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Where I arrive; and my approach be shunn'd, Nay, hated too, worse than the great'st infection That e'er was heard, or read!


Swear his thought over

By each particular star in heaven, and
By all their influences, you may as well
Forbid the sea for to obey the moon,
As or, by oath, remove, or counsel, shake
The fabric of his folly; whose foundation
Is pil'd upon his faith, and will continue
The standing of his body.


How should this grow?

Cam. I know not: but, I am sure, 'tis safer to Avoid what's grown, than question how 'tis born. If therefore you dare trust my honesty, That lies enclosed in this trunk, which you Shall bear along impawn'd,-away to-night. Your followers I will whisper to the business; And will, by twos, and threes, at several posterns, Clear them o' the city: For myself, I'll put My fortunes to your service, which are here By this discovery lost. Be not uncertain; For, by the honour of my parents, IHave utter'd truth: which if you seek to prove, I dare not stand by; nor shall you be safer Than one condemn'd by the king's own mouth,


His execution sworn.


I do believe thee:

I saw his heart in his face. Give me thy hand;

Be pilot to me, and thy places shall

Still neighbour mine: My ships are ready, and
My people did expect my hence departure
Two days ago. This jealousy

Is for a precious creature; as she's rare,
Must it be great; and, as his person's mighty,
Must it be violent; and as he does conceive
He is dishonour'd by a man which ever

(1) Settled belief.

Profess'd to him, why, his revenges must
In that be made more bitter. Fear o'ershades me:
Good expedition be my friend, and comfort
The gracious queen, part of his theme, but nothing
Of his ill-ta'en suspicion! Come, Camillo;
I will respect thee as a father, if

Thou bear'st my life off hence: Let us avoid.
Cam. It is in mine authority, to command
The keys of all the posterns: Please your highness
To take the urgent hour: come, sir, away. [Exe.


SCENE I.-The same. Enter Hermione, Mamillius, and Ladies.

Her. Take the boy to you: he so troubles me,

'Tis past enduring. 1 Lady.

Come, my gracious lord,

Shall I be your play-fellow?

No, I'll none of you.

1 Lady. Why, my sweet lord?

Mam. You'll kiss me hard; and speak to me as if

I were a baby still. -I love you better.

2 Lady. And why so, my good lord?

Not for because
Your brows are blacker: yet black brows, they say,
Become some women best; so that there be not
Too much hair there, but in a semi-circle,
Or half-moon made with a pen.

2 Lady.

Who taught you this?

Mam. I learn'd it out of women's faces.-Pray


What colour are your eye-brows? 1 Lady.

Blue, my lord.

Mam. Nay, that's a mock: I have seen a lady's


'That has been blue, but not her eye-brows.

2 Lady.

Hark ye:

The queen, your mother, rounds apace: we shall Present our services to a fine new prince,

One of these days; and then you'd wanton with us,

If we would have you.

1 Lady.

She is spread of late

Into a goodly bulk: Good time encounter her!

Her. What wisdom stirs amongst you? Come,

sir, now

I am for you again: Pray you sit by us,

And tell 's a tale.

[blocks in formation]

Let's have that, sir.

Come on, sit down:-Come on, and do your best To fright me with your sprites: you're powerful

at it.

Mam. There was a man,

Nay, come, sit down; then on.

Mam. Dwelt by a church-yard;-I will tell it


Yon crickets shall not hear it.

And give't me in mine ear.

Come on then,

Enter Leontes, Antigonus, Lords, and others.

Leon. Was he met there? his train? Camillo

with him?

1 Lord. Behind the tuft of pines I met them;


Saw I men scour so on their way: I ey'd them
Even to their ships.


How bless'd am I

In my just censure ?1 in my true opinion?-
Alack, for lesser knowledge 12 How accurs'd,

(1) Judgment.

(2) O that my knowledge were less!

In being so blest!-There may be in the cup
A spider1 steep'd, and one may drink; depart,
And yet partake no venom; for his knowledge
Is not infected: but if one present
The abhorr'd ingredient to his eye, make known
How he hath drank, he cracks his gorge, his sides,
With violent hefts:2-I have drank, and seen the


Camillo was his help in this, his pander :-
There is a plot against my life, my crown;
All's true that is mistrusted:-that false villain,
Whom I employ'd, was pre-employ'd by him:
He has discover'd my design, and I
Remain a pinch'd thing :3 yea, a very trick
For them to play at will:-How came the posterns
So easily open?

1 Lord.

By his great authority;

Which often hath no less prevail'd than so,
On your command.


I know't too well.

Give me the boy; I am glad, you did not nurse him: Though he does bear some signs of me, yet you

Have too much blood in him.


What is this? sport?

Leon. Bear the boy hence, he shall not come

about her;

Away with him:-and let her sport herself
With that she's big with; for 'tis Polixenes

Has made thee swell thus.


But I'd say, he had not,

And, I'll be sworn you would believe my saying, Howe'er you lean to the nayward.


You, my lords,

Look on her, mark her well; be but about
To say, she is a goodly lady, and

(1) Spiders were esteemed poisonous in our author's time.

(2) Heavings.

(3) A thing pinched out of clouts, a puppet.

The justice of your hearts will thereto add, 'Tis pity she's not honest, honourable : Praise her but for this her without-door form, (Which, on my faith, deserves high speech,) and


The shrug, the hum, or ha; these petty brands,
That calumny doth use:-O, I am out,
That mercy does; for calumny will searl
Virtue itself: These shrugs, these hums, and ha's,
When you have said, she's goodly, come between,
Ere you can say she's honest: But be it known,
From him that has most cause to grieve it should be,
She's an adultress.


Should a villain say so,
The most replenish'd villain in the world,
He were as much more villain: you, my lord,
Do but mistake.


You have mistook, my lady,

Polixenes for Leontes: O thou thing,
Which I'll not call a creature of thy place,
Lest barbarism, making me the precedent,
Should a like language use to all degrees,
And mannerly distinguishment leave out
Betwixt the prince and beggar!-I have said,
She's an adultress; I have said with whom:
More, she's a traitor; and Camillo is
A federary with her; and one that knows
What she should shame to know herself,
But with her most vile principal, that she's
A bed-swerver, even as bad as those
That vulgars give bold titles; ay, and privy
To this their late escape.


No, by my life, Privy to none of this: How will this grieve you, When you shall come to clearer knowledge, that You thus have publish'd me? Gentle my lord, You scarce can right me throughly then, to say

(1) Brand as infamous. (2) Confederate. (3) Only.

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