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§. 14.

§. 15.

Ne. obtain (erhalten, sich erhalten; lat. obtinere, frz. obtenir): The Theodosian code obtained in We obtain answers to our letters.

the western parts of the empire.

Ne. rally (sammeln, sich sammeln, lat. realligare, afrz. ralier): The enemy rally and their powers unite. The general rallies the troops

thrown into confusion.

Ne. reform (be Bern, sich beßern, lat. reformare, afrz. refformer): A man of settled habits of Good examples reform corrupt manners.

vice will seldom reform.

Ne. recover (zurückerhalten, sich erholen, lat. recuperare, afrz. recuvrer): He recovers stolen goods. He recovers from a state of depression.

Ferner auch die Supinstämme:

Ne. act (handeln, lat. agere): He has well acted his part. The will acts upon the body.

Ne. evaporate (verdunsten, verdunsten machen): Fluids, when heated, often evaporate in visible steam. Heat evaporates water.

Ne. recreate (sich erholen, sich erholen laßen): He goes into the country to recreate. Painters, when they work on white grounds, place before them colours mixed with blue and green, to recreate the eyes. Ne. communicate (in Verbindung stehen, mittheilen): A fortress communicates with the country. We communicate our thoughts to each


Ne. contract (zusammenziehen, sich -): We contract debts by extravagance. A hempen cord contracts by moisture.

Ne. dilate (erweitern, sich): The air dilates the lungs. His heart dilates and glories in his strength.

C. Eine besondere Gattung der transitiven, seltner intransitiven Verben sind die reflexiven. Sie gestatten oder verlangen nämlich die 13. || Beifügung des Reflexivs um auszudrücken, daß die in ihnen ausgesprochene Thätigkeit sich auf das Subject beschränkt.

1) Ags. Verben.

a) mit dem Reflexiv im Accusativ: Belgan (eig. anschwellen, daher sich anschwellen = zürnen, ahd. sih belgan): He bealh hine. Luc. 15, 28. Exon. 253, 25. Selten ohne Refl., wie: Gë bëlgad wid më (ihr zürnt mir). Joh. 7, 23. gewöhnlich aber âbëlgan: Ne sceal ic pe âbëlgan (nicht darf ich dich erzürnen). Sal. 328. - Nags. He anbalh (ward zornig). Lag. 26359. und ist hier ziemlich gleich mit: He wreppede him.

B. Letzteres noch im Me.: Thow wrathest thee. PP. 1723.

sind beide ungebräuchlich.

Im Ne. §. 15.

Nags. De

Belencan (bedenken): Hë bëjôhte hine. Luc. 15, 17.
pe nigtingale hire bithogte. ON.

king hine bipoute. Lag. 1035.

704 u. pe ule heo bipohte 937. Ne kan he hine so bipenche. 826. Bibenched eow. Lag. 1, 337. —

Ae. pe kyng hym byjogte RG.
Ne. I bethink me. Sh. Mm.

6605. Me. I bethenk me. Ch. Mel.
5, 1. At last a slave bethought her of a harp. Byr. DJ. 4, 65. Jetzt:
I bethink myself.

Fŷsan (eilen, auch ohne Refl.): Gæst hine fŷseđ (der Geist eilt
hinweg). Exon. 178, 7. Allein im Nags.: pa fusde a ferde. Lag.
1092. und transitiv: He hem to scipe fusde. 1511. Es wird im Ae.
durch hie (ags. higan [higian]), spede (ags. spêdan) und hasten (afr.
haster) verdrängt: High þu þe. Ps. 69, 2. Heo ne hyede nogt agen
yre louerd. RG. 4550. He hied hider PL. 1059. Edrike, pat am lider
hasted (der sie eilig schickte). PL. 965. To ride he him hastis. 1103.
Me. Hie thee. Ch. He hasteth him. PP. 4446. They hasted ham to
come hoom (beeilten sich heim zu kommen) Arthur. 277 [vgl. §. 17]. —
Ne. The youth returning to his mistress, hies. Dryd. Hie to France.
Sh. Rb. 5, 1. Ae. He sped him. PL. 1007.

