surely do us no harm; you saw, they speak us fair, give us gold: methinks, they are such a gentle nation, that, but for the mountain of mad flesh that claims marriage of me, I could find in my heart to stay here still, and turn witch. Ant. S. I will not stay to-night for all the town: [Exe. Therefore away, to get our stuff aboard. ACT V. SCENE I.-The same. Enter Merchant and Angelo. Ang. I am sorry, sir, that I have hinder'd you; Of credit infinite, highly belov'd, Enter Antipholus and Dromio of Syracuse. Mer. Yes, that you did, sir; and forswore it too. Ant. S. Who heard me to deny it, or forswear it? Mer. These ears of mine, thou knowest, did hear thee: Fie on thee, wretch! 'tis pity, that thou liv'st Ant. S. Thou art a villain, to impeach me thus: Enter Adriana, Luciana, Courtezan, and others. Adr. Hold, hurt him not, for God's sake; he is mad : Some get within him,1 take his sword away: Dro. S. Run, master, run; for God's sake, take a house.2 This is some priory;-In, or we are spoil'd. [Exeunt Ant. and Dro. to the priory. Enter the Abbess. Abb. Be quiet, people; Wherefore throng you hither? Adr. To fetch my poor distracted husband hence; Let us come in, that we may bind him fast, And bear him home for his recovery. Ang. I knew, he was not in his perfect wits. Mer. I am sorry now, that I did draw on him. Abb. How long hath this possession held the man? Adr. This week he hath been heavy, sour, sad, And much, much different from the man he was; But, till this afternoon, his passion Ne'er brake into extremity of rage. Abb. Hath he not lost much wealth by wreck at sea? (1) i. e. Close, grapple with him. Bury'd some dear friend? Hath not else his eye Adr. To none of these, except it be the last: Ay, but not rough enough. Adr. As roughly, as my modesty would let me. Abb. Haply, in private. Adr. And in assemblies too. Abb. Ay, but not enough. Adr. It was the copy of our conference: In bed, he slept not for my urging it; Abb. And thereof came it, that the man was mad: ings: Unquiet meals make ill digestions, ;) The consequence is then, thy jealous fits Luc. She never reprehended him but mildly, When he demean'd himself rough, rude, and wildly.- Abb. No, not a creature enters in my house. forth. Abb. Neither; he took this place for sanctuary, And it shall privilege him from your hands, Till I have brought him to his wits again, Or lose my labour in assaying it. Adr. I will attend my husband, be his nurse, Diet his sickness, for it is my office, And will have no attorney but myself; And therefore let me have him home with me. Abb. Be patient; for I will not let him stir, Till I have us'd the approved means I have, With wholesome syrups, drugs, and holy prayers, To make of him a formal man again:1 It is a branch and parcel of mine oath, A charitable duty of my order; Therefore depart, and leave him here with me. Adr. I will not hence and leave my husband here; him. And ill it doth beseem your holiness, (1) i. e. To bring him back to his senses. (2) Part. Anon, I am sure, the duke himself in person Mer. To see a reverend Syracusan merchant, Who put unluckily into this bay Ang. See, where they come; we will behold his death. Luc. Kneel to the duke, before he pass the abbey. Enter Duke attended; Ægeon bare-headed; with the Headsman and other officers. Duke. Yet once again proclaim it publicly, Adr. Justice, most sacred duke, against the abbess! Duke. She is a virtuous and a reverend lady; It cannot be, that she hath done thee wrong. Adr. May it please your grace, Antipholus, my husband, Whom I made lord of me and all I had, (1) Sad. (2) Importunate. (4) Know. (3) i. e. To take measures. |