That like a father you will deal with him, And pass1 my daughter a sufficient dower, The match is fully made, and all is done: Your son shall have my daughter with consent. Tra. I thank you, sir. Where then do you know best, We be affied;2 and such assurance ta'en, Tra. Then at my lodging, an it like you, sir: And bid Bianca make her ready straight; Luc. I pray the gods she may, with all my heart! Signior Baptista, shall I lead the way? Bap. I follow you. [Exeunt Tranio, Pedant, and Baptista. Bion. Cambio. Luc. What say'st thou, Biondello? Bion. You saw my master wink and laugh upon you? Luc. Biondello, what of that? Bion. 'Faith, nothing; but he has left me here (1) Assure or convey. (3) Accidentally. (2) Betrothed. behind, to expound the meaning or morall of his signs and tokens. Luc. I pray thee, moralize them. Bion. Then thus. Baptista is safe, talking with the deceiving father of a deceitful son. Luc. And what of him? Bion. His daughter is to be brought by you to the supper. Luc. And then? Bion. The old priest at Saint Luke's church is at your command at all hours. Luc. And what of all this? Bion. I cannot tell; except they are busied about a counterfeit assurance: Take you assurance of her, cum privilegio ad imprimendum solùm: to the church; take the priest, clerk, and some Isufficient honest witnesses: If this be not that you look for, I have no more to say, But, bid Bianca farewell for ever and a day. Luc. Hear'st thou, Biondello? [Going. Bion. I cannot tarry: I knew a wench married in an afternoon as she went to the garden for parsley to stuff a rabbit; and so may you, sir, and so adieu, sir. My master hath appointed me to go to Saint Luke's, to bid the priest be ready to come against you come with your appendix. [Exit. Luc. I may, and will, if she be so contented: She will be pleas'd, then wherefore should I doubt? Hap what hap may, I'll roundly go about her; It shall go hard, if Cambio go without her. [Exit. SCENE V. A public road. Enter Petruchio, Katharina, and Hortensio. Pet. Come on, o' God's name; once more to ward our father's. Good Lord, how bright aud goodly shines the moon! (1) Secret purpose. Kath. The moon! the sun; it is not moonlight now. Pet. I say, it is the moon that shines so bright. It shall be moon, or star, or what I list, far, And be it moon, or sun, or what you please: Pet. I say, it is the moon. Kath. I know it is. Pet. Nay, then you lie; it is the blessed sun. sun: But sun it is not, when you say it is not; Hor. Petruchio, go thy ways; the field is won. should run, And not unluckily against the bias.- Enter Vincentio, in a travelling dress. Good morrow, gentle mistress: Where away?[To Vincentio. Tell me, sweet Kate, and tell me truly too, Hor. 'A will make the man mad, to make a woman of him. Kath. Young budding virgin, fair, and fresh, and sweet, Pet. Why, how now, Kate! I hope thou art not mad: This is a man, old, wrinkled, faded, wither'd; Kath. Pardon, old father, my mistaking eyes, known Which way thou travellest if along with us, Vin. Fair sir, and you my merry mistress, That with your strange encounter much amaz'd me; My name is call'd-Vincentio; my dwelling-Pisa; Vin. Lucentio, gentle sir. Pet. Happily met; the happier for thy son. Who will of thy arrival be full joyous. Like pleasant travellers, to break a jest Hor. I do assure thee, father, so it is. ACT V. SCENE I-Padua. Before Lucentio's house. Enter on one side Biondello, Lucentio, and Bianca; Gremio walking on the other side. Bion. Softly and swiftly, sir; for the priest is ready. Luc. I fly, Biondello: but they may chance to need thee at home, therefore leave us. Bion. Nay, faith, I'll see the church o' your back; and then come back to my master as soon as I can. [Exeunt Luc. Bian. and Bion. Gre. I marvel Cambio comes not all this while. Enter Petruchio, Katharina, Vincentio, and attendants. Pet. Sir, here's the door, this is Lucentio's house, My father's bears more toward the market-place; Thither must I, and here I leave you, sir. Vin. You shall not choose but drink before you go; I think, I shall command your welcome here, [Knocks. |