colonna
Jamblichus Chalcidensis, De Mysteriis, etc.
Munster (S.) Cosmographiæ uniuersalis Lib. VI....
Plato, Opera Editit Grynæus

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Translated by

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Elzevir. Specimens of Printing by.

8863 Barclay (J.) Argenis, 1629.

55892 Contarenus (C.) De Repvblica Venetorvm, 1628.

56716 Feltrio (F. M.) Filli di Sciro, 1678.

59499 Grotius (H.) De Veritate Religionis Christianæ, 1662.

56717 Tasso (T.) Aminta, Favolo Boscareccia, 1678.

Facsimiles of Caxton.

58477 Arte and Crafte to know well to dye, 1490.

58478 Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers, 1477 With Preface by Blades

58509 The Fifteen O's and other Prayers, 1490.

40255 The Game of Chesse, ?1474 With Remarks on Printing, by Figgins.

55842 Statutes of Henry VII., 1489 With Notes and Introduction, by Rae


Books Printed by Baskerville of Birmingham.

2286 Addison (J.) Works, 4 vols., 4to, 1761.

41035 Ariosto (L.) Orlando Furioso, 4 vols., 8vo, 1773.

14851 Barclay (R.) Apology for the True Christian Divinity, 4to, 1765.

9 Bible, Holy (Cambridge) fol, 1763.

5401 Bible, Holy (Cambridge) second copy, with additions to Subscribers, 1763.

5403 Bible, Holy (Birmingham) fol, 1769.

5405 Bible, Holy (Birmingham) fol, 1772.

5504 Book of Common Prayer (Cambridge) 8vo, 1761.

39634 Book of Common Prayer (Cambridge) 8vo, 1762.

65001 Book of Common Prayer (Cambridge) duo, 1762.

56132 Bowlker (C.) Art of Angling, duo, 1774.

62323 Brady and Tate, New Version of the Psalms of David, duo, 1762.

1923 Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, Opera, 4to, 1772.

34608 Congreve (W.) Works, 3 vols., 8vo, 1761.

65003 Dalby (J.) Virtues of Cinnabar and Musk, 4to, 1762.

5492 Dalby (J.) Virtues of Cinnabar and Musk, 4to, 1764.

65002 D'Ancourt (Abbé) Lady's Preceptor, printed by Martin with Baskerville's types

8vo, 1768.

5830 Fables of Æsop and other Fabulists, duo, 1764.

64563 Fellows (J.) Hymns on Believer's Baptism, duo, 1773.

65004 Horatius, Opera, 4to, 1770.

5501 Huckell (J.) Avon, a Poem, 4to, 1758.

5648 Jackson (W.) Beauties of Nature, 8vo, 1769.

62572 Jennings (D.) Introduction to the Knowledge of Medals, duo, 1764.

22839 Jennings (D.) Introduction to the Knowledge of Medals, duo, 1775.

62326 Juvenalis et Persius, Satyræ, 4to, 1761.

2204 Lucretius, De Kerum Natura, 4to, 1772.

5885 Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, duo 1773.

65006 [Mallet (D.)] Edwin and Emma, a Poem, 4to, 1760.

65005 [Mallet (D.)] Edwin and Emma, 4to, 1760. Copy with Plates added, 1810.

22359 Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, etc., 2 vols., 8vo, 1758.

30193 Milton (J.) Paradise Lost etc. 2 vols., 4to, 1759.

64900 Milton (J.) Proposals for Printing Poetical Works of, 8vo, 1757.

64899 Milton (J.) Proposals for Printing Poetical Works of, 8vo, 1758.


Sallustius et Florus, 4to, 1773.

25378 Sallustius et Florus, duo 1774.

27575 Shaftesbury (Earl of) Characteristicks, 3 vols., 8vo, 1773.

2205 Terentius, Comœdiæ, 4to, 1772.

5884 Terentius, Comœdiæ, duo, 1772.

32240 Testament, Novum Testamentum Græcum, 4to, 1763.

58467 Testament, Novum Testamentum Græcum, 8vo, 1763.

6227 Triumphs of the Cross, 8vo, 1776.

15180 Tyndal (T.) Sermon at Bromsgrove on the death of Spilsbury, duo, 1766.

5489 Virgilius, Bucolica, Georgica et Æneis, 4to, 1757.

6469 Vocabulary and Grammar of the English Language, duo 1765,

Specimens of Printing by Bodoni.

59380 Horatius, Opera, 4to, 1793.

59382 Longus, Pastoralia de Daphne et Chloe, 4to, 1786.

Specimens of Printing by Didot.

59379 Cicero, De Officiis, de Amicitia et de Senectute, 4to, 1796.

Type, Specimens of.

