The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments. ...University-Printers, 1709 |
From inside the book
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... thall a man leave his father and his mother , and shall cleave unto his wife and they thall be one flesh . 25 And they were both naked , the man and his wife , and were not ashamed . CHAP . III . The Serpent deceiveth Eve . 6 Mans fall ...
... thall a man leave his father and his mother , and shall cleave unto his wife and they thall be one flesh . 25 And they were both naked , the man and his wife , and were not ashamed . CHAP . III . The Serpent deceiveth Eve . 6 Mans fall ...
Page 14
... thall be turned to blood . 14 And the fish that in the river shall die , and the river shall stink ; and the Egy ptians shall lothe to drink of the water of the river . 199 And the LORD spake unto Mofes , Say unto Aaron , Take thy rod ...
... thall be turned to blood . 14 And the fish that in the river shall die , and the river shall stink ; and the Egy ptians shall lothe to drink of the water of the river . 199 And the LORD spake unto Mofes , Say unto Aaron , Take thy rod ...
Page 3
... thall furely thruft you out hence altogether . 2 Speak now in the ears of the people , and let every naan borrow of his neigbour , and every woman of her neighbour , jewels of fil- ver , and jewels of gold . 3. And the LORD gave the ...
... thall furely thruft you out hence altogether . 2 Speak now in the ears of the people , and let every naan borrow of his neigbour , and every woman of her neighbour , jewels of fil- ver , and jewels of gold . 3. And the LORD gave the ...
Page 10
... thall ye make unto you gods of gold . 24 An altar of earth thou shalt make un- to me , and thalt facrifice thereon ... thall go out free for nothing . 3 If he came in by bimfelf , he shall go out by himself : if he were married ...
... thall ye make unto you gods of gold . 24 An altar of earth thou shalt make un- to me , and thalt facrifice thereon ... thall go out free for nothing . 3 If he came in by bimfelf , he shall go out by himself : if he were married ...
Page 11
... thall reftfore five oxen for an ox , and four theep for a theep . 29. If a thief be found breaking up , and be ... thall be furely put to death . 16 And he that ftealeth a man , and fell eth him , or if he be found in his hand , he ...
... thall reftfore five oxen for an ox , and four theep for a theep . 29. If a thief be found breaking up , and be ... thall be furely put to death . 16 And he that ftealeth a man , and fell eth him , or if he be found in his hand , he ...
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The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments: Together with the ... No preview available - 2017 |
Common terms and phrases
Aaron Abimelech Ahaziah alfo alſo altar Amorites Balaam battel becauſe begat behold bleffed brethren brought burnt-offering caft CHAP children of Ifrael commanded congregation covenant cubits daughter David earth Edom Egypt enemies ephod evil facrifice faid unto fave faying fent ferve feven fhall fide filver fin-offering flain fleſh foul fpirit furely gold heart heaven hoft holy houfe houſe hundred Jacob Jeroboam Jerufalem Joab Jofeph Judah king of Ifrael land of Egypt Levites lirael LORD faid unto LORD hath LORD thy Merari Moab offer pafs paſs Pharaoh Philistines pray thee PSAL Rehoboam reign Saul ſay ſeven ſhalt ſhalt thou Shechem ſhould Solomon ſpake unto tabernacle thall ther thereof theſe thing thoſe thou art thou hast thou shalt thy fervant took tribe unto Mofes unto the LORD unto thee wicked wife words ye ſhall