The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments. ...University-Printers, 1709 |
From inside the book
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... pass after seven days that the waters of the floud were upon the Gods covenant by the rainbow . GENESIS . LORD ,. The world drowned . The waters affwage CHAP . VIII . the earth . 11 In the fix hundredth year of Noahs life , in the second ...
... pass after seven days that the waters of the floud were upon the Gods covenant by the rainbow . GENESIS . LORD ,. The world drowned . The waters affwage CHAP . VIII . the earth . 11 In the fix hundredth year of Noahs life , in the second ...
... pass as they journeyed from the east , that they found a plain in the land of Shinars and they dwelt there . 3 And they laid one to another , Go to , let os make brick , and burn them throughly . And they had brick for stone , and flime ...
... pass as they journeyed from the east , that they found a plain in the land of Shinars and they dwelt there . 3 And they laid one to another , Go to , let os make brick , and burn them throughly . And they had brick for stone , and flime ...
Page 1
... pass not away , I pray thee , from thy fervant . 4 Let a little water , I pray you , be fetch ed , and wash your feet , and rest your selves under the tree . And I will fetch a morfel of bread , and comfort ye your hearts ; after that ...
... pass not away , I pray thee , from thy fervant . 4 Let a little water , I pray you , be fetch ed , and wash your feet , and rest your selves under the tree . And I will fetch a morfel of bread , and comfort ye your hearts ; after that ...
Page 5
... pass that the damfel to whom I thall say , Let down thy pitcher , I pray thee , that I may drink ; and the thall fay , Drink , and I will give thy camels drink alfo : let the fame be the that thou hait ap- pointed for thy fervant Llaac ...
... pass that the damfel to whom I thall say , Let down thy pitcher , I pray thee , that I may drink ; and the thall fay , Drink , and I will give thy camels drink alfo : let the fame be the that thou hait ap- pointed for thy fervant Llaac ...
Page 6
... pass as the camels had done drinking , that the man took a golden ear - ring of half a thekel weight , and two bracelets for her hands of ten fhekels weight of gold ; 23 And faid , Whofe daughter art thou ? tell me , I pray thee is ...
... pass as the camels had done drinking , that the man took a golden ear - ring of half a thekel weight , and two bracelets for her hands of ten fhekels weight of gold ; 23 And faid , Whofe daughter art thou ? tell me , I pray thee is ...
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The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments: Together with the ... No preview available - 2017 |
Common terms and phrases
Aaron Abimelech Ahaziah alfo alſo altar Amorites Balaam battel becauſe begat behold bleffed brethren brought burnt-offering caft CHAP children of Ifrael commanded congregation covenant cubits daughter David earth Edom Egypt enemies ephod evil facrifice faid unto fave faying fent ferve feven fhall fide filver fin-offering flain fleſh foul fpirit furely gold heart heaven hoft holy houfe houſe hundred Jacob Jeroboam Jerufalem Joab Jofeph Judah king of Ifrael land of Egypt Levites lirael LORD faid unto LORD hath LORD thy Merari Moab offer pafs paſs Pharaoh Philistines pray thee PSAL Rehoboam reign Saul ſay ſeven ſhalt ſhalt thou Shechem ſhould Solomon ſpake unto tabernacle thall ther thereof theſe thing thoſe thou art thou hast thou shalt thy fervant took tribe unto Mofes unto the LORD unto thee wicked wife words ye ſhall