58099 Bagster's Specimens of Founts of Type, ?1840.

66496 Birmingham Machinists' Company, Specimens of Type, etc., c. 1870.

58277 Bodoni (G.) Fregi e Majuscole incise e fuse, 1771.

58117 Boubers (J. L. de) Caractères de la Fonderie, 1779.

58095 Caslon (W.) Specimen of Printing Types, 1764.

58445 Caslon and Catherwood, Specimen of Printing Types, 1800.
58094 Caslon and Livermore, Specimens of Printing Types, 1829.
58563 Fonderie en Caracteres d'Imprimerie, 1770.

58481 Fry, Steele, and Co.'s Specimens of Printing Types, 1800.

24675 Fry (E.) Specimen of Modern Printing Types, 1824.

58449 Lamesle (C.) Modéles des Caracteres de l'Imprimerie, 1769.

69166 Lehnhardt (J., Mainz) Tables of Specimens of German Types, N.D.
65290 Miller and Richard, Specimens of Old Style Types, 1860.

24673 Sharwood (S. and J.) Specimen Book of Types, ?1840.

66495 Temple Printing Office, Specimens of Types used, 1826.

58414 Ullmer (F.) Catalogue of Types on Sale by, 1869.

14692 Wilsons and Sinclair, Specimen of Modern Printing Types, 1832,




Astle (T.) Origin and Progress of Writing
Bain (A.) English Composition and Rhetoric

1 4to 1876

1 duo 1877




Beadnell (H.) Spelling and Punctuation Wyman's Technical Series,
Carstairs (J.) Art of Writing
Chassant (A.) Abréviations

1 duo 1880

vol. 5

1 8vo 1837









Gutch (J. M.) The Writings of the Ancients

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Vaines (J. de) Dictionnaire Raisonné de Diplomatique...



et Françaises

Chassant (A.) Paléographie des Charts et des Manuscrits
[Davy (Ch.)] Origin and Progress of Alphabetic Writing
Faulmann (K.) Buch der Schrift Alphabets,
Faulmann (K.) Illustrirte Geschichte der Schrift
Foster (B. F.) System of Penmanship

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Humphreys (H. N.) Origin and Progress of Writing
Palæographical Society, Publications

Edited by
Bond and Thompson



Quackenbos (G. P.) First Lessons in Composition Punctuation
Salamanca (Felix de) Philosophy of Handwriting
Silvestre (J. B.) Paléographie Universelle...
Silvestre (J. B.) Universal Palæography

Contenant les règles pour déchiffrer les anciens Titres, etc.

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Wall (C. W.) Ancient Orthography of the Jews Origin of Alphabetic 3 8vo 1856

Wright (A.) Court-Hand Restored...

Writing, etc.

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4 fol


[ocr errors]

2 8vo 1850

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1 4to 1776

[ocr errors][ocr errors]


11742 Abbott (E. A.) How to write clearly, English Composition, 1878.

69465 Boardman (J.) Analysis of Penmanship, c. 1820.

69476 Bradbury (C.) Penman's Companion, Fifth Editton, c. 1820.

61162 Cocker (E.) Guide to Penmanship, 1664.

62059 Daniel (R.) Compendium of Usual Hands of England, Netherlands, France, etc., 1663.

69477 Frazer (D.) Paper, Pens, and Ink, How we began to Write, etc., 1878.

69484 Introduction to Writing and Grammar, Fifth Edition, duo, 1820.

69466 Lewis (J. H.) Pen-Making, and Art of Writing, c. 1820.

69482 Manual of Writing (under the Sanction of the Committee of Council on Education), 1842.

69483 New and Compleat Copy-Book, or the Art of Writing, duo, c. 1800.

69469 Newton (J.) Art of Writing; Chapter in the History of Human Progress, 1863.

69479 Pens, Inks, and Inkstands, with Illustrations, 1858.

69473 Pride (B.) Art of Pen-Cutting, 1812.

69467 Robertson (J.) The Universal Penman, c. 1840.

69492 Rochfort (W. H.) Arcanography, New Method of Secret Writing, 1842.

69480 Scott (Lady S.) Homographie, 1831.

69471 Serle (A.) Art of Writing, 1766.

69472 Serle (A.) Art of Writing, New Edition, 1776.

58782 Shinton (W. E.) Lectures on Writing, ?1830.

40702 Turner (J. A.) Handbook of Punctuation, 1881.

69573 Vesin (C. F.) Traité d'Obscurigraphie, 1838.

69474 Wilkes (J.) Art of Making Pens Scientifically, Second Edition, duo, c. 1810.

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