LORD ULLTN'S DAUGHTER. A CHIEFTAIN, to the Highlands bound, Cries, " Boatman, do not tarry ! And I'll give thee a silver pound, To row us o'er the ferry."— •• Now who be ye, would cross Lochgyle, This dark and stormy water ?" The Poetical Works of Rogers, Campbell, J. Montgomery, Lamb, and Kirke White ... - Page 143by Samuel Rogers - 1830 - 496 pagesFull view - About this book
 | John Aikin, Robert Harding Evans - 1810 - 414 pages
...me," she cried! Then breathing a groan o'er his clay, She hung on his tomb-stone and died, [CAMPBELL.] A CHIEFTAIN to the Highlands bound Cries, " Boatman...cross Lochgyle, This dark and stormy water ?" " Oh, I|m the chief of Ulva's Isle, And this Lord Ullin's daughter. " And fast before her father's men, Three... | |
 | 1813 - 410 pages
...we left him alone with his woman. i I THE VIOLET SPEAKER 149 LORD ULLEN'S DAUGHTER. THOMAS CAMPBELL. A chieftain to the Highlands bound Cries, "Boatman,...would cross Lochgyle, This dark and stormy water?" "O, I'm the chief of Ulva's Isle, And this Lord Ullen's daughter. "And fast before her father's men... | |
 | Thomas Campbell - 1814 - 274 pages
...entitled the gallant and the good, by Lord Nelson, when he wrote home his dispatches. LORD ULLIN'S DAUGHTER, A CHIEFTAIN, to the Highlands bound, Cries,...cross Lochgyle, ' This dark and stormy water?' ' Oh I'm the chief of Ulva's isle, ' And this Lord Ullin's daughter.— ' And fast before her father's men... | |
 | Thomas Campbell - 1819 - 188 pages
...entitled the gallant and the good, by Lord Nelson, when he wrote home his dispatches. LORD ULLIN'S DAUGHTER. A CHIEFTAIN, to the Highlands bound, Cries,...would cross Lochgyle, ' This dark and stormy water ?' ' And fast before her father's men ' Three days we've fled together, ' For should he find us in... | |
 | Thomas Campbell - 1821 - 252 pages
...Kelson, when he wrote home his dnpatchw. LORD ULLJN'S DAUGHTER. A CHIEFTAIN to the Highlands hound, Cries, ' Boatman, do not tarry: * And I'll give thee a silver pound, ' To row us o'er the ferry.'— ' How who he ye, would cross Lochgyle, ' This dark and stormy water !'— 'Oh I'm the chief of Diva's... | |
 | John Struthers - 1822 - 276 pages
...the honours and emoluments of the order. LORD ULLIN'S DAUGHTER. A CHIEFTAIN, to the Highlands bouni Cries, " Boatman, do not tarry ! " And I'll give thee...cross Lochgyle, " This dark and stormy water ?" "Oh I'm the chief of Ulva's isle, - . " And this Lord Ullin's daughter.— " And fast before her father's... | |
 | 1824 - 448 pages
...But the whisper that died on his tongue was— "Subdue!" OF BALLAD. LORD ULLIN'S DAUGHTER. CAMPBELL. A CHIEFTAIN, to the Highlands bound, Cries, " Boatman,...thee a silver pound To row us o'er the ferry."— " O, I'm the chief of Ulva's isle, " Now, who be ye would cross Lochgyle, This dark and stormy water... | |
 | James Fenimore Cooper - 1824 - 924 pages
...diligence to the margin of the ocean. CHAPTER VI. A chieftain to the Highlands bound, Cries ' Boatmen do not tarry ! And I'll give thee a silver pound, To row us o'er the ferry.' Lord Ullin's Daughter. THE sky had been without a cloud during the day, the gale having been dry and... | |
 | Allan Cunningham - 1825 - 756 pages
...carle's gripe, I doubt ye'll be rotten ere I be ripe. LORD ULLIN'S DAUGHTER. THOMAS CAMPBELL, ESQ. A chieftain, to the highlands bound, Cries, Boatman,...give thee a silver pound To row us o'er the ferry. And who be ye would cross Lochgyle, This dark and stormy water ? Oh, I'm the chief of Ulva's isle,... | |
 | John White (A.M.) - 1826 - 340 pages
...the fiery lake, With bursting winds and tempests, wake Their dreadful conflagration !! ! Lard Ullin's Daughter, A CHIEFTAIN to the Highlands bound. Cries,...ye, would cross Lochgyle, This dark and stormy water ?" " O, I'm the chief of Ulva's isle, And this Lord Ullin's daughter: " And fast before her father's... | |
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