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" T is distance lends enchantment to the view, And robes the mountain in its azure hue. Thus, with delight we linger to survey The promised joys of life's unmeasured way ; Thus, from afar, each dim-discover'd scene More pleasing seems than all the past... "
The Poetical Works of Rogers, Campbell, J. Montgomery, Lamb, and Kirke White ... - Page 105
by Samuel Rogers - 1830 - 496 pages
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The Monthly Review, Or, Literary Journal

1799 - 618 pages
...? Why do those cliffs of shadowy tint appear More sweet than all the landscape smiling near ? 'Tis distance lends enchantment to the view, And robes...hue. • Thus, with delight, we linger to survey The promis'd joys of life's immessi; r'd way ; Thus, from afar, each dim discover'd scene More pleasing...
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Monthly Review; Or Literary Journal Enlarged

Ralph Griffiths, George Edward Griffiths - 1799 - 712 pages
...? Why do those cliffs of shadowy tint appear More sweet than all the landscape smiling near I 'Tis distance lends enchantment to the view, • And robes...hue. ' Thus, with delight, we linger to survey The promis'd joys of life's unmeasur'd way; Thus, from afar, each dim discover'd scene More pleasing seems...
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The Monthly review. New and improved ser, Volume 29

1799 - 614 pages
...? Why do those cliffs of sliadowytint appear More sweet than nil the landscape smiling near I *Tis distance lends enchantment to the view, And robes...hue. ' Thus, with delight, we linger to survey The promis'd joys of life's nnmeasurM way; Thus, from afar, each dim discover'd scene More pleasing seems...
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The British Critic, Volume 14

1799 - 742 pages
...ihofe cliffs el. fhadowy tint appear More fweet than all the landfcape fmiling near?—. 'Tis dillance lends enchantment to the view, And robes the mountain in its azure hue. Thus, wiih delight, we linger to furvey The promis'd joys of life's unmeafur'd way ; Thus, from afar, each...
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The Pleasures of Hope: With Other Poems

Thomas Campbell - 1800 - 168 pages
...thofe cliffs of madowy tint appear More fweet than all the landfcape fmiling near ?— 'Tis Diftance lends enchantment to the view, And robes the its azure hue. Thus, with delight, we linger to furvey The promis'd joys of life's unmeafur'd way ; Thus, from afar, each dim-difcover'd fcene More...
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The Pleasures of Hope: With Other Poems

Thomas Campbell - 1801 - 170 pages
...thofe cliffs of ftiadowy tint appear More fweet than all the landfcape {railing near ?— 'Tis Diftance lends enchantment to the view, And robes the mountain in its azure hue* Aij 4 PLEASURES OF HOPE. Thus, with delight, we linger to furvey The promis'd joys of life's unmeafur'd...
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The pleasures of hope; with other poems

Thomas Campbell - 1801 - 212 pages
...thofe cliffs of (hadowy tint appear More fweet than all the landfcape fmiling near ?-— 'Tis Diftance lends enchantment to the view, And robes the mountain in its azure hua." 4 PLEASURES OF HOPE. Thus, with delight, we linger to furvey The promis'd joys of life's unmeafur'd...
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The pleasures of hope; with other poems

Thomas Campbell - 1803 - 162 pages
...Why do those cliffs of shadowy tint appear More sweet than all the landscape smiling near?— 'Tis distance lends enchantment to the view, And robes the mountain in its azure hue. B Thus, with delight, we linger to survey The promis'd joys of life's unmeasur'd way; Thus, from afar,...
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The Pleasures of Hope: With Other Poems

Thomas Campbell - 1806 - 220 pages
...? Why do those cliffs of shadowy tint appear More sweet than all the landscape smiling near?— Tis distance lends enchantment to the view, And robes...hue. Thus, with delight, we linger to survey, The promis'd joys of life's unmeasur'd way; 10 Thus, from afar, each dim-discover'd scene More pleasing...
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The pleasures of hope; with other poems. [Another]

Thomas Campbell - 1812 - 160 pages
...Why do those cliflfs of shadowy tint appear More sweet than all the landscape smiling near I— 'Tis distance lends enchantment to the view, And robes the mountain in its azure hue. A 2 Thus, with delight, we linger t6 survey The promis'd joys of life's unmcasur'd way ; Thus, from...
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