Restan (ruhen, sich ruhen): Ic me reste. Exon 494, 8. Hë hine restan wolde. Bed. 2, 11. þæt hë hine gerestan mihte. 3, 17. Siđđan ic mě sôfte mæg restan. C. 28, 8. Nags. He reste hine. Lag. 3511. God himm resstepp. O. 4419. Ae. pe Saxones hem reste. RG. 3264. Me. He reste him. Mau. 22. Sche rested hire. 6. Reste thee. PP. 2108. Ararathe, where Noes schipp rested. Mau. 13. He rested him and felle o slepe. 13. Ne. Shall we rest us here? Sh. Per. 1, 4.

Warnian (sich hüten): Warniad eòw (hütet euch vor) fram leâsum witegum. Mt. 7, 15. Doch auch: Warniad 16, 6. Nags. nicht.

Wendan (wenden): Se hælend bewende hyne. Mt. 9, 22; aber
ohne Reflexiv Mrc. 5, 30. He wende hine und he wende. Bosw.
Nags. He wende him. B. Lag. 19448. Ae. He went him home.
Me. And wente me to reste PP.


Im Ne. kommen nur in Verbindung mit Reflexiven vor: to be take

(sich begeben): They betake themselves to work. Shirl. 1. We betake

|| ourselves to arms. To pride (stolz sein): He prides himself in his || 14. achievements [Vgl. §. 17].

Behave steht allein oder auch mit dem Reflexiv: He behaves him

self well he behaves well (beträgt sich).

§. 15.

§. 16.

Andere sind transitiv und deshalb auch reflexiv: He gave himself up to intemperance. They threw down themselves. The child winds himself into my affection etc.

b) mit dem Reflexiv im Dativ. [Der Dativ ist zum größten Theil Dativus ethicus: vgl. §. 115].

Gewitan (gehen): Gewiton him (sie giengen). C. 53, 8. Him þâ Cain gewât. 64, 13. Nags. nicht.

Hwëorfan (wenden, gehen): He hwearf him (wandte sich). C. 29, 8. Ondradan (fürchten): Ne ondrade ic mẽ nân yfel (ich fürchte kein Uebel). Ps. 22, 4. Ne willad eòw ondradan (fürchtet euch nicht). C. 194, 26. Godes him ondrêdon, hëora herran, hete (sie fürchteten ihres Herren Haß). C. 47, 28. He âdrêd hym þæt folc. Mt. 14, 5. Nags. Ne dredd te nohht noff me noff mine wordess. O. 152. Me. Of cursing ought eche gilty man him drede. Ch. 662. Drede the noughte. Mau. 4. Thei dreden hem of thefes. 10. I drede me. PP. 5337. Ne. Jetzt nur to dread, jedoch: I fear me. Sh. Mm. 5, 1. Fear not you. 1, 2. I fear me. WS. Ken. 32.

Wênan (glauben): Ic wêne më (ich erwarte).

Ferner auch:

Nags. nicht.

Faran (sich fortbewegen, gehen, fahren etc.): bu meaht pë ford
faran (du kannst fortfahren). C. 34, 25.- Nags. He for himm ham.
O. 229. Ags. fêran: Fêrde se cyng him hâm. SC. 1009.
Ferde him (A. wende him B.) anan to pan tune. Lag. 19448.

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Gangan (gehen): Gå pe (gehe). An. 1350. Me. He goth him home. Ch. 12141. Vergl. Ne. He walked him forth along the sand. Byr. Cor. 13.

Nags. awakien * (wahrscheinlich durch Vermischung von ags. âwacian aufwachen und âweccan auferwecken): pe king him awoc. Lag. 25555. Nags. fleon fliehen (ags. fleòn). He flæh himm. O. 9139. 3198. Nags. gemenn (ags. gêman sorgen): patt uss birrp well uss gemenn o messedagg. O. 4179.

Nags. bilefenn **

(ags. bilifan bleiben und belæfan zurücklàßen: He bilæef himm (er blieb). O. 9019.

Ags. standan stehen. And stôd him under þâm treòwe. Gen. 18, 8.


[Awoc kommt von awaken (nicht awakien, das awakede gibt) = Ags. âwacan: s. Grein].

** [Vielmehr bilifenn. Stratmann belegt den Inf. bilive. Also keine Vermischung].

|| Nags. And stod him full stille. Lag. 18376. - Ne. Stand thee by. Sh. §. 16.15.

Much. 4, 1. s. §. 10.

Ags. sittan sitzen: And sæt fëorran. Gen. 21, 16. Nags. Mærlin sæt him stille (A. sat wel stille B.). Lag. 17966.

Ne. She went and

sat her down. Gen. 21, 16. Each sat him down. Byr. Maz. 3.

Nags. risenn (ags. rîsan aufstehen): He ras himm (stand auf, er

hob sich) upp off slæpe. O. 3136.

2) Romanische Verben. Sie sind transitiv und deshalb zu reflexi- §. 17. rem Gebrauche gelangt.

Abandon (überlaßen, afrz. abandonner). Ne. He abandoned the care of the empire to his brother. He abandoned himself to intemperance.

Absent (entfernen). Me. Soche as absente hem fro Lovis courte. Ch. Ne. Milton gebraucht es transitiv, Addison reflexiv: If any member absents himself.

Accommodate (anpassen, versehen): Ne. We accommodate him with money. We accommodate ourselves to the circumstances.

Accustom (gewöhnen, afrz. costuimer): Ne. He accustomed us, himself to a spare diet.

Acquaint (bekannt machen, afrz. cointe und lat. cognitus, acointer): Ne. I acquaint a friend with my success. I acquaint myself with a man. Acquit (freisprechen, afrz. coit, lat. quietus, afrz. acuiter): Ne. The jury acquitted the prisoner. The soldier acquitted himself well in battle.

Address (richten, afrz. adrescer von directus): Ne. He addresses a letter to the man. He addressed himself very civilly to Mr. Booth. Am. 1, 3.

Advise (berathen, afrz. aviser): Me. Avise thee. Ch. Mel.

Ne. I advise you to be cautious. Advise thyself of what word I shall bring to him that sent me. Gewöhnlich ohne Reflexiv. [I shall advise with my pillow (ich werde es beschlafen)].

Amuse (erfreuen, unterhalten, afrz. amuser): Ne. They amused him, themselves with trifles.

Apply (richten etc., afrz. plier, lat. applicare): Ne. Apply thy heart to instruction. To my harpsichord then I applied myself night

and day. Am. 1, 7.

Arm (bewaffnen, afrz. armer). Ne. They arm the militia, themselves.

Koch, engl. Grammatik. II. 2. Aufl.


§. 17.

Avaunt (sich rühmen, afrz. vanter, lat. vanitare): Me. Thei avaunten hem. Mau. 16. She herd here husbond avaunten him of. Ch. Mel. Ne. Charity vaunteth not itself 1. Cor. 13, 4.

Avail (nützen, sich bedienen, afrz. valeir): Ne. Artifices will not 16. avail the sinner in the day of judgement. I avail myself of the op


Collect (sammeln, lat. colligere): Ne. He collects all the powers of his mind. He collects himself.

Concern (betreffen, frz. concerner): Ne. It concerns him. A good prince concerns himself (interessiert sich) in the happiness of his subjects. Confine (beschränken, frz. confiner): Ne. We confine horses to an inclosure. We confine ourselves to studies.

Debar (ausschließen, v. frz. barre): Ne. Religion debars us from no real pleasure. She debars herself of no pleasure.

Declare (erklären, frz. déclarer): Ne. The heavens declare the glory of God. At last he declared himself. [Monk declared for a free Parliament. Mac. 1, 145].

Dedicate (weihen, lat. dedicare): Ne. The ministers dedicate vessels, themselves to God.

Delight (ergötzen, afrz. deleiter, lat. delectare): Me. He deliteth him in. Ch. Pers. Ne. I will delight myself in thy statute. Ps. 119 I delight in.

Doubt (zweifeln, afrz. duter): Ae. I doute me of. PL. 3444. Doute be of non enmys (fürchte dich vor keinem Feinde). PL. 950. Ne dut pe noght. Curs. Mundi. Ne. I doubt me. WS. Iv. 35. = I doubt.

Dress (kleiden, frz. dresser): Ne. She dressed her children, herself for a ball.

Engage (verpflichten, frz. engager): Ne. We engage him for service. Nations engage themselves to each other by treaty.

[Enjoy (genießen, afrz. esjoir): Ne. Enjoying each the other's good. Tenn. 2, 56]. They were enjoying themselves very merrily over a bottle of wine. Am. 1, 4. [I have enjoy'd greatly, have suffer'd greatly. Tenn. 4, 98].

Establish (festsetzen, afrz. establir): Ne. We establish laws. The enemy establishes himself in the town.

Exercise (üben, frz. Subst. exercice): Ne. We exercise the powers of mind. We exercise ourselves in speaking. [I' the common showplace, where they exercise (sich üben, Leibesübungen vornehmen). Sh.